Shuri +18

In the dark room, you could see a woman on top of a man with a mischievous smile, this was Shuri, who after so much waiting for him finally opened her heart to this man who she loves.

---Yukio POV---

I stared at Shuri, who had a big smile and some blush on her face.

I stretched my hand caressing her cheeks, she did not stop me and just took my hand by rubbing her cheeks tenderly.

Yukio: "You know ... You have become much more beautiful since the time I was away"

Shuri smiled broadly "Really? ... Despite being an old woman?" She said hitting my hand even more on her cheeks like she was a spoiled girl.

I shook my head with an expression of denial "Old lady? ... That does not interest me, the truth is that I love you and that's enough ... Besides" I said with a smile and a somewhat derisive tone " Would an old woman have such excellent commodities?!" I told her as my left hand began to caress her ass.

Shuri: "Hyahn!" She was surprised and immediately covered her reddened mouth, as much as possible because of that little scream she made.

Thoughts Yukio - Nice voice! -

I kept moving my hand between her buttocks and pinching her, she seemed happy "You have a beautiful voice ..."

Shuri, she had a funny look, she took her hand away from her mouth and looked at me ... "Really?"

As if the words were not enough, I put my hand on her back, pulling her towards me.

Immediately I began to kiss her, it was slow and fast at the same time, the kiss lasted a minute and when we separated there was a saliva bridge connecting us.

Yukio: "Yes ... besides tasty" I said as I moved my right hand towards her chest.

Shuri: "Mmm! ... Yu, slower!"

Upon hearing her words, I instinctively slowed down my movements, I did not want to hurt her.

She was still human, besides being the weakest among us, she could not withstand me completely.

I decided that I would do it kindly, at least for now.

I took her by the waist and put her on the bed, changing position now that I was on top of her looking at her.

Yukio: "... can I?" Shuri nodded with a small smile.

Immediately I moved my hands to her little robe, just sliding it a bit and when it came off I could see the beautiful body of this woman.

White and milky skin, without blemishes and very nice breasts.

Her nipples and the vaginal area had the biggest pink touch, which gave her a unique sensation, some pubic hairs in her lower area cut in a pyramid shape over her intimate area.

It was too tempting, if Yasaka was a goddess, this woman would be her Cherub.

Shuri seemed to notice my look and smiled triumphantly as she wrapped her arms around my neck, lifted her head a little and brought her mouth to my ear.

Shuri: "I'm your girl ... all yours Yukio-Kun ~"

The lustful tone and her method of calling me made my blood boil, my hand fell on her right chest and I began to caress her breast.

Thoughts of Shuri: - Incredible! Akeno was right! ... His hands really feel incredible. I've wanted this for a long time! ahmm ~ -

Her moans increased and she felt a slight nip in her nipple "aaahn ~" she let out a moan and looked down, only to notice how Yukio sucked and pushed her nipple.

Shuri: "Y-yes! ... Kyah, I love ... Ah, mmm, Yukio-Kun ~ ..."

Her moans echoed in the room, which made Yukio want to play more with her body

Yukio: "Your moans are too melodious, Shuri ..." I said near her ear and immediately began to bite her ear causing moans coming from her, something curious was that I felt my thigh get wet suddenly.

I looked down at my thigh, which was rubbing the vagina of Shuri, her vagina was very wet "Did you like that?"

Shuri covered her face with her hand, realizing what happened

Her ears were her weakest point, she could not stand that someone played with them, she also never mentioned it. Even her ex-husband didn't know about this.

Shuri: "And..yo!" I did not let her finish her words when a hand went down her abdomen and started rubbing her wet vagina "Mm, ah, haah !! ~"

I started rubbing her vagina, I could feel my hands getting wet with her juices, and as I looked at her, she had a lustful look and a silly smile on her face.

I wanted to see more of this face and without waiting I sank my finger in the vagina's opening.


The sound was watery, but my finger came in quickly because of all the juice in the opening, the amazing thing was how tight it was.

Shuri tensed and her body arched, I immediately began to move my fingers in and out

Shuri: "Aaah, Yyuuki! ... Ah, haaahn ~" She was holding on to the sheets "Hwah !!"

Her body was shuddering and I was increasing my speed a little, I wanted to make her feel good.

I wanted to turn her totally into my wife.

I did not stop my fingers and I went a little closer to her planting a kiss on her beautiful pink lips.

