Preparations (1)



There was an awkward moment while a man and a woman were looking at each other with mixed expressions

Their current positions were quite ambiguous since the woman was lying on the bed while the man was standing on her

Venelena: "I ... I wanted to talk to you about Rias ..."

Yukio: "... What?"

Venelana: "Could you move first? ... This is very uncomfortable" She even with a red face turned her gaze away as she tried to push Yukio but she realized that she could not even push back this man

Yukio: "If I step aside I'm sure you would try to escape and this would end in a big misunderstanding ..."

Venelana was silent and she knew that Yukio's words were true before she had already planned to escape as soon as this man departs from her but clearly could no longer do so.

Although this position was too uncomfortable and reminds her of that passionate kiss that happened only a few seconds ago she had to endure it

Yukio: "So ... What do you want to talk about Rias?"

Venelana: "It's about your romance ... She loves you very much and she told me that you're the one she's been waiting for all these years ... But ..."

Yukio: "But?"

Venelana: "What about you?"

Yukio: "What do you mean?"

Venelana: "I want to know ... Are you really in love with her?"

She as a mother wanted to be sure that this man totally loved her daughter ... If not then that would cause the future of her beloved daughter to be only a bleak path in a hopeless marriage

But clearly, the things said by this man the next moment made her calm

Yukio: "I do ..." He responded instantly while a smile showed on his lips "Rias is ... My beloved wife and for whom I have been dreaming for all these years ... After all, she was one of my motivations to come back here again "

The words spoken by Yukio were not lies, he had many reasons to return to this world even so Rias was also part of his arduous motivation ...

For her, he had broken his plans to remain hidden just to stop her and Raiser's wedding

Venelena thought Yukio's smile was really very hypnotic but shaking her head "If you say you love her ... Why do you have so many women around you?"

Yukio: "That's because even I am in love with Rias, I was also involved in many love relationships against others ... I know it sounds pretty bad but it's because I love them all that I can't just let them go ..."

Venelana could feel that Yukio was talking seriously about this and she also felt a complex feeling inside her

At that moment she remembered what her daughter had said previously.

"Yukio? ... Well, even if no person believes it ... he is not a womanizer, it is really just that it is difficult for him not to accept our feelings ... And although he says it was not right, he persists in loving us to all and gives us our position ... We are not his lovers ... We are his wives ... "

Mainly Venelana thought that her daughter was still very immature and had no experience with these related to love and thought that Yukio could be playing with her ...

But notice how this man showed so much love for Rias just for his look she felt some envy of her daughter ... What woman did not want to be pronounced with such love?

What woman didn't want her man to show such a loving look just by saying her name?

... Without a doubt, any woman would like that kind of man.

Yukio: "Can I ask you something?"

The sudden words of this man who was upon her made her leave her thoughts

Venelana: "I guess ..."

Yukio: "Since you've come to ask me why, if I love Rias, I'm with other women, I have to ask you because if you're married, you let your husband get involved with other women besides you"

Up to this point, Venelana looked away and knew that Yukio's words made sense.

She never said any words to show dissatisfaction but it's not as if she wanted her husband to be with other women from the beginning ...

The Gremory Clan was ...

A place where a weak woman like she had no right of voice, was for these reasons that Rias one being a woman of the Gremory Clan she was not even allowed to cancel her engagement with Raiser Phoenix.

Also, something that bothered Venelana a lot is that it has been many years since she even had a proper conversation with her husband.

With all those things in her mind and her dissatisfaction, she replied without even thinking "I didn't choose this, you know ... Now, since I got my answer, it's better that I leave now, could you please turn away from me?"

Yukio shrugged and pulled away as he let Venelana out of bed.

Venelana rose slowly as she fixed her dress and she sighed in relief as she looked at the man who was her current son-in-law.

She had such a complex feeling in her heart that it made her feel very confused ... She had only come here today to be able to talk to this man and understand if the relationship her daughter was going to seriously, and although she received her answers she also ended up receiving other things.....

That kiss ... That kiss that Yukio had given her was so stimulating and hypnotic for her that even she unconsciously responded to the kiss when he had approached her so intimately and in a dominant way

Yukio: "Can I know how you managed to get to my room without being stopped by the Guards?"

