Deadly Chariots

Good and bad spirit.

    The irritated monster was only a short period of calm, and soon, a new round of impact came again. Shen Cong has no strength to curse the monsters. He can only hold the handrails and cling to the wall of the King Kong to reduce the impact area.

    This state lasted for ten minutes.

    This is shown on the mechanical watch.

    However, Shen Cong feels that it has been half a century since he was worried about himself and the King Kong. If the monsters play like this, the King Kong will have to fall apart sooner or later. Even if it does not fall apart, it will have to be scrapped. Shen Cong could not concentrate his willpower to guide the King Kong to absorb the activity and resist the impact.

    He can only ask for more happiness in his own safety.

    The end of the world also has an end.

    ten minutes later.

    The tumbling King Kong was finally lying on the bottom of the water, and the monster did not hit any more. However, the slight sway is still going on, and the sound of a sharp weapon is coming in from the outside, which is very harsh.

    Hearing this voice, Shen Cong is also accelerating his heartbeat.

    "What is this monster going to do, it is biting the diamond!"

    Shen Cong took a deep breath of oxygen.

    Feeling unable to sit still, he quickly forced himself to calm down, the spirit was concentrated, and the willpower turned into a sharp arrow, projected into the body of the King Kong.

    "External armor is damaged in a large area, a small part of the internal circuit is damaged, the frame structure is broken, and it is urgent to repair…The activity is exhausted, and some of the body has already produced active degradation…"

    A piece of information appeared in Shen Cong's mind, which is the information that King Kong has reported.

    The damage of King Kong almost reached the edge of scrapping. The original 85% of the body was activated by assimilation. At this time, it has shrunk to only 25%, which only guarantees that the basic framework is still active.

    The situation is terrible.

    I don't want to check the King Kong. The monsters outside are still biting. The damage of the armor is expanding. Under the pressure, Shen Cong has an amazing calm. He quickly mobilized the remaining activity, from the frame to the external armor, sensing the part of the monster that was biting, and immediately led the activity to rush to resist.

    At the same time, the distraction is used twice, and the whales generally take up the free activity in the water.

    Hey, hey.

    The armor that originally made the monster feel not too hard, suddenly hardened and almost smashed the monster. The wisdom of the monster is obviously low, and there is no change in the human manipulation activity.

    Biting the armor, it turned to bite the tire.

    Shen Cong had not had time to mobilize the active rushing tires. The special tires with a diameter of one meter and five were bitten by monsters.


    The tires blasted in the water, not only scared the monsters, but also scared Shen Cong.

    Then, the angry monster was a series of impacts, and Shen Cong, who had not had time to grab the handrail, slammed his head on the iron cabinet.

    A black front, almost fainted.

    Forcing the vertigo of the head, grabbing a steel column in the carriage, and not letting go, let the King Kong roll without rhythm.

    He can feel that the head should be bleeding, and the energy is accompanied by bloodshed and slowly lost.

    I don't know how long it took, but when Shen Cong thought that he couldn't hold on, the King Kong calmed down again. This time, the calm is complete calm, no friction, no biting, only a slight sound of running water.

    In the face of the difficult steel shackles, the monster of the prehistoric giant crocodile finally chose to give up.

    He Cong, who got the respite, quickly focused his teeth and mobilized his activity to stop bleeding. Then contact the King Kong again. This time, the King Kong is even worse. The activity is only less than 10%. It is still slowly falling down. This is not the usual radiation-emitting activity, but it is actually losing activity. .

    If the King Kong is a living creature, it is definitely on the verge of death.

    Losing activity is like losing blood.

    Shen Cong refused to continue to treat himself, and all his willpower was used to guide the King Kong to ingest external activity and repair the body.

    The King Kong is his greatest survival guarantee in the last days, and he can't make a big problem.


    From night to morning, this night Shen Cong did not rest for a minute, and was fully committed to repairing the King Kong.

    When the first sunshine in the morning and the crevice of the armor cracked by King Kong came in, the repair work finally came to an end, and the activity was successfully maintained at the critical value of 15%, no longer going out. When the activity is lower than 15% of the whole, it will slowly lose. When it is higher than 15%, it will not flow away. Instead, it can be taken from the outside.

    A balance point.

    In this way, the "life" of the King Kong is saved.

    Shen Cong was also able to escape from the exhausted repair work and check the situation around him.

    The King Kong was lying on the side of the floor, the water level has dropped, leaving the water level at the root of the thigh, and it is still falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is expected that it will take half an hour to completely dissipate the water.

    The retreat of stagnant water means that the prehistoric crocodile-like mutant monsters also go with the water.

    This huge threat was eliminated, and the backlog of Shen Cong's heart was finally dispersed. At least on the dry land, there has not been such a huge mutant monster, so the steel chariot of King Kong has once again become a security guarantee.

    However, the current King Kong has arrived on the verge of retirement.

    The main structure of the car body has broken, all the functions are almost completely damaged, and the active repair is counted, and Shen Cong himself repairs the tool. It is not ten days and a half months, and the repair is not good.

    In other words, he has to stay here for at least ten days.

    Then you can start again.

    "Now, the first thing to turn over is the King Kong, and the tires are on the ground…Just in case, wait for the water to retreat in action. "Shen Cong has drawn up a plan.

    Then find out the wolf meat, and don't care to cook it, eat it directly.

    The wolf meat that has entered the water is fast and can't be released for a long time. It is just that Shen Cong is extremely lacking in activity and can be compensated from the wolf meat.

    Raw meat tastes a bit disgusting.

    The wolf has been dead for more than a week, so the activity of the meat is lost. However, because it is raw meat, there is no burning process to destroy the activity. In general, the activity that can be obtained from it is still the same as the previous days. Shen Congqiang endured nausea and stuffed a large piece of wolf meat into his stomach.

    After a few minutes, a hot heat spread from the stomach, which is several times higher than the activity of the outside activity, hoarding in the limbs, and repairing the wounds of Shen Cong's appearance and the wound on the head.

    I don't know if it is broken or not. Shen Cong found that his mastery of activity has risen to a new height, such as the arm. The fusion of body and activity has reached a very deep level. It used to be a powerful force. Now there is a feeling of being able to gain a full force.

    His spiritual connection with the King Kong is also closer, and the exchange of activities between them is more frequent.

    "Is this a blessing in disguise?"Shen Cong looked at the mess inside the car and couldn't tell what he was supposed to be.

    Fortunately, all the storms have passed.

    The catastrophe of the last days did not destroy his belief that he would live well.