Parents - 2

After reading all the reports related to the sales of 'Magic Pills', Yukio had gone directly to his little daughter's house, because he had previously promised to spend time together with her.

Before leaving, Yasaka had notified him that his wives all decided to enjoy a vacation together with him at his family's lodge.

He promised to spend some time with them after he took care of some things, he had already planned to tell his wives about Yaeko, after all, he could not keep this hidden forever.

At this time in a room, a little girl with a wise look could be seen sitting there and rubbing her little chin like an old hermit.

Yaeko: "Father, I've decided, why don´t we play in the human world?!" She said as she looked at her father who was sitting in front of her.

Yukio: "Uh? ... Human world? What could we do there? Don´t you rather prefer to destroy things?" He said perplexed, but somewhat ashamed of his words.

-Destroy? What things am I trying to teach my daughter ... To be honest, how would I even know how fathers behave? …-

Yaeko shook her head: "It's fun to destroy, but ... I want to know about something called stores ... Besides, the mother says there's a lot of tasty food in the human world ... and something very cool called cinema!" She said with high expectations.

Yukio: "Cinema eh ... I guess there are no problems then but are you sure? At first, I thought about taking you to see the Underworld."

Yaeko: "Maybe later, I want to know more about the human world first ... Mama said that is where you were born, so I can know where my father was born." She said very firmly.

Yukio smiled and rubbed the head of his adorable daughter while nodding: "Well, well ... Let's go together in that case!"

Yaeko smiled broadly and took her father's hand.

-Jeje, father is so easy to manipulate! ... Well, I already fulfilled my part of the deal, now I want my sweets! "She thought internally.

Previously her mother had ordered her to distract her father, she did not know exactly what was happening, but she was told that her father's other wives would surprise her.

She was reluctant at first, but when she offered sweets, she did not resist, after all ... It's not like something bad would happen to her father.

Yukio, who did not know that he had been sold only for simple sweets, opened a portal, then they disappeared from the room.

---- Human World

On the highway a family van was driving at a low speed, inside a big family was chatting while the owner of the car was driving.

Issei: "Uhh, Dad, why are you driving so slow? Even the bicycles go faster than you", he said in an exasperated tone, looking out, where many people were riding on a bicycle.

Mr. Hyodou: "Why should I go fast? Safety is first! It isn´t as if the family cabin would move out of its place." He said laughing at his son.

The Hyodous, they did not know why all of a sudden their son and daughter-in-law wanted to go to the family cabin, but since they had nothing to do, they decided to accept and go together.

Mrs.Hyodou kept a smile looking at the backseats, since the disappearance of her elder son, she has felt very empty, but always had Issei and Katase to cheer her up by her side.

Mrs. Hyodou: "Calm down son, it's like your father says, safety is the main concern! Why don´t you just play with Katase and Murayama-chan?"

Katase: "True Issei, you shouldn´t be so rushed." She said trying to calm down her boyfriend because she knew why he was so anxious.

Issei sighed and said nothing more, he looked towards the seat next to him noticing Murayama.

He did not know why she suddenly wanted to come with them, but he did not care.

Murayama was only reading a magazine while ignoring the conversations of the others, but in fact, she as well was very anxious.

--- Family Cabin of the Hyodou Family

This place, that should have dust, since it was not visited frequently, was now dazzling.

You could see several women walking in the place while cleaning and cooking.

The occasion? It was the reunion of her husband with her parents, besides ...! Wouldn´t this be the moment where they were finally presenting themselves to their In-Laws?!

Yasaka: "... Do you think this will go well?!" She said anxiously.

Grayfia gave her a soft smile: "I don´t know, but knowing Yu, he will defend us, don´t you think so?"

The women looked at each other and nodded.

Many of them were somewhat scared, by the tremendous age difference between Yukio and them, although being demons, Yokai or something else they had an absurd age in comparison to humans.

In human appearance they were only twenty to thirty years old, even so ... how would parents allow their son to marry such mature women? The most absurd thing was that ... it was not one woman but many more!

It must be said that for them, the poly-family was not a problem, but for normal human beings, this was not normal.

Saemys: "... You worry a lot ... Even if his parents don´t accept us, that will not interfere with Yuki loving us, you should know that ..." She said while she was cleaning the main sofa.

They all looked at her strangely, her words were true, but most of the girls here did not know much about this woman, so they could not react normally.

Kuroka who was cleaning the windows smiled: "It's like Saemys says, you shouldn´t worry so much, just do things the right way and you'll see that everything will work out."

Yasaka sighed and looked at Kuroka: "... It's easier for you ... You're almost the same age as him." She said in defeat.

Kuroka laughed and pointed at Koneko who was at her side.

Koneko frowned: "Why are you pointing me?"

Kuroka: "... Isn´t she the one who has it the most difficult? After all, she is a minor ... Surely they will scold Yukio." She said chuckling.

All the women started laughing, while Kokeno threw a tantrum.

--- Another place

Yukio: "... Why do I feel like I´ll get into trouble today?" He said when he suddenly felt a chill.

Yaeko: "Dad, hurry up or they're going to close!" The little girl shouted at the cinema entrance.

Yukio smiled and started to follow her, even with that bad feeling.

Editor: maave