Rias +18

When Yukio left, all the demons let out a sigh, they were happy that they could obtain such items again, but they had some fear of such a dangerous being.

Even so, they decided to test the waters, for now, everyone said goodbye to the current King Lucifer and left the place.

They were tired and also had to process everything that happened in this place.

Sona sighed and thought of her friend Rias, to think that she found someone so powerful to be her husband, besides she could see that he was a very smart and dangerous young man, to be the Fairy King.

Although she was curious about something else, he was wearing a mask but she felt she had seen it before.

Venelana was still looking at the place where Yukio was standing on, she remembered those eyes that could see even her soul, that strength that he showed and tone of command that nobody wanted to disobey.

She sighed bitterly remembering the kind of man her daughter chose, in addition to that her ex-daughter-in-law was also included in everything.

She did not know how to feel knowing such a thing, but she was taken out of her thoughts when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Sirzechs: "Mother, did something happen to you?"

Venelana: "Oh? ... Not at all, why do you ask?" She said strangely seeing the worried look of her son.

Sirzechs: "Well, you stayed spaced out looking at nothing," He said while shrugging, this day was very chaotic for them.

Venelana smiled and shook her head "It's nothing, better let's go" She said and started walking.

She could not tell him, that that boy made her feel strange inside, she shook her head -It's my daughter's boyfriend ... By God I'm married!-

--- Dimension of Yukio ---

Yukio had barely arrived when he was assaulted by a hug from Rias.

Rias: "YUU !!" She jumped on him as a koala would hang on a tree, rubbed her head several times on his chest.

Yukio: "Hey, I will not go anywhere, at least let me walk!" He said trying to detach himself from his new 'koala', but she did not let go and smiled as she continued rubbing and hugging him harder.

Everything was seen by the other women who had smiles on their faces, Kuroka looked at him and made a sign with her fingers.

Yukio looked at her and smiled

The meaning of those signs coming from her, Kuroka was a very understanding and kind woman, although sometimes she was stubborn, she was always looking for the happiness of both

Kuroka took all of them, leaving Rias alone with Yukio.

Yukio: "Could you stop hugging me like this? We can´t talk if we continue like this." He said while looking at the girl, Rias nodded and released him but still held his arm.

He smiled softly "I will not escape."

Rias blushed "Promise, will not you leave me again?" She said worriedly.

Yukio grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to himself "I promise, I will not leave you behind again," he said and proceeded to plant a kiss on Rias' beautiful pink lips.

Rias: "Hmm ?!" She opened her eyes and was surprised to see how he kissed her without warning, but she did not resist and she immersed herself in the passionate kiss.

* SMOOCH! * * SPLASH! * * CHU! *

His kisses were intense when Yukio rubbed Rias' back, both submerged at that moment.

It was fortunate that this place was a deserted place, where it was practically a forest, nobody would bother them in this place.

He stopped the kiss looking her in the eyes, he could see the look and smile of Rias silly face, which made him feel happy.

Yukio: "I can not believe how beautiful you've become ..." he said in a low voice while caressing her cheeks.

Rias blushed heavily and took Yukio's hand. "Really? ... I waited so long to hear those words come from you" She said smiling.

Yukio laughed at her comment, her expressions of a flushed girl were funny. "Seriously, you've changed from being a problematic girl to a refined woman."

Rias inflated her cheeks "I was never a problematic girl!" She grunted in response, as she looked at Yukio defiantly.

Yukio raised an eyebrow and smiled mockingly "Really? ..." He put his hand to Rias' ass while caressing her, something that made the girl feel ecstatic, but he suddenly stopped "That's bad, and here I thought you were my problematic girl."

He shrugged his shoulders while looking at her mockingly, Rias understood his actions, wanted to reproach but did not want to argue now, she wanted to be with him and clenched her teeth "I ... I'm a problem girl," she said. Quickly while hiding her face with her hands.

- This fool! He is making fun of me!- She wanted to hit him, but at the same time, she felt great inside.

Yukio laughed at her comment and returned to caress her ass. "That's good, in that case, you'll be my girl." His voice was tentative for Rias, she looked at Yukio stunned before they started kissing again.

Rias felt a current all over her body, the kiss and the feeling of being caressed by the man she loved, was something worth feeling.

Her mind was giving crazy ideas, soon she felt a hand go down her abdomen she instinctively closed her legs with strength catching the hands of Yukio.

Yukio raised an eyebrow and stopped the kiss watching her "I'm sorry .. Too soon?" He said in a loving voice, Rias looked away.

She was very excited, but she did not know if this would make him think she was an easy girl. "No... It's just that ... How many of us are there really?"

She had a question, something that was bothering her since she heard from Ddraig that both previous girls were marked.

Yukio looked at her carefully and sighed "I know what you think, and no, I love each one of you equally." He looked at her tenderly "I have fallen in love with each one, as if they were the most important person in the world, there is no discrimination and I have no problems in being with all of you."

Rias who was listening had a smile, as she was worried to discover that Yukio had many women around.

