Why do you hate me?

Yurona started at the man who entered with wide unblinking eyes, something about him made her stomach churn and hair stand on end but she couldn't tell what it was. Fear, dread or some other nightmare pulling away at her consciousness.

"Everyone, sit down and lessons will commence shortly." He spoke lazily as if he had no energy to waste on anyone in this room. She searched the room for a spare seat and noticed one placed at the back, alone. It was clear it hadn't been there the entire time as it appeared new, unused and went completely against the layout of the other desks. They had isolated her, for some reason or another and that hurt.

She sat down in the seat and stared directly at the teacher, whom she still didn't know the name of and she hoped that eventually, this horrible feeling like that of dress would soon leave her, it didn't.

Throughout the lesson, Yurona drifted in and out of consciousness, although in either state she was not paying the slightest bit of attention. It just didn't interest her. She didn't care about anything related to heroes and that was evident to everyone around her, including the teacher.

"Yurona Nakiyuka!" her eyes drifted open lazily as she was met with the cold gaze of the teacher. "Care to tell me what I just said." Yurona lifted her head slowly from the palm of her hand and sat upright, taking the opportunity that he had handed her on a silver platter. "Oh, of course, sir!" She chimed up in a mockingly excited voice, "If my memories are accurate, I believe the last thing you said, of course, before the question itself, was my name."

She offered him a grin, which he only responded with a glare. The lesson carried on pretty much the same and Yurona just sat there, eyes glazed over, ready to be sealed shut at any moment, never to open again.

The lesson ended, what was in reality only over an hour, felt like an eternity to Yurona and it its end, her body felt weightless, as if she could just fly away and escape the constant drone of the teacher's lecture.

She rushed towards the door, pushing in front of the other students as she went, desperate to finally leave. She was stopped, in front of all of her peers with an angered call. "Yurona! Stay behind for a moment, please." His voice was aggressive and a word that should have been pleasant, please, was spat out like a sour taste, still left in his mouth.

She sighed. Angrily, she willed herself to turn around and trudge back into the classroom as calmly as possible but a heavy frown weighed down on her face, pulling at her eyebrows and at the corners of her mouth. She was unhappy, very unhappy. What kind if grudge did he hold against her? Did they know each other?

Yurona stopped in front of Aizawa's desk and ignored the cackles of laughter swarming her ears from the corridor. Bakugou was such a prick.

"What do you want?" She asked, rather coldly, "Because I can't think what I did to make you have me so much! Sure, during the lesson I was falling asleep and talking back but you hated me before that! What gives?"

"I have my reasons." He answered simply, a clear look of distaste on his face, one that he did not try in the slightest to hide. She could see right through him, his attitude, she knew from the moment he saw her, something snapped, he knew her! One thing she couldn't figure out, was how? A spark of determination grew within her as questions buzzed through her brain. She was going to find out if it was the last thing she did!

"Would you tell me those reasons." she pressed deeper, attempting to slowly scratch away at the surface to uncover the gold hidden beneath. "No." She let out a growl of frustration and sucked in a deep breath. "Fine, I get it, I did something in the past and now you don't trust me. What's it going to take?" He raised an eyebrow, telling her to continue. "For you to trust me with that information. What's it going to take?"

Watching as a smirk pulled on his face, Yurona grimaced. Shit. But soon enough, the smirk fell and he shook his head, "Just prove that you have what it takes to be a hero. Prove where your loyalties lie, here or with them."

As Yurona left that room, she found herself thinking that somehow during that lesson, she had learnt less than when she entered. Something was very wrong with this school and she wasn't sure if it was her.

Unfortunately, Yurona had no time to think as, within seconds, her thoughts were disrupted and she was sent sprawled across the cold ground, knocked back by something, she knew not what but it did bring her a great sense of fear. So as a final response, she forced her eyes shut, scrunched right and scrambled backwards as quickly as she could. She needed to get away from them. Right now.