It Is hot and fast

No tires, no dashboards, no seat bags, no rearview mirrors, no front and rear lights, and even a few holes in the fuel tank. This is the current shape of this living motorcycle.

    Instead, in the car's buttocks, there is an iron cage that is welded up, and it is intact.

    Shen Cong suppressed the idea of ​​engulfing, swimming back and forth on the skeleton of plastic rabbits and motorcycles, and the brain supplemented a specific plot.


    Before the end of the day, the owner of the motorcycle was preparing to sell the rabbit. After seeing the meteor falling to the ground, the rabbit ran away. The rabbit was not ran away in the cage, so it suffered the same changes as Shen Cong. The motorcycle survived and the plastic rabbit and motorcycle established contact.

    There must have been a tortuous experience in the middle, plastic rabbits and motorcycles have survived, but plastic rabbits obviously do not know how to use the activity, only the motorcycle can absorb the active repair. The rainstorm of a while ago did not submerge the highland, and the plastic rabbit was able to survive.

    So I went out to look for food alone. Maybe I found the King Kong number along the induction, until I was caught by Shen Cong. If I had good food, I forgot the motorcycle skeleton. Then I felt that the Thai and the tumor pigs invaded their own territory, and even wanted to swallow the motorcycle. The plastic rabbit was so violent.

    Then there is the series of things happening today.


    There are many loopholes in this story. For example, why are car wrecks concentrated in this area? For example, what do plastic rabbits eat these days? For example, why did the Doomsday storm not kill plastic rabbits and motorcycles with almost zero protection? For example, why is the car wreck more close to the middle zone, the higher the degree of corrosion?

    All kinds are unknown.

    But the main plot of the situation, Shen Cong thinks that this direction is correct.

    When he saw the active motorcycle skeleton, his brain instantly connected a lot of unthinkable problems—each mutant had an active core.

    Only he and the plastic rabbit did not, and it happened that Shen Cong had a mysterious connection with the King Kong. The plastic rabbit and the motorcycle skeleton also had a mysterious connection.

    "In this case, I and the King Kong, plastic rabbits and motorcycles, in fact, did not jump out of the active core. Just do not know, King Kong is my active core, or am I the active core of King Kong? "

    This idea made Shen Cong's heart faintly a little excited.

    He is very concerned about the active core.

    Because it is easy to infer from the signs of mutations in mutant monsters, the active core is an important source of mutation.

    The meteor shower destroyed the old world, and it seems that it brought the unimaginable magic of activity, changing the dead metal and distorting the appearance of normal creatures. Then there are only two ways to choose between Shen Cong and all the survivors.

    The first is to find a solution to the activity, killing the fact that the metal "lives over" and cures the changes caused by the activity.

    If not, only the second way can be chosen, accept the reality brought by the activity, and strive to use the activity to find the opportunity of evolution, let the activity serve itself.

    No matter how you choose, activity is something you need to know thoroughly.

    The source and center of activity – the active core is the subject of Shen Cong's research.

    In fact, in Shen Cong's heart, I am more expecting to embark on the second road. The human body is too weak. He saw his parents so easily, and he fell into the blood of the car accident. The reaction to the blink of an eye was too late. Perhaps only himself, only to understand the moment, how much you want to be a superman, to reverse everything, even if you can't change, you can escape far.

    After more than seven years have passed, there is now an opportunity to become a superman, placed in front of him.

    Just grab it gently.


    Rime table

    Shen Cong took a deep breath and pressed down the chaotic thoughts. He was eager to evolve, but he was more afraid that the activity brought about not the evolution but the disaster, so he tried not to let himself produce too much illusory hope.

    Without hope, you will not be disappointed and return to normal mentality.

    Turned his head and looked around the plastic rabbit and motorcycle skeleton.

    "Which one is the active core?"

    "Is it a plastic rabbit? But for plastic rabbits, I have no desire to swallow. So is it a motorcycle? If the motorcycle is the core, does it mean that the King Kong is also the core, and I am just an extended shell? "

    Shell, core.

    It is indifferent to Shen Cong, because between the King Kong and him, he is absolutely dominant, and all movements are expressed through his willpower. In this case, is there any difference between the core and the core? .

    Of course, it is always easier to figure out the more effective exercise for the activity.

