Chapter 5

As he was falling peter was going through all his memories with his family specially with his sister he and his sister were twins they were found by an old couple from the village that couldn't have children so they took them considering it fate and god kindness towards them.

Although they were adopted by the couple they didn't treat them badly on the contrary everyone in the village loved them as they were cute and intelligent for their age unbeknown to them that these two kids will be the reason their whole village will be destroyed.

Still going through his memories Peter finally hit the ground that was the moment of his death but his soul was still holding on refusing to leave his body while his body was being drifted further into the forest at that moment a crack in the void appeared right above his head and a purple light went straight inside his body at that moment his body started healing and growing his lost limbs in less than 2 seconds his body was back to normal the instant his body was fully healed another light went out from the crack before entering his body then the crack disappeared as if it never existed in the first place.

After who knows how long Parker woke up "how come i am still alive i am sure those bastards killed me and destroyed my soul" as he said that he saw a soul trying to take his body "you a**h**\€ whose body are you trying to take?" Just as he was fuming in anger the other soul sent him a group of memories finally Daemon realized that he was the one who took the body of this soul.