
The four wives of Yukio had quickly returned to the dimension since they were supposed to sneak out, they did not want to reveal anything even a little about this.

This had to be a surprise for their husband, they came before the captains building while they looked at each other.

Grayfia: "I know that Rias-san and Issei-san can do it ... Only our part remains, how will we do it now?"

Akeno: "I really don´t know ..."

Shuri looked at her friends and smiled: "And if we ask for a day to spend together? We can convince him by saying that we want to spend some time in that place, that´s all."

The other girls thought about it and decided it was a good idea, suddenly Grayfia realized something: "And where´s Kuroka-sama?"

Now they realized that Kuroka was not in the place.


Yukio had reached his dimension, with him were Ophis and Yaeko, they had returned to the forest where they met for the first time.

He looked affectionately at his daughter "Now where do we have to go?"

Yaeko made a nervous expression and sighed ".. Follow me ..."

Yukio started to follow her, he got an idea of who this woman could be, due to the appearance of his daughter ...

He looked at Ophis: "Do you want to come? After all, now you will start living with me .."

Ophis nodded and decided to follow him, she wanted to be with him, and she was already planning to tell him.

The three of them walked along the road, there were nice houses for the villagers, some had already learned that little Yaeko was the daughter of the Fairy King, that caused great rumors and verifications that some had felt that for years...

Yukio was behind his daughter, he could not help laughing a little at seeing her walk so nervously "Hey, why are you so nervous? Are you afraid she will scold you?"

Yaeko stopped and looked at him before breathing in: "It's not just that ... You did not know about me ... And you'll be mad at Mom, right?"

Yukio crouched down to her height and combed his daughter's hair: "Although I admit that I am upset with this, I can not hate your mother, after all, she gave birth to my daughter ..."

Yaeko nodded, she had to trust in everything he said "... You'll let her explain everything to you? ... She loves you very much ... she's always talking to herself or watching your photos .."

She knew that her mother had a secret, and she wanted her father to listen to everything before there were problems.

Yukio nodded "Well, I'm going to listen to her, as I said, you do not have to be worried ... You know, I'm very happy to have a little daughter ..." He said it sincerely.

Yaeko took courage from his words and proceeded to walk, she would no doubt advocate for her mother.

Yukio started to follow her again, Ophis had taken his hand, he directed his gaze towards her.

Ophis: "... Are you okay?"

Yukio: "I think so ... I admit that I really do not know what to feel, happiness or anger."

Ophis squeezed his hand and stuck to him as they walked: "It will be all right."

Yukio sighed and nodded, he had to really listen to the explanation and know why all this happened, he felt somewhat warm with the actions of Ophis.


After a walk of a few minutes, they arrived in front of a beautiful house, its appearance was very different from that of the other villager's houses.

It was more like a Japanese house, Yukio felt curious, it was as if he had come to this place sometime before.

Yaeko looked at her father, she then took a lot of courage and opened the door.

Suddenly a voice came from inside.

???: "Yaeko-chan? Is it you? I told you not to leave for so long, you had me worried."

Yaeko: "... Mom, I'm sorry but I brought some people with me." She said quietly.

Yukio and Ophis had entered.

From the inside sounds and steps were heard: "Did you bring guests? Mou! You should tell me before I haven´t prep ... Yu .."

Yukio could see a beautiful woman with black hair and pointed ears, pure golden eyes, wearing a housewife dress but had an expression of anguish on her face.

Yukio: "... Saemys ..."

Saemys looked at everything with fear, then to her daughter who was next to Yukio, she knew that this was going to end badly.

Saemys: "A-ah, W-what brings you here, you looked for me?" She tried to look normal.

Yukio nodded: "Yes ... I guess? I met a little girl who said she was my daughter ... and it turned out to be true, could you explain it to me?"

Saemys bit her lips, she had tried this whole time to approach Yukio to apologize for what happened years ago, and tell her about Yaeko but now ... How could this happen?

Yukio was supposed to have told her that Kuroka had forgiven her, she was now looking for a way to tell him about Yaeko ...

Saemys: "Yes ..."

Yukio nodded and entered the house, the reason he seemed familiar with the place, it was here ... It was this same place where everything happened years ago.

Saemys looked at her daughter, she sighed: "Please ... Could you go to your room? I need to talk to ... your father."

Yaeko nodded and looked worriedly at her mother, then at her father.

Yukio smiled at her: "Come on when I finish talking with your mother I'll play with you for a while."

