She is not yours nor mine



It had been a few hours since the faction meeting was over and now it was the night

Many guests stayed in their rooms or took walks through the mansion

The guests who decided to take a walk were escorted by the Fairy Guards, it was clear that these Guards did not want to see the guests cause problems

As for Yukio, he remained seated on the bed while keeping his eyes closed.

If he were still human, doing this action for so many hours would make him feel fatigued, but in reality, there was no problem with his body or his mind thanks to his incredible dragon power.

Why did he do this?

It was because he only has 98% control of his dragon powers, that is why he has been trying to improve, but it is very difficult because once 99% passes, he would have to have a higher compression on his own path

Each dragon needed to choose a path for his life ... Sky, Earth, Water, Fire, Light, Darkness, Wind etc ...

It was better to call them elements to tell them 'roads', but they were named as elementary paths because once you choose that decision there is no turning back

Everything will depend on how much dragon power you can control ... He obviously had the path of the abyss

A road full of infinite darkness something that tormented his heart but he repressed it inside

He opened his eyes slowly and perceived the entire environment of the room, in this room there were many beautiful decorations

But Yukio ignored those decorations when his eyes were fixed on a woman who was standing a little farther from her bed while watching him

Yukio: "Were you there all this time?"

Aura: "With my physical strength, it would be impossible to tire me just from spending a few hours here standing."

Yukio: "That's not what I wanted to say, anyway ... Why do you keep insisting on following me? I've made it clear to everyone, now each of the people invited today should know that you're under my care, ¿who would dare to hurt you? "

Aura: "I know" She nodded "But ... If I left here, where am I supposed to go ?, I have no home, family or friends ... I'm practically alone"

Yukio frowned but then sighed "Excuse me"

Aura shrugged. "I do not care, I've lived for many years this way ... Can I ask you something?"

Yukio got up from the bed as he stretched and nodded, implying to Aura that he could ask her questions

Aura hesitated a few seconds before nodding and asking what she wanted "... Why did you save me?"

Yukio: "I already told you, I want you to be a better person, everyone has the right to one time to improve their lives and you can achieve it"

Aura: "That ... I understand it, but was not it your intention to make friends with other Factions? By saving me you are endangering your friendship with them ..."

Yukio: "Friendship?" He chuckled "Believe me, I do not care at all if they are my allies or not, I just do what I do to achieve my objects, if they get in my way I will be happy to eliminate them"

He was clearly speaking seriously, after all, his duty was to fix the that presented this dimension

If the Gods of Olympus caused a problem he would erase them from existence so maybe he could change something in the dimension

Yukio: "Besides, it's not because of arrogance, but all these beings fear power ... That's why they have never improved and they have been trapped in this dimension for a long time"

Aura felt that Yukio's words were reasonable, but that was not answering his question

She hesitated but spoke after a few seconds "If I decided to take revenge ... If I do ... Would that bother you?, You know I will not give up, at least not until I can see them suffer with my eyes"

Yukio: "No, it would not bother me" He looked at her before smiling "I do not know any of those people, so you can do whatever you want with them, but ... I know you will not"

Aura frowned at her pretty eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

Yukio: "I know you will not do anything to them, rather ... You've decided to leave your past behind, right?"

Aura does not deny it but she did not accept it either, she just looked at Yukio before looking away "It's not your problem"

Yukio just shrugged as he took a few steps towards the door of the room, he planned to take a walk to refresh his mind

But he stopped at the door before turning around.

Yukio: "Even though I know it's not my problem, I also know that you've been thinking about leaving behind your past ... I will not leave it that way, I will give their respective punishments to those who intimidated you after all, now you are my small subordinate, right?

He opened the door and left while leaving those words behind

Aura looked at the door ajar with some confusion, she did not understand why Yukio had said that

She had planned to leave her past behind but still maintained the thought that it was not fair that she suffered and the others left without any problem of all this

But listening to Yukio say that he would take this matter of revenge into his hands she felt that this man was not so bad

Aura looked at the room a few seconds before she left running behind Yukio


The guests who were taking a walk through the mansion turned their eyes towards Yukio when they saw him walking slowly through the halls of the mansion

But none of them dared go to chat with him, after all, almost nobody could figure out what kind of man Yukio was

Sometimes they noticed arrogance coming from him, in other occasions Yukio was kind and careful but also ruthless ... None of them knew if it was safe or not to give a friendly conversation at this point.

Of course, these thoughts were only among some because as soon as Yukio took a five-minute walk, a group had already surrounded him

Issei: "You really gave a good presentation ... Was not it a little overboard?" The first to speak was Yukio's brother

Yukio looked at him before shrugging his shoulders "If I did not do it like that, they would not pay attention, and you know it"

Issei nodded because he knew that Yukio's words were true

Yukio: "Leaving that aside, how's your training going so far?"

Issei: "Oh, that's going pretty well, for now, I can gain more power than before but if it were to fight against you or some of your captains would surely lose" He sighed bitterly but his words were sincere

Yukio nodded because actually he could see the power of Issei and was not even close to reaching his captains

Suddenly Issei's arm was wrapped in a gauntlet while a gruff voice towards the presence

Ddgraid: "Ahhhh ... I've done pretty well, but this fool can not even control any part of my power properly! It's not my fault and our deal has to be fulfilled!"

The others around were speechless to hear the voice of Ddgraid were for different reasons

Some because they had not expected that this dragon locked in the Gauntlet spoke rudely to a being that could eliminate it instantly

The other was his voice ... It was the voice of a woman!

