Chapter 4

Hearing what the new guy said to Stefan Peter was filled with unwillingness to die even though 1 minute ago he wished for nothing more than a quick death but that was when he thought that his sister was safe and now knowing she was dead he didn't want to die without taking her revenge but what could he do he can't even move this feeling of powerlessness was worse than all the pain he has gone through.

Stefan after seeing that the other guy found his target and remembering that they still had a long way to fly turned to face Peter saying "Sorry we couldn't play anymore but it was fun playing with you i know you must be feeling hot so i will not kill you personally i will just throw you in the river" right after saying that he made Peter fly toward him and then went to the the river not far from them then without previous notice he cut Peter's both hands and feet Peter was already numb to pain so he didn't feel much pain but he was surprised.

Seeing that Peter was surprised Stefan said "oh i just forgot to tell you that i will cut all your limbs before throwing you"then he threw him in the river before his companion said "why didn't you kill him normally what if he survives?" Hearing that Stefan laughed out loud "Hahaha even i can't survive falling from this altitude and if he survives the fall he will die from blood loss and if he doesn't he will be eaten by beasts as the river leads to the deepest part of the forest and if he survives all that what can a limbless frail kid with broken meridians and dantian do" saying that they both left