Yaeko nodded and left, Ophis decided to wait outside.

Saemys was nervous and did not dare to look at Yukio, she knew that he should be really mad at her.

Yukio looked at her and decided that he could not solve anything like this so he got up and walked towards her.

Saemys immediately got scared and looked at him "W-what?"

Yukio sighed and placed his hand on her cheeks "Why are you behaving like that? ... Are you not my wife? Would you believe that I would hurt you or something similar? I just want you to tell me why you hid all this for such a long time, it's the only thing that I want to ask." His tone was affectionate but also drowned.

Saemys stared at Yukio and she felt stupid, she was his wife, but also made the worst mistake to hide this fact, she immediately took the hand of Yukio.

Saemys: "... Can we speak in another place? I want to tell you everything from the beginning."

Yukio nodded and took her in his embrace before disappearing from the site, now they were both out of the village, on a rock, this was the place where he always spoke with Ophis.

Saemys looked at the moon and sat down.

Yukio did the same while he was at her side, Saemys looked at him and leaned on his shoulder while closing her eyes.

Yukio started stroking her hair, he knew that this woman loved him, and he loved her too ...

There is something that only Kuroka and he knew ... Saemys was and always will be, his first woman actually.

Saemys enjoyed the caresses of her husband, for years they were not together, she began to remember everything and proceeded to talk.

Saemys: "... It all started that day."

--- POV Saemys

My name is Saemys Moon, my family was the patriarch of a small clan, a clan dedicated to the pure elves who worshipped the moon, that's why they called us lunar elves.

To the surprise of many, we were blessed by the same moon, in the night when the moon came out we obtained the marks of blessing, which was a crescent moon on our forehead.

Because of this, my family quickly gained a prestigious position, my father Pegasus, became powerful by the blessing of the moon, it gave him new powers and soon he became the Elf King, but that was not all.

He even fought for the position of the Fairy King, the fairies were a species that did not care if their King was of their own kind or not, he just had to fulfill their ideals and it would be perfect.

Years passed and he could be crowned as the King of the Fairies, which made me the princess, my life was full of happiness, thanks to my reputation as a princess who had many suitors and simple life.

My sister and my mother were always by my side, we always talked about what our life would be like, or when I got married because I had a commitment to an elf named Vasael, although I was really against this commitment.

Even so, my sister thought otherwise and always congratulated me, I had to give her an ironic smile, but that was the least of my problems, our life is too long, I even had to wait for years to marry him.

That was something that relieved me because from now to my engagement, I could have already fallen in love with another man, my father was not strict with this, he had given me a solution, if I really did not want to get married I could find my own love.

Obviously, I had accepted that our life was full of happiness, a father who was the king, everyone respected you and being flattered was something that I liked.

But happiness cannot be forever, right?

It all happened one night when I slept in my room ...


A sound was echoing throughout the castle, I was surprised and immediately I got up to check what it was.


Every sound became heavier and I started to worry when I heard sudden cries.

"Move, do not take too long or we will have problems!" I heard a scream from a man coming from a room, I immediately peeked out just to watch a horrible scene.

There in that place, there were many maids and butlers killed, the man who was speaking had ears and a long tail of a wolf, around him there were other people of different species.

But you could only see blood all over the place, I immediately got scared and covered my mouth while I covered myself behind the wall.

"Did you find them?! We can not stay here for long." Shouted the werewolf while holding a large bag in his hands.

"That damn woman managed to escape, but I managed to capture the other two, we must leave before the damn King arrives", said a tall man, he looked more like a giant bear.

When I heard his words I looked out, I could see that this man was carrying two large bags on his back.

"Grrr! Mmm!!" Someone seemed to scream from the bag, I assumed that someone was being gagged.

The man quickly grabbed the bag and hit it against the wall.


There was a muffled sound in the bag and then it did not move anymore, the man reloaded the bag and left the place.

When the men went out, I looked at this place with horror, I could see many dead people, but it was not like I never saw it before.

Immediately I ran to my mother's room, but when I arrived, it was destroyed, without thinking much I went to my sister, I sighed when I noticed that the door was closed and in good condition,

I opened it slowly but there was nobody ... Actually, this place was empty,

"Sister...?" I throw myself on the floor ... "Two more? ... That woman escaped? ... Mother, sister? It cannot be or if ..." I was very stunned.

I had heard the man say that one escaped, and caught the other two ... We are three ... Do not tell me that they were searching for me.

Immediately I started crying, I could not believe that my mother and my sister had been captured ...


