Gotei 13

Inside what was an abandoned church they found many people looking at each other.

Next to Issei was Rias-senpai and Kiba-senpai.

He saw his friend Asia who was dead, he would certainly have been bothered but Rias-senpai promised to revive her but they had to take care of these fallen angels first,

The four angels had different looks towards them.

Dohnaseek: "Tsk ... Raynare turned out to be lying until this time."

Mittelt: "And to think that we just gave you a simple mission and you failed." They both looked at Raynare.

Raynare: "Why didn´t you do it yourself, then?" She grunted in response.

She did not want to do a mission like that, Azazel sent her just to observe Issei, but these two had different plans.

She wanted to attack her two 'allies' but felt a hand hold her.

Kalawarner: "It's not the time for this, leave it for later we have to get out of this problem first." She whispered.

Raynare nodded and looked at the three enemies in front of them.

Issei: "... Give us back the sacred gear and you can go." He spoke with the fallen angels.

Mittelt: "Oh? ... Don´t you think this guy is funny?" She laughed mischievously as she pulled out a spear of pink light.

Dohnaseek: "Exactly hahaha ... Do you think I can keep the blonde? He looks strong." He said and pulled out a blue light spear.

Mittelt: "Bah, I don´t care, just leave me the redhead, you two take charge of Raynare's mistake." She ordered the two fallen angels.

Both fallen angels nodded.

Rias: "Yuto, you will fight against that man, try not to hurt yourself."

Yuuto: "Yes, Buchou."


Everyone started to fight while his eyes fell on Raynare.

Issei: "Will, you not return it?"

Raynare: "I can´t .."

Issei: "Well, we'll just have to fight it out now."

Without waiting for her to answer he was running towards them, he had only been a devil for a week but knew how to fight because of his previous workouts.

He raised his fist where his glove appeared and hurled it into Raynare's face.

He thought he was going to hit her but felt something coming towards him, he dropped to the floor to roll and when he looked, he saw a yellow spear stuck in place.

Issei: "Tsk ... I thought you would not enter the battle."

Kalawarner: "Sorry boy, but she's my ally, it's my duty to protect her, right?" She spoke seriously while pulling out another spear.

She thought: -This guy, I was thinking about attacking him recently but I could feel that his sacred gear was not normal and it turned out to be true …-


Issei: "Well ... I don´t care." His fist and her spear crashed repeatedly, then she moved her spear trying to cut him horizontally.

He jumped to dodge, but Raynare was waiting for that opportunity.

She threw a spear of light, he covered himself with his glove but the impact made him fall to the ground.

He got up quickly avoiding a spear blow from the blue-haired woman.

Issei: "Ddraig, you should help me, you know?"

He started running in circles while Raynare threw at him some spears, he was dodging them as fast as he could, even still some of them were touching him.

Issei: "Shit, these things hurt!"

Ddraig: "Ready mate ... BOOST!"

Ddraig started screaming five times giving him a x5 Boost.

He stopped and started running towards the blue-haired girl who did not think he was going to go to the front.

Issei: "Take this!" He threw his fist as fast as he could, but she moved to one side dodging it, he expected this.

So he just pushed forward and made them both fall.

He was on top of her.

Kalawarner: "Argh ... What?" She looked at him confused.

Issei: "Hahaha now escape this." He raised his fist and sent her a tremendous blow that hit her face.

Apparently, the blow left her confused, he wanted to hit her again but was sent flying by a strong blow.

Raynare: "Shit Kalawarner, are you okay?"

He got up again and looked at the two women in front.

Kalawarner: "Raynare ... this brat is not as weak as you said." She said as she wiped the blood from her lips.

Raynare: "Believe me, when I met him, it was not like that ..."

Issei: "Return the sacred equipment!" He threw himself at them, Raynare quickly took a spear and threw it again.

He pulled to the side, dodging it, Kalawarner appeared before him with a spear in her hand.

He lifted his glove, he used it to block her spear.

Quickly with his free hand, he hit her hard in the stomach.

