Eating Plastic Rabbits

Repairing the King Kong is a long process.

    However, this is not the first time Shen Cong repaired. The King Kong in the Doomsday Storm was also repaired from the semi-residue by Shen Cong a little bit to perfection.

    The first thing to fix is ​​the power system. The days when there is no electricity are very difficult, the food can't be cooked, and the computer can't play. Shen Cong is also preparing to study the radio and renovate the 15A radar and radio station.

    13 July

    The power system of the car is repaired and the solar charging board is raised and can be recharged.

    The lights are on and the computer is on.

    When the activity was tired, Shen Cong took the notebook and studied the radio seriously. Occasionally, I will climb the roof of the car, open a bottle of fast-expiring drinks, and crush the roasted walnuts from Carrefour with one hand. Eat a walnut kernel, drink a nutrient fast line, blowing a wind full of free activity.

    Life is probably such a bitter pleasure.

    As night falls, Shen Cong will look up at the starry sky. After the rainstorm, the stars will be washed, Cygnus, Lyra, Aquila, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Ophiuchus, Hercules, South Scorpio, Capricorn, Dolphin, and Pony. It was identified by Shen Cong one by one.

    Find the brightest triangle on the top – Vega, Altair, and Tianjin four or three stars. It's easy to find other constellations along the way.

    One, two, three, number of stars.

    In addition to the childhood-filled kindergarten era, Shen Cong, who is already 22 years old, picks up again. The social rhythm before the end of the day is fast, people are busy not learning or working, who will look up and look at the sky.

    But in this desolate, awkward end.

    Everything is very meaningless, but the stars become the joy of life.


    In the sky of the Ophiuchus, a meteor swiftly crossed and quickly disappeared into the night sky.

    Shen Cong's mouth was pulled away. In the last days, when he saw the meteor, I was afraid that it was not a busy wish, but a shadow in my heart.

    Where did the meteor shower that died in the world come from?

    Looking at the still starry sky, Shen Cong thought about it, the cool breeze blew on his face, no one told him the answer.

    "If I didn't shave my hair, I must be in the wind."



    The slingshot quickly shot a small stone, such as a lightning bolt, hit the empty bottle of the nutrition fast line drink 30 meters away, and the bottle was beaten five or six meters away.

    Then, Shen Cong picked up a small stone from his side and pulled the eight-strand rubber band. It was also a precise shot.


    The empty bottle was once again bombed by seven or eight meters, and it has already rolled to a distance of forty or fifty meters.

    In a short distance, Shen Cong's slingshot level is absolutely top-notch. He can choose to punch the empty bottle at high speed, or he can choose to hit the bottom slowly and bounce the bottle.

    Almost reached the level of the heart.

    He has seen a American drama called "The Zombie Kingdom", which is about a group of survivors who protect a person named Murphy who has a zombie virus antibody and go to the only virus lab in California. There is a member in the squad called 10,000 (10K, the goal is to kill 10,000 zombies), and the slingshot technique is superb.

    The head of the bow and the zombie is even more fierce than the gun.

    Shen Cong is now ready to practice 10,000 degrees. He has the ability to strengthen the body. In theory, it is not difficult to exceed 10,000.

    However, Shen Cong thinks that perhaps he is more like the Murphy infected with the zombie virus and has begun to evolve into another life form.

    Of course, Shen Cong feels that he is a bit like He Yan (Citizen Z, looks like He Wei). He is sitting in a large Northern Lights NSA outpost, using a communication system to guide survivors. And he owns the King Kong, and is also trying to use radio to contact survivors to exchange information and materials.

    What makes Shen Cong even more envious is that He Wei is also accompanied by a dog like "I am a legend" in Will Smith.

    Why do everyone have dogs?

    Perhaps as Mrs. Roland said: "The more people I know, the more I like dogs."

    Freedom Freedom

    Shen Cong's thoughts on the mess, while talking to Mrs. Roland's famous words, continued to practice the slingshot.

    "How many sinful fakes do not hesitate!"


    The empty bottle was hit by the pebbles at the bottom, flying again, flying a few meters into the distance.

    He took a pile of pebbles from the waterway and prepared to use an hour to drive the empty bottle to 200 meters away.

    Pull the slingshot again.

    Before he even shot him, the empty bottle 50 meters away was suddenly bitten by a fast-swept figure. The figure slammed the bottle, jumped on a large stone, and bit and tear the bottle.

    In the face of suspicious circumstances, Shen Cong instinctively reacted, and his body jumped into the King Kong from the skylight.

