Weapon and Souls

The next morning he was out in the courtyard of Yasaka´s Castle, he told them not to let anyone approach this place.

He had something to do, or rather to try.

He opened his inventory and took out a black cube along with a small note.

Yukio: "Now ... This is ..." These two things he had received just the day he returned from the world of the Fairies.

- Flash Back -

Yukio: "We're back ..." He stretched lazily and planned to go with the girls to his dimension to see the others, but there was something. "Uh? What's that?"

In the distance, he could feel something approaching him with surprising speed, but it was not evil and it was not a living being.

He extended his hand and soon it came towards him staying on his palm floating.

They were a black cube and a sheet of paper.

--- End Flash Back ---

Yukio: "Let's see the note ..."

Note: [Hello, if you are reading this it means that you have already returned ... I know you have many questions and I regret not answering them now ...

But I leave this gift as a sign of our friendship.

It will be useful, you just have to stick it close to your chest and it will work, tranquility is not bad, trust me.

I hope to meet again, I´ll be gone for a few years to try to find something in another dimension, when I return, I'll explain things to you.

Be very careful, in this dimension, there is a very powerful being, although I do not know why he has been hiding for so long. (Reference to the beast that was chasing him)

ATT: With lots of love Ryuta.

PD: It's sad that you never asked me.

PD2: I saw some fools who wanted to upset your wife, so I eliminated them, I hope it does not bother you. ]

His face showed a complex expression ... What kind of message was this?

Ryuta? Well, he knew he was hiding something from the day he found that strange sword in the room with Irina.

Also, his PD1, he knew what he was referring to, once he saw him ... Well, rather, "Her".

Definitely, Ryuta was not a child ...

After a while, he realized that everyone saw her as a 'man', while for him it was a girl.

He knew that she was not a normal human, but he never wanted to ask, he never noticed bad intentions.

He expected her to tell him why it was like that.


He left his thoughts and looked at the cube in his hand and used .

[Cube of the soul]

-A cube of dark matter created by a smith with divine knowledge.

-Place it close to your heart and create a weapon with the shape of your soul.-

Yukio: "Shape of the soul? ... This reminds me a lot of a series, but I don´t know ..."

He looked both left and right, he was alone and maybe he could try.

Yukio: "System ... What do you think will happen?"

System: "The user could acquire more power, as to what would happen in the process, only your soul will decide."

Yukio: "I see ..." He smiled and placed it close to his chest. "I'll trust you Ryuta."

But he regretted it immediately, he soon felt as if his soul was being dragged.

He gritted his teeth and tried to endure the pain, he did not want to scream because that would alert the others, he did not want to worry them.

He thought -Damn Ryuta when you come back, I'll give you what you owe me! -

The cube was buried in his chest, and the pain diminished, instantly a blue gauntlet came around his hand, which was like Ddraig gauntlet.

Yukio: "* Sigh * This thing hurts" He touched the glove. "Will the mi- UGH !!" Soon blood slid down his throat.

His body started to feel like it was breaking and in his chest, he felt something move wildly.

Yukio: "ARHhgg! What ..." The glove soon disappeared, in particular, returning to his chest and the pain worsened.

He used his right hand to cover his mouth, the pain was unbearable even if he activated his he would not endure it.

It was like he broke from the inside.

After a few minutes, everything calmed down and his wounds began to heal, the only thing he heard was the system.


System: [Soul successfully connected.]

System: [You have combined 'Dimensional Object' with 'Soul Cube'.]

His consciousness turned black and then it was swallowed.

He did not know what had happened, but he opened his eyes to see a blue sky with many clouds.

Yukio: "I came back here ..." He did not need to say where he was, this place he already knew because sometimes he came here.

He got up slowly, he could see that in his right hand he was holding a spear made of jet black metal and its blade was totally silver with a line between in gold, it was also surrounded by some white strings.

Its appearance left him stunned, it was exactly the same as True Longinus that Cao Cao should now have in his possession.

If so, this weapon would truly be the personification of the weapons in this place.

He used quickly but his expression darkened.

