Not you again!

She allowed herself to be dragged behind him, thinking to herself chaotically. Thoughts flew past like bullets, dropping from the air and lodging themselves there as they built up and up. Then they were all gone as they slowed to a halt and her eyes met someone.

"Not you again!" She whined.

"Excuse me?! Not you again? What the hell is that supposed to mean?! I'm the one who should be saying that to you, you nasty chair thrower!" She glared at him, what did he just say?

"You were the one who made the chair fly across the classroom! Not me! And it was not thrown! IT WAS KICKED! By you!" After her retaliation, her glare was shared by him.

In the corner of her eyes, Yurona noticed the others. Why did she agree to this? As it turns out, Bakugou had the exact same thoughts, except he voiced his out loud.

"I don't know why I fucking agreed to this! I don't need anyone's help! I can do this on my own and I will beat you! Just because you're new and everyone's paying so much attention to you, DOESN'T MAKE YOU ANY BETTER THAN ME! Because you're so much worse... I'm better than all of you." His voice faded slowly and when he was done, he turned around a stormed off.

Yurona started at his retreating figure and glanced back to Kirishima. "Sorry... I didn't mean to make your friend leave. I just... I dunno. I should leave..."

Kirishima grinned at her. "No! It's fine. He's not really my friend, he hasn't warmed up to anyone yet. Besides, it's not your fault at all, he's like that to everyone. I just wanted to make him feel included. Guess that didn't work out too well." Rubbing the back of his head, the boy let out a laugh.

Yurona looked down at the ground, smiling awkwardly. "Yeah, I guess. I don't think you should give up though, if anyone could get him to warm up. It would be you!"

"You think?"

She smiled at his hopeful expression that stared at her, eyes big and full of wishes. "Yeah. I mean, you seem like one of the friendliest students here. You're nice enough and everyone else in the class seems to like you. So, why not? I bet he'd be your friend, maybe you're just going about it the wrong way."

After giving that piece of advice, Yurona turned to see who else was planning on training. No one was there. "Just Bakugou and I?" she asked, very confused.

He smiled, "Yeah, I didn't think it was a good idea to have Bakugou and a bunch of other people. Then again, even just you with Bakugou wasn't a good idea...."

"Yeah, again, I'm sorry. I keep messing up in this class."

Kirishima looked at her sadly, "You don't...." He was interrupted.

"We should just start training." Kirishima nodded slowly, not daring to speak up again.

The training was coming to an end she hadn't made much progress but she had figured out where her strengths and weaknesses lie. Yurona was good with technique and skill, she could pull off complicated moves and analyse her opponent's in a way that meant she could fight back without the use of her quirk, whatever it was. However, often, she didn't have the power to pull this off and was forced to rely on her dodging abilities. Yurona did not work well in teams. Her independent spirit shone through and she struggled to find the necessary communication skills to plan through a group attack or defence.

Yurona still had no idea about her quirk as it hadn't seemed to manifested itself during the entire training, perhaps she didn't even have one. Even when she was in danger, nothing seemed to happen and this frustrated her.

He could tell.

"What's wrong? Is it the quirk? Don't worry! I'm sure you'll find it soon and even if you don't have one, you're still super talented. You can become a great hero!"

She clenched her first, glaring up at his tall figure. With one hand, she pushed him back, again and again until he fell backwards. "SHUT UP! YOU DON'T KNOW THAT! YOU DON'T KNOW ANY OF IT! I DON'T WANT TO BE A FUCKING HERO! I DON'T WANT TO BE ANYTHING! I JUST WANT TO GK BACK TO WHEREVER I WAS BEFORE THIS. Where I'm not surrounded with all of these people... W... With their stupid f... Fucking quirks. Where I'm a... Average. Where I can do w... Whatever I w... Want." Tears flooded her eyes as she stared down at him, choking back sob after sob that bubbled up in her throat. "I just want to go home... I want my mum or my dad! Whoever I have back there..... Wherever that is. I just want a family." Her tears streamed from her face, hitting his body as she towered over him.

With that, she was off. Darting towards the school, rubbing her eyes harshly with the sleeve of her jacket until they were red raw. "Do I even have parents?" she asked herself ignoring the yells from the hot behind her.