Why am I so scared?

Yurona's panic faded as she looked up and saw a boy in the same class as her. Deku, at least she thought that was his name, that's what Bakugou seemed to call him anyway. Yurona examined him, he seemed nice enough, rather plain looking but sweet, almost childlike. However, this only brought about more questions. Why had she been so scared? Why did his presence fill her with dread? Why did this entire school seem so scary to her?

She was taken from her questions as a hand reached out in front of her. "I'm so sorry! Are you alright? I should have been looking where I was going! I guess I just got lost in thought." She took his hand slowly, wary to so much as touch someone who could bring such terror to her mind but she was tired of being on the ground. "Uh, it's alright... I wasn't paying much attention either. I guess we're both at fault."

He smiled at her. "Ah, my name's Izuku Midoriya. I'm in your class, you may not have noticed me. At first, I don't leave much of an impression, so I wouldn't blame you. I noticed that Aizawa seemed to be giving you a hard time back there. Don't worry, he did that to me at first too! He'll warm up to you soon." She just smiled sadly and shook her head. She didn't believe that to be true. He seemed to truly hate her. More than anyone else. She could see it in his eye, that glimmer of hatred that stuck in her mind. Her hand twirled in her charcoal hair, it seemed to happen naturally, without even her knowledge.

He offered her an uplifting smile, "I promise! He's really very kind when you get to know him. Anyway, I have to go. Good luck with your first day. If you ever need showing around, come find me!" Midoriya rushed past her at that, something seemed to catch his eye as a grin lit onto his face. He waved hastily to her and called out, "Todoroki! Wait up!" She smiled briefly, he was a sweet boy and yet something about him, terrified her.

Yurona continued walking the halls, passing countless people as she went and yet she was stopped when she met a certain group. "Ah, crap..."

Yurona came face to face with the same dumb blonde from before, no, not Bakugou, the other one. "Denki Kaminari, at your service!" Her face dropped as she stared blankly at the boy.

"Excuse me?"

"My name, I just thought you might like to know it." He leaned closer to her, his face held an almost flirtatious smirk that made her want to vomit. She pusher his head away, with a grimace upon her own face. "I don't."

A pout replaced his smirk as he felt a wave of defeat from her blunt rejection and behind him, she noticed a few other students, she assumed they were his friends. So she didn't want anything to do with them.

As she swerved to step around Kaminari, he stepped in her way, blocking her every move. She growled in frustration and shoved him aside. "Get out of my way! Stop being such a creepy little man!"

A couple of his friends rushed to his side, one giving her an angered glare as they did so. A girl appeared at her side, the same one she had sat next to just that morning. "Hey, I know he can be really creepy but that was a bit harsh, don't ya think?"

"Whatever! It doesn't matter to me. He kept getting in my way. So I made him stop! Maybe that'll team him to not mess with me in the future, his attempts are pathetic and I don't appreciate it." She attempted to leave the area, not wanting to stick around any longer. "At least apologize!" The redhead called out to her. Yurona spun around and locked eyes with the boy. She started for a few seconds and let out a huff. He seemed to care greatly for his friend. Rolling her eyes she muttered, "Fine! Sorry for pushing you, but you shouldn't have blocked my way and stop being so creepy around girls! Maybe just act normal and you won't get hurt next time." The red boy grinned at her, she didn't care for it, he was acting too friendly after she had just hurt his friends. So, she gave them a cold look and stalked off. Her mood severely dampened.

Her walk continued, at this rate, she would walk around the entire school but she didn't know where she was going. Besides, this stretched out walk had allowed her to meet many of her classmates and she suspected if she continued, she would meet the rest. She was right.

Next up, was a brunette girl talking with the class president, Iida, if she remembered correctly. They noticed her as she walked past. "Yurona!" Iida called out and she stopped with a small sigh. "Where are you wandering off to? I believe I could be of assistance if you need directions."

She shook her head. "No, I'm not going anywhere, in particular, I'm simply wandering around, meeting people." He nodded in approval.

"Yes, that is very good! It is important to meet your classmates, they can be good friends and allies as you train to be a hero. In your future, they might even fight with you against evil." She raised an eyebrow. Somehow, that didn't sound good. She didn't want that. To be a hero, to fight evil, to have to meet all of these people. It just sounded like a lot of effort, for something not so great. "Ah! Yes, while we are on the topic of meeting people, allow me to introduce you to Ochaco Uraraka." He gestured to the girl.

She rushed forward and grasped Yurona's hand, shaking it rapidly. "I'm always happy to meet new people! I hope we can be great friends Yurona!" At first, Yurona was caught off guard by the girl's outgoing nature, she almost jumped when physical contact was made but soon she settled down.

"Uh, yeah, it's nice to meet you too, Uraraka." Uraraka didn't let go of her hand and just stood there looking at Yurona with a huge smile on her face. Gently, Yurona pulled her hand away and turned her head away from Uraraka. Physical contact made her uncomfortable, she knew that now, even eye contact terrified her. It felt so unnatural, so weird... So creepy. A deep flush of red stained Yurona's face as she stared down at her hand which now felt warm from a human's touch.

"Um, it was nice to meet you Uraraka and Iida thanks for trying to help but I really better be going. I'll see you." Yurona turned and began to walk away but a voice caught her ear, their conversation after she left and Uraraka simply asking, "Did I do something wrong."

Yurona started at the ground and then glanced over her shoulder. That wasn't it at all. Uraraka had done nothing wrong! She just... Didn't know what to feel right now. So many people, being so friendly and yet they had no idea who she really was! She didn't even know...

Just before Yurona planned to turn back and head to the class for another lesson, she bumped into another pair. The pink girl and the frog girl.

The pink girl approached Yurona immediately. "Hi! Yurona right? You're the new girl! Oh, this is exciting! We haven't had a new person since the start of the year, well, at that point we were new too so it doesn't really count." She turned to the other girl, "Isn't it exciting Tsu!"

"Not really, it makes very little different having one other person in the class. Yes, it means we might have another friend but it could also mean another person we have to battle to become the best we can be. She might just mean we rank one lower than we could." Yurona blinked a couple of times, staring at Tsu in confusion. "Sorry, did I say something too harsh?" Tsuyu scratched her head as if thinking back on what she had just said.

Yurona laughed, "No no! It's actually kind of refreshing to see someone care more about the analytical side of it. I've been greeted by people all day and while it's nice. I think I'd get along with someone like you much better!" Yurona smiled, one of her first sincere and true smiles since she got to the school. Then, she took Tsuyu's hand of her own free will and shook it. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tsu! I'm sure we'll be great friends!"