Kokabiel (1)

Edited by: Arezz

Yukio immediately went to the place where the prisoners were held captive, he had a BIG headache at this time

He already has many things between his hands, but now, this woman arrived just to cause him even more troubles

He used a portal to appear outside of what is commonly known as 'Prison 13'

The Guards bowed to pay their respects, some were nervous since they had heard the news about the captive 'Queen'

But this was because Bill had previously misunderstood the relationship between the two, so for the others, Rossweisse became one of their queens or a woman who had the opportunity to become one

"My king," a woman bowed slightly as she pointed to a more remote cell

They had not released Rossweisse for two reasons

The first reason was that, they didn't really know if they really had to do it or not, because at the moment, their Captain 'Bill' was not there to give any intrusions

And the second reason was that Rossewise didn't even want to leave the cell, she just stayed there waiting for someone to come for her

They knew who this woman was waiting for and they could only give her the maximum comfort in this place for the tome being

Yukio nodded and walked slowly to the cell, the metal door opened quickly and he pass through it.

The moment he put his eyes on the cell he could only smiled bitterly

Yukio: "Are you planning to always be my prisoner? If so, I can start to create a VIP card for you, i can even give you some nice prision clothing If you get caught 2 more times as a bonus"

Rossweisse: "Oh ..." She made an unexpected response until she straightened "Agarus-sama!"

She smiled as she leaned slightly

Yukio nodded and took a seat on a nearby sofa

Yukio: "I see you've been enjoying yourself here while you were waiting"

Rossweisse showed an embarrassed face, it was not her fault

These people suddenly began to bring all the furniture and a lot of food, they even brought her a television so she could get distracted while waiting whitout getting borred

Yukio saw her face and felt like laughing out load, this woman when she was not making a fuss was very cute

Yukio: "Leaving that aside, why did you come here? apparently, you found one of our portals, that surprised me a little"

Rossweisse sat down while looking seriously at Yukio "I've been looking for you all day long, I wanted to ask you to take me as disciple!"

Yukio "Denied" He immediately reject her

Rossweisse: "Eh!??" She got confused, she was expecting to being rejected but this was to fast "Why?"

Yukio let out a sigh while sitting on the sofa. "Why do you want to be my disciple? I don't think we get along, didn't you wanted to kill me with your look because i was teasing you?"

His words reminded Rossweisse of his teasing at the time, but she was not angry about that.

This man had given her a gift that would be categorized as 'Beautiful' or 'Invaluable' to her without even blinking

Rossweisse: "About that ... I don't mind if you make fun of me, what I want is to learn the magic that contains this necklace i'm wearing, you were the one who gave it to me, that is why you should know how it Works"

In her necklace, there were two things she had discovered, one, that mana in the air would be absorbed in her body very easily greatly facilitating her battles, besides that, she could increase her reserves of mana exponentially over time

Second, there was a technique that was embedded in her brain, it was elegant and fast, in addition to being powerful, it was something she had never seen before

But that strange magic just reach her how to practice, it was a complex technique and she can't just do it right away

Yukio: "I see, although it's strange that someone tells me that doesn't care being mocked of, I'm still rejecting your request"

Rossweisse showed a dejected expression as she muttered "This dress is useless ... Odin-sama is a fraud....liar...pervert...God good for nothing"

She started to murmur as she bit her nail, but Yukio raised an eyebrow at her first word.

Yukio: "... This dress...It was Odin's idea?"

Rossweisse: "Uh?" She raised her head and nodded. "Yes, he said that if I wore this dress you were probably going to be pleased and accept me, but it seems that he was just lying to me"

She shrugged her shoulders as she sighed, she wasn't going to try to force anything

Rossweisse knew that she could not simply offend this man

But Yukio was thinking about something else

'What does this old pervert think of me? Although I admit that she looks beautiful, I just don't go around looking for women casually every day ... Even my daughter thinks of me as a womanizer, what will my citizens think?' Yukio started thinking about this

Rossweisse saw Yukio's expression and she thought that maybe he was thinking about what to do with her

After all, she ended up coming to a place that should be banned from outsiders

But contrary to her thinking Yukio start talking again

Yukio: "If I took you as a disciple, would you enter my faction or would you still be in Asgard's faction?"

Rossweisse: "... Ah?"

There was a moment of silence in the place, Rossweisse was speechless listening the words of the man beside her

'Does he plan to accept me? ... But I can not just abandon the faction to which I belong ...' She felt very doubtful about it

Rossweisse didn't know what to answer, although she wanted to be his disciple it was a difficult decision

Yukio saw her changing expressions and waved his hand

Yukio: "If you want, I can talk to Odin about this, you just have to answer me sincerely, but even if you decided to stay here I have a condition"

The word 'condition' raised Rossweisse's doubts, she looked at him in the eyes "What is that condition?"

Yukio: "I want you to teach magic to students in this dimension"

Rossweisse: "..."

Yukio: "Is it really hard for you?"

Rossweisse: "Oh...no, but ... What would happen to my job as the coordinator between the Gotei 13 and our faction?"

