Prehistoric Giant Crocodile

A beast, let Shen Cong return to God, this is the end of the world, the mutant monster lurks around.

    Hurry back to the King Kong car, close the skylight, and then do not want to breathe and airtight, quickly take the tape to block the side of the vent, to prevent the water from continuing to flow in, leaving only the top vent.

    I hope that this water will not drown the King Kong.

    The fixing of the tape finally made the water no longer leak, but this did not solve the fundamental problem. As long as the rainstorm in the sky has not stopped, the water level is still rising, and the crisis of the King Kong has not been lifted.

    Shen Cong can only pray that the sky will clear soon.

    However, he was not serious about the crisis, and he planned to completely close the material compartment before the King Kong was completely overwhelmed. Those who eat, drink, and electronic equipment are very delicate. Once they are blistered, they must be bad.

    Especially those U disk, hard disk, contains the crystallization of how much human civilization knowledge.

    Before the end of the day, Shen Cong saved this knowledge, just in case, did not think that it would come in handy. However, the evolution of King Kong made him understand that knowledge is equally important. Now he has begun to learn this knowledge bit by bit in order to perfect the evolution of King Kong.

    Therefore, knowledge cannot be lost.

    After spending half an hour, Shen Cong used a sealed bag to pack the bags that could not enter the water. Then pile them together and fix them with tape and electrodes to prevent them from colliding because of the diamonds.

    Now the King Kong has been getting more and more swaying, and the rain has accumulated more and more, and there is always the possibility of washing the King Kong.


    The heavy rain still does not stop.

    After another hour and a half, the rain completely drowned the King Kong. The water seepage was blocked with tape. A small water column was sprayed into the carriage. After a while, the water had already passed through Shen Cong's thigh.

    At this time, a few sparks were spattered on the wall of the King Kong, and the lights were completely extinguished.

    The line is shorted.

    In the car, outside the car, all dark.

    Only on the wall of the carriage, a line of large characters was printed with fluorescent paint, with a dim glow: "A person who knows why he lives and can endure any kind of life."

    Look at this line of fluorescent words.

    Shen Cong's nervous heart suddenly became stable, tightly holding the oxygen tube in his arms, and restoring the calmness of the ancient well: "Fortunately, I have reserved two cans of 40L oxygen cylinders…"

    A 40L oxygen cylinder can be used continuously for 48 to 96 hours, which is 2 to 4 days. Two bottles of compromises, at least for another six days.

    With Shen Cong's current physical qualities, even if he is soaked in the water, he can stick to it for six days.

    Moreover, Shen Cong does not believe that the heavy rain will continue for the next six days, and how thick the clouds will be, without stopping for the next six days.

    However, if it is really unreasonable for six days, Shen Cong can only choose to give up the King Kong and escape alone. Even if he is eaten by the outside monster, it is better to suffocate in the water with the King Kong.


    Shen Cong's idea was correct. When the car was flooded with water to the top of the head, the rain stopped outside, and the raindrops were falling.

    At this moment, the mechanical watch display time is 22:57 on the 10th.

    When the storm came, Shen Cong remembered that it was 14:18 on the 9th.

    The rainstorm lasted for 32 hours and 39 minutes.

    "It's really a heavy rain, it's a rainstorm at the end of the day."Shen Cong's thoughts of making fun, the heavy rain stopped him to relieve his breath.

    However, the crisis has not been lifted, because the water has not subsided, he saw the pressure gauge on the wall of the car, can be measured by the pressure, the depth of the rain at least drowning the King Kong more than one meter.

    I don't know how long it will take to retreat.

    Shen Cong, who had been in the water for a few hours, was a little tired. He was thinking about how he would sleep in the water at night and how to solve the problem.

    The stool can be tolerated, that is, there is no way to endure the urine.

    After ten minutes of ideological struggle…Shen Cong's frowning brow stretched out.

    This is already the case, and I still manage so much.

    With a sigh of relief, Shen Cong gradually felt that the oxygen in the remaining air in the King Kong was consumed by himself. It was time to bring a respirator and sneak into the water.

    Almost at the same time he took the respirator, the King Kong suddenly felt like an impact and flipped directly in the rain.


    Shen Cong was accidentally caught on the roof of the car. Fortunately, the resistance in the water was relatively large and he was not injured. However, the flipping of the King Kong made Shen Cong's heart sink sharply. It was not caused by the impact of the current, but it was like an attack.

    I haven't waited for Shen Cong to adjust the direction, and there is a violent impact outside. The King Kong has turned around again.

    I have turned several times in a row.

    The tools such as a few wrenches fixed on the wall of the carriage were all opened, and they were squatting on Shen Cong's body.

    "Return to all the tools must be alloyed to the diamond body!"For a while, Shen Cong stabilized his body. At this time, the impact disappeared. King Kong was lying in the water.

    Shen Cong grabbed the handrail, went to the skylight position, twisted the wrench and opened the skylight.

    Then I took a photo with a flashlight and tried to find out the cause of the impact.

    But at this time the water is very turbid, the light of the flashlight is not far away, and I can't see what is going on outside. Just seeing that there seems to be a huge shadow moving in the water outside, obviously there is something in the water, a big possibility is a mutant monster.

    This monster seems to be full of curiosity about the King Kong, and turns around the King Kong. Shen Cong has seen the shadows crossing the skylight several times.

    With a slight rubbing sound.

    "You must know what is outside!"

    Unknown is far more fearful than monsters.

    When Shen Cong Lingguang flashed, he figured out how to look at the outside situation. The front end of the King Kong was equipped with an infrared camera. As the power supply in the car was short-circuited, it could not be imaged. Now the cab is water, it is estimated that each The circuit board is also almost destroyed. However, the thermal imaging camera does not work, and one instrument can still work.

    Portable panel X-ray machine.

    This is the medical equipment that Shen Cong has prepared for himself. The new equipment produced in 2021, the size of the plate-type one machine is only one iPad size, and he is wrapped in a waterproof sealed package and placed in the compartment.

    The backup power supply that comes with it can use ten X-rays.

    Soon, Shen Cong turned out the portable panel X-ray machine, opened the power supply through the sealed bag, and worked normally.

    The only regret is that the X-ray machine originally needed to be used with the light barrier. Shen Cong used it as a camera, and the picture was definitely blurred.

    But as long as you can see it, it will probably do.

    Open the glass of the skylight and point the X-ray machine to the outside. Shen Cong waited quietly.

    In less than half a minute, a huge shadow crossed the outside.

    Shen Cong immediately pressed the capture button.


    Intense X-ray illumination, the next moment, on the X-ray machine display, the blurred white bone picture appears. I haven't waited for Shen Cong to see the shape of the bones. The monster outside seems to be irritated by X-rays. It is a fierce impact, and the King Kong is hit as a ball.

    Shen Cong guarded the X-ray machine with one hand, grabbed the handrail with one hand, and followed the King Kong.

    minutes after

    The monster calmed down, and the King Kong finally stopped rolling. Shen Cong licked his mouth and licked the part that was hit by a wrench and other things, and then took out the X-ray machine for the first time.

    This time I finally saw the X-ray picture of the monster. The above is the X-ray picture of the monster half body. The head is not photographed, only the back body. But the half of the body's fuzzy bones and contours immediately gave Shen Cong a very familiar sense, from the wide and long tail, short and thick legs and flat body, can be easily judged.

    "Is this a crocodile?"

    "What kind of crocodile can roll a 30-ton heavy truck and hit the ball like a ball? Is it a prehistoric giant? "Shen Cong silently, no matter what is outside, being entangled in such a big monster is definitely not a good thing.