(I’m not telling you the title... it’s a secret hmph)

"Ahhh, Hawaii is such a nice place, maybe i should buy a house here. Hmmm~"

Lei Zhi, who was looking at the balcony on his room at a resort, said while looking at the scenery before him.

Suddenly a knocking sound could be heard from his door, "Mr. Lei, Miss Feng invited you to have breakfast with her downstairs." A female voice resounded in Lei Zhi's ear, even though he was at the balcony he can still hear it faintly.

"Tell her i'll be there soon.~" He replied while stretching his body.

After going down from his room to the dining area, he saw a graceful lady who looks like she was waiting for someone as she hasn't eaten anything even though the foods are already served.

"You sure ordered a lot." Lei Zhi said while sitting down across the lady.

"It's for you, the dishes here are all their best sellers, so please enjoy.~" Feng Xin replied casually, although her employees that she came with has a lot of questions, why this Ice Queen of theirs brought a man to a business trip, they dared not asked.

"Hmmm... is that so? Well thanks for your consideration he he." Lei Zhi said while warmly smiling at her, after living with her he already got used to this lifestyle and although Feng Xin doesn't know it herself, she too got used to this lifestyle with a man.

"I will head to the location where the resort will be put up, what about you?" Feng Xin asked while they were eating.

"Hmm.. it's fine you can go with your team this time, i will just be walking around." Lei Zhi replied and continued to eat.

After eating, Feng Xin called her team and went to their location, while Lei Zhi lay down at a chair beside a pool.

About an hour has past, Lei Zhi stood up and finally decided to go for a walk.

He arrived at a bar near the shore, and just ordered a mango shake.

From where Lei Zhi was seated, he was able to see everything in the bar. There were 3 guys who seems to be drunk already at this time.

"Hey, look over there that chick is hot." One of those guy spoke while pointing someone walking outside the bar.

"Let's go talk to her, and invite her for a drink~ he he" one of them replied.

Hearing their words and with suspicious gaze, Lei Zhi looked at the woman who was walking outside of the bar.

Lei Zhi was shocked to see that the woman those guys were talking about was Feng Xin!! It looks like she is also drunk seeing her flushed face while trying to go back on her own.


Lei Zhi furrowed his eyebrows, because this woman was gonna meet with some troubles.

"Hey, you guys have time?" Lei Zhi walked towards the guys and asked.

"Huh, what do you want? Don't waste our time and get lost." One of them replied with anger in his tone.

"No need to be angry... now now i just need you to help me with something, did you see that woman as well? Don't you find her attractive? I know her room number... are you guys interested now?" Lei Zhi said lewdly while grinning.

"Ha ha brother why didn't you just say so~ of course we're interested, right... guys?" One of them said while the other two nodded.

"Hehehe idiots~" Lei Zhi said inwardly.

"Well it looks like she is going on her room right now.... shall we hehehe." Lei Zhi said.

"Sure sure hehehe brother lead the wayyy." They stood up and followed Lei Zhi.

Lei Zhi led them to a quiet and desolate place without cctv's.

"Hmmmm... where was it again?" Lei Zhi said while looking around confusingly.

"Huh... i though you know where her room is, don't play with us or else!" They were displeased that Lei Zhi look like he was lost.

"Ehh..... i swear i know where she stays.... hmmmm... maybe right HERE!" Lei Zhi turned around and said while throwing out a fist.

The guy at the front got knocked down, while the two were dumbfounded of Lei Zhi's sudden action.

Before the two has a chance to recover from their shock, Lei Zhi pounced at them and threw them through the wall knocking them up.

"Not fun at all~" Lei Zhi said while tying those 3 men, put them on a box, and shipped them somewhere. Even Lei Zhi didn't bother looking at where the boat was headed.

Lei Zhi went to find Feng Xin, after finding out that Feng Xin was in her room, because the door was unlocked when he tried to open it.

He came in and saw her on the ground, "haah... this girl...." Lei Zhi picked her up and tried to put her on the bed, when Feng Xin opened her eyes.


"What happened?" Lei Zhi putted Feng Xin on the bed and said in a gentle voice.

"Hmm...." Feng Xin just stared at him without replying.

"If you're not gonna answer i'll kiss you~" Lei Zhi said trying to provoke her.

However it looks like Feng Xin didn't hear Lei Zhi's words and she simply stared at Lei Zhi's lips for some time. All of a sudden, she sealed Lei Zhi's lips with hers. The soft and warm feeling filled her body and she even felt hot down there.

As for Lei Zhi, he closed his eyes and he indulged himself in this new and pleasant feeling on his lips.

Feng Xin simply relied on her instincts to kiss Lei Zhi and she sucked on his lips. Moreover, her entire body started to heat up. She became intoxicated in the feeling.

Lei Zhi's breathing started to speed up and he started to take initiative himself. He used the tip of his tongue to explore deeper into her mouth. He teased her fragrant tongue.

The two people got more and more engaged and their kissing skills became more and more skillful. Moreover, they felt like their consciousness had left their body and fluttered to the sky together. This kind of passion was a kind of supreme joy for the two.