Venelana came out of her thoughts when she soon pulled out a necklace she was hiding under her clothes while showing it to Yukio, the necklace was simple, but had a drawing of a dragon with a crown on the top of his head.

Yukio: "Who gave you that?" He suddenly frowned

Venelana who looked at the change of expression on her son-in-law's face felt that this man could have been angry "Don't blame her ... It was I who insisted on wanting to talk to you and she didn't have to give me this necklace to be able to present myself to you ... "

Yukio: "Then it was Rias ..."

Venelana nodded as she extended her hand with the intention of giving Yukio the necklace.

Yukio: "Do you know the meaning of that necklace in your hands?" But he asked without even taking the necklace in his hands

Venelana: "Uh? ... Rias said that with this he could do what he wanted in the territory of King Fairy ... It's a very valuable object, that's why I return it"

Yukio: "Exactly it is valuable ... But do you really know what its true purpose is?"

Venelana showed a confused expression and shook her head.

Yukio: "Hu ... Don't blame me, you yourself were the one looking for trouble ... That one is collar is for this ..."

He gestured and the necklace slowly floated in the air as it lit up with a small golden light and then some extravagant letters appeared in the air.

[Fairy Queen - Venelana Doragon]

Venelana: "An identification? ..."

Yukio: "Yes ... But is it more than that you noticed?"

Venelana looked at the text when her expression became stunned when she realized that her name bore the surname 'Doragon'

Not only that, was she a Fairy Queen?

Venelana: "Wait ... This necklace is? ..."

Yukio: "Yes, it is the way in which everyone knows that you are my wife, possibly this news already had to be watered among the Fairy Guards, which will soon notify all the guests"

Venelana went pale at once ... How was that possible?

She had not thought that things would happen this way, she got up and took Yukio from his shirt "You have ... You have to do something this is not right!"

Yukio: "Was it I who caused it? First, you enter my room without my permission and you confuse me causing me to end up kissing you, don't you think this is your fault?"

Venelana: "Is it my fault?" She was stunned until her face turned red "You are a liar! It is impossible for you to get confused, God you are the most powerful man in this world, how could you be wrong! ... You wanted to kiss me and that is the truth! You are really nasty! "

Instantly she got angry while her face was very red while her huge chest rose and fell due to her agitated breaths

But it was because she was so nervous that she did not realize that she was practically saying so many bad words to a man that everyone in this mansion considered the same death ... The same cold-hearted man

But Yukio was left speechless

He never wanted to kiss her, it was a huge coincidence that right now he had suppressed all his senses making him a mere human ...

Besides ... How the hell was he going to know that it would be Venelana who was outside her door and not any of her beautiful wives ?!

Yukio: "Do not accuse me of something I have not done"

Venelana: "Accusing you? I'm not accusing you, I'm revealing your complete lies! I'll tell Rias everything if you don't fix this matter now!"

Yukio: "Yes, well then do it, I do not care" He simply shrugged as he headed towards his bed

Venelana was speechless instantly she had thought that if she threatened to tell Rias everything this man would try to help her just to keep her quiet

Worse, she just realized ... She couldn't tell Rias this because if she did her relationship as a mother and daughter she would be very affected!

How could she tell her daughter what happened here? In addition, she also could not allow unfounded notifications that she was a new wife of King Fairy to be extended to everyone in this mansion.

That would cause a serious problem ... She was the wife of Zeoticus, although now she was only 'wife' only in title, that would still cause such outrageous news that the Gremory Clan would end up raising a stir

Venelana: "You have to fix this, you can not just leave it like that ..."

Yukio: "Even if you tell me to repair it, it may already be too late, do you know how long we've been here?"

Venelana: "Approximately thirty minutes, no?"

Yukio: "Exactly and even if it's only thirty minutes my Guards have a special communication method and the news should have been spread among them ... Possibly while we are speaking even the guests should already know about this"

Venelana's face became very pale, it was because Zeoticus was even among the guests than... What would that man do when he found out?

Yukio: "I think you should go now, you know?"