Causing her to fall on her knees, without wasting time, he kicked her in the face.

He knew that his punches were not causing much damage.

Raynare opened both hands looking at him and then, suddenly, several spears came towards him.

Issei: "What the hell?" He thought he could not dodge them, but soon before him, red energy condensed that blocked everything.

Rias: "How's your battle going?" Rias came walking with a red aura surrounding her.

Kalawarner: "You ... are from the Bael clan."

Rias: "You could say that, but I'm actually Rias Gremory."

Both fallen angels hearing her name decided it was better to regroup.

Raynare turned her gaze to both sides and became confused.

Raynare: "Where´s Mittelt?"

Rias: "Are you talking about that girl?" She raised her hand releasing some feathers. "I think she retired."

The two fallen angel girls thougth.

-Retired? Yes, of course, it's obvious that you made her disappear.-

Kalawarner: "We are at a disadvantage, and even Mittelt died on her hands, we should leave him here." She whispered to Raynare.

Raynare nodded as she cured herself with the sacred equipment stolen from Asia.

From a distance, they could still hear Dohnaseek's battle.

Raynare: "Let's go now." She whispered and proceeded to turn around.

But Rias saw her intentions and launched a small sphere of destruction.

Both girls dodged quickly, to then see how the place where the sphere had touched began to disappear.

Rias: "No, you both won´t leave, don´t you owe me something?" She asked in a cold tone.

Kalawarner: "Will you risk your life just for a simple sacred gear?"

Rias: "A simple sacred gear? You say it like that, but you still try to steal it that way."

Both fallen angels could not refute.

Issei: "I feel hatred towards you ... But if you return the sacred equipment, I promise to let you go."

Raynare thought: -Don´t you know that when I release the Sacred Gear I'm going to die?-

Kalawarner: "As you can see, if she hands over the sacred equipment, she will die like that girl there." She said as she pointed her finger towards the place where Asia was.

Issei: "Is that true?" He asked towards Rias.

Rias: "It's exactly like that, they could live if they were revived but who would do that?"

Issei then thought about it and spoke: "You killed her without mercy ... Why shouldn´t I do the same with you then?"

Both fallen angels sighed and stood in a battle pose.

Issei ran while his glove shone.

Ddraig: "BOOST! BOOST! BOOST!" He already had 5x, now with these three additional Boosts...

Raynare took out a spear and his first impact broke it easily and hit her chest causing her to spit blood.

Without giving her time, he kicked her in the stomach making her fall.

Kalawarner wanted to attack him but Rias came before her and with her fist wrapped in destruction she tried to hit her but she quickly backed off.

Kalawarner: "What's that?" She watched as Rias was using her power of destruction in her fists. "The Baels did not do such things .."

Rias: "That's true ... But I had a good teacher." Without giving her time she continued attacking, Kalawarner tried to get away from that destructive power.

Meanwhile, Issei looked at Raynare.

Issei: "I don´t understand you ... First, you killed me in cold blood but here you are hesitating to do it again."

Raynare lowered her head, she could not say anything, she was healing with the sacred gear.

Issei: "It's a pity, but I'll have to kill you."

He raised his fist to hit her and finish this but he could see the male fallen angel flying towards here.

Behind him, Yuto was flying.

Instinctively Issei jumped back and a spear of blue light was nailed there.

He quickly approached Raynare taking her by the neck.

Dohnaseek: "Shit, this is your fault, you just had to follow the mission that we gave you as it was due." He was holding her by the neck. "Kalawarner we're leaving."

Kalawarner had a sour expression but flew away from Rias and stood next to Dohnaseek.

Yuto had come along with them and they were looking at these fallen angels.

Issei: "Don´t think we'll let you go like that." He spoke darkly.

Dohnaseek looked at them with hatred and created a blue spear with his free hand: "You do not decide that."

Rias: "But I do." She said as she took a step forward and her hair began to flutter when the red aura surrounded her again, but this time there were many black spots like tattoos forming on her body.