Shuri: "Mmn ... Mmm ... Yu!" She moaned and gasped, because of the kiss and her arms went around my neck, I could feel my fingers playing inside her, but my tongue was crooked with hers. "YY-YUKIO! .. I LOVE YOU!". She said loudly with a full smile on her face.

I stopped my movements and I looked at her silently, she looked at me with tears.

With my left hand, I dried her tears while looking at her with tenderness "Do not cry ... I love you too, Shuri, all this time I've done so... You ... you're irreplaceable for me" I said with total seriousness, our eyes met, she smiled at me and made me a gesture asking me to lie down next to her.

I did it and I was lying next to her, she immediately climbed on me, resting her head on my chest.

Shuri: "It's been a long time since I felt something like this ... I can not blame you for disappearing, and I do not want to do it, just ... I ask you to give me a little love, I want to be known as your wife, but not only just one more in your bed, I want to be with you in difficult times ... I know we have a big age difference, but ... I really love you and that's what matters ... I ... "She suddenly felt a hand rubbing her back tenderly, she raised her eyes watching Yukio who was watching her.

Yukio: "I know ... Shuri, do you know why I always talk to you secretly when I was in that world? Because I felt a very strange feeling with you, it was really very relaxing ... Thanks to that, I could hold on for a long time .. I will never regret having saved you that day ... Because of I ... I ALSO LOVE YOU! "

She bit her lip and her tears fell as she squeezed my arms. "Thank you ..." she whispered softly, I kept rubbing her back for a few seconds.

I thought maybe we could sleep like that, but suddenly she lifted her head with a beautiful smile that baffled me.

Shuri: "I'll take what's mine ..." she said as she sat on my erect penis and rubbed it into the opening of her vagina "Hwah! ... It's great ..."

I looked at her carefully, but I smiled and took her waist, I did not wait for her movement, I immediately pushed her down causing my penis to enter right away, in the cowgirl position.

Shuri: "AHH! Hmmm! ~" Her scream and moan echoed in the room, she leaned against my chest with my penis completely inside her, her breathing trembled, but she kept a silly smile on her face.

Yukio: "I'm sorry ... Did I hurt you?"

She raised her head and shook it "N-no ... just let me know next time"

I nodded, we stayed like this for a few seconds waiting for Shuri to get used to it, I did not know how much I could stand it.

After a brief moment, she got up and looked at me before smiling and putting her hands on my chest.

Immediately she began to jump up and down, her moans echoing when I immediately put my hand on her waist going up and down at a great speed.

Shuri: "Hwah, ah, aah, ... Ahn, yes! ..."

Yukio: - How tight! She`s too tight, even more so than Yasaka! -

Yukio: "Kuh, you're amazing!"

Shuri internally rejoiced "Ahm! .. Y-yes?"

I nodded and pushed her towards me, I hugged her tightly and started hitting her vagina with my penis.

Shuri: "Ah! Aah. Haah, aaaahn ~!" She moaned loudly, and her eyes looked cloudy as I made disasters in her tight vagina.

* Pak! Splash! Pak! Splash! Pak! *

The pounding of the skins could be heard everywhere, several watery obscene sounds.

Shuri: "Hyaaaah! Ah, ah ... i-in..inside! ... Inside of me, I feel my insides break apart... Nnahhhh! ~"

Yukio: "You are very sensitive!" I said as I increased my speed more "I love seeing that face of yours!"

Shuri: "N-no! Ah ... D-dont... S-Say that! ... Wahhh! ... It feels too ...good ~ ... aah!"

* Splash! Plak Plak! Splash! *

The sound seemed to increase, also the smell in the room became very obscene, Shuri's gaze was very distant, passionate and lustful as she framed her teeth on Yukio's shoulder.

Shuri: "Hwaahn! Ah, ah, N-no, I can't h-hold on! Gyahh ~ I cumming!

I squeeze Shuri's body with force "I.. Also ... I´m also cumming!!"

Shuri hugged me tightly and her gaze was fixed on me "Inside!"

I did not need any more words, I put my hands on her buttocks squeezing them and making my penis go much deeper, she bit my shoulder hard.

Yukio: "UGH!"

We were both full of pleasure, the lust in us was at its peak and my penis was moving because of the thick sperm that wanted to get out of it.

Shuri: "Gyah ??! Ah, hwah, aaaaaaaaaahhh! ~"

* Gush! Gush! *

I had cum inside her.

