Not from this World

He walked into Lady's pen with the large bowl of food. He had taken a habit of eating with her, since she always wanted him to. He sat down with the food and waited for her to appear, she walked out of the forest without being cloaked, completely visible to him. She sits down and shrieks, "Good morning to you too, Lady," She began eating, "I was thinking about something," Lady continued eating but looked at him, "Would you like it if I could speak like you?" She tilted her head confused and pointed at herself, "Yeah, like you," He made a shriek like the ones she made and she seemed to laugh at his shriek, "So, would you?" She shrugged, "I started working on it," She shrieked and continued eating, "That means I will be able to talk in my voice and understand everything you say," She seemed to understand him more and seemed happy, "I am glad that makes you happy," She shrieked cheerfully and continued eating, giving him a piece to eat as well. He took it and smiled at her as he began eating. She shrieked twice, but Alex didn't understand her, "I don't understand you," She shrieked in the same way yet Alex couldn't understand her, "I really can't, Lady," She looked sad and then got up and faded from sight, leaving him, "Lady! Wait! Lady!" She shrieked sadly from her invisible mouth and entered the forest. Alex kicked the ground and left the food and left the pen, "No point chasing you, Lady, I'll leave you be," He sat at his computer and pulled out the device that he had been working on, "No, Alex, report first, then device," He talked to himself and began typing. He hadn't noticed Mary.

"Telling yourself to do the boring then the fun?"

"Jesus," He jumped, "Mary, hello, I didn't notice you."

"Good morning to you too, how are you feeling?"

"Pissed at myself, I didn't understand Lady, and it upset her, she just left, I don't get it, why did she do that?"

"No clue, but she is more human than I thought."

"Must've been something important then."

"What are you working on?" She said as she placed a plate of food on the table, "Is that some sort of communicator?"

"Trying to translate her shrieks so I can understand her and then convert my voice to shrieks as well."

"Interesting, and how?"

"By trying, you know, like the universal translator we have for human languages, trying to make it have hers."

"You care for her."

"Can't you tell?" He revealed his wrists to Mary, "See?"

"Oh, I, um, am sorry."

"I tried a year or a bit further back, try to find a connection."

"I don't want to, well, if you need anything."

"I'll call you."

"You know the drill, you should eat something, take care of yourself a little too."

"No problem, see you later, Mary."

"I'll check in tonight, make sure you are okay."

"Thank you for caring about me."

"Jake and Julie left so someone has to make sure that you are fine here, being new," She smiled at him and left the apartment, leaving his section. He continued working on the device, it had been a week already.

As the food cooked he was quickly working on the device, dying to try it with Lady. He spoke into it and it made a familiar shriek, "Hello," He recognized the shriek, "That is what she says when she sees me, ah, let me go try this out," He walked into the pen, Lady hadn't shown herself in a while, clearly still upset, "Lady!" His device made a shriek that fit her name. He heard a shriek in response.

"Who calls?" His device translated her shrieks.

"Alex, I am calling! It's me!" His device emitted shrieks, and she seemed to materialize in front of him, "Lady, recognize me?"

"You understand?"

"I understand you," He smiled and she seemed to be confused, "This device allows me to," It shrieked the translation of his speech and she hopped around cheerfully, "I am happy to see you."

"I am happy too."


"Yes, thank you, Alex."

"Am I speaking clearly?"

"Yes," She nodded with her shriek, "I understand it."


"Alex, is that name or nickname, like Lady?"

"No, name, what is yours?"


"Who gave you that name?"


"Where is your mother?"

"Not this planet."

"You are from different planet?" She nodded, "How did you get here?"

"Crashed, then you found me, and helped me."

"I guess you want to leave?"

"I will leave with you."


"I showed you my den and you didn't react, probably because humans don't understand our ways," She seemed to have sighed with her shrieks as his device translated, "I want you to be my mate."

"I can't get you out of here, even if I wanted to."

"You don't want to?"

"I don't know, I am only human, we are very hesitant as creatures."

"I see, I can make you strong, invincible."

"And then what?"

"We leave, and you become my mate."

"I am human, you are, I don't know."


"What even is that?"

"A planet, 105 light years from here."

"It took you 105 years to get here?"


"That is impossible," Alex said as he realized his head started to hurt but at least, his translator made her sentences clear, "What were you telling me before?"

"I wanted you to be my mate."

"And when I didn't understand, you got upset?" She nodded, "Can I leave you with this? My head hurts," She shrugged and then shrieked something that the device didn't translate, "What did you say?"

"Nothing, just yawned."

"Oh, no wonder," He turned off his device and took it off and gripped his forehead, "Was that the truth?" She shrieked and nodded, "Okay," He smiled and left the pen leaving her.