Chapter 24

The serpent was in so much pain that it couldn't even move anymore and if Daemon doesn't take his bloodline essence it will die at any moment so it accepted its fate of being Daemon's slave and being branded with his mark in the deepest part of its soul.

[yellow feathered serpent has submitted to you] now Daemon could feel that he had full control over the life of the serpent and it couldn't go out of his control so he took back his bloodline essence now the serpent was lying on the floor unable to move Daemon just told it "rest now while guarding us and don't enter the cave if i don't call you".

Now after so much had happened Daemon needed to organize his thoughts and plan his future actions more carefully "according to that elder wherever i go there will be people hunting me and way stronger than saint emperors and it seems like there are formations set up at certain places that are capable of detecting my shadow bloodline but i am not sure who is chasing after me why and how strong they are i need information but first i have to breakthrough to the saint realm so the system can hide my bloodline"

Walking out of the cave Daemon saw the yellow feathered serpent who seemed to have recovered to some extent so he said to it "your name is Randy from now on now take me around to kill some beasts they should be at least at the saint lord realm" Randy responded "yes master" then they started their small trip where Randy would beat a beast until it is half dead and then let Daemon finish it now Daemon was gaining exp points at an incredibly fast speed things stayed like this for 10 days then they went back to the cave.