Daily routines

After the meeting, she ordered her assistant to take care of things from here, the assistant was confuse at the sudden change of her boss that is now going home early, as to why her boss is going early? she didn't dare ask.

After taking care of things in the company, she headed down from the building and made her way to the parking area underground which where her car was parked.

But as she was about to open the door in her car, suddenly a silhouette blocked her from doing so.

"What're you doing?" Feng Xin frowned seeing her car being blocked.

"Miss Feng, don't be like this i have been trying to reach out to you but you just keep ignoring me, I'm pretty confident that i will bring your company great profit if we were to partner up." A handsome man around 24-26 said.

"How many times do i have to tell you. Mr. Yang, I....AM....NOT...INTERESTED on partnering with you." She replied irritated at this man.

"How about we have something to eat first? and i will explain to you how important this is for your company Ms. Feng, how about it?" The young man called "Yang Leng" said to her while looking at her in secret lewdly.

"Still not interested, and i have something important to do. Are you done talking now? I gave you the chance to speak now that you are done, You may LEAVE." Feng Xin said to him in a cold voice.

"Ok then i will just come at a later date." Yang Leng smiled at her and move out of the way.

"Come again? At a later date? You don't need to bother yourself anymore, you are no longer allowed to enter here as you please." She said while not even taking a second glance at him.

Yang Leng gnashed his teeth and cursed her inwardly, "Just you wait, i will definitely get my hands on you and if i do, i will make sure you won't even be able leave my grasp!" While seeing her drive away.

It was already getting dark when she made it to her destination.

After parking her car in front of a run down house, she stared at this house for a minute before getting in.

"Oh, welcome back~" what greeted her was a voice of a man coming from the living room.

"What are you doing?" Feng Xin glared at this man, because it looks like this man didn't lift a finger after her leaving this house.

"Waiting for you to make dinner.~"The man smiled at her, then went back from watching tv.

Seeing this grown man just lazing around made her furious and stomped her feet before going to the kitchen.

Lei Zhi, didn't bother her fuming as he continued to watch tv while waiting for his food to be served.

"Ahhhh this is the life." Lei Zhi casually said while thinking about all the training he has been too, all the missions he has gone through, and looking at his current lifestyle right now he was pretty satisfied with it.

"Living a peaceful life is not bad, i wish to be like this forever." Lei Zhi said inwardly while stretching.(haha you wish XD i will not let that happen~)

In the kitchen Feng Xin who was preparing dinner was solely focused in cooking that from time to time she though to herself, This isn't as bad as i though it was at first.

"I will be going somewhere next week, so i won't be able to serve you meals i really need to go there so i am asking you for permission." Said Feng Xin while they were eating.

"Of course you are allowed, but you can't skip on preparing meals for me so i am gonna tag along too.~" Lei Zhi said while smiling at her.