After a few hours, my father arrived and found me in the room, I frantically told him everything that had happened.

He got angry and immediately sent thousands of guards to look for the culprits, and to rescue my mother and sister.

I was really worried, but my father told me that I should be calm, that he was sure that they would come to ask for a ransom.

When I heard it, it relieved me "Really?"

Pegasus: "Yes, I do not doubt it, ¿would they risk it if it is not to get some money? We will have to wait a bit for someone to come and negotiate."

His words made me feel safe and I began to wait every day at the gates of the castle.

But a week had passed ... And it was then, that a guard told us that he had found something in the forest.

My father and I immediately rushed to the place, when we arrived, there was a small cabin, while we went straight into it.

We could see many guards with their heads down, and looking at us pitifully.

My heart squeezed and I accelerated my step, we entered and it seemed like a normal place, but a guard guided us to what was an underground passageway.

My nose caught a horrible smell, but I kept walking ... But I wish I had never come down there.

"M-mother ... sister." My eyes started to get wet, my mouth was dry and I could not believe anything that I saw.

There in front of me was my mother and sister in chains ... Naked and bruised on their bodies, my mother was missing an arm and my sister had no fingers.

There was a white liquid running through their bodies and blood all over the floor, I walked hesitantly towards them, but the guards stopped me.

"T-this cannot be", I said in a low voice "Yes ... this is a dream? Is it not true? father!" I said while looking at him.

My father was crying and being calmed by two guards, he looked at me and I immediately cried too, my mother and sister were dead.

They were tortured a whole week just for our incompetence ... That was when I wished I had never gotten out of bed that day, I could have been kidnapped, I also wanted to die with them, I could not stand this pain in my chest.

--- One year later

I was now holding a knife in my hands, which was full of blood and under me were six bodies all stabbed, some were missing their eyes, their limbs or their tongues.

I had even opened their heads to see if they had brains because these bastards were the murderers of my mother ... Did they really believe that I would leave them alone like this?

No ... I searched for them all this time, and when I found them I tortured them for three weeks, even hired vagabonds for them to be raped.

Their faces full of despair made me laugh, I started laughing when I remembered this, but next to me was my father while he was dressed in black.

We had both been exiled from the Fairy Kingdom because nobody accepted my father's ideals, that's why we stole graves and turned many dead corpses into corrupt Fairies.

We wanted to change this world, a world where nobody suffered and could see their loved ones, we only needed the materials and we could recreate life itself.

But that was only possible if we got the fairy core, it was a small crystal embedded right in the heart of the first fairy king.

My father knew where he was so we started a war against the fairies, which caused a massive battle.

The other races were also involved, but we did not give them any importance.

We only had one goal, to revive my mother and sister.

My father approached me, I had not seen him smile for years, well I also went through the same thing.

Pegasus: "I just received the information that this hateful protector of the fairies arrived, I need you to get rid of him, he is still weak, so you will be enough for that."

I looked at him and then nodded, I did not care who got in the way of my plans, I would kill him.

My father gave me the place where the protector was staying and immediately I went for him, two corrupt fairies followed me, they were beings full of dark substance, I had left them far away from the city, where the protector was supposed to be.

When I found him I could only see a young boy, he seemed to be only 15, l smiled when I saw that killing him alone was a matter of ease.

I hope he is alone and I have the opportunity to attack him, but before reaching him, I was stopped by strange chains.

Saemys: "Argh!" l screamed because these chains squeezed me too hard.

The boy turned to look at me seriously: "Can I know why you are trying to kill me? What blood thirst you have for me …?"

I looked at him in a hostile way, but he simply shook his head and sat down again but this time looking at me.

Yukio: "Then? ... Will you tell me why or will we be here all day? Believe me, I have nothing better to do, but if Miley-san finds out that someone attacked me, she will be very angry."

l grimaced, I knew who Miley was ... Miley Sholang, a pretty powerful war fairy.

Saemys: "Do you think that's enough for me to be afraid? You're just a child that ruins our plans, you do not belong in this place and you should leave!"

As soon as I said those words, I saw that the boy's expression became heavy and sad.

Yukio: "It's true that I do not belong to this place, but I can not leave either ... And you know whose fault it is, it's yours, damn it!"

I saw how he got angry all of a sudden and started screaming at me several things that I did not understand until he calmed down, I looked at him strangely.

Saemys: "... kill me ..." I told him to put an end to my life, I preferred to go to my sister and mother.

