A chance to prove yourself

Yurona lay in her bed, it was morning, she had only woken moment ago but she lay there, waiting for her alarm to start its incessant beeping, a sure sign that she needed to wake up.

Soon enough, it began. Beep beep beep! Her hand pressed the button slowly and she stared up at the ceiling with a sigh. "Time to get up, I guess..."

She rose slowly, stretching her arms into the air to wake herself up more. It didn't work. She was incredibly tired for some reason, even though she'd gotten a good night sleep, her energy seemed to be sucked away.

She groaned quietly and continued to get changed. It was going to be a long day. She could tell.

Yurona entered the classroom, eyes drooping as she did so and it was very noticeable. "You're late Yurona! I said you got one chance, you're lucky I'm feeling nice." She stared blankly at Aizawa.

"Yeah, right. Thanks... I guess?" She mumbled, heading for her seat at the back of the class. She sat down and rubbed her eye, groaning slightly. Why was she so tired? It was infuriating.

"Right! So I expect everyone has been preparing for the upcoming event!" Her head shot up. What upcoming event? Yurona had heard nothing of this and because of this had done no preparation. Flickering her eyes around the classroom, her sight met smiles and nods, everyone looked prepared, confident. Shit...

Her eyes fell to the desk as she muttered quietly to herself. "Is its test? An exam? Some kind of hero training? What could it be? And why wasn't I told about it? Did they want me to fail? Maybe they just wanted to test my raw untrained ability. What would be the use in that though? I don't know if I can do anything!" Her breathing began to quicken as she looked at her shaking hands. Would she just end up making a fool of herself?

"Yurona!" Her head snapped up at the sound of the teacher's voice and she let out a shaky, "Y... yes sir?" She avoided his eyes, as her own darted left and right, anywhere but his face.

"Since you were unaware of this, tonight, you must attend classes dedicated on improving your skill and power and! You'll get a chance to prove yourself." This calmed her a bit. It seems they didn't just want her to fail. That was good at least.

The rest of the lesson dragged on and Yurona just sat there, listening watching, waiting. A part of her was excited about the classes, she would get to know her potential and possibly why she was even put in the hero class but she also feared her failure. What if she wasn't any good? That fear clung to her like a hangman's noose and she hung limply from it, not daring to attempt resistance.

When the lesson ended Yurona jumped straight up, not willing to risk being called back by the teacher, again! He did that every lesson. Sure, she'd only been in a few but still, every single time.

Yurona weaved through the students and managed to break through the exit before the teacher even had a chance to say her name. "YES!" She yelled as she reached a place, a little way away from the other, jumping into the air slightly with excitement.

That's when she heard laughter and turned around slowly. It was the red boy, Kiri... Something or other. "You seem really excited about something." She smiled awkwardly and nodded.

"Yeah, well, normally the teacher calls me back but I managed to get out this time before he could call me." She rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. It was a really stupid reason to celebrate, she knew that.

"Well, good for you, I guess. I was just going to ask if you wanted to come train with me and my friends at the breaks. We only have one day left and I know you didn't have the two weeks to prepare." She sighed slightly at that comment, he was right and that put a real downer on the whole situation. "Don't worry about it! You're in the hero course for a reason, you'll do fine. Besides, it would be super manly if you could win without the prep time!"

She smiled at him slightly and nodded, "Yeah, I guess. But I don't think I deserve to be in this course. I don't even know why I'm... nevermind. I guess I'd like to train with you guys, after all, I need to seize every opportunity I can to survive tomorrow."

He let out a huge grin and Yurona was almost startled by his mouthful of sharp, almost sharklike teeth. "Woah..." She marvelled, staring at them for a while.

He gave her a confused look, "Ah! Sorry, I've just, never seen a quirk that makes teeth like that! What even is your quirk?"

"Oh! It's hardening, makes my body as hard as a rock. It's not very flashy but I make do." He demonstrated and all of a sudden his arm became sharp and rough, like a jagged stone.

"Who cares if it's not flashy? I think it's cool! People with flashy quirks are just trying to distract people from the fact that their power is less useful." She states enthusiastically, a blush appeared slowly on her face, she hadn't used so much emotion since, well, since she can remember... Waking up in that jail cell. "Sorry, I shouldn't be getting too passionate over nothing."

"No! It's fine, it's nice to see you coming out of your shell. What's your quirk anyway?"

Silence. That's all that his question was met with. A silence that filled the air like tar, thick and heavy, drowning everything out until it was smashed apart by three words, "I don't know."

He stared at her, maybe out of shock, maybe out of confusion but it made her uncomfortable and he noticed this. "Ah, well, never mind! We should get going if we want to train before the next class starts!"

He grabbed her wrist and started running. "Ah! W... WHAT? Y... Y... You, b... B... But!" Her face went bright red as she stared at the hand wrapped around her wrist. It wasn't that she like him or anything but it seemed that even the slightest physical contact made her nervous.