Battle 1

- Mind of Yukio

He was walking in what looked like a dark room, although to be honest, he felt he had been walking for hours.

He did not know how long he had been here, but he knew he should leave as soon as possible.

Yukio: "HELLO!" He screamed as much as he could.

The last time he was in a place like that he had died, although this time it was white ... he did not want to think that he had died, that would be problematic.

Even so, he had not received an answer.

Yukio: "System? Are you here?"

Not even the system gave him answers, he just sighed and sat down as he felt tired.

But soon the place started to shake, he got up startled to see what happened but everything was too dark to distinguish something.

Yukio: "SOMEBODY?" There was a second of silence while his voice still sounded in the air, at least he could hear his own voice.

???: "Boy, could you stop screaming? I am trying to sleep ..."

By instinct he turned to see where the voice came from, only to be motionless, in front of him were two big purple eyes with dragon irises, they were really ginormous.

Yukio: "....."

???: "What's wrong, boy?"

He did not know what to say, the first time he was seeing a dragon he was clearly scared ...

???: "Hey boy, did they not tell you it's rude not to answer?!!" The dragon screamed furiously, sending him back until he fell down.

???: "Eh? ... Are you a Dragonoid? ... No, you are a dragon, but I do not know exactly what race."

???: "Could you at least talk brat?"

Yukio: "Ah ... Y..yes, I'm Yukio, who are you?

???: "I am Scaran, Dragon of the sky ... What race are you, boy?"

Yukio: "Race? Excuse me, I do not understand ..."

Scaran: "You do not understand? Were you not raised by dragons?"

Yukio: "No ... my family is human."

Scaran: "WHAT? Human family? Are you kidding me?"

He quickly denied it, he did not want to tell him exactly everything to this guy, he did not even know who he was.

Scaran: "Well, apparently your parents left you with humans ... It happens often do you not know what the races are?"

Yukio: No, what exactly are they Lord? "

Scaran: "A race is a name you were born with, for example, in the world where there are celestial dragons, they are a race that evolved until they gained the name celestial."

He thought a little and it might be true, but to think that means that if he had the chance to find a dragon, he could help it grow to evolve ... The problem is where to find one.

Scaran: "Do you not know your race?"

He hesitated a little, but he had to tell him, he wanted to leave this place quickly, Kuroka and Shirone could be in danger.

Yukio: "Well, I'm something called Dragon of the Abyss." At the moment he said it there was a moment of silence until Scaron broke it.

Scaron: "JAJAAJAJAJ You little punk! The Dragon of the Abyss?" He laughed for a while until he stopped "So you're his reincarnation eh ... I'm not surprised I can not feel your race."

Yukio: "Can I know where we are?"

Scaron: "This place is the spiritual world, for you to be here means that you were at the point of death and for some reason, you came here."

Yukio: "Point of death? Did you have the same experience?"

Scaron: "You could say it like that, I was involved in a war eons ago, when I was injured for some reason of fate I fell here, I thought I would be alone until my last breath, who would have thought you would arrive."

Yukio: " Can I not go out from here?" He felt depressed, he had promised to protect Kuroka and now he was trapped in this place.

Scaron: "HAHA, you do not have to worry, I do not understand how, but your soul is the one here, but your body is still alive. Do you have any kind of regeneration power?"

Regeneration? Ah! The system healed me!

Yukio: "Something like that", he smiled. "How can I get out of here? I need to help someone."

Scaron: "I see ... How about you coming back here at some point?"

Yukio´s face darkened when he heard him say that, but as if he could read his thoughts.

Scaron: "Wait, boy, I'm not telling you to go to death row every time, you should not be that masochistic, the way back would be to make a signature with me so you can get here whenever you want, I can show you some dragon tricks then."

When he heard it, he was very excited, he could learn a little more about the universe and control his dragon powers. They were two birds with one stone.

Yukio: "In that case, I accept" Scaron put his claw in front of him, Yukio could understand that he wanted them to shake "hands".

The moment they did, a circle appeared on their foreheads when suddenly they disappeared, he could see that in the head of Scaron appeared a symbol between his eyebrows in the form of a black cross. (look for images of Ciel de Elsword entendre)

Scaron: "Finished, when you want to come, send energy to the mark on your forehead."

-Brand? Wait ... I also have that thing? Shit.-

Yukio: "Is there any way to hide this mark?"

Scaron: "JAJA I know what you think boy, but no ..."

He wanted to hit him for not explaining about this brand, but since it did not matter that much.

Yukio: "So, how do I get out?"

