Signal Search

Shen Cong prepared a cup of water for the plastic rabbit, and a good tumor pork, and a pot of pig blood.

    This is of course not discovered by Shen Cong's conscience, and it feels that it has swallowed up the activity of plastic rabbits and motorcycles. In the end of the world, in addition to himself, Shen Cong will not be kind to anything. The reason why he is so delicious and delicious for plastic rabbits is simple, for the sake of activity.

    The rate at which the King Kong absorbs the free activity of the outside is still too slow. Shen Cong can't eat much meat, so it is a good idea to keep plastic rabbits and motorcycles as a source of activity.

    He hung the motorcycle directly to the tail of the King Kong, allowing it to absorb its own activity.

    Then it took ten minutes to experience the benefits of engulfing. The original activity of King Kong was barely restored to 42% of the body. Many electronic equipment and spare parts have not yet reached the alloy, which is a big gap from the peak of 85%. But once swallowed, the activity increased directly to 48.5%.

    A full increase of 6.5% of the activity, which is almost the total amount of active intake for his four or five days.

    The King Kong has been rapidly upgraded, and the benefits of exchanging it to Shen Cong are also huge. The activity of Shen Cong has also grown stronger. He feels the strength from one and a half to the power of the second.

    Of course, the adjective of such a low force is a simple summary of Shen Cong. It is not really the strength of a cow as a standard unit. In fact, Shen Cong does not know how much strength a cow has. There is no professional testing equipment around, Shen Cong is also not sure, how much growth in his physical fitness, strength, agility, speed, endurance, resistance are difficult to have an accurate record.

    Let's take the power of cattle as a simple unit of measurement.

    The engulfing has brought full benefits to King Kong and Shen Cong, but it is not without its drawbacks. Shen Cong almost spontaneously ignited, which is one of the drawbacks. The activity swallowed up is not as mild as normal intake.

    Moreover, after Shen Cong carefully felt the activity distribution of King Kong, he noticed a slight difference.

    The frequency of the external radiation of the King Kong itself is subtly different from the frequency of the external radiation that is swallowed by the motorcycle, and is not in the same band. For this kind of different frequency of activity, Shen Cong's willpower is not as good as the arm.

    Fortunately, over time, the different frequency activities from motorcycles are approaching the frequency of the King Kong.

    This gradual form is a bit like "digesting" or "synchronizing." The absorption of the activity directly from the outside, or the intake of meat, does not require this process.

    Some of them are insignificant, and the overall benefit is more than the disadvantages. Captive plastic rabbits have become an established fact.


    This night, Shen Cong slept very well.

    The next day, when I didn't light up, I got up, climbed the roof of the King Kong, did a morning exercise, and practiced the fists and sticks. When the fisherman's belly of the eastern sky was white, and a red sun jumped out, the earth glowed brightly, and Shen Cong had already finished the morning exercise.

    Simply ate two fried pork ribs at the ribs of the pigs, and Shen Cong went to check the plastic rabbits and the green-headed flies.

    After a night of cultivation, the plastic rabbit has recovered a little bit of vitality, and the meat in the cage is also eaten by light, so that the plastic rabbit will return to normal level after a few days. The motorcycle skeleton hanging from the rear of the car will recover much more slowly. After Shen Cong viewed it, he reached a conclusion.

    About half a month later, the skeleton of the motorcycle can be restored to its previous level of activity. Plastic rabbits have no IQ to guide the activity, and relying on self-absorption is a very slow process.

    "It takes half a month to devour once, and once swallowed is equivalent to the normal absorption of King Kong for four or five days. The progress is OK, and it can continue to be kept."

    Then Shen Cong checked the green fly.

    Five green-headed flies in the gauze have died, and it is about 15 days. After more than a week of active meat feeding, the remaining four flies still did not change, and the body could not maintain its activity. It seems that after the flesh was eaten by the flies, the activity dissipated.

    This made Shen Cong feel a little disappointed.

    However, in one corner of the meat group, Shen Cong found a circle of white spots – the eggs under the flies, which made Shen Cong come to the spirit. After all, flies are too small creatures, and it takes only a month's life cycle from cockroaches to flies. It is difficult to mutate them in such a short time.

    But the offspring of fly reproduction may be a breakthrough.

    "At 6:45 am on July 26, a green fly was found dead…"Shen Cong terminated the study by recording the observations on the computer.

    He went to the cab and opened the skylight so that the sun could shine in.

    Then use a notebook instead of the already broken display frequency, as a map navigation, study the route of travel. Judging from the previous path, the current geographical location of King Kong is probably between Wuwei County and Chaohu City.

    Chaohu City was originally a prefecture-level city. After the administrative withdrawal, it became a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Hefei, and surrounded by Chaohu Lake, one of the five major freshwater lakes. Chaohu urban area is a transit station where Shen Cong plans to travel to Hefei, the provincial capital.

    The origin of Shen Cong is Wuwei County, Wuwei County is the county under the jurisdiction of Wuhu City, but Wuwei County is closer to Tongling City.

    Before the end of the day, Shen Cong planned three routes, one to the east to Wuhu city, one to the south of Tongling city, and the one that is currently going, north to the provincial capital of Hefei. After the end of the day, Shen Cong decisively gave up Wuhu City and Tongling City, because they need to cross the river to go to these two cities.

    With the devastating disaster of the Doomsday Storm, Shen Cong speculated that the Yangtze River Bridge should be almost destroyed.

    The road has been blocked.

    "If you can find 208 provincial roads, going to Chaohu City is simple."Shen Cong studied the map and sent out emotions.

    The 208 provincial road connects Wuwei and Chaohu. If you find the 208 provincial road, you will not get lost. Moreover, the road has to go a lot. At present, there are too many potholes in the surface environment. Rao is a special tire with a diameter of one meter and five. The King Kong is still only able to drive and cannot get up.

    Once you encounter a mountain road or a waterway, or a hilly area, the King Kong will become more difficult.

    However, after thinking about it, Shen Cong sighed a little: "Even if you find the 208 provincial road, I am afraid that it will be covered by gravel, and it is not good to go…Moreover, the King Kong is almost out of oil. "

    In the case of a prehistoric giant crocodile, the two fuel tanks on the side were split and lost a lot of diesel.

    At present, there is still about 200L of diesel fuel reserves. The loss of the current low-speed operation of King Kong is at least 60L per 100 kilometers. It can only run for 300 kilometers. If it is necessary to push the road, the route will be shorter.

    Fortunately, Wuwei is only over 40 kilometers away from Chaohu Lake. Chaohu Lake is only over 70 kilometers away from Hefei. Even if it is not possible to add diesel oil to Chaohu Lake, King Kong can still go to Hefei.

    It's a big deal to use a solar panel to charge and run. You can run for half an hour every day. You can also get to Hefei.

    Raised the wrist and looked at the mechanical watch, 7:27 am.

    Shen Cong abandoned his troubles and opened the car radio.

    The car radio was repaired together with the power system in the first two days. In fact, it doesn't matter if it is repaired later. Anyway, Shen Cong has no hope for whether he can search for the signal. The satellite search is not available, and the ground station estimates the full-out, radiated interference signal, which limits the signal of the radio.


    Sure enough, Shen Cong searched all the bands again, all of which were noise. Since there is no hope, there is no disappointment. Shen Cong will transfer the FM to the maximum and then prepare to turn off the radio.

    Just at this time, in the sizzling sound, suddenly there were a few vague words of Mandarin: "…Nourish…Eastern war…Nourish…NanjingReceived please…Nourish…"