Yukio: "Our deal? What are you talking about?" He played dumb with a smile

Ddgraid was furious inside the seal in which she was locked while she hit everything around her "You know what I'm talking about, do not lie to me, I want my things!"

Yukio: "Sorry, I do not know what you're talking about"

Issei and his company seemed to become nothing more than spectators while the conversation of Ddgraid and Yukio continued

In the middle of the heated argument, Yukio suddenly asks something towards Issei

Yukio: "Tell me, is it okay if I get this idiot woman out of the seal? I think it would be better for you two."

All were left speechless by what they just heard

Issei was speechless and did not know what to answer, but the most silent was Ddgraid

Those words said by Yukio made her freeze immediately while in her hands she held a pillow that plans to hit the ground

She had even ignored the part where they called her 'idiot' while she was stupefied

Previously, Yukio and Kuroka gave her many interesting things like computers or electronic things, even a bed which had made her very happy

But now hearing that Yukio could get her out of this seal where she had been locked up for many years alone, she felt immense anxiety and happiness while waiting for Issei to respond properly

Issei: "B-well ... That ... Are you sure about that?"

Yukio: "Sure, why should we keep her locked up? That woman could not do anything wrong, is not that right?"

Ddgraid: "Yes! I would never do anything bad ... Say yes!"

Everyone rolled their eyes if she had not done something wrong

So why did they lock her up? Do you see others as fools?

But nobody said anything, Issei looked at Yukio seriously before sighing "Well, you can release her ..."

Suddenly he felt an immense power emerge from his Gauntlet and he knew that Ddgraid was excited

Yukio: "Tomorrow I'll be free and I'll take care of that, for now, you should continue training"

Issei: "Good!"

Because they had not had much time to talk, they used this time to talk some things to each other

Katase who was behind Issei together with Murayama looked at the scene of both brothers and smiled placidly

Since she became Issei's girlfriend, many new things were presented in her life, but she was not happy with that because her boyfriend was sad all the time because of the loss of his brother.

Now when she could see her boyfriend chat so cheerfully with her brother who came back after so many years she felt that soon things would change for the better

Murayama: "We should go ..."

The words of her friend took her out of her thoughts, Katase turned her gaze to Murayama to see her

Katase: "Are you still thinking about that?"

Murayama: "That does not matter ... How about we go?"

Katase looked at her before sighing and took a step forward

Murayama: "UH ?, Wait, where are you going?"

Katase: "I'll have a chat with him ... you just wait"

Murayama: "No, no, no need!"

But it was too late Katase was already standing in front of Yukio with a lovely smile

Yukio and Issei stopped their talk while now they looked at Katase without understanding her smile

Issei: "Katase?"

Katase looked at him and smiled even more sweetly "Could I have a little chat with Yukio-onii?"

Issei looked at her without understanding but he nodded, he had been with Katase for a long time and he knew that when she smiled he meant that he really wanted something or was possibly holding back his words

Yukio looked at the scene in front of him without understanding, suddenly he felt a hand grab his forearm. "What happens?"

Katase: "I'd like to talk to you alone ... Can we?"

Yukio: "I guess ..."

The two walked a few steps away from everyone before looking at each other

Katase: "Can I ask something?"

Yukio: "Go ahead"

Katase: "How many wives are you planning to have?"

Yukio: "... Eh? ..."

It was just the first question and she already confused Yukio, was it normal for your sister-in-law to come and ask you that? Well, no ...

Yukio frowned and stared at Katase.

Katase felt that the environment was getting cold and she could immediately know that Yukio misinterpreted things

Katase: "No, that's not what I was talking about ... I really want to know, not for me ... It's ... it's you-"

She could not finish speaking when Yukio stopped her. "Enough, I really understand your words, let me tell you that I really did not think my life had more than one wife, but things are not as one thinks, one day things always change and that's what happened to me ... I fell in love with them all "

He continued while he sighed "Although I can sound hypocritical, I fell in love with my current wives and I accepted all my characteristics while I also accept their facets ... I do not know how many more I will have and should not be your problem, the problem is mine alone, is that clear ? "

Katase did not expect this kind of change of attitude in Yukio

She did not think Yukio would talk to her in this way because they had been friends before when they were little.

But she remembered that when she met Yukio, they just gave each other little phrases ... There was no real friendship between them.

Katase: "I ... I'm sorry it was not my intention to say that"

She apologized as she felt that she should not have taken this lightly, this man was no longer just her boyfriend's brother

If not now he was the Fairy King, a man with an incredible character and power on his shoulders

Yukio looked at the restless reaction of Katase

He knew that he had exaggerated a bit, but his weak point was his wives that's why when Katase asked him how many wives he had

Yukio had felt that it was as if they were trying to tell him that he would have to separate from them that made him feel quite upset

But he also knew that Katase had not said it with that intention, he stretched out his hand and because he was taller than Katase, his hand naturally settled on the head of his sister-in-law.

He stroked and brushed Katie's hair with some affection. "You should not worry about that, I'm sorry if I let myself go"

Katase shook her head "No, it does not matter ..."

Yukio nodded and under his hand "Also, I know what you came to tell me ..."

Katase: "Oh? ... Do you know?"

Yukio: "I have sensitive ears, you know?"

Katase chuckled. "Yeah, that ... I forgot."

Since she became a demon, her senses were more acute, then Yukio, who was stronger than her, had to have a lot more hearing.

Katase: "So ... you already know?" She asked doubtfully

Yukio smiled mysteriously and with his finger pressed Katase's forehead "And what do you think ??, at least you should tell her that she could do it"

Katase blushed because she had betrayed her friend Murayama so easily before Yukio she did not know if she should tell this to her friend or she could die of shame

After thinking about it a little she looked into Yukio's eyes "You? ... Would you accept her?"