Scaron: "Try to send energy to your heart, that will send you back to your body, I advise you that when you come here, leave your body in a safe place."

He nodded, although he was not an idiot to leave his body somewhere without protection, he appreciated his worries.

He sent energy to his heart, then he felt a little dizzy and disappeared into particles.

Scaron "Oh ... I forgot to tell him that possibly his power will get out of control for a few moments, well I hope he resolves it, so I will keep sleeping again."

- Out of Yukio's mind moments before.

The one who stabbed Yukio was a big man about two meters tall, dressed in noble clothes, but at the moment he had Kuroka grabbed by the neck.

???: "Did you find it funny? I gave you a house and protection during all this time and you pay me by attacking me and escape."

He removed his left hand and threw a strong blow to her abdomen causing her to scream.

Kuroka: "ARGHH ... Y ... OUU BASTARD!!" She screamed with everything she had while trying to get away from the man, but she did not have the strength to do it. "Are you talking about protecting us? You used me as an experiment every day and then you wanted to do it with my sister!"


That man looked irritated, then he hit her again in the belly harder, causing her to run out of the air.

???: "You know, if it were not for me, you would be slaves right now!!"

Shirone, seeing Kuroka's condition was throwing herself at that man, but as soon as she arrived, she was thrown back and fell to the ground.

Kuroka "Shironeee!" Crying with anguish, she felt really weak, she could not protect her sister and because of her, even the child that saved them is about to die.

--- The Gremory

Grayfia was reaching her limits, she could feel that Yukio was recovering quickly but she did not know his relationship with those two girls, but if he saved them it must be for something, that's why she wanted to do something.

Grayfia: "Sirzechs-sama please ..." She was releasing little by little her power, she wanted to kill that guy right now.

Rias: "Onii-sama ..."

Sirzechs could only sigh at these two girls, his wife had become very attached to this child.

Sirzechs: "That guy is Gilbert, my scientist's assistant ... But what he's doing is against the rules, it´s time to intervene."

Grayfia did not wait and ran to Yukio, but soon felt something was pulling her back as quickly as possible to her position.

She observed where this feeling came from, then they saw that Yukio was suddenly standing, in addition from his mouth a kind of purple aura came out, an aura of the same color surrounded him.

Sirzechs: "What the hell is that?" The event disconcerted him.

Grayfia did not understand this child, there were always surprises.

Grayfia: "I´ll go ..."

Sirzechs: "Yes, bring him ... Wait for NOO! Stop!" He shouted quickly attracting the attention of his wife.

She wanted to ask what happened, but she saw Yukio raised his hand to the sky and a purple sphere left his hands that expanded to a circle which covered part of the forest.

Inside were only the Nekomatas and Yukio with the man.

Sirzechs: "This is ... sacred power?" He felt that the sacred power came from that sphere and although it was not very powerful, at least it would leave some wounds "This boy ..."

--- Inside the barrier

Kuroka was on the ground now, he broke her ribs, she felt lifeless, she could not protect her sister, she turned her head to look at him and saw his look of fear.

She wanted to at least see the child who had saved her, she felt very bad for having dragged him to their problem where he lost his life.

But when she turned around, she saw him standing there as if nothing happened, the sword that was in his stomach was disintegrating and he raised his hand to the sky.

Kuroka: "F..flee ..." She wanted to at least let him live, he did not have to die in this place, but soon she saw that the sphere that Yukio created rose in the air and then a circular barrier appeared in the area.

Gilbert was about to kick Kuroka, but he felt a kind of sacred power in the place. When he turned around, he looked at a deployed barrier, his gaze continued until Yukio, who was standing there, watching him.

Gilbert: "What is this?" He felt a strange feeling when he looked at this child.

Kuroka could see Yukio acting strangely, he was not talking and also had a sort of purple aura, he did not have that before, his skin darkened and she could notice some scales while his eyes were purple with a dragon iris.

Kuroka: (Dragon? A dragon in human form?) There was chaos in her mind.

While Gilbert looked at the boy in front who radiated a sacred power but was still very weak, he ignored him to kick Kuroka, but before his leg came down, he felt a strong blow to the abdomen.

His body left the ground making him float a few centimeters, to his bad luck and he could not react when he felt a blow to his chest and then because of a kick he had been given, he crashed into some nearby trees.

Everything happened too fast, he could not notice anything, but soon the trees flew away in various directions and a scream was heard.

Gilbert "YOU BRAAAAT !!" He shot out of the trees, he had blood in his mouth, the impact of that kick had damaged him a bit, but he still went straight to Yukio.

