Peace... or so i though

He manages to get a small and run down house in the north region of Zhong Hai city, it was quite peaceful despite the population in china which is why he chose to stay here. Although having a-lot of money in his bank account, he decided not to spend on luxurious things, and live a quiet and peaceful life.

By the stairs in a run down house, was a man who was contented leaning on wall while his eyes closed.

This man despite only wearing a white polo shirt with an oversized plain pants, has a mature and handsome face, if people met him face to face, they would notice that this was a man which has experienced many things.

This man was naturally Lei Zhi. after taking a nap he decided to go out and eat because he was to lazy to buy his own groceries, with the weather being hot he brought his umbrella went to the closest fast food he can find.

After eating and taking his take-out he went to the farmers' market, they were numerous noisy pedestrians and vehicles, garbage and alot of other stuff was all over the ground. There were alot of old stores and food stalls. There were workers returning home,students going home, and the people buying groceries.

He decided to buy mutton skewers from a stall run by a man that looked in his late thirties. After getting his order he decided to sit down and eat"Old man song, i think it's time for you to pay up what we agreed upon a 5 days ago!" A deep male voice suddenly appeared from the side.

The 8 approaching males looked only 20-22 and were dressed like typical brutes, with mohawk hair, gold accessories like chains (which is probably fake because i said so), body full of tattoos,and ugly faces(^_^).-(ugly faces because i already witnessed someone being bullied by a "gang" or idk and it disgusts me)

"Umm..This....." Old man song could only show a bitter face,"Young Master, please be patient, with the weather like this, how am i able to pay without any business..."

"Hmm... i see. But we already have an agreement that you will pay up in five days, Old man song please don't take a yard after getting an inch, this store would've been wrecked a long time ago if it wasn't for our boss Chen protecting you." A henchman said in a threatening way.

The brute called boss Chen was extremely pleased, and decided to reward this henchmen later, and said, " We have already complied for your payment to get extended for five more days now it's time for you

do your part and pay up. Otherwise, do not blame me for being impolite!" With that he sat next to Lei Zhi while he picked up Lei Zhi's takeout took big bites and glared at him " What are you looking at? Do you have a problem!?" Boss Chen said with a deep voice to scare Lei Zhi.

Lei Zhi who was watching this scene from happening was just going to ignore it because it wasn't his problem in the first place. Now that this soon to be hospitalised man dared to take his food. He kicked the man named Chen and stepped on his head " Choose an arm or replacing my food within 5 minutes!?" Lei Zhi said with anger and chilling voice.

The 7 henchmen didn't even have time to process to what has had happened before Lei Zhi swooped in and forcing them to kneel one by one.

Realising he offended the wrong person he immediately ordered his henchmen to buy the food that he eat from Lei Zhi's takeout, with everything else on the fast foods' menu.

Old man song who was ready to defend Lei Zhi, was dumbfounded on seeing the boss that has been collecting protection fees from small stalls like his was being polite to someone.

After getting his food from those henchmen, he warned them if he ever catches them doing this again he will make sure they would never walk ever again!

He returned home, after taking a quick shower he sat on his couch and watched tv for awhile before going to sleep.

Although he lives in a run down house the inside of it looks brand new because he got it renovated after moving in.