Yukio: "Would she accept me?"

Katase: "huh?"

Yukio: "You know, I have many wives and between them, they always divide their time to be with me, would she support that? ..."

Katase: "I ... I do not know ..."

Yukio: "There you have your answer, besides ... I have not even been able to have a talk with her in many years, do you expect me to have any feeling for her? That's no ... I only know her by sight and we've never spoken a lot, is not it? "

Katase: "That's true ..." She also thought about it and it turned out to be true

Since Yukio returned Murayama has not spoken to him so it would be difficult to strengthen a relationship between both

Yukio: "Well, by the way ... When will I have nephews?"

Katase: "Two years" She replied while still thinking about Murayama's problem but instantly her face turned red "Ahh ... No, do not forget that!"

Yukio: "I can not forget it anymore! Two years? Huh, perfect"

Katase felt she was deceived and her face was too red she now remembered that Yukio was the kind of playful and joking man who liked to make fun of others

Yukio turned around while smiling and turned away from Katase

Katase stood there looking at her brother-in-law's back even though she seemed to be angry, actually, she was very happy inside of her.

If Yukio was making fun of her in this way, it meant that he had really accepted her as a friend

Having a good friendly relationship with her brother-in-law would be good enough for when she married Issei, she turned around to go with her group

Issei: "What did they talk about?"

Katase: "... Nothing!"

She answered instantly while smiling sweetly, Issei looked at her but gave up asking

Then Katase went to Murayama to talk to her about what she should do if she wanted to be in Yukio's heart


Yukio kept walking and many guests greeted him or some gave brief talks, just as he was coming to the exit of the mansion Aura appeared just behind him

Yukio: "At last you reach me, why did it take you so long?"

Aura: "Some setbacks ..."

Yukio: "You did not kill anybody right?"

Aura: "With so many Guards here, do you think I could at least do it?" She asked in refutation

Yukio nodded and kept walking, he wanted to observe for a while the surroundings of the mansion

Aura walking behind Yukio had the heartfelt need to ask something "Tell me, are there really all kinds of beings out of this world?"

Yukio: "Uh? ... Well, yes, there are too many to tell everything ... But each of them has its characteristics and ways of life, there are those who choose to live in dimensional space due to the high resources, but for this they have to have a lot of strength because there is no safe place there "

Aura: "Then ... What about you?"

Yukio: "About me ?, I prefer to live peacefully with all my loved ones, it's much more relaxing"

Aura seemed to wait for this kind of response from Yukio and she kept walking with him

The two walked a lot of time together observing the environment

They visited the Garden that was created by the Fairies and even looked at the decorations, unfinished buildings also chatted a little with some Fairy Guards and the workers who were in charge of building the other facilities apart from the mansion

While they were walking, they had started talking to each other, which made Aura not so rigid when talking to Yukio

After a nice walk and a talk that made both of them more friendly, they decided to return to the mansion to take a short break.

But Aura suddenly stopped and her eyes were fixed on a figure at a distance that made her clench her teeth hard.

Yukio realized his reaction and also looked towards that direction

In the distance there was a robust man with an elegant appearance who seemed to be no more than forty years old, the man had silver hair and blue eyes dressed in a white Greek tunic with some gold parts

He exuded an air of sufficiency and arrogance but also the power that made him look quite handsome in front of many feminine eyes

Beside him there was a young man with a look of twenty years and a blond hair with blue eyes, he was undoubtedly quite handsome and although he did not have many muscles his face made him look

The two of them were being surrounded by several women, Yukio did not recognize any of them except Hera, Artemis, and Aphrodite who were around him

Yukio: "What do you see with so much interest in them? Do you like them?" He headed towards Aura

Aura looked at him when she shook her head with clenched teeth and walked slowly forward with Yukio

Yukio kept walking but he could feel the negative emotions inside Aura, she looked very bad as she clenched her teeth and occasionally bit her lips as if to say something

Yukio could not stand it anymore and stopped while sighing "Is he?"

Aura raised her head and looked at Yukio in her eyes she did not answer but she did not deny it either "Let's continue ..."

Yukio: "It took away the desire to keep walking, I think I'll take a seat there" He was obviously pointing to where those two men were meeting

Aura looked at the indicated direction and she immediately got in the way "It does not matter ... Let's just go, you do not have to do that"

She did not want to cause problems now, she wanted to leave her past behind but also watching how that man laughs with happiness while she had to live a miserable life made her feel full of anger but did not want to abuse the care of Yukio

She had already noticed this man Yukio was not really a bad person, just that many did not know him well ... She could see that this man was kind enough and always looked after his own, also seems to have a very soft heart

Yukio for her was like ice and heat at the same time, something quite strange could be ruthless but also kind was like two people in one

But Aura does not dislike that, she wanted to leave things behind and be a better person as Yukio had said, everyone has the right to improve and that is what she wants now

Yukio looked at Aura's face that seemed to hold back tears and he used his hand while rubbing Aura's head, as he usually does with his wives or his daughter.

Aura did not stop him and she gradually calmed down due to how satisfied she felt from Yukio's warm hands on her head

Aura: "Are we leaving now?"

Yukio: "Have you ever felt satisfied with this world?"

Instead of answering the question to Aura, Yukio said a line that he had previously used when he was with Ophis.