Yukio: "As for your answer ... it would be five ... with you six," he said in a low voice while looking at the expression of Rias.

Rias made a mental account while remembering all the girls she saw, before they were left alone, there were more than five, that meant she was one step ahead of some.

She smiled and hugged Yukio's neck tightly. "I do not know how things will be done, but I want to be spoiled on several occasions," she said in a tender tone, Yukio laughed.

Yukio: "You are a greedy girl, eh!"

Rias only nodded with a smile and proceeded to kiss him, she had loosened the grip of her legs and Yukio's hand began to wander between her sacred zone.

She gritted her teeth hard when she felt a finger enter her vagina.

Rias: "Guh!" She clung to Yukio's neck, both were still standing and she was facing away from a tree while Yukio kissed her neck.

Yukio: "Does it hurt?" He asked worriedly.

Rias shook her head "I was just surprised ..." She felt nervous, it was her first time and Yukio was playing with her sacred area with great skill.

Rias: "Ah ... Nngh, aaaah!" She started moaning when Yukio's finger came in, he was also caressing her breasts while kissing her neck.

She could not stand every stimulation, it was something new for her when "I´m ! ... C-cumming!" She came between Yukio's hands, and hid her face with her hands in shame.

Yukio took her hands and smiled. "You're beautiful". He kissed her immediately, Rias forgot everything, out of embarrassment that they were outside.

She just wanted to continue like this with him.

She felt something in her lower area, it was not a finger or a hand but something thick and hard.

She separated from the kiss and looked down, she could only see Yukio's cock that was hitting her vagina.

She looked at Yukio in a daze, she did not know how to do it, but she was not thinking clearly anymore, she wanted it, ¡she wanted it!

Rias: "No ... I can´t stand it anymore .." She said in a low voice, Yukio hit her even more against the tree while brushing her penis against the vaginal entrance.

Yukio: "This hurt a little, just try to hold on, it will go away immediately," he said tenderly before his penis entered little by little.

Rias nodded like a scared girl "GAH!" She screamed suddenly when Yukio's penis was inserted into her vagina.

Yukio kissed her quickly to calm her pain, she was kind and it seemed to work when she started to moan pleasantly.

Rias: "Haah, haah ... yes," she moaned and clung to Yukio's neck "I-I can take it ... keep going"

Yukio nodded and began to increase his speed "Rias!" he screamed with feelings as the girl's vaginal walls tightened, he saw her blood and vaginal juice come out in each shake.

Rias: "Ahhn, ahh, hahn ... Yukio!" She was too ecstatic, she could feel how Yukio's penis ran through every inch of her vagina, rolled up along its walls and seemed to want to break it.

Yukio buried his head between Rias' chest, while he chewed on her nipples, which caused the girl's moans to increase.

The sound echoed in the forest, it was pleasure what could be felt besides the smell in the air.

Rias took the head of Yukio while he stuck it between her big breasts, she could not stand so much excitement, she felt that at any moment she would come.

Rias: "My breasts! ... Ahh! Hmmm! Don´t chew any...more!" She spoke in a ragged way, and although she said not to bite them, she herself wished for him not to stop.

Yukio suddenly pulled her both legs placing her in an 'M' position in the air and crashing her back against the tree "I love you Rias" He said and began to penetrate even stronger.

Rias felt every movement, her face maintained a lusty smile while holding on to the head of Yukio who skillfully sucked each nipple.


After an hour, there could be seen two young people lying on the grass, the young man was lying on the floor while the girl was on top of him with a smile while she was asleep.

Yukio watched Rias smile as he stroked her back.

Yukio: "I can not believe how beautiful you have become ..." Although he had already seen the anime, it was too surprising ...

He did some magic to make them both be in now what appeared to be a bed made of herbs.

He put some barriers in place and decided to fall asleep.

--- Dimension of Yukio, House ---

In one room, there was a girl with black hair tied in a ponytail, she was Kuroka who was sitting on the bed in a beautiful transparent white sleep dress watching a woman with silver hair.

Grayfia: "... is what you say true?" She asked in a curious tone.

Kuroka nodded animatedly "Why would I lie to you? ... At first, I was thinking of telling Akeno, but I feel you have the same taste as me!" She said in a flirtatious and half-mocking tone.

Grayfia blushed slightly and nodded "... when will it be?"

Kuroka: "He will go with Ophis when he returns, it will be our turn to act!" She said raising her fist in a victory pose.

Grayfia smiled, and Yukio had told her that Kuroka was very similar to her.

She had also heard from Akeno that Kuroka was the queen of the harem, and although she seemed kind and loving, she had her bad side.

She did not want to meet her, she knew that the strength of the girl in front of her would be very terrifying, she could not even feel any of her aura.

She nodded "In that case ... We'll do it together."

Kuroka smiled and shook her hand with smiles.

Inside the room was a small Phoenix looking at the conversation, it was a dark-colored Phoenix and it looked beautiful.

Phoenix: "Oh, Master! I'm going to pray for you!" She said upon learning that both women planned to sleep with their beloved teacher.

Editor: maave