He threw a fist in the direction of the child's face, but he bent down with a kick that made him lose his balance, Yukio wasted no time and returned to send his leg to the chin, giving a strong blow making Gilbert float again.

This time Yukio took him quickly from his leg and hit him against the earth creating a small crater, his strength was brilliant.

Gilbert "Ugh ... Damn, you'll see!" He got up and launched a kick that Yukio stopped with his forearm, when he intended to attack again, the man threw a quick fist to his chest giving him completely no chance.


There was a sound, then Yukio spat a lot of blood from his mouth, Gilbert's blow contained a great force, so he hit the ground and took his fist back and threw him away.

Gilbert swung in the air quickly to position himself again, they were in a hand-to-hand battle with no magic.

Gilbert: "Who are you, boy?" He asked him with caution, he knew this child was powerful, but he did not receive an answer.

It was not that Yukio did not want to talk, it was that he was practically not the only one, but his dragon form that was in charge.

Yukio ignored his words and threw himself at Gilbert, he sent him a left hook to his face, the man ducked under his body, but it was a bad idea because he saw a knee in the face. He was hit and then felt an impact on his ribs it was a kick that made him moan in pain.

But he was not left behind. Gilbert threw himself on Yukio and hit him in the stomach, at least he thought he had hit him, but the boy suddenly disappeared and soon he saw a shadow of him.

He quickly raised his cross-shaped hands over his head when a heel fell down creating a crater with Gilbert buried at his feet.

He pushed his hands forward to push Yukio away, when he saw his arms he noticed that his left hand was fractured, just one kick and Yukio managed to damage him this much.

--- The Gremory

The three watched the battle in silence, at first they wanted to help, but when they saw Yukio in that state, they realized that he was not controlling his body, very possibly fighting on instinct.

Sirzechs: "Did you know about this?" He had a headache, this child kept many secrets.

He saw both girls at his side denied and he could only sigh, at least he would get into the fight if something went wrong.

Grayfia, on the other hand, was happy and worried, her 'son' was someone with many secrets, she wanted to train him ..

--- Kuroka

Kuroka crawled towards her little sister where they embraced and was watching the fight, it felt unreal, the boy was a dragon in human form but it was seen that he did not control that form, they noticed that it was practically an empty shell which seemed to not feel pain or emotions.

Kuroka: "Yukio ..." She worried to see him like this "You can do it."

--- Yukio - Gilbert

Both were in a very close fight, you could see craters on several sides and both had blood on their body, although Yukio had almost no wounds because they were healing quickly due to the system.

Gilbert: "Damn iiiiiiiiit" he became angry and ran towards Yukio and sent a strong blow towards him.

Yukio used his left forearm to deflect the blow and with his right palm, he sent it to Gilbert's jaw. When Gilbert saw what happened, he quickly took a turn in the air.

Since they started he had noticed every fighting style of both, but this child was improving every minute, it was strange.

In the end, Gilbert saw that this was dangerous, so he stuck his hand in the back of his shirt when he pulled out a short sword, his plan was, if the fists did not work, cutting off his head should be enough.

So he turned to Yukio again, but he no longer attacked but concentrated on dodging each blow.

Gilbert: "Stay still a brat." He continued throwing each attack with his sword as he wanted to stab him "Damn brat."

Yukio was dodging, he had already received some superficial cuts, but although he could heal, his blood was not recovering.

From one moment to another because the power that came from him was too much for his body, he almost tripped, but this gave Gilbert a chance.

Gilbert: "Now die, damn it!" He took a side swing with all his strength to cut him in half if possible.

"PEEEENG!!!!" There was a loud noise of metal against metal.

Yukio went flying several meters and hit several times on the ground as he rolled, raising a great dust cloud.

Gilbert: "Tsk ... Good luck, I want to see how you save yourself now." He knew that a metallic armor should cover him because he did not see blood on his sword.

Kuroka bit her lips hard, Yukio was sent flying and this possibly hurt very much she wanted to do something.

Kuroka: "Yukioo!" She cried out in concern, Gilbert grinned mischievously as he approached the two girls.

Gilbert: "JAJA, do you really trust that little brat? Let's play a little."

When he was almost going to grab Kuroka by the neck, a small purple barrier covered her, Gilbert quickly removed his hands and felt that if he touched that barrier he would possibly burn.

He looked at the place where Yukio was supposed to be and saw him standing, this time he returned to normality, his golden eyes shone while his skin seemed pale due to the lack of blood even though it emanated a strong aura, although this time it was golden.

Yukio smiled with emotion. "How about a second round?"

Editor: maave