Chapter 23

After they reached the cave of the feathered serpent they got of the serpent back then Daemon said "thank you feathered serpent i thought i was going to die right there and then" the serpent was unmoved by his words and just said looking down at him"i did it for the bloodline essence now give it to me" Daemon just answered "sure just open your mouth i will directly put it inside it we don't want all the forest beasts to come here".

The serpent knew what Daemon said was true so it just opened its mouth and Daemon put his hand inside the serpent mouth and did as he had promised and took a drop of his bloodline essence out and quickly threw it inside the feathered serpent mouth.

There was an incredible pressure emitted by the essence blood that could make even saint emperors dread but it was already inside the feathered serpent mouth and Daemon had quickly thrown it down the serpent's throat so it didn't have enough time to react and started to wail in pain as its feathers started falling.

Now in very deep pain the serpent put its pride aside "kid take it back before it kills me" Daemon just smiled saying "well weren't you looking down on me a few seconds earlier now for me to save you all you need to do is willingly submit to me as my slave".

The serpent was in pain and angry to an incredible level someone who wasn't even a saint wanted it to submit to him and not even as a pet but as a slave "i will kill you you piece of sh*t if you don't take your bloodline essence back ahhhhhhh!!!!!"