Greenhead Flies

 "The metal frame of the King Kong has activity, and the properties of extension, alloy, exchange, etc. all have a certain fit with the metal. Alloys for metal are very fast, and alloys for non-metallic materials are very slow. "

    "Digged worms, fangs, and wolves have activity, and the active core has signs of gradual change to the metal."

    "The active core is bone structure, and the bone contains calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron and other metal elements, of which the metal calcium content is the highest. Moreover, metallic elements are indispensable elements in animals and humans. "

    "The activity seems to exist in the form of electromagnetic radiation, and at the same time it seems to be radioactive, while in nature except for strontium and barium, most of the radioactive elements are metals. However, strontium is formed by the decay of radioactive metal radium, which becomes a radioactive metal strontium after decay. The bismuth has a metallic nature, which is caused by the decay of radioactive metals, and eventually decays into metallic lead…"

    This is the information that Shen Cong researched and recorded in the computer file.

    However, the problem returned to the original point. When he first came into contact with the activity, he inferred that the activity was related to metal.

    Around a circle, it seems that a lot of information has been obtained. In fact, it still does not touch the essence of activity. Is the meteor shower related to activity? If so, what is the correlation?

    There is no clue in research.

    Shen Cong decisively pressed this thought that seems to have turned into a dead end.

    Continue to toss the mouse: "It can be confirmed that although the variant sign is weak, the rabbit is indeed a variant, but where is its active core?"

    Shen Cong frowned and thought.

    He was anxious to find the active core because he failed to find the active core from himself and did not find the active core from the King Kong.

    This is the difference between him and the mutants such as digger, big tooth, and wolf.

    It is reasonable to say that human beings are also animals. Except for the development of the brain, there is no difference in essence from the beast. Then animals are subject to change, creating an active core, and humans should not be exceptions.

    "I should have dissected the rabbit and see if there is an active core inside?"

    Thoughts made a turn, and then retreated, Shen Cong did not really slaughter the rabbit.

    It's hard to catch a living mutant monster, and you can't just kill it without draining the remaining value.

    After thinking about it, Shen Cong tapped a line in his notebook: "Plastic rabbit, a variant of the rabbit family, the variant signs are not obvious, the active core has not been found, and the record of eating meat and eating plastics, the specific characteristics are to be observed."

    Can't understand more in a short time, Shen Cong put the plastic rabbit in the cage and threw it aside.

    Then start a new round of active boot repairing the Diamond.


    It's been another week.

    This period of time, spent in peace, no storms, no sandstorms. Did not encounter the attack of the mutant monster, and did not find traces of living things.

    Six hours a day, used to sleep.

    Nine hours of time to repair the King Kong.

    Three hours of time to learn radio knowledge.

    Two hours to exercise and practice the slingshot.

    Two hours, for eating, reading novels, watching movies, etc.

    An hour of time to patrol the surrounding geography.

    There is also an hour to study plastic rabbits.

    The rhythm of the work schedule is very compact, and Shen Cong's execution is also in place. Even in the last days, there is still a strong self-discipline.

    After one and a half weeks of repair, the main frame structure of the King Kong was completely restored. The external armor also re-established the steel thorn. Just look at the surface, the King Kong has returned to the doomsday chariot with streamlined armor and domineering power, giving people an infinite sense of security.

    But in fact, King Kong is still a flower shelf, internal circuit systems and electronic components are still in a state of shutdown.

    To completely repair the power system, Shen Cong expects to have four or five days.

    Fortunately, he had added fresh water before and could stay there for a long time.

    The 15A radar was also repaired and turned on the roof to detect the movement around it. Shen Cong put on Optimus Prime 1.0 active armor several times, armed with active pistols, handcuffs, fangs and daggers, and carefully patrol the distance. The farthest walk was a kilometer away, but nothing was found.

    During the inspection, Shen Cong placed three hunting clips on the ground and used the rotten wolf meat as a bait.

    Can not eat the tooth wolf meat has begun to rot, Shen Cong respects the rotten food, in addition to throwing plastic rabbits to feed, the other are dug pits buried, do bait is just waste utilization.

    I am looking forward to the ability to trade in old ones and catch other mutant monsters so that there is fresh meat.