Aura looked at Yukio she tilted her head "No ... There is nothing to feel satisfied in this world and much less in my life"

Yukio: "Then I will show you how to achieve your satisfaction" He took Aura's small hand as he led her to where the two men were gathered

Aura was stunned because she thought that she had managed to make Yukio desist from that idea but in reality it turns out that it was not like that ... But she was much more stunned by something else

(He will show me how to achieve my satisfaction? What does he mean?) Aura felt very perplexed as she watched Yukio's hand hold her and carry her

She was nervous but at the same time in her heart she was determined to be a better person so as not to eschatize the expectations that Yukio had in her

In the distance, Yukio's wives who were at the edge of a mansion window smiled.

Reiko: "That's what you meant?"

Misla: "Yes, you see he is a man of good heart and it was only time before he punished Dionysus and his accomplices"

Grayfia: "This possibly causes disgust with the Olympian Gods after all, Dionysus is the son of Zeus"

Shuri: "Do you really have to worry about it?"

Reiko: "What do you mean?"

Shuri: "I say ... Would Olympus have the courage to challenge our husband? ... Today they may lose a child, but if they offend him, they will lose everything, will not they?"

The other girls looked at each other and laughed with complicity

Rias, who had not spoken suddenly, glanced at Saemys "Why are you so quiet today?"

The other women now noticed that Saemys seemed very quiet

Coriana: "Do you feel bad?" She who was Yukio's mistress was very courteous with Saemys getting ahead

Saemys looked at them before smiling gently "It's nothing like that, it's just that I'm waiting for someone ..."

All: "Someone?"

Saemys looked at Shuri with some significant signal and then turned his gaze towards everyone smiling "Yes, someone"


Yukio and Aura had approached where the two men were at the moment when the laughter arrived and the talk between everyone gathered had been interrupted abruptly

Hera, Artemis and Aphrodite fell silent as she watched Yukio take Aura's hand

They had different expressions but one was common among them


Dionisio looked at Yukio and Aura suddenly noticed that these two were holding hands and he felt a clear displeasure in his heart.

In his head Aura belonged only to him now seeing another man holding his hand he felt that this was an offense to him

Previously he had not attended this meeting, much less the party, he arrived recently and only briefly heard a summary of what happened

He did not want to attend but when he was told that Aura was here with a physical body he went immediately to find her now that he looked at her holding another man's hand felt an anger inside him

Dionisio got up slowly while his 190 cm height gave him a head bigger than Yukio

Dionisio: "Aura, what do you think you're doing with this guy here?"

It had to be said that ignorance was a terrifying power, this man only briefly listened to a summary of what happened before and paid no attention to anything other than matters related to Aura

That's why he did not know that Yukio had such a overwhelming power and stood firm before him

Yukio smiled and picked up a nearby chair while gently indicating to Aura to take a seat

Aura was very quiet while still looking at Yukio, she saw the chair and did not know what to do until Yukio made her sit

She had no choice but to take a seat

Hera, Artemisa and Aphrodite watched the scene with their hearts in their throats, Hera was the current wife of Zeus and now she was witnessing how her stepson was about to offend the most powerful being of this world before his eyes

He was brave or stupid ... She knew that it was obviously the second

Yukio: "Are you Dionysus?"

Dionisio: "You still have not answered my question, besides, why are you here with Aura?"

Yukio: "Oh, I've actually come to find out who Dionysus is, is that you?"

Obviously Yukio knew that Dionisio was this man standing in front of him, but he simply decided to make fun of him.

As 'God' who would not know who he is ?, that's why Yukio used this method was like telling Dionisio that nobody knew him

Dionisio furrowed his eyebrows "It's me, have you come here to talk about Aura ?, let me tell you something ... She is mine and you should not get involved in this" He shot a look at Aura

Aura shivered momentarily but she fixed her gaze on Yukio

The young man who was previously standing next to Dionysus was looking at Aura in a weird way

Yukio had noticed it and ignored it while still observing Dionisio

The air began to cool suddenly when Yukio returned to direct the glance towards Dionisio "Yours? ... Aura does not belong to you she is not an object so that you give you those ideas ... What if you apologize now?"

Dionisio: "Oh? Excuse me? ... Friend, I think you're crazy, whether or not it's an object she belongs to me, I've even had a child with her ... If she's not mine it's yours?"

When those words came out of Dionisio, Aura who was sitting bit her lips while squeezing her palms she wanted to get up and fight but Yukio pulled her by the shoulder while smiling

Yukio: "A son? ... And what does that matter to me ?, if you have one, then I will have five with her ..."

Instantly Aura felt her face blush as she heard such a blatant statement come from Yukio

She felt that this man was raffling her or something, she looked towards Yukio but saw him smile at her

The words that Dionisio wanted to say were choked in her throat while Hera, Artemis, and Aphrodite were speechless

Did Aura really have won the love of the Fairy King in just a few hours? It was the thought that they and the other women had

Everyone here knew that Aura was an absolute beauty throughout Olympus

Aura had long blonde hair that reached her fleshy thighs and very beautiful red eyes

If nobody knew about her background, they would probably think she belonged to the Vampire Clan, but everyone knew she was an ancient goddess

Besides having those beautiful features she had a very seductive body, it was not known if it was because she had been a mother once but she exuded a presence of a very intoxicating mature woman

Perfect hips, beautiful big breasts and a pompous butt her Greek tunic made her stand out more her beauty was like seeing a perfect empress

All the women here thought maybe Aura used her feminine attributes to tempt the Fairy King and take her for a wife

But what they did not know was that Yukio was not even thinking about it, besides Aura had not done such a thing either, she was just too stunned now for what was happening while her face was red due to Yukio's earlier statement about having five children

Dionisio looked at Yukio with his eyes full of anger "You ...!"