[Spear of the abyss]

-A weapon created from the soul of an Abysmal Dragon-

- Souls entrusted to 0/4

-Now empty


-Rank (E)

Yukio: "Souls, do I have to enclose souls in this thing ...?" He rubbed his chin, by its name he could see that if he placed powerful souls into it, maybe it would become something impressive.

What made him laugh the most was its rank, it was not even C which means a weapon worse than the ordinary.

While he was in his thoughts, two really beautiful women had appeared on the scene.

Both girls looked at the young man in front with a loving gaze.

These two girls were Serafin and Satana, who was now known as Lilith and Liana.

Lilith / Liana: "Lord Abysmal / Dragonsito ~"

Both women wanted to run to hug him but stopped when they noticed the spear in his hands.


Yukio was in his thoughts, he shuddered at the nickname 'Dragonsito'.

He looked at the two girls, he knew them very well, they were his 'secret' wives since nobody could enter this place but him.

Although he always looked at them, he could not get enough, they were totally beautiful ...

(To not explain much, I will leave this here. Serafin(Lilith)looks like Mirajane(Fairy Tail) only that her eyes are pink with six pairs of angel pink wings on the back.)

(Satana(Liana) looks like Karen Jinryou(ore ga ojousama gakkou) only her eyes are golden carrying six pairs of demon wings on her back.)

Lilith pointed her finger at the spear: "Etto ... Where did you get that?"

Yukio: "Actually I don´t know, I just know that I made a soul cube merge with the dimensional object ... that is, its seal."

Both girls looked at each other and felt happy before approaching and hugging him.

Lilith / Liana "Absorb our souls!!!"

Yukio: "Eh?" He was dumbfounded ... The two women saw this and decided to tell him.


After a detailed explanation, they did tell him the important things.

Yukio: "Let's see if I understand correctly if I absorb your souls in this spear, it will activate and you will leave this seal, also if I look for strong bodies capable of maintaining them ... Then, you will be reborn with some of my pieces."

Both girls nodded and had smiles on their faces.

He could not even resist a little for their beauty and gave them a little kiss on the forehead.

Lilith: "Eh? ... Why was that?"

Yukio: "Why are you such a beautiful girl?"

She blushed and turned around, but Liana had a look of 'give me more'.

She always scared him ... Her resistance was incredible and her dark side ... Ayy!

Yukio: "Anyway, how do I absorb you?" He changed the subject because he did not want to get into trouble.

Liana: "Tsk ..." She got upset because she wanted more, but she began to explain. "It's easy, you have to aim your spear towards our hearts and we just have to submit."

Neither girl felt upset, after all, they were his wives and they had already submitted to him.

He nodded and waited for them to line up when he pointed the spear towards Liana.

Liana: "I, Liana Hyoudou, I accept being a soul that lives in this weapon from now on, I will be your shield and your faithful servant ... MASTER!"

He was surprised by her action, but even more, about her using his last name .. This woman was very direct, he liked that about her.

Soon her body became particles entering the spear which vibrated and Lilith began to do the same.

After their swearing, both were now in the spear and he had his eyes closed, he was in a space with a beautiful meadow and a high sky, in addition, there was a small house at the end.

Yukio: "What is this place?"

Lilith: "You could call it your heart ... This is where the souls inhabit that you absorb."

Liana: "To clarify, it's not your real heart."

When she said that, he felt something strange ... living in his heart? What metaphor is so good.

Yukio: "I can come to see you right?" That was what worried him the most.

Lilith smiled at him: "Yes, you just have to think about one of us and you will come."

Liana hugged him and became pampered: "Why, don´t you want to see me? Don´t you like me?"

He knew what she wanted and just smiled at her, he gave her a little short kiss on her lips.

Yukio: "I'll come later." Both blushed but nodded and disappeared.


Yukio: "There are two, I need four who should ..." A smile appeared on his face and then he closed his eyes.

He appeared in a dark place with many chains all over the place and walked for a while before finding what he was looking for.

Yukio: "HEY!! Old MAN!!" He shouted towards a house on a mountain.

Scaron: "DO NOT CALL ME OLD!" A guy with silver hair and golden eyes came out, he looked old but wise, he also wore the same mark as him on his forehead in the shape of a black cross.

