Memories that don’t belong to you

"How did you know that?!" He snapped, shoving her back against the wall. His arm pressed against her throat. She coughed. "I.. I... Can't breathe!" She spat the words out like a taste she was desperate to get rid of. He didn't release his grip on her throat, it might have even tightened. "Please!" She choked, "please!" Her breath rasped and raked, a failing attempt to rip free from her throat and out into the air once more.

It broke free. Swarming back into the room that now seemed so cold, icy. Its empty appearance only made more hollow by the darkness that swarmed it.

She grasped her at her throat, regaining the oxygen that had refused to reach her lungs for the past minute and shot a glare to the man that towered over her. He merely glanced at her, "How did you know about UA?" Any hint of affection, sympathy, any emotion at all, had been stolen from his voice, now it was just hollow, with what she thought might be fear.

"I just knew! I saw it, I swear! It was nothing, I just... I just, I saw you talking about it, with another man. I don't know how. It was like it was in my mind." His eyes narrowed and she cowered behind his glare, remembering how easily the cuffs snapped. "You mean like a memory?" She shook her head wildly. "No?"

Biting down harshly on her lip, she looked towards the ground. The metallic taste of blood pricked her tongue and the sharp pain slowly relieved, it wasn't much anyway.

"No. No, I mean, maybe. It wasn't mine though. I think... I think that it was through your eyes." Everything stopped, for just a second. The world seemed to pause. His breath hitched, his eyes staring directly into hers.


Stitching her eyebrows together in a misplaced patchwork, she spoke, "No? What does that mean?" He turned away from her, pacing the floor, tile by tile, until all had been accounted for. He spun, as quickly as he could, "You shouldn't have seen those!" His voice was harsh, angry, the kind of angry when someone close to you had been hurt, the kind of angry when you have been betrayed.

"I shouldn't have seen memories?" She questioned. "Memories that don't belong to you!" He snapped, face very close to hers as he stared into her soul, "Memories that belong to ME!"

His lips pressed together. Anger. Betrayal. Mistrust. All of these emotions flooded through his head, buzzed past, gone as quickly as they had arrived, well, almost. Despite their instant, fleeting retreat, they lingered, an evil residue that seemed to seep through the very fabric of his mind and eat away at any faith he had begun to build in her. She noticed this.

"What did I do...?" She asked softly, eyes closed gently, in an attempt to regain a peaceful bliss that was destroyed by her recent words. "I don't understand."

Silence. He couldn't respond. He had no way to. All he could do was stand there and stare at her.

He snapped from his thoughts and shook his head slowly. "It doesn't matter, I'm going to leave. Soon, so will you. The group will take you to UA, hopefully you'll learn there, grow. Become better!" With that, he left and she slumped back into her seat, head in hands. Letting out an almost silent sigh, she stared into the darkness below her head. "It doesn't matter, huh? It seemed like it did... But why?"

<5 hours later>

Yurona looked down at the ground, she stood directly outside the classroom, as she had just found out, UA was a school, a school to train heroes.

She sighed quietly. This was going to be a big change, she wasn't quite sure what it was changing from but it definitely wasn't anything heroic, she was sure of that. The other thing she was sure of was that there was no way on Earth she would become a hero!

With that, she pushed the door open and stepped through.

"Who's that?" "Is she new here?" "Did she transfer?" Questions spread faster than light, swooping throughout the room and capturing the other students one by one. Questions that would soon be answered, with lies.

"Um, hi there!" She spoke, stumbling awkwardly over her words. "My names Yurona Nakiyuka. I've been wanting to come to UA for as long as I can remember and well, now that I'm here, I'm going to try and be the best! Still, even though whoever's top around here is going to find themselves dropping through the rankings, I hope we can all be great allies in the fight against evil! Don't let me down. I'll see you all tomorrow!" She waved behind her, storming out of the door in strong strides. She didn't care if no one liked her! They didn't mean anything to her! If she was going to put up with this school, it would be in her own way.

Silence. Silence drowned the class as all eyes stared at the door. One question lingered in their mind. Who the hell was that?

Bakugou was furious, someone dares challenged him! Someone dare come into his classroom and claim they were better than him! A growl escaped his lips and he rose suddenly. "Listen up, you extras! Just because she says so, doesn't mean she'll be number one, because I'm number one! And don't you forget it!"