Hera quickly ran between them and even before Dionisio could finish she exclaimed "I'm sorry !, please Rey Hada let this offense pass ... I'll make sure Dionisio does not come close to Reina Aura again!"

Hera felt very strange when calling Aura "Queen", but she acted naturally while being respectful so that Yukio could forgive Dionysus

Dionisio looked at Yukio with his anger boiling his heart "You are the Fairy King ... Is that why you are so arrogant right here? For your Guards ?, But what are you worth yourself ?!"

Hera quickly turned around "Dionisio no! Stop it, do not keep this up or things will go wrong." She spoke softly to her stepson

But Dionisio did not even pay attention to him "Aura, you know that you are my wife and I have proof of it so leave your nonsense and come back to me now!"

Aura clenched her teeth in anger and got up from the chair

This time Yukio did not stop her. "Your wife?, you are a damned scum, I never agreed to be your wife, much less to have something to do with you, you took advantage of me, remembering about that I must say that you are worse than scum ... You are a total trash that dirtied our world! "

Dionisio: "Your damn! Do not you remember how you asked for it yourself ?!"

Aura's complexion turned pale as she squeezed her hands strong and even her palms were cut with her nails

It was obvious that she herself would ask for it after all she was affected by the madness when Aphrodite used her powers in her

Aura: "You are ... You are a garbage"

Dionisio: "And you had children with this garbage, right? Here's the proof" He pointed to the young man who was standing near him

Aura looked at the young man with some panic because she knew that this was one of her children

Yaco ...

Dionisio: "So?!, Something else to say? Stop wasting time and come back with me you still owe me one"

You still owe me one ... Those words sounded very casual but everyone knew what he meant by that

Aura pressed her hands even more as she trembled with anger, but one hand immediately squeezed in her little hand

Aura: "King Hada?"

Yukio: "Enough, you're hurting yourself and it's not worth it, let me see"

Aura did not know why, but when Yukio touched her, she managed to calm down and extended her palms obediently

A green light came out from Yukio's hands before his daubed palms were healed and the blood was erased

The others present were speechless because of Yukio's ability to heal someone, but knowing that this man was not a simple God nobody saw him weird

What they found laughable is that Yukio's actions towards Aura right now seemed to flirt right in front of an angry Dionysus

Dionisio: "Damn!" He extended his hand and was too fast when I try to take Aura's hand to drag it towards him

The Gods present tensed immediately

Hera: "Alto Dionisio!"

Artemis: "Do not do it!"

These two were more than worried, but it was inevitable


Dionysus's body suddenly flew out, nobody could even see what had happened

But they looked at Yukio who had a raised leg with a smile "Before I liked football, I wanted to teach you how to kick a ball but you got in the middle, my apologies"

My apologies? Teach him to play soccer? ...

Everyone felt that Yukio's words were a mockery in its entirety

Hera went ahead "Mr.Doragon please forgive him, I promise you that I will make sure this does not happen again!"

Artemis: "Certainly Mr. Doragon we the Gods of Olympus do not want our relationship to be bitter, so please forgive this incident and we will make sure that nothing like this happens again in the future"

Aphrodite also took a step forward looking towards Aura before speaking "Aura ... Please try to calm things down too, we do not want this to get out of hand anymore"

Aura looked at her before getting angry "I do not want to do it, did you try to calm things down when he mistreated me?" You did not do it, then I do not have any reason to do it either, besides, I'm nobody to ask the Fairy King to stop "

(If you're nobody, then why the hell the Fairy King was looking to kill Dionysus now?) Everyone present had those words in their minds

But they could understand that Aura was not going to stop Yukio now

Dionisio got up from the ground while he staggered and squeezed his stomach with force "Damn, how dare you!, Do not you fear our Olympus ?, we can eliminate you right now!"

Yukio: "To fear Olympus? ... Hahaha nice words, but even the Dimensional Olympus has to treat me with respect, before my eyes what the hell are you?"

Dimensional Olympus?

Everyone got confused but they just discovered that there was an Olympus and to be there in the dimensions it had to be quite powerful

Dionisio: "What the hell are you talking about? I'm going to kill you today!" He quickly charged against Yukio


But suddenly a whistling sound in the air was present, Dionisio quickly shot back with panic


A Golden Trident got stuck right away and then several people arrived

A man with a corpulent body took the Trident in his hands before looking at Dionisio

Poseidon: "What the hell do you think you're doing now?"

Dionysius: "Did not you hear what this man was talking about? He's challenging our Olympus in front of our faces!"

A beautiful woman holding an halberd one made of gold and a golden shield stepped forward while furrowing her eyebrows "Then you say you are fighting against Mr. Doragon for the honor of our Olympus? How strange we were informed that you were fighting for Aura..."

Dionisio: "That ..."

Possessed: "Enough, we do not want to hear your excuses, leave this and apologize to Mr. Doragon, we do not want to incite a war"

Dionisio was puzzled he frowned his eyebrows as he looked at Yukio with disgust clearly he was not going to apologize to anyone

Suddenly lightning was present in the night sky when it went towards the earth and transformed into a man with a big beard and white hair

Zeus: "Really! ... You really are good Dionysus!"

Dionysius: "Father?"

