Upsetting her...

He placed the bowl on the ground and then sat down near it as the pen doors closed. He said nothing and then heard soft footsteps approach him. He said nothing and waited for her to reveal herself. She entered his view and shrieked before looking at the food in front of him, "Hello Lady," She shrieked in response, "Hungry?" She sat down in front of the bowl and looked at it, "It's for you," She took a piece and smelled it before nearly devouring her hand with the food, "Glad you like it," She shrieked again and was visibly happy as she continued eating, "Is it better than before?" She nodded and smiled as she continued to eat. He sat still, watching her eat as he noticed a camera gleam on his and turn to look at Lady more clearly, "Do you want me to heal you?" She shrieked with her mouth full, "I didn't catch that," She swallowed and then shrieked again, "I will have someone telling me how to do it, so I do it well, okay?" She nodded, "Please to hit me if it hurts, stitching will hurt a little," She tilted her head, "Right, I haven't talked about pain before, um, this, you see? It is like that, in feeling," She nodded as if she understood him, "Do you understand me?" She shrieked and smiled before continuing to eat. Alex smiled and then saw a flash on the camera, Lady clearly noticed and faded from Alex's sight, "Lady? What happened? Lady?" She shrieked quietly before being quiet, "Lady, there is nothing, I don't know what you saw," She returned to his vision and looked around scared, "Just eat, nothing will happen to you, it is only me," She shrieked and handed him a piece of meat, "No, no, it's fine, I am eating later," She began looking sad, "Okay, fine, fine," He took the small piece of meat and began chewing on it, "Do you like the food?" She shrieked and continued eating. It had been a while since he had been able to see her like that, ever since she was captured by the government. He looked at his wrists and sighed at the scars he had made to himself. He chuckled, making Lady look up at him, confused, "Nothing, nothing," She shrieked and continued eating, "Yeah, thinking."

Mary placed a box on the table to the living room of the apartment, "This should be enough to heal her," She pulled out a few needles and enough to stitch her wound, "I will be telling you want to do, but you will need to wear this," Alex put on a small camera that rested over his eyes, "And this," Alex put on the ear piece she gave him, "If she gets aggressive, leave or tranquilize her."


"I will be here, sitting here to see what you are doing," She said turning on the camera and the earpiece, "Can you hear me?"

"Yeah, doubled."


He stood with the box next to him in the pen, "Lady! I came to heal you," He waited and nothing came, "Lady! It's me! Where are you? Lady!" He began walking forwards, "She isn't responding, hmm, well, weird," He hit something that was invisible in front of him, "Lady, you can show yourself, it is me," She shrieked without showing herself, "Lady, I can't help you if you don't show yourself," She tapped his camera, "Oh, don't worry, it is to help me, I can't heal you alone, so I have someone helping me," She entered his vision and sat in front of him and shrieked softly, "Does it hurt?" He tapped her arm and she lifted it and Mary sighed through the headpiece. Alex crouched down and took out the string and the needle, "This might hurt a little bit, Lady, okay?" She shrieked and sat down entirely, letting him be closer to stitch her arm. Mary began giving him instructions as he poked the needle through her tough skin. She squealed but stayed still, letting him work, despite her clear uncomfort.

After finishing stitching her wound, he tapped her arm and she seemed to sigh, putting her arm down, "Are you okay, Lady?" She shrieked softly and then touched her side, "Be careful with that, it will heal, but in a few hours, so don't run too much, not to move it too much," She nodded and smiled at him, "Sorry about it, it is hard to do it without hurting you," She shrieked and then faded from sight before her footsteps slowly moved back to the forest, "Bye, Lady! See you later!" She shrieked in response and he left the pen, where Mary was dumbfounded, "Mary?"

"She is a beautiful creature."

"I know."

"How does she listen to you so clearly?"

"I took care of her in the park where she was found."

"You what?"

"When I was studying, I found her, she was scared, so I took care of her, but she wasn't as strong," He smiled and sat down at the table and began typing a report, "I believe she was in a sort of teen period, or child period, and now she has matured."

"And this is because?"

"How many species have females show their den to mates?"

"Many of the ones that we have here, it seems to be a theme."

"And these normally happen at early-adult stages or late-teen, right?"


"So I would put her age at around, 23-25 human years."

"Um, Alex, what did she show you?"

"Her den, that is why."

"Ah, I see, but how long were you taking care of her?"

"A few months."

"And she understood you so quickly?"

"I don't know, probably, since I can tell what she wants and she can understand me, since she responds to my voice," He said as he continued typing, "She is shy, scared of the cameras, I think she just doesn't like being watched."

"Does she understand what cameras are?"

"She seems pretty intelligent."

"Has she ever been aggressive?"

"Can I show you something?" He said pulling out his phone, "I have a large scar on my shoulder," He pulled the side of his shirt down, "See?" Mary nodded and Alex showed her a picture on his phone, she closed her eyes and looked away, placing her hand over her mouth, "She nearly killed me."

"That is disgusting."

"I know, I lost a lot of blood."

"Does she realize it?"

"Yeah, a few days ago, when I showed her the scar, she was sad, knowing that she did it and that is hurt me," He explained, "Where are Jake and Julie?"

"I wanted to tell you about this, well, they are planning to take a break together, leaving you alone, would you be fine with that?"

"I started a week ago."

"I know, and I will be helping you."

"Oh, then sure, I am fine with that, this job is pretty individual anyways."

"Perfect, I will tell them, and thanks to you we have already an hour of footage of her, in a week."

"If that is good, then great," Alex said finishing his report. He was going to be working mostly alone, meaning late nights and early mornings. That was going to be his job for six months.