    However, what disappoints Shen Cong is that in addition to the plastic rabbits attracted by the bottle of nutrition fast, there seems to be no mutant monsters nearby, only a bunch of flies, surrounded by rotten wolf meat bait.

    "The cockroaches are all mutated, is the fly a mutant monster?"

    Shen Cong caught a few flies and prepared for research. The result was very disappointing. The flies were just ordinary flies, and they were not active, not mutant animals.

    But at least it gives Shen Cong a useful message – not all creatures have changed.

    Then he came up with the idea: "So, continue to use active flesh, feeding flies, can you also mutate the flies?"

    Thinking of this, Shen Cong immediately began his research with great interest.

    The active content of the rotten wolf meat is almost exhausted, so he will take out a piece of rotten meat that has not yet rotted but is fast, and throw it into the gauze cover of the fly, holding 5 green heads inside. fly.

    Then there is no further concern, it is very difficult to make the activity grow, let alone produce variation. The rabbit's carrion was fed with plastic rabbits for a week, and the activity intensity of the plastic rabbits also increased a little, and the effect was not obvious. He also has this feeling from himself and from the King Kong, and the increase in activity is not a one-time thing.

    It takes a lot of time to complete the process of change.


    Today is July 22.

    The end of the meteor shower is on May 18, and the end of the last two months and four days. The activity exchanged from the King Kong, including the activity of the edible meat, is very limited. The activity of the King Kong has not even completed the body 100% alloy.

    The activity is accompanied by the sudden appearance of the last day. There is no exchange of information with other survivors, and there are not enough reference objects. Shen Cong does not know that his control and absorption of activity is fast or slow.

    However, for the speed of mastery of activity, Shen Cong does not feel much pressure from the bottom of his heart. As a man of wisdom, he is still on the edge of the fur, and the monsters whose IQ is low and driven by instinct can exceed his activity. Comprehension.

    Moreover, he still has the King Kong.

    The big rat, the wolf, the digger, and the plastic rabbit can not even pose a threat to the King Kong.

    Even in the torrential rain, the monster suspected of prehistoric giant crocodile did not completely break the armor of the King Kong. Of course, the suspected prehistoric giant crocodile left a trace of yin to Shen Cong. This prehistoric giant crocodile should It is a variation of ordinary crocodile.

    A crocodile can be transformed into a monster of prehistoric giant crocodile. If an elephant mutates, it is not a monster that can become a mammoth or even a big dinosaur.

    An elephant weighs about 3 to 5 tons, and a mammoth can have a level of 12 tons. If the elephant mutates into a mammoth level, it is hard to say that the 30-ton King Kong is flying, but it really bursts into impact. It is still possible. This is enough to pose a threat to the King Kong.

    "Fortunately, the elephants are all over Yunnan and Southeast Asia. There are basically no elephants in Anhui Province…There are more cattle raising, and there is a Northeast Tiger breeding base in Tongling…"

    I think it is a bit far away.

    Depressing these slightly sorrowful thoughts, Shen Cong added a large tooth rat to the plastic rabbit and placed the mouse and flies in the corner.

    Then make lunch for yourself and fry a large meat steak.

    The meat of the big tooth is not delicate enough, the taste is rough, the taste is not bad, it is a bit like small pork.

    After lunch, there is an hour of rest. Usually he will watch the movie, today he does not want to watch a movie, open the music, and prepare to transform his weapon.

    Slingshots, handcuffs, bows and arrows, pistols, high-pressure air guns, this is Shen Cong's most powerful long-range weapon, and he will also make earth bombs when necessary. Daggers, army thorns, iron forks, machete, axe, nunchakus, and short-range weapons Shen Cong are also lacking.

    Shen Cong suppressed his own firepower and was full of confidence.

    But that was before the prehistoric giant crocodile, the appearance of prehistoric giant crocodile, so that Shen Congbai himself is too naive, the mutant animal may not be as active as him, but the body shape advantage is too obvious. Although the probability of encountering such a dangerous mutant animal is relatively small and ready, the weapon should be upgraded.

    It's okay.

    A bag of active core was poured down on the floor by Shen Cong.

    Inspired by the fangs and daggers, Shen Cong has been convinced that the upgrade of weapons requires these active cores.

    Eleven tooth wolf fangs, two big teeth front teeth, a pair of digger claws