A not quite normal meeting

Yurona lay, her eyes wide open as she stared at the ceiling. Darkness. The ceiling was hidden by the black fog of darkness as there was no light in the room, none at all. She sighed, a heavy, deep, sigh. A sigh that means that they are deep in thought and yet she wasn't. Her mind was blank, empty and no matter what thoughts she attempted to conjure, they fizzled out in a matter of seconds.

It was hours later, after the sun had risen, that she managed to break free from her trance. The sun was bright in the morning sky and not a cloud settled on the chilly wind. Why it was so cold, could not be answered. The day seemed nice enough after all. From the clear blue sky to the blinding sun and even on a day with wind, the light that shone from that sun always seemed to spark a certain warmth but not today. Today, that warmth had disappeared and left a rather uncomfortable atmosphere upon the outside world.

Yurona yawned, stretching her arms to the sky in a failing attempt to wake up from the drowsiness that claimed her body. She hadn't gotten much sleep that night, kept awake. By something or other. As of this moment, she wasn't entirely sure what that something was but in time, she was sure she would understand.

It didn't take her long to get ready for school. Her first day. Something inside her told her that she should be excited, she wasn't. It was just a school, nothing special. Yes, every aspiring hero everywhere wanted to get into UA but that was the very point. She wasn't an aspiring hero, never had been. Well, she assumed she hadn't.

Yurona trudged out of her room and into the hallway. It was completely empty, hollow. She looked left. She looked right. Still, nothing in sight but the wide hallway with its bright, unwavering lights like that of an interrogation room that she was sure, would find out whatever secrets she had hidden within, even if she didn't know them.

Tap tap tap tap tap. Her feet sounded on the polished floor, echoing around the halls. She was completely alone and somehow, it felt right. As if she had always been alone and yet that empty reflection of her heavy footsteps was enough of an illusion of company was enough to spread a sense of hope, no matter how tiny it was.

She reached the room labelled 1-A and found in the very corner of her mind, a sense of fear and dread that came along with one sentence. "I'm going to be a hero..." The words were at just a mumble, a tiny flicker of a whisper but it was enough for Yurona herself, to hear the sense of betrayal that clung to it.

She swung the door open and inside, almost all of the students sat in their seats. Was she late? She was almost positive that she had arrived early. So why was everyone already here?

With a sigh, she walked forward and sat down in one of the only empty seats she could find. To her left was a window, to her right, a girl who seemed to have earphones hanging from her ears, completely unattached to any phone or music device. Yurona frowned. 'Wait! There's no earbud. Is that attached to her earlobe? What the fuck?! How would she pierce her ears?' Rolling her eyes to herself she thought, 'Not everyone has pierced ears, Yurona!' She shook her head and muttered, "Weird..."

The girl turned to her, "Did you say something?" Yurona rapidly shook her head, "No, nothing. Just muttering to myself!"

The door burst open and almost flew off at the hinges with an explosive power. Her head snapped around, peering at who had done that to the door. There stood a boy, smoke spewing from his ears and eyes that seemed to burn with demonic fire. However, what surprised her most was the lack of care the rest of the class showed in this aggressive act.

The boy stormed over towards her and mutters flooded around the room, trapping her like mud from a bog that just kept pulling her further down. "Something's got Bakugou riled up more than normal. If that's possible." "I bet it's the new girl, she's sitting in his seat!" Shit!

Before she could attempt a hasty retreat, the desk in front of her was sent flying across the classroom with a swift kick. "You! New girl! Stand up!"

Yurona took in a deep breath and prepared herself for what she was going to say next. "Why should I? I got in here first, I sat down. This is my seat." His anger increased as he sent the chair flying out from beneath her, she simply placed a foot on the floor before she could fall and tilted her head at him. "That's my spot! I sit there! Get your own seat!"

Yurona burst into laughter, tears pricking the side of her eyes as her arms clutched her side. "You dumbass! Oh wow! I already knew this was your seat but now, I'm not the one who has to get my own seat, you do! Honestly, that chair and desk are as broken as it could be! Good luck with that mess." With a final laugh, she made her way across the classroom and stood far away from Bakugou, who now looked as though he was ready to murder someone.

"Woah! Calm down man." A boy with spiky red hair approached Bakugou, gently patting his shoulder. "I... She... SHE!" The boy laughed uncomfortably and nodded his head, "I know! Just calm down!"

"Bakugou! It isn't very heroic to be so aggressive to a fellow hero! You must learn manners in order to truly help civilians!" Yurona turned to look at the person who spoke, only to find he was approaching her, he held out his hand. "Tenya Iida, Class President! Welcome to 1-A!" She took his hand cautiously and shook it. "That was a rather unmotivated handshake! I advise against that, anyone would feel that it means you are unhappy to meet them! Not I, as you are new. You're probably just feeling shy."

Yurona thought about his words, she definitely wasn't feeling shy, she knew he knew that too. After all, her encounter with Bakugou would tell anyone as much. Yurona glanced down at her hand in confusion, she didn't understand. Why was she so hesitant to shake his hand? It was as if she didn't trust him, even though she had no reason to.

She moved her focus far away from her mistrust and doubt, it scared her, that she didn't even know who she was and yet the old her kept trying to push through and gain her way. It was worrying. Maybe the old her was bad, horrible, someone she didn't want to be.

She looked back to Bakugou, who was still fuming in anger. Screaming, "DON'T INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO HER! SHE'S EVIL! LOOK AT HER!" Yurona frowned slightly, her finger tracing the heavy bags that sat under her eye, down to her pale skin, like chalk. Her hand reached her hair, its coal like colour, its untamed mess. He was right, from appearance, anyone might call her a villain.

A laugh radiated the room, "You're one to talk Bakugou, you're the evilest person in this room! Besides, I don't think she looks evil. She happens to look quite attractive." He shot a look over at her, in all honesty, it was a creepy look which he followed up with a pair of thumbs sticking up in the air. She shuddered, that was too disgusting to look at.

Everyone went silent as the classroom door slammed shut and a man with black hair, pale skin and heavy bags, entered the room and Yurona's blood ran cold.

"I see the new student has already created quite the ruckus! I've got my eye on you. I don't need any more hassle than I've already got. One wrong move and you're out!"