Yukio: "Aha, yes, how about I propose something?

Scaron: "Propose something to me?

He smiled and stretched his arm with a dimensional opening and from there the spear came out.

He wanted to keep it in the inventory, but the system said that his connection with his soul would be lost, causing his death ...

Scaron looked at the spear strangely before his eyes opened.

Yukio: "What do you think? You should know what it's for."

Scaron pulled out white wings and launched himself forward looking at him.

Scaron: "Are you planning to get me out of here? Even if you do, there is no assurance of finding a decent body in this place for me."

Yukio: "I know, but what about the other dimensions?"

Scaron smiled, it was true in the other dimensions maybe he would have a body even better than his, after all, he was a dragon of rank True Dragon(Neither The Great Red was enough).

Scaron: "Good boy, I accept but do not make me wait so long, I want to travel the worlds." He said with a look of wisdom.

Yukio smiled and pointed his spear towards his heart.

Scaron: "I, Scaron Hyodou, brother and faithful friend of Yukio, I promise to be your weapon and your shield, to be the soul that guides your spear and to be the source of your power ... Master."

He became particles of light entering the spear and Yukio smiled at his oath.

He thought: "Brothers ... Old Man, I see you exactly the same ..."

It was true after all they spent years together, he trained him and they talked about what they would do if someday he left here.


He left that place and his consciousness returned to his body while still in Yasaka's courtyard, apparently, his wounds had healed.

He looked at the spear in his lap and noticed that its tip was now more silvery than the previous one, which gave it a shine.


[Spear Of The Abyss]

-A weapon created by the soul of an Abysmal Dragon, along with three beings of a superior power.-

- Souls trusted to 3/4

-Dragonian skills, Demons, Angels

-A weapon capable of killing the true Gods

-Rank (SS)

-State: The user's body is not fully able to withstand the power, therefore he will have to handle it with care.

He smiled, with this spear he felt calmer for the warning of Ryuta.

He got up and stretched, he was going back inside to look for Yasaka.

Yukio: "Uh, they've arrived." He felt the energy of Kuroka and opened a portal to pick up Yasaka and go to meet her. "It's time to know how much the world has changed since I left."

--- Meanwhile in the 'Heart of Yukio'

Scaron: "This place looks much better than the previous one ... This place is mine." He said proudly and started moving towards the house further away.

Before he could move though, he fell to his knees.

Scaron: "Ahh, this ..."

He saw two women who were looking at him with a frown, he did not know them, but he felt a familiar smell on them.

Scaron: "Ladies ... Will you leave me alone, please?" His pride was already hurt to be absorbed and now two women suppressed him alone with their aura, no doubt they were powerful.

He saw that one of the girls had six pairs of pink wings and a halo on her head, while the other had demonic wings with a tail protruding from her back.

Both girls lowered their auras and approached, the one that seemed to be an angel spoke.

Lilith: "Sorry for the occasion, you suddenly came to our house ... Who are you?"

Scaron: "I am the great dragon of heaven, Scaron."

Liana: "Dragon, what? Pff ~" She laughed while Scaron had a look of embarrassment.

Scaron - I should have imagined it with such beings in front of me. I am like an ant ..-

Lilith: "Don´t laugh, it's bad manners, in his world he is a supreme being, didn´t you know?"

Scaron regained the sparkle on his face: "Do you know my world?"

Lilith: "Yes, I visited it many years ago, it had very nice areas."

Scaron nodded, it was true that his world was really beautiful and then he asked something.

Scaron: "Can I know what you're doing here?"

Both girls looked at him confused but Lilith replied: "The same as you?"

Scaron: "Oh?"

There was a sudden silence and then Scaron processed the information.

Scaron: "Uu ... Did you let yourself be sealed by that brat?"

He regretted his words when the aura rose again, he fell to his knees.

Lilith / Liana: "What did you say? / Insulting my little dragon?"

Scaron suddenly remembered.

Scaron -This smell ... Damn it YUKIOOO!- Both were his wives and now he was here with two of them...

Editor: maave