Shuri felt all the sperm inside her body, and the hot sensation coming from her vagina, her face showed happiness while she was lying on my chest.

Shuri: "... Ah ... There's so much! ... My insides feel very hot ... ... Hmm!" She felt like there was still a lot of cum coming out of Yukio's penis.

Yukio: "You are amazing Shuri ..." I said in a tender voice, she smiled and we stayed like that, I hugged her tenderly while I attached her more to my body "Let's stay like this ... Can we sleep?"

She nodded and smiled before going back to lie on my chest to sleep, I could still go a few more rounds.

But I was more than satisfied, I soon fell asleep.


On the other side of the door were two very hot women, but they were happy for their 'sister'

They would have liked to enter, but they knew that this time it was special for Shuri, the two girls looked at each other with smiles.

Kuroka: "She was successful ..."

Akeno nodded and said the words they both wanted to hear. "Finally we will do it together!" Both girls put their hands together in an unspoken way and smiled at the thought that they could finally have fun again in bed like in the old days.

Further back you could see a white-haired loli tied with strange black strings from head to toe, with some kind of garment in her mouth, causing her to be unable to speak.

This was Koneko who wanted to go with Yukio, both girls looked at her and sighed.

Kuroka: "I know what you feel sister, but you have to wait ... Soon it will be your turn" She said in the most comforting way possible to her sister.

Akeno came forward with a smile. "If you want, I can give you this," she said taking out a red sphere from nowhere, Koneko opened her small eyes and nodded again and again.

Kuroka, who saw this, pursed her lips, but said nothing, this was her little sister's happiness, she could only sigh "Good luck, Yu!"


The next morning Shuri slowly opened her eyes, looked all over the place and noticed that Yukio was not there.

She felt empty, but she saw a small table next to the bed, which had a lot of food and a leaf on it.

She got up with difficulties and looked at what was written on it.

- Eat everything that is here, you must replenish your energy ... I hope you like this type of food, I had to ask Akeno what your favorite dishes would be!

From: Yukio

For: The most beautiful 'Old woman' in the world!

When she finished reading the sheet, her face was completely red remembering the previous night, but she smiled.

But suddenly she felt arms, which hugged her from her back.

Shuri: "EH ?!" She looked back only to notice Yukio, in a towel, who looked at her tenderly "I ... I thought you left!"

Yukio raised an eyebrow: "How could I leave without first seeing my wife? ... Oi, that's in bad taste!" I answered with a mocking voice.

She laughed a little and leaned backward reclining on my chest.

Shuri: "What do you have planned for today?"

Yukio: "I have to take Koneko to train an acquaintance, then ... I also have to verify that Ophis has not killed anyone ..."

Shuri laughed "You brought a little time bomb to this place yourself"

I just sighed "Well, if something happens, I know Donney will come out and protect them all, he should have almost the same strength as Ophis"

Shuri nodded, Donney was a roc, which Yukio had brought from the world of fairies, rather he had brought many species from there just to allow them to live freely in his dimension.

While we were in this position I began to rub Shuri's stomach.

She got confused, but then she noticed something and touched my hand.

Shuri: "Is that what you want?"

Yukio: "Eh?"

She took my hand tightly and spoke in a low voice. "I know what you want ... The thing is, are you ready for that?"

I stayed quiet and squeezed her hand "No ... I know, but that's what I want" I answered.

She nodded and did not let go of my hands "You know that everything will come at the right time, besides ... I also want it and I will not go anywhere" She said tenderly, we stayed like this for a few seconds, until she went to sit down for breakfast

I sat in a chair in front of her as I watched her, she seemed to notice and blushed.

Shuri: "Is something bad?"

I shook my head "I only think about how beautiful you are every time I see you", I said simply, she blushed and looked away.

Shuri: "Come on, let me eat, then continue with your nonsense, Humpf!"

I could only laugh and looked towards the window.

-What do I wish? Eh ... My age may seem 18, but if I start telling my previous life I would now be 38 years old, obviously, any man of my age would like to have a child.-

Remembering Shuri's phrases "Everything will come at the right time" I nodded and smiled as I watched Shuri eat carefully, I loved my current wives and would undoubtedly make many mini-Yukios.

I got up and gave a small kiss on Shuri's forehead. "Well, it's time to work," I said, and left the room.

Shuri looked at Yukio's back and smiled, then continued her lively eating.

Editor: maave