But the boy did not move and just looked at me again before going away and removing the chains.

Yukio: "Stop ... I will not kill someone because they tell me to, don´t bother me." He said with an annoyed expression and left.

I stood there without understanding, I watched his retreat and felt a presence getting closer, so I left quickly.


After that day I continued observing him, I knew he knew I was looking at him since sometimes he looked right where I was and smiled at me.

I started to get confused by his actions, I was supposed to be here to kill him, but he was still behaving like that, even if he caught me again, he let me go.

I was delaying this too much, one day accidentally some Fairies managed to discover me, I fought against them but there were too many to win and I had to escape.

While I ran I felt the presence of the person I feared most in this place ... Miley Sholang, her presence was approaching at a terrifying speed.

I knew that I was going to die, I did not know if I was happy to finally see my mother and sister again, or feel guilty for not fulfilling my promise to revive them.

But before I could say anything I was knocked down and being carried in the arms of a man.

When I looked, I was surprised, it was this silly boy again, but now he was saving me and hiding me in a small house.

Saemys: "What are you doing?!" I could not help screaming at him.

Yukio: "Shh, if you scream they'll know you're here, better keep quiet and wait, okay?"

I was stunned and could not understand this child: "Don´t you understand that I'm here to kill you?! Why do you always let me go, am I not worthy in your eyes as an enemy?!" I told him with all my rage.

But he covered my mouth, I looked at him incredulously.

Yukio: "Shh, I told you to be silent, and if you want to know why I let you go, I do not want to kill you, I do not know why you want to die so much, you know, just shut up for a second."

I looked at him angrily but nodded, but this asshole still did not remove his hands from my mouth, I started trying to bite him.

Yukio: "... Could you stop doing that? It feels uncomfortable ..."

I rolled my eyes, if you feel uncomfortable, remove your damn hand, that's what I thought.

We were in that place for a few minutes, after he felt that everything was safe, he smiled at me and took my hand from his mouth.

Yukio: "Well, you're safe ... I think I should help you out of the village, if they see you again it will be difficult to escape." He said while rubbing his chin thinking about a plan.

I sat on the floor and looked at him strangely "Why are you doing this?"

Yukio: "Do what?"

Saemys: "... Protect me ... It's impossible that you would just happen to be there by chance and you would see me in trouble ... You were watching me right?"

He scratched his head and laughed: "You discovered me, uh ... Well, I do not know, you just seemed interesting to me and I wanted to protect you, okay?"

I frowned: " I am interesting? Are you an idiot, do you not understand I'm going for your life?"

Yukio: "Yes, yes, but you always fail, don´t you?"

I sighed and did not know what to say, I just leaned on the wall.

Yukio: "Can I know why you are doing this?"

Saemys: "Trying to kill you?"

Yukio: "Well that too, but I was talking about why you're on his side ..."

I looked at him and shook my head: "It's not your problem ... Can I leave or do you plan to keep me here all day?"

Yukio: "When did I stop you? You're the one who leaned against the wall", he said with a shrug.

I took one last look and left, this child was very strange.

Then it happened that, from that day, instead of me being the one who was seeing him, it was he who suddenly appeared to talk to me.

He started telling me many silly, but funny jokes, or he brought me a lot of food, it was quite peculiar, and for some reason, I started talking to him while he kept me hidden from Miley or the guards.

Without knowing it, one day I told him about my life, he got very angry but he also reproached me.

He told me that if he revived my mother and my sister, what would they think? Would she not revive them with the memory of their life? They will not want to live knowing what they suffered, that pain would return to them.

That made me open my eyes, it was true, it would only be causing them a lot of pain, something horrible and ruthless which made me feel sad.

But suddenly he told me that I could revive them with those memories sealed, but not now, maybe in the future.

I did not know whether to believe him, but for some reason, his words were recorded in my mind.

Over time I felt an emotion every time I looked at him, he introduced me to Kuroka and she easily became my friend.

At first, I was against this, but she turned out to be a great friend that even helped me to sneak around to be with Yukio.

The three of us always talked and Kuroka one day showed me a mark on her chest, it was from a dragon, she said it was because she was loved by Yukio.

I smiled and congratulated her, but ... did I feel jealous?

I started having feelings for that silly child, despite being older than him, what a joke ...

But it was inevitable, right? One day it happened, me and him ... I became his wife ... No ... One of his woman!

--- One year later

Yukio and I were in a Japanese house, this house was created by Yukio for us, a few months ago Yukio told everyone about us.