Yukio: "You can leave that work to others, or you can just work in the same job but you have to stay with my faction, the important thing is that you teach the children about magic"

Rossweisse showed some excitement, but the main problem was if she could really abandon her faction

Rossweisse: "I don't think it's going to be that easy ..." She said softly as she had a regretful look

Yukio just smiled warmly as he reached out his hand for a handshake

Yukio: "If you take my hand you will be accepting the deal between us, believe me, even if Odin opposes nothing will stop me from taking you to my side"

His words were true, this woman was a Genius in magic, and possibly she would get along with Callistis and Green who were the two strongest sorceresses in their ranks

Rossweisse hesitated for a few seconds, but in the end, she extended her hand and took Yukio's hand

Rossweisse: "... I will be in your care from now"

Yukio: "That makes me happy, for now, you should stay here, i will solve some things and then i'll take care of your transfer"

Rossweisse nodded and ignored him, but then raised an eyebrow. "Are you planning to leave me in this cell ...?"

Yukio: "Does not seen like a very comfortable place for you to live?"

Rossweisse: "..." She started to regret, but before she could protest she saw the smile on Yukio's face

She immediately realized that he was just making fun of her

Rossweisse: "Please ... At least don't mock so often" She could only say bitterly

Yukio laughed lightly and they both started walking out of 'Prison 13'

The guards bowed slightly and Yukio spoke with the same woman who had taken him to the cell previously.

He had asked her to find a temporary home for Rossweisse while she stayed here, the woman nodded quickly as she led Rossweisse to someplace

Yukio said goodbye to her and started to go home

At least he had already solved one of the problems that his wives told him before, previously Shuri and Yasaka had created a magic academy for children in this place

Although there was no war or anything like that, it was quite fun to teach children magic or how to defend themselves

Now that an 'expert' in magic had arrived, it was much better, in the academy, there were already two pretty excellent elves in the magic field as teachers.


The next day, Shuri and Misla met with Yukio

The two had smiles on their faces because both women looked almost the same age, and especially the fact that they previously had a child and felt a connection between them

Both got along very well, plus they didn't mind to share the same husband beacuse Yukio love them equaly

Just at this moment, both girls walked through the streets of the human world one on each side of their husband

Shuri: "Are not you being to hard on them?" She could not help but smile slightly.

Although she was "defending" the enemies who would suffer soon, she seemed to enjoy knowing in what situation the fallen angels would be in a couple of hours.

Yukio shrugged. "I don't think so, if I was thinking on going 'hard' on them, I just would have gone to destroy their faction"

Misla at the side smiled in response "Honey, I think you're overreacting too much, although they are somewhat guilty, not everyone is planning the same thing"

Among them, she was the most sensible and the one that would not let her husband commit any unnesessary things

Shuri: "Umm, I think she's right, you can not just destroy a faction on a whim, that would create a severe blow between the balance in power"

Yukio nodded before the words of his two wives, although he wasn't planing to do such a thing anyway.

He was just kidding, he didn't think his wives really took it seriusly

Shuri: "Changing the subject, i think it's fun to bring us to watch this, although it's not considered a date, at least the three of us are enjoying together"

Misla: "It's not the same as a date?" Anyway, having our husband alone just for the two of us for a few hours, is itself already a good benefit, " She said slowly while smiling and waving her finger.

Shuri nodded with joy, she previously wanted to spend much more time alone with Yukio

But since it was shown that Saemys was the real first wife, everyone has been thinking about being in good terms with her

Although they knew and trusted that Yukio would not abandon any of them, at least they wanted to get along with who their "Queen" was.

While chatting, Misla looked at her wrist where a small clock was

Misla: "I think it's about time," She said as she looked at both of them

Yukio nodded and they approached the academy where Rias was studying, today was when Kokabiel's plan was going to put in motion

He wasn't really nervius about Kokabiel attaking the academy, could that idiot really hurt Rias? The answer was a big NO

He waved his hands and three black thrones came out instantly

Shuri: "I think this will be fun!" She said while smiling

Yukio: "This is just the appetizer, the main dish is in your old clan"

Shuri: "Uh?" She tilted her head slightly "My clan?"

Yukio: "Yes, let's say ... I leave behind a small gift for the fallen angels who wanted to take advantage of the Himejima"

Shuri was very curious but smiled tenderly towards her husband

After all, what kind of woman would not be happy to see that her husband was defending their family?.

Misla soon raised her finger pointing towards the other people who were walking around the place

Misla: "Can they don't see us?"

Yukio: "It would be a bit silly to get a throne in this place and let them see us, right?" he laugh lightly to his wife

But Misla pouted as she sat on her throne and waited

Shuri and Yukio looked at each other for a moment before laughing at Misla, who only sighed and then smiled

She loved her husband, playful, serious and reliable was his definition, the three took their seats and soon the thrones levitated until they were floating in the air.

Nobody could see them, this was their private show

Yukio: "It's SHOWTIME" (EN:/ They are just missing popcorn and some friend chicken lol)

When Yukio finished his words a circular barrier covered the entire academy, Kokabiel had begun his plan.