Zeus: "I'm looking for a way to not offend Mr. Doragon and you come and offend him ... You really are excellent!" The shout of Zeus in the last part made reverberation in the air stirring the environment

Aura immediately covered her ears but noticed that around shield of purple color fell on her and she looked towards Yukio

She knew that this man was protecting her and she nodded showing appreciation

The weak ones immediately staggered as they stepped backward

This commotion quickly attracted more people to be spectators among them were many factions to see what was happening

The four Maous were present and Angels like Gabriel and Michael had also arrived together with the Gods

Nyx looked at the situation with fun when she could see that Dionisio's opponent was Yukio, she wanted to see the strength of a

Issei who arrived with his group also observed things carefully

Valerie Tepes who had a difficult expression on her face looked towards Yukio with a complicated look

Yukio was supposed to be her seatmate when they were in school and she was too surprised when it turned out that this man with whom she talked so animated always in classes was Agarus

Not only that, but it turns out that this man was also the husband of Rias Gremory his King ...

Where is she supposed to keep her feelings then? She had already taken Yukio as her friend and maybe a possible romantic interest since she could feel very safe around Yukio

But now knowing that she was only a servant of Rias Gremory and Yukio being a Fairy King was impossible ... It was like the toad and the princess, but this time the woman would be the toad while the man was the King

Those stories would never be fulfilled

Dionisio: "Father, what are you talking about? I know that this man has great military strength behind his back, but is it necessary to fear him? We are Gods, we can against them." He was apprehensive of his father's words as he stood proudly to be named 'God'

The one ignorant guy who had not listened carefully to the news that was informed to him before ...

Zeus felt anger boiling in his heart but he ignores Dionisio and went to Yukio "Please Rey Hada, would you let this incident pass? we will take care of disciplining him"

Yukio: "Is that so?"

Zeus: "It's a promise we will make with our hearts"

Yukio thought a little and smiled "Well, then I'll forgive this matter"

When the Olympian Gods heard these words from Yukio, they were happy but only lasted a few seconds.

Yukio: "I will forgive him only if he rewards Aura properly, do you understand?"

Zeus: "Ah ... What do you mean by rewarding Aura?"

Yukio shrugged as he took Aura's hand and put it in front of him "I do not know, she'll tell you everything"

Aura who was ahead was nervous right away she had nothing specific to ask as compensation

Also ... What she had lost was impossible to return with some discouragement she looked at Yukio "I have nothing ... Nothing to ask"

Yukio: "¿Nothing?, come on, there must be something you want to recover"

Aura was thoughtful until she remembered something and looked at Zeus "I ... I want my bow"

Obviously, she was talking about the Arch she used to use when she went hunting with her 'friends'

She really did not want it because she had some feeling for the Arc, it's just that now she remembered that she did not have any useful weapons in her hands now.

His plan at the moment was to become stronger in order to maintain the expectations that Yukio had in her

And for that she needed a good weapon like her old bow

Zeus was hesitant "It..." He did not know what to say because he knew that Dionysius broke that bow in millions of pieces before when Aura escaped to the Sangario River

Yukio saw Zeus' hesitation and got a little upset he wrapped his arms in Aura's waists from behind "She just asked for her bow, do you have any problems with that?"

It was clear that he was using this 'intimacy' to make these Olympic Gods believe that Aura was now his wife

Aura was very flushed but also understood why Yukio did it and did not take it away, besides she was already a mature woman thing like these would not make her behave like a girl

Zeus was about to tell Aura that the bow was broken, but seeing the action of Yukio he knew that this was going to be a big problem. "Arco ... Ah, that bow is too old for Ms.Aura. What if we give you a better one than the old one? "

He had even changed the way he called Aura, but nobody said anything because this was pretty understandable

Aura: "Another bow?"

Zeus: "Yes, wait!" He turned around and with his eyes, he looked at the gods of Olympus before seeing his son Apollo the way to the "Give me your bow"

Apollo: "What?"

Zeus: "Give me your bow, also your arrows"

Apollo: "Father but ... It's my bow"

Zeus: "Not now" He immediately took away the bow and arrows, leaving Apollo speechless

Athena looked at Apollo and chuckled

Yukio looked at the scene and also laughed before speaking "Oh, and I want that halberd, it's pretty beautiful"

Athena choked while pointing her halberd. "E-wait, Mr. Doragon ... are you talking about my gun?"

Yukio: "Yes, is there a problem?"

Athena: "Ah ... No ... Please, take it" He gave it to Zeus as she looked at Yukio with an expression of an intimidated woman

Apollo who watched what happened with his sister started to laugh at her

Athena's pretty face turned red, shining with embarrassment because she was laughing at Apollo but now things changed

Artemis, Hestia, Nemesis and Aphrodite who were meeting each other now covered their mouths while trying to contain their laughter

Athena looked at that and it got even redder as she hid behind Poseidon

Yukio received the golden halberd while Aura took the bow and arrows in his hands

Zeus: "Do you like this Arc?"

Aura looked at the Arch and nodded knowing that this bow was much better than his previous weapon "I accept, thank you for your thoughtful gift"

Those words were meant to outwit Zeus, but Zeus nodded without any problem

Dionisio in the distance gritted his teeth while he was planning to find a way to take Aura

Yukio suddenly raised his head to the sky while furrowing his eyebrows "I guess it will take a little more time"

He muttered under his breath and then averted his eyes to Dionisio and smiled. "Well, I'll take this as an apology ... But that guy seems to still want to plan something, right?"

Zeus looked at Dionisio who seemed lost in his thoughts in planning something against Aura and became angry

Zeus: "I Mr. Doragon, I promise you ... Mr. Doragon?" He suddenly stopped when he noticed that Yukio had disappeared

Everyone was equally stunned, Aura had also disappeared and then everyone realized something

Now the two of them were standing in front of Dionysus

Aura had a confused face of how she could move up here but she looks at the arms that were still hugging her and she knew that this man must have done something

Yukio released her and walked towards Dionisio who was now looking at him with hatred. "Damn, what else do you want? You took a bow and a very important halberd from my brothers, why do not I give you my gun and you give me back my wife?! "

Yukio: "Your weapon? No thanks, your weapon could not even use it before it explodes for my energy, so you can keep it ... As for Aura, I will never give it to you, she is not my property nor yours, she can choose who to stay with ... "

Dionisio: "She..."