This was the 'Dark Tiger Technique' that Yukio had given her. (Reference Chapter 31)

This technique triples the user's physical power and her magic power doubles.

Rias: "Tyrannical destruction." She whispered, she had had the pleasure of naming her actions due to Yukio.

From her palms, a red sphere was created but it had a strange black glow.

The pressure in the air began to increase.

Dohnaseek felt that this was not good.

Rias smiled and threw the small sphere at the fallen angels.

The sphere soon expanded in size destroying everything in its path.

Dohnaseek: "Shit, Kalawarner help me." He had released Raynare and was trying to stop the sphere with a shield of light.

Kalawarner and Raynare did not waste time, both also created a shield trying to stop it.

Kalawarner / Dohnaseek / Raynare "AHHHHH." They shouted trying to survive, soon the sphere began to reduce its size.

When the sphere reached the size of a soccer ball Rias smiled.

Rais: "Destroy." She whispered

And the sphere soon became completely black and suddenly exploded.

* BOOM * * CRACK *

It was the sound of an explosion and something breaking.

The three fallen angels went flying due to the explosion, all badly wounded.

Raynare not so much since she was healing with the sacred gear, but the one who had the worst was Dohnaseek.

Dohnaseek: "* Cough * Dammit!" He could not get up and he no longer felt parts of his body.

Issei: "Incredible ..."

Yuto: "Yes? ... Not for nothing, they call her the crimson tigress."

Issei: "Crimson Tigress?"

Yuto: "Oh, yes, years ago, a small problem occurred in the underworld and the Buchou participated, everyone was surprised when she started getting tiger marks and managing to eradicate many enemies, she is said to be the first to control her destruction skill so skillfully."

Issei: "I see." He thought and it was true, with those marks she looked like a tiger and her long red hair ... Crimson Tigress, what a fitting name.


Rias: "As I told you ... I can stop them." She had a small smile and Yuto and Issei stood beside her.

Raynare moved to crawl near Kalawarner and started to heal her.

Issei went ahead and looked at the three fallen angels.

Issei: "Rias-senpai ... It's better that we hurry on this." He said looking towards the place where Asia was.

But when he looked there, she was not there, his gaze became incredulous.

Rias saw this and asked: "What's wrong?"

He raised his hand pointing to the place and everyone turned around but the girl named Asia was not there.

Rias: "Where is sh-" She did not finish when a black portal opened in the middle of the fallen angels.

From there two women emerged, dressed in kimono-like robes and with a white cape.

Only by their silhouettes could be seen that they were women since they wore a mask covering their face.

(Think of the Glave mask of elsword)

One was tall, with a very developed body, while the other figure seemed to be a little girl or something.

The only thing they could distinguish was the color of her hair, which was black and the other white.

On the back of the taller one, she had the number 2 in kanji.

While the other had a number 11.

Everyone watched with a tense face as they saw that the taller woman was holding Asia in her arms.

Issei stepped forward and spoke: "Who are you? Give us back the body of Asia."

The two figures ignored everyone and placed Asia on the ground, advancing towards Raynare.

The taller girl turned and spoke.

2nd: "These two fallen angels are under arrest of Gotei 13."

Yuto and Issei were confused by her words.

Issei: "Gotei 13?" He looked at Yuto.

He shook his head, he had never heard of this faction.

Both turned their eyes towards Rias.

But they saw her with a tearful and trembling expression.

Rias: "Y-You ... girls." She was approaching at a slow pace, but an invisible barrier prevented her from moving forward.

2nd: "Please try not to disturb ..."

Issei did not understand what was happening, but ran to Asia only to also hit the barrier.

He wanted to hit her but a scream stopped him.

Ddraig: "Tallboy! .. Do not provoke them." Everyone heard the cry of Ddraig.

Issei: "What's wrong Ddraig"?

Ddraig: "Those girls are very powerful besides ... they are dragons ..."

Rias / Issei / Yuto: "What?"

Issei: "Are they like me?"

Ddraig: "No ... They are original dragons and I can tell you that the older girl has a male dragon mark ... I also feel that whoever it is, is someone very powerful."