Venelana: "No, I can not leave ... You must come with me and solve this, you have to tell everyone that this is just a mistake"

Yukio: "Um, that could work"

Venelana: "Yes, then what are you waiting for ... Let's go now" She got excited when she heard that this could be resolved

But Yukio quickly destroyed his ideas

Yukio: "If that worked, but I will do it later on at this moment I need to rest, I will make sure to resolve this issue later"

Rest? .... Will he rest and resolve this urgent matter after sleeping?

Venelana blinked in shock and instantly her face turned red with anger "YUKIO DORAGON !!! Although I know you do not have any respect at least you could give me something of value for your relationship with my daughter and help me at this time!"

She screamed very angrily as her big chest rose and fell due to her agitated breathing as her hands tightened the edges of her dress

Yukio: "I think if you had the ability , you could have shattered this room only with your fierce shout ..." He smiled as he raised a finger in admiration.

But Venelana got even angrier and immediately began hitting him with her little fists.

But Yukio simply avoided everything with a smile, he thought it was quite laughable that his mother-in-law tried to hit him.

It was because seeing this woman who usually behaves so mature and immutable actually had a certain resemblance to Rias

At that moment he could see that Venelana had been raising her power, even more, she realized that this woman really wanted to hit him with strength

Yukio: "Oi, oi, aren't you too aggressive?"

Venelana: "You are a total idiot!"

She became even angrier as she created a sphere of by throwing it towards this hateful man in front of her.

But Yukio just shrugged as he extended his hand.

Venelana: "Wait! Don't touch it, idiot!"

She did not think that this man really wanted to use his bare hand to be able to defend himself from the element

Even so, Yukio did not stop and his hand touched the sphere of which became completely watery, forcing it to transfer to its own body by absorbing it.

Venelana opened her eyes in shock because she couldn't believe she saw what she had just seen ... She knew it ... This man had absorbed the element

That was something that even among the Bael was impossible to achieve ... But she remembered that Rias who showed great control in that element could actually do it too

Then she remembered something even more frightening now ...

Venelena had remembered who this man really was, not only was his son-in-law but the current Fairy King

She could be the mother of Yukio's wife, but no doubt she also knew that this man was a cruel person or at least had witnessed, so unconsciously she stepped back with caution.

Yukio looked at Venelana's expression and sighed bitterly before turning to rest for a while. "You should go, I want to rest now."

Venelana was very reluctant and wanted to say something, but she realized how Yukio was taking off the towel around her waist and her face turned red. "You ... What do you think you're doing? I'm still here ..."

Yukio: "I don't even understand why you're still here, you should leave my room now, you know?"

He paid no more attention and prepared to get a new set of clothes from his inventory.

Venelana looked away, but as a curious woman also looked at her son-in-law, it was such a mysterious feeling in her heart but her mouth soon opened with an 'O'

She had already seen the upper part of Yukio showing the muscles in their proper proportions where she should be, but when she noticed that 'place' that only someone intimate could see she could not prevent her face from turning red scare

As Venelana had spent all these days with Yukio's wives chatting then she had already heard many of her intimate stories with Yukio even so ...

Seeing and listening was a very different thing!

Yukio who was still choosing a suit to dress could feel Venelana's eyes looking at that 'place' and he felt very strange "... Could you go out or plan to stay here looking at me all day?"

Venelana wanted to turn around and run to Rias to tell her how shameless Yukio was

Even so, she tried to bear it because seriously she was worried about something

Venelana "Please ... Could you clear up the misunderstanding? ... You may not know, but if this rumor spreads and manages to reach the ears of the Gremory Clan, many bad things will happen ..."

Yukio: "bad things?"

Venelana: "Yes ..." She nodded and made a sad expression. "The Gremory Clan is very possessive of its women and this false news will create a slight tension among all the Clans, not only would the Gremory Clan perhaps even be possible. other Clans and Factions will feel that it is counterproductive to ally with you ... "

Yukio: "Why would that be?"

Venelana: "Do you really ask? ... You stole the wife of the former Lord Bael, you made Maou Lucifer's ex-wife your new wife, you kidnapped the princess of the Gremory