    Close the skylight, open the side window, and observe what the figure is through the glass.

    Like a rabbit.

    Look at the body is not too big, similar to the average rabbit, but Shen Cong knows that this is definitely a variant of the rabbit. Because the rabbit is holding an empty bottle, it will squat the empty bottle. In less than a minute, the plastic bottle was eaten by the rabbit.

    Although I don't know why the shape of the rabbit did not increase after the mutation, the front teeth did not exaggerate like the big rat and the wolf. The appearance was not much different from that of the rabbit, but after confirming that this was a mutant rabbit, Shen Cong began to think.

    He really wants to study live mutant monsters.

    The digger, the wolf, and the big tooth are too big to catch, and they are all dead; this rabbit is obviously suitable for capturing.

    Shen Cong is a very determined person. Since he thinks of capturing, he will start to act immediately. He first tied a wolf meat with a rope and threw it out of the window, successfully attracting the rabbit ready to leave.

    The rabbit really mutated, not eating grass to change to plastic, and now even the meat is eaten.

    In the rabbit, let's eat the wolf meat.

    Shen Cong quickly used the Yaksha and the wire to make only a simple snare, and then extended out of the window. When the rabbit was eating meat, he was not alert to the outside world, so that Shen Cong easily put the cover on his neck.



    The rabbit, who was tightened his neck, immediately turned and slammed Shen Cong with an angry voice, but only then, turned his head back and continued to eat the wolf meat.

    This IQ is low and terrible.

    Shen Cong fixed the snare tightly, ensuring that the rabbit couldn't open it, and directly lifted the iron fork. He also raised the mutant rabbit that chewed the wolf meat and grabbed it into the King Kong.

    Then I found a bucket and temporarily closed the mutant rabbit. He went to find the welder and made an iron cage.

    After half an hour, the iron cage was done.

    This mutant rabbit became the first white mouse in Shen Cong's research work.


    Digging worms, big fangs, and wolves have undergone tremendous changes in their size. The body went to Shen Cong and did not research much valuable content.

    Only know three points.

    The first point is that the meat is strengthened and rich in activity that can be directly absorbed. The second point is that there is an active core whose bones are gradual toward the metal. The third point is that the IQ is generally reduced, the character becomes fierce, and the desire for attack is strong.

    This is far from answering Shen Cong's doubts, and can't satisfy his search for activity and variation.

    Shen Cong himself has also been transformed by activity. He urgently needs to understand all these changes, whether it is good or bad. Although he has been exploring his own activity, it is more intuitive to understand the variation caused by many activities, and it is convenient for him to do some more dangerous experiments.

    The rabbit's limbs were tied up by Shen Cong.

    During this time, the rabbit has been screaming and it seems violent. But for Shen Cong, this is a casual white rat, even if it is dead, it is a group of meat that can be eaten.

    "The teeth did not become the active core, and no signs of bone gradual change to the metal were found."

    Pulling open the rabbit's mouth, Shen Cong carefully checked the rabbit's teeth, the front teeth were a bit large, but the ordinary rabbit's front teeth were also a bit large. Moreover, the color is yellowish, and there is no dark silver metal texture of the fangs of the fangs and the incisors of the teeth. It is obvious that the active core is not the teeth.

    "The claws of the limbs are not the active core."

    Shen Cong also checked the rabbit's claws. The claws were slightly sharper than the ordinary rabbit claws, and there was still no metal texture of the active core.

    There are not many traces of other hair and skin.

    However, Shen Cong can feel that the other side has an active flow field.

    Before Shen Cong inferred that the activity may be a special kind of radiation, the reason is that each storm will bring a lot of activity, while the degree of radiation shown on the Geiger counter begins to burst; when the storm recedes, the activity begins to normalize, cover The display number of the leather counter is also normal.

    There must be a connection between the two, but the conditions are limited, and Shen Cong cannot produce the exact evidence.

    Although there is no definitive evidence, he still has a testimony that he can feel the existence of activity. Whether it is to feel the activity of King Kong, but also to feel the free activity of the outside, as well as the activity inside the living object. The existence of this activity, in the perception of Shen Cong, exists in the form of electromagnetic radiation, even radioactive.

    For example, he felt the electromagnetic radiation generated by the activity of the rabbit, but he could not plunder this activity, only absorbed the free activity of the rabbit, or directly ate the rabbit.

    He himself exudes this free activity all the time, but rarely.


    Electromagnetic Emissions

    Shen Cong on the notebook keyboard, knocked out these two words, frowning, do not know what to think.