A slap landed on his face and he wobbled back

Dionisio: "You!"


This time it was Aura who slapped him.

Yukio smiled as he watched something that scene "Now I can understand what the MCs of the Chinese novels slap their enemies is quite addictive"

Suddenly a ray appeared in the middle of both while Zeus was present "Mr.Doragon ... Our deal was to give a bow to Mrs.Aura and then you would forgive Dionisio's life"

Yukio: "Sure, I know it was our deal, and I'm determined to forgive Dionisio's life, but who said he could not give him a lesson?"

Zeus: "That ..." He was nervous about the situation

Athena also took a step forward with the intention of protecting her brother she even bowed "Please Mr. Doragon ... You can hit him what you want but do not take his life, right?"

All the others were surprised because she instead of helping so that Yukio did not hit Dionisio, in fact, he only asked her not to kill him

But after thinking about it a bit they understood that it was impossible to change King Hada's opinion, that's why Athena simply asked him not to kill him

Yukio: "You do not have to bow, I've already decided not to kill Dionysus, you should not worry"

Athena nodded with compression and stepped back looking at Yukio and then at Aura

Aura looked at Athena, there was no problem between them so neither of them said anything to herself

But Aura could feel that Athena had some kind of resentment against her

(Why does she hate me? Will it is because I'm causing this to her brother? ... No ... I do not think ...) Aura was confused

Poseidon watched the scene before also taking a step but stood next to Zeus "I'm sorry Mr. Doragon but we can not allow you to hit Dionisio, he has not done anything rash to receive such punishment"

Yukio smiled indifferently "Did not you do anything? ... Let's see, the abuse of Aura, I also insult her verbally and even try to touch her right now ... Do you want to die with the chance?"

Yukio's voice had become so cold that everyone worried instantly as they stepped back

They could feel that Yukio under that smile was somewhat angry ...

Aura looked at Yukio and she did not leave like the others

Why would she be afraid of the man who tries to protect her?

Zeus: "That was in the past ... Even if you want to use that as a reference to punish him, that was long before you knew Aura you can not have a grudge with something that happened decades ago"

Yukio: "That's true ... ¿but I tell you a secret?"

Zeus: "Uh?"

Yukio: "I'm the kind of person who holds a grudge in my life for the slightest offense"


Huge pressure was present from the body of Yukio only with this aura could cause everyone to kneel even the Maou, Michael and Gods were on their knees with sweat on their faces

Zeus had it worse since he felt that his knees were breaking because of the immense pressure while he gritted his teeth "Mr.Doragon!"

Yukio: "Yes?"

Zeus: "We have never sought to put ourselves on their bad side, it was you who came before us for it ... Do you enjoy abusing the weak ?!"

Yukio: "Mmm." He made a pensive expression before smiling. "Actually, it's quite funny to see them suffer, why are you too?"

The Olympic Gods put dark expressions was quite obvious that everyone here took advantage of the weak

They as Gods what things did not?

Athena looked at Yukio hardly while the pressure was causing her to collapse, it was not only her, even Artemis, Aphrodite, Hestia and Hera were very sweaty as they gritted their teeth

It was obvious that Yukio was not the kind of man who would not kill a woman, clearly, if someone were male or female he did something wrong he would kill her without hesitation

Heart cold ?, He lived in a war in a world full of corrupt beings that he could smile was a miracle before all

Aura was not affected by the pressure because Yukio excluded her from it, she looked at him before she pulled the edge of Yukio's clothes

Yukio: "Yes?"

Aura: "Leave them ... I really do not care anymore, I'm happy with what you've done ..."

Yukio looked at her before answering "Are you satisfied?"

Aura: "In ... I am"

Yukio: "Then smile"

Aura: "Excuse me?"

Yukio: "If you're satisfied with this, I want you to smile"

Aura remained silent without saying anything but she was staring at Yukio with a surprised expression

She would never have thought that this man was actually doing this just to make her feel satisfied and smile

This man had something wrong in his head ?, What kind of method was this ... So absurd!

He had even ruthlessly stolen Apollo's bow and arrow and had taken Athena's favorite halberd without blinking.

This absurd method to make her smile was too stupid!

Aura felt a warmth in her heart while she instead of smiling started to laugh lightly at all of these silly actions that were present

Yukio pursed his lips "I only asked you to smile, why are you laughing now?"

Aura: "Why are you strange!"

Yukio: "I miss, the stranger is you who laughs so suddenly"

Aura shook her head as she stopped her laughter but her expression looked happy "Let's get out of here ... I want to try this bow"

She raised his hands showing the flaming red Bow that was formerly of Apollo with a smile on his lips

Yukio was pleased to see that smile on Aura before his pressure was released.

Yukio: "Jeh, then let's see who is better using a bow"

Aura nodded and they both started walking, ignoring everyone as if they did not exist

Everyone turned away from the path as if Yukio were Moses and they the same Red Sea

Yukio who was walking suddenly made a gesture with his hand back and then he continued to take Aura's hand

When he took Aura's hand they both disappeared instantly as if they were ghosts


A sound knocked everyone out of their daze as they watched the body of Dionysus suddenly fly into the air and then fall heavily to the ground

Hera: "Dionisio !!!" She ran towards her stepson with fear

The others also followed her and their eyes were surprised when they could see that Dionisio's body was filled with huge wounds all over his body

Broken bones and the whole face struck as if a flurry of violent blows had assaulted him

Zeus: "C-like ?!"

