Into You

He should really wipe the stupid grin off his face.

Ren couldn't help it. His facial muscles have given up on him and decided to look like a clown the whole day.

He was also lapsing into embarrassingly childish giggles whenever he remembered the kiss on the rooftop.

Dear god, Shinobu had rendered him an idiot.

It was surprising (even to himself) that he had managed to get through the remaining classes without causing any accidents. He absorbed nothing of course. He just wanted the last bell to ring so that he could meet up with Shinobu and continue where they left off.

Annoyingly, Shinobu did not approve of Ren cutting classes.


At least said hypocrite was waiting for him outside class, ignoring the curious glances from the other students.

Did a couple of his own female classmates just give Shinobu very flirtatious smiles? Ren wanted to shove them out of the way.

Great. Now Shinobu had turned him into a violent criminal as well.

"Hey," Shinobu greeted him with a knowing smirk.

"Hi," Ren returned nonchalantly as he could.

He wanted to be all cool? Fine, two could play the game.

They started walking down the hall in silence.

Except that Ren didn't think it was silent at all. Surely Shinobu could hear his heart pounding. Why did that bastard look so unfazed?

It was only when they reached the bottom of the staircase that the silence broke.

"Do you-"

"I guess-"

They stopped and stared at each other. Ren fought not to gulp.

"Follow me." Shinobu grabbed his arm.

Ren trailed after him in a stupor. There was however an urgency in Shinobu's long strides which gave him away.

He wasn't THAT unbothered after all. Ren was elated.

After a few turns and a flight of stairs, Ren realised where they were going to end up.

He whispered incredulously, "We're going to your classroom?"

"Yeah, best place," Shinobu replied.

"How would you know?" Ren demanded.

Shinobu gave him a wry glance. "It's my class. No one likes school."

"Right." Ren hadn't considered that.

True enough, when Shinobu opened the doors, it was empty.

Ren stepped inside and helpfully locked the door. He looked at Shinobu expectantly.

"Thirty minutes before I need to get to work," Shinobu said succinctly before pulling him in for a kiss.

They stumbled against the wall and slid down onto the floor, lips locked in a mad dance. It was wet and fierce. Ren couldn't really tell where their hands were groping each other. He was drowning in an embrace. He could drown in this all day and not care. Shinobu tasted of cigarettes.

"Fuck, you feel good," Shinobu murmured. He undid the top button of Ren's shirt and trailed his mouth across Ren's collarbone.

Ren's breath hitched. "I'm a fast learner."

"Yeah," Shinobu chuckled and suddenly, they were acutely aware of how hard they both were, with their bodies pressed against each other.

They were teenage boys. One singular thought screamed between them.

"Do-do you want to?" Ren croaked and nearly died of embarrassment.

"I'm not going to fuck you in school," Shinobu hissed.

Who would have thought? Kurosawa Shinobu. A sweet romantic.

Was he trying to stop Ren's heart?

Ren yanked his head down for another kiss.


Of course he wanted to. He had been dreaming/having nightmares about Ren for months and it nearly drove him mad.

However, Shinobu was seized by an inexplicable desire to do the right thing. Fucking in school was a good cause for getting expelled. Putting it mildly. He also didn't want their first time to be a quick job on a damn concrete floor.

Stupid, stupid sentimental streak. Ren's fault. Entirely. Damn it.

Then again, Ren was now kissing him with a passion which was unlike anything Shinobu had ever experienced.

He wasn't practised. It was a little jittery in parts. This wasn't the usual aggression which Shinobu was used to with his more experienced flings.

However, it felt real. As if Ren was trying to tell him something important. As if they both meant something together.

Somewhere in his malfunctioning brain, Shinobu was extremely pleased with Ren's forwardness. It was as expected of him.

They were both panting hard when they broke up for air. Ren's face was a flush of cuteness.

"Um, I guess you need to go soon," he said almost demurely. Almost.

"Yeah." Shinobu really, really didn't want to. "You heading home?"

"Uh, yeah," Ren mumbled.

Shinobu watched as his shade of pink morphed suspiciously into crimson.

"What is it?" Shinobu demanded to know.

"N-Nothing," Ren stammered.

"Ren," Shinobu enunciated his name slowly, deliberately.

The pair of brown eyes widened in embarrassment and mortification before Ren shoved him away and blurted, "Fine! I'm going home to jerk off to you! Happy? Don't judge me, okay!"

Shinobu stared at him and choked back a laughter.

Ren noticed his shaking body and gave him another shove. "Don't laugh at me! It's your fault!"

Shinobu chuckled. "Sorry."

"Well, you seem totally fine," Ren huffed.

"I'm not," Shinobu admitted freely. "Maybe I should call in sick."

Ren glanced at him and smiled a little. "It's okay. I don't want to get you into trouble."

He had spent his entire life getting into trouble but there was something endearing in the way Ren said it.

There was also the thought of what Ren would be doing in bed while Shinobu was cooking ramen and pouring beer.

He hoped he could survive the shift intact.

In the meantime, he should make Ren suffer slightly since he couldn't take care of his own needs during work.

He murmured, "Wanna hear what I dream about you?"

Ren's breath faltered. "W-what?"

"I fuck you with you beneath me," Shinobu told him in a low voice, making sure to hold his gaze steady. "Sometimes from behind. I think there was one where we did it on the rooftop."

"You��pervert," Ren whispered but there was a pleased smile threatening to sneak in.

Shinobu ignored the comment and continued, "You're quite vocal in my dreams. I think I'd like that."

Ren couldn't even sputter any words. He just stared at Shinobu in shock.

Shinobu leaned so close that their lips were almost touching.

"Think of that later."