Some were cautious because I was the daughter of the enemy, that was obvious, but Yukio defended me a thousand times until everyone surrendered.

Kuroka was somewhat jealous, but happy about everything, she was his first wife, but not his first woman ...

She always reproached me for that, but I could not do anything about that, right?

Yukio and I lived a quiet life together, Kuroka was always with us and we always had fun together.

Whether we went out or spent time as a family, we became sisters, either in bed or outside the house.

But one day I felt a familiar presence and I had to walk away to see him ...

Saemys: "Father ..."

Pegasus: "You betrayed me ... YOU BETRAYED YOUR MOTHER AND SISTER!" He shouted while he was really angry, he always thought that his daughter was fulfilling his orders but he discovered that in fact, she had fallen in love with the enemy, what thing was more cliche than this.

Saemys: "No, Father, you do not understand, if we do this if we revive my mother and sister in this way we will only make them suffer!"

Pegasus: "LIES! Are you an idiot? They have brainwashed you, you do not understand our mission, our promise! We have to revive them at all costs!"

Saemys: "No! You're wrong, you can´t do this, you have to listen to me or everything will end badly!"

Pegasus showed a furious expression: "You're a wretch!"

Saemys got too angry and turned around: "If you keep this up ... I'm going to stop you ..."

It was my words before I left, but without me knowing it, my father ... he used something on me.

He had shed some of my blood that he kept in his magic scepter, and he controlled me mentally for a mission.


It had already been two weeks since I spoke with my father, and I was feeling strange.

I had mild headaches and sometimes I was sick which worried Yukio a lot.

Yukio: "You should not strain yourself, stay in bed now while I take care of you", he said in a loving way while kneeling by my side.

I was lying on something called a futon, I was being spoiled by my husband while I was sick.

I could not be happier and we were both flirting, Kuroka suddenly arrived and smiled.

Kuroka: "You never leave him for me... Oh, I feel excluded." She said in a funny way as she leaned on Yukio.

I looked at her and laughed: "Mou! Sister, leave your lies! I know you have taken advantage of the fact that I am sick, you have been spending a lot of time alone with Yu!

Kuroka began to whistle while diverting her gaze comically.

Yukio was laughing while he put a wet cloth on my forehead: "Well, with this you'll have to wait a little longer for Miley to come with the medicines, I do not understand why my pills do not work for you."

I smiled at him, this fool had given me so many medicinal pills of his system: "Honey ... Do you treat me like a pack of pills? You've already let me consume a lot."

Yukio showed an expression of embarrassment and laughed: "Haha .. I'm sorry."

The three of us laughed until I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was night, I felt better and I got up, I could see Yukio sleeping next to me I was very happy to have my husband.

I kissed him on the cheek before seeing the street through the window, the wind hit my face refreshing me and I felt like new.

Suddenly arms surrounded me lovingly, I knew it was Yukio and I leaned on his chest: "Did you wake up?"

Yukio: "It doesn´t matter, do you feel better?"

Saemys: "Yes ... Even if you hug me a little stronger ... Who knows, I could feel even better", I said somewhat pampered.

Yukio laughed at me, but he did as he was told and we both started looking out the window, this feeling was nice.

I turned around and immediately kissed him, I loved my husband, I was comfortable with my current life.

We both got undressed and what we most wanted happened.


The next day we were both out of the village while Kuroka collected some fruits.

Kuroka was now my older sister, a woman that I respected, she was strong enough, I was happy because this was my new family.

But as I said before, happiness cannot be forever, all three of us felt a dark presence surround us, they were several corrupt creatures.

Saemys: "Father ..."

Yes, right in front of us, my father had appeared looking at us with hatred.

Pegasus: "Well done Saemys, you've finished your mission, come back, we should go now."

Saemys: "What? What are you talking about?"

Yukio stood in front of me to protect me: "What do you want? If you want to kill me, just try to come against me, but leave them out of this."

Kuroka quickly put herself next to Yukio in case there was a battle.

I did not understand what my father said, but I saw him smile.

Pegasus: "Kill you? I would really like to, but I will not be the one to do it ... Isn´t that right, little girl?"

I frowned, I was about to scream at him but my hands moved by themselves and before I could do anything.


My hands were full of blood ... In them, I held a pure black dagger and I had... I stabbed Yukio.

Kuroka pushed me quickly while trying to heal Yukio.