Poseidon: "It was when he made that hand gesture! that man!"

Everyone's face went dark

A single hand gesture and all would end like Dionysus ?, That was the power of a ?

What nobody knew is that this was not even 3% of its true power, otherwise, Dionysus would be dead long ago

Hestia: "Kyaaah !!"

Suddenly Hestia's scream stunned them all

Athena: "What's up !?"

Hestia blushed before pointing to Dionisio's crotch "He ... has blood there"

Zeus became pale and sim important the looks of women he took the pants off his son Dionysus

The faces of all the women turned red but their quick faces turned dark as they looked at that 'thing' there

Zeus: "No ... I do not eat !! How ruthless is that bastard!"

The 'thing' of Dionysus had been cut into thousands of pieces so much that it looked like a sausage cut on several sides was easily visible that this man needed a healer now

Quickly, Zeus bowed to a God but they could not even heal him when Dionysus's penis exploded into fragments scattering everywhere

Everyone's faces became pale and dazed with fear

This ... If someone tried to cure him, would that 'thing' explode? ... Was Yukio ruthless or a maniac ?!

Nyx's eyes shone with excitement as she watched this scene "This man ... He looks like me!"

She laughed without caring the look of everyone, only she could laugh at this terrible situation

Suddenly a little girl who seemed to be about five years old came running at full speed crashing against everyone when I look at the situation she ignored him and her eyes went around everyone before pursuing her lips "Where is my father? !!"

She suddenly shouted those words which attracted everyone's attention, each pair of eyes fixed on her without understanding who she was

The girl looked only five years old but exuded a feeling as if she had more than that age

Suddenly everyone saw their ears pointed

"An Elf? ..."

"The only Elves are next to the Fairy King, is he lost and looking for his father?"

"But why does she who is so young seem so animated?"

"Idiot, in the books it is said that Elves, despite being children, have a superior intelligence"

Everyone began to chat among themselves, the girl ignored everyone while she seemed to sniff the air like a little puppy

She frowned. "Father ... The smell of my father is tinged with the scent of a woman I do not know ... Unfaithful Father!" She grimaced with her lips before continuing to try to find her beloved father

Suddenly, several guards ran towards her. "Stop! Little girl, please, come with us."

"Please do not escape again or cause us problems!"

"Girl, come, we'll help you find your father!"

The girl came out of her thoughts and snorted before she mysteriously disappeared like a phantom

The Guards went blank before shouting with frustration "To hell, what's wrong with that girl? How does she run that way?"

"Friend ... That girl is very rare, I do not even know what skill she is using and I tell you that I have seen all the skills that are registered in the academy"

"Does not she seem familiar to you?"


"Yes ... I mean, for some reason, she looks like someone but I can not remember who she is"

The other Guards also thought about it and they really thought that this girl had the resemblance to someone but none of them had time to think about it now.

"Shit let's go look for her before the Fairy King punishes us

All were left speechless before what happened here

Each one dispersed in several groups while chatting about what had happened

Aphrodite: "This is something ... Very complicated now we have become enemies of the Fairy King ..."

Nemesis: "No, it's not exactly like that"

Aphrodite: "How can you be so sure of that?"

Nemesis: "If the Fairy King considered us enemies, he could have killed us all immediately ... Do not you think?"

Aphrodite was silent thinking about it, Hestia suddenly spoke "But, does not it seem weird? Aura is now the wife of the Fairy King ..."

Artemis snorted "It's not his wife, they just rode an act to put pressure on Zeus"

Hestia: "Really?"

Suddenly Hera appeared while looking at Artemis "Hestia, you must believe Artemis, after all a woman in love sees more than one who is not"

Hestia: "Oh, that's true"

Artemis: "That I'm not in love!"

Nemesis: "You say that, but your blush does not think the same apparently"

The others began to laugh while walking inside the mansion

Athena soon appeared before them with a smile "Artemis ... What you said is true?"

Artemis: "Um ... What do you mean, Athena?"

Athena: "About Aura is not one of Mr. Doragon's wives, is that true?"

Artemis nodded at Athena's question

Athena smiled mysteriously at once

Hera: "Does something happen?"

Athena: "No mother ... I go to my room to rest" She walked away while the other women looked at her strangely

Aphrodite: "She's acting weird, should we worry?"

Artemis: "I do not know ... But you should know how she is, she has a certain resemblance to Persephone when they have something in mind"

Hera: "She is ... Well, I do not think I do something bad, we should continue on our way"

The others nodded but Nemesis was thinking about something and the mysterious smile of Athena

When they turned in a corner they were surprised immediately

"Do you know where it is ?, I'm looking for it and I can not find it"

"Where is that? ... Who is that ?, I'm an elf !, an elf!, I do not understand you, take me to ... Can not you? Ahh ... Can you help me find it? ? "

The women were shocked when they saw that Athena who was supposed to go to her room to rest now was carrying a beautiful girl in her arms

Artemis: "A-Athena ... Is she?"

Hera: "H-daughter ... You?"

Athena: "Do not get confused ... This little girl I just found her and she seems to be looking for her father, she also says that she is an elf ... Do you know any elves?"

They all looked at each other but did not know any Elves, but they knew that among the Fairy Guards there were several

Aphrodite: "Maybe she's the daughter of some guard?"

Hera: "Possibly"

Artemis: "Could you tell us what your father is like?"

The girl turned her gaze to the women before smiling "He's handsome"