    After thinking about it, Shen Cong released the desire to swallow in the body little by little, and slowly reached out to the motorcycle to try to swallow the activity of the motorcycle.

    no responses

    Shen Cong tried to control the activity in the body and tried to absorb the activity of the motorcycle. However, as usual, he did not have the ability to absorb activity. The activity in his body is either the intake of carnivores or the exchange of the King Kong, which cannot be naturally absorbed from the outside world.

    This method does not work, there are two methods left to try.

    One is to cook the plastic rabbit, and the other is to guide the King Kong to swallow the motorcycle.

    "If you eat a plastic rabbit, it's a good idea to swallow your thoughts. The greater possibility is that you need to guide the King Kong to devour."Shen Cong guessed, and then concentrated on the spirit, began to use the willpower to control the King Kong.

    The King Kong is like an extension of his body. The activity is a nerve bridge. When a thought rises, the King Kong can respond. The huge body of the King Kong, the activity of the dense cloth, also expands the perception of Shen Cong, allowing him to feel more free activity.

    In this perception, there was a fire group, a fire group composed of activities.

    It is a motorcycle skeleton!

    The fire-like activity, the high concentration of external radiation, has never been seen before, producing a visible magnetic field that absorbs the free activity from the outside.

    Seeing all of this, Shen Cong's desire to devour his heart became more and more intense. He couldn't help but guide the King Kong and suddenly absorbed it into the flame activity.

    At the first contact, the flame of the group had a large circle of activity that was absorbed into the body by the Donkey Kong greedy, and the time gave back to Shen Cong for a warm feeling.

    "This is the devouring! Sure enough, it is more than ten times faster than simply absorbing free activity from the outside world! "

    Knowing the taste of the marrow, Shen Cong once again swelled the activity of King Kong and absorbed the activity from the fire group.




    At this time, the plastic rabbits in the iron cage suddenly screamed and slammed into the iron cage, and the red eyes stared at Shen Cong.

    In the eyes, it seems as if there is anger and fear.

    Shen Cong just glanced at the plastic rabbit and continued to devour his activity. His attention was replaced by the engulfing idea.

    Every time you swallow a bit of activity, what you give back to him is the refreshing ability of the soul. The activity exchanged by the King Kong is increased at a speed visible to the naked eye. The limbs are filled with activity, and the strength of each muscle, every skin and every organ is enhanced.

    The active fire group of the motorcycle skeleton was quickly dimmed, and the cockroaches with plastic rabbits began to be weak.

    When Shen Cong controlled the King Kong for six consecutive swallows, the plastic rabbit had no movement, and the fire group of the motorcycle was dim to the extent that it was about to be extinguished. At this time, the King Kong returned a "satisfaction", seems to reach the saturation point of swallowing, can no longer continue to swallow.

    In fact, even if the King Kong can still swallow, Shen Cong did not dare, and his body exchanged too much activity in a short time. There was nothing at the beginning, and now I feel that, like the fire, the mouth is dry, the face is red, and the body temperature rises rapidly.


    Shen Cong hurriedly got up, rushed to the material compartment, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, and sipped his stomach. Not enough to quench your thirst, and unscrew a bottle…After three bottles of mineral water, this will be thirsty and hot, slightly relieved.

    The body seems to have just steamed the sauna.

    Sweat dripped down the cheeks, hehe, Shen Cong even saw himself, rising hot steam. Touching the forehead, at least forty-five degrees of fever, scared him to hurry to hold a bucket of water, his face against the bucket to dissipate heat. Such a hot temperature, for a long time, will burn your brain.

    After spending ten minutes, Shen Cong finally lowered his temperature.

    I was afraid after the bursts of my heart, and the phagocytic activity was cool, but the result of swallowing more was not good. Fortunately, this time, I stopped my hand in time, and there was no problem. If I swallowed it again, my body might ignite spontaneously.

    Out of the material, wiped the sweat, Shen Cong pointed his eyes to the iron cage.

    The plastic rabbit in the cage was motionless, and the skeleton of the motorcycle was also degraded from the dark silver luster to the dull gray, and it was not shiny.

    Exploring the breath of a plastic rabbit, breathing, and heartbeat.

    Just coma.