Yukio looked at me incredulously, I was terrified: "I-I did not, I did not do this."

l looked at my Father who had a broad smile on his face and the scepter in his hand turned to ashes.

Saemys: "You! You controlled me!" I shouted with rage and my tears fell, my husband, I killed my husband, I wanted to approach but Kuroka immediately attacked me.

I dodged quickly just to notice how Kuroka looked at me with hatred and tears: "Do not touch him!"

Saemys: "S-sister this is not-"

Kuroka: "Shut up, I told you not to touch him", she said unleashing her power.

My father started laughing and left as if he had won everything.

I started crying while I watched everything.

My family, the person I loved, with my own hands I had stabbed him and my sister now hated me.

The corrupt creatures began to take me with my father, I did not resist, my eyes were fixed on Yukio who barely breathed while looking at me, I was crying.

I lost everything that day ...

--- Two years later

The years had passed, the battles intensified I found out that Miley Shalong had died, Yukio had survived my attack, but he was really very hurt which resulted in the death of Miley while trying to protect him.

I also learned about his achievements, but more of his losses, my heart cracked into pieces, I spent every day crying in my room, I did not want to eat but ... I had to.

Why you may ask? Because I got pregnant ... I had become pregnant with Yukio´s child, I could call this happiness because I had at least one child of the man I loved, I knew I could not be with him anymore...

I would make sure to give a lot of love for my son or daughter.

But without anyone knowing I was also making a seal, I wanted to use it against my father, and then came a perfect day, the opportunity was presented.

My father's army was annihilated by Yukio, and he managed to escape very hurt, I took advantage of that when I sealed him in a dimension for evil beings.

Shortly after that everyone and the Fairys calmed down, Yukio married Rose ... She was the Fairy next in line for the throne causing Yukio to now be King of the Fairies.

I chose to train very hard, I wanted to become quite strong and even more when it came to light that Yukio was recruiting powerful beings for an organization called Gotei 13.

l did my best and exceeded my limits when I got to register I was given the position of Captain, but Kuroka appeared at that time ...

She had a battle with me and only defeated me after a great battle, she told me that I would be her Lieutenant.

I knew that she wanted to keep an eye on me ... She still hated me ...

My time as a lieutenant, I could see Yukio again, but he ... was ignorant.

I felt sad, but I had to be strong, I already had a daughter and that should suffice.

I had heard the rumors which were about me, being one of the King's wives, well, that was not a lie, since I always proudly showed my brand, but in reality ... I was just someone abandoned.

I started making friends, one was Bills, he was a captain, I always did many mischiefs and that very idiot was trapped in them every time, that led to many scoldings.

But I ignored all that and had fun, because ... every time I made a prank, Bills immediately complained to Yukio, and he always came to scold me.

Maybe someone would think it was annoying to be scolded, but not for me, after all, I could always see him again, even though he only came to reproach me for many things like the King he was.

That was enough for me, I was happy with that ...

Then it happened, one day I saw him as he brought a new member to the captains building.

Bills saw me spying, and I had to immobilize him so he would not say anything, but the door opened and we fell.

Yukio looked at me very angry, I was afraid and wanted to escape, but when he spoke to me I could not resist telling him what I wanted.

To my surprise, he hugged me and treated me fondly saying that Kuroka was no longer angry, that meant ... I could go back to him?

I could go back to the family that I had lost for so long ... Could I be the wife of the man I love again?

I wanted to tell him about our daughter, to tell him that all this time he has had a daughter.

I did not know what to say, but I never thought that my own daughter was going to give me away so fast.

This is how it came to this situation.

--- End of the POV

Yukio was looking at Saemys who was lying on his shoulder with some tears in her eyes.

He immediately laid her on his lap, she seemed tired after going through this and had fallen asleep.

Yukio looked at the moon, he loved this woman, his first woman, his most beautiful love ... But since he was stabbed by her, he began to feel worried ... But how could he not love her again?

She was the woman who made him happy for so long, she was very strange, funny, kind and naughty, it was something he liked about her.

Her childish and friendly attitude, serene and serious, but also rude.

A tear ran down his cheek while combing in his wife's hair.

Yukio: "You are always you ... Who surprises me, from the first time I met you ... Your interesting actions and your silly side ... But you always loved me in reality, do you know how long I waited for you to decide to return to me ?, Even though that happened, I still loved you and I was waiting for your return ... and although I always tried to ignore it, I kept thinking about you ... Semis "

He smiled and closed his eyes to also enjoy this moment together

Editor: maave