He spoke something curious, everyone heard this.

Issei: "Brand? What is that?"

Ddraig: "Oh, I certainly have not taught you, when a dragon finds a female that he likes, she will be marked as his property."

Everyone turned their eyes towards the girl who had the number 2 on her back.

2nd: "You little dragon speak quite a lot .."

Ddraig: "SMALL? WHAT ABOUT ..." He wanted to keep screaming but when he pulled out his he felt a black scaly dragon come to mind making him tremble. "U ... Who ... is it?"

Kuroka smiled behind her mask: "Soon you'll see ..." She approached Raynare and the knocked out Kalawarner next to her.

2nd: "As I said before, these two are under arrest of our Gotei 13."

Everyone was surprised.

2nd: "Captain 11th do the honors."

The little girl with the number 11 nodded and approached Asia in front of the concerned look of everyone.

Issei: "Wait, don´t do anything to her."

2nd: "Hey ... you should calm down, you know, you're quite different from when you fought a while ago."

Issei turned his gaze with surprise.

Issei: "Were you watching us?"

2nd: "It was my mission after all, for now just watch."

The little girl took out a piece of peon glass from nowhere.

The three devils seeing that knew that it was for a Peerage but glass? What was that?

Yuto: "You ... Are you planning to make her your peerage?"

2nd: "No ... it was just a whim of my leader."

11 put the piece of the pawn in the chest of Asia that began to shine for a few seconds and then everything went back to normal.

Both girls nodded and picked up each fallen angel.

2nd looked at the male fallen angel and thought.

-Yu-Kun asked me to bring this girl, as for the blue haired one, I only saved her because I found it interesting ... But this guy.-

She raised her hand pointing towards the fallen male angel.

2nd: "Spatial Distortion." She whispered.

Dohnaseek: "AHHHHHHGH!" He cried out in horror as his body began to shrink until it became nothing.

The face of the three present turned into fear.

2nd raised her hand and soon a black portal appeared before entering, she heard Rias.

Rias: "P ... please wait!" Yuto and Issei looked at Rias strangely, she never behaved like that.

2nd: "What do you need?"

Rias: "You ... are the girl my sensei saved at that time .."

Everyone present was confused, even Kuroka did not understand, but she fixed a little more on Rias and something came to mind.

2nd: "You are Rias Gremory, heir of the Gremory?"

Rias: "Yes ..."

2nd: "I see ... Don´t worry, he will come for you." She said before entering the portal and disappearing next to the 11.


Everything was silent, Issei ran to Asia while Yuto left with Rias.

Rias knelt crying: "I ... I knew it. * Sniffing * You did not die ... I..." She spoke while crying.

Yuto: "Buchou?"

Rias had forgotten where she was, she got scared and woke up.

Rias: "I ... I'm sorry." She wiped away her tears but was really happy on the inside, the person she loved finally came back.

She had wanted to be with him and seeing that he returned, she was full of eternal happiness.

While she was in her thoughts they felt an energy and saw where it came from.

Asia had woken up and looked at her hands.

On her shoulders were two beautiful emerald green wings, but that would mean... She was now a dragon, also if you looked more closely then her eyes had dragon irises.

Soon a voice sounded.

Ddraig: "This is ... Incredible ... There is someone with the power to convert others into original dragons."

Yuto: "Wait, are you talking about someone who is creating pieces to turn someone into a dragon?"

Ddraig: "No ... These pieces of glass you saw don´t do such a thing ... The owner has to be a dragon to be able to create them." He thought for a moment and said.

Ddraig: "Besides ... It has to be a very powerful dragon to be able to do such a thing, if I did something like that it would cost me my life just with one of those pieces.

And the aura of this girl is too unique, she will become strong without a doubt."

Rias: "Strong? ..."

Ddraig: "Yes, if she manages to train a few years maybe you could see the second Ophis."

Everyone was surprised ... And Rias looked at the dark sky.

Rias: "Yukio-sensei ..." she murmured.

Editor: maave