
After that event, nobody dared to look nor speak when Lei Zhi is present because as soon that event happened it reached Wang Luozhou's ear and fume in anger, imagining that he was recommended by that man "i can't let those idiots anger that kid, if he reported that he was being mistreated to that man, i might not even know how i die!" Wang Luozhou though to himself before telling his men to warn every single soldier to treat Lei Zhi like they were treating him(Wang Luozhou) or else they will wish that they were dead rather than being alive.

As for Tai Pei, he has been sent to an underground room unknown what will happen to him, while that was happening Lei Zhi was sleeping under a tree that he found at the corner of the base.

As the days go by Lei Zhi was sent on dangerous missions locally and international, even assisting reconstruction and development in countries that are (or have been) the site of violent conflict and more.

Due to Lei Zhi's excellent performance he got moved to the country's special troops named-"The Shadows" (the meaning of the group name is that they are the shadows of china who protects it in the dark while the governor or public figure is the light".

6 years passed in a blink of an eye, the present him is already 22 years old and gained the title-"The God of judgement and destruction", Because on his missions he has a habit of letting his enemies choose their fate (of course their fate will either be in custody or dead) thus they called him that.

Lei Zhi decided he had enough in the military thus resigned because he felt bored and decided to head back in the mountains where the old man is, after resigning with a lot of people including Commander Wang making him change his decision but they were ignored, thus making him exit the base Lei Zhi went back home.

"AHHH i'm finally back after so long~" Lei Zhi said while both his hands behind his head, he proceeded to go into the mountain where his and the old man's home, upon arriving at the door he knocked on it, upon learning that the old man wasn't home he opened the door which was unlocked.

upon entering Lei Zhi stopped his movements on entering the house because of the house's condition, which looks like no one has been home for years, because the house was full of dust and spiderwebs.

Lei Zhi looked around to search and found a piece of paper on the table, Lei Zhi picked up the paper and saw letters wrote on it saying " Brat i need to go somewhere far for awhile, well you are probably shocked right now but you should relax i'm fine and i will definitely return in the future, since your reading this i permit you to live the life you want a peaceful one without worries or go to the city to live and have fun there, but if you go to the city i want to see a baby daughter if not i will break all your bones...hmph that's all well now have fun <3 love heart heart muah muah".

Lei Zhi was at a loss after reading his old man's letter he cursed in his heart-"OLD MAN WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!! AND A BABY DAUGHTER?? WHERE WOULD I FIND THAT!! AND WHATS WITH THE CRINGY HEARTS AND KISSES!! ^&*$%^%&#$^" After calming down Lei Zhi decided to go to Beijing, since he already has 13 billion dollars it was no problem for him to live in the city, thinking to himself since he already had a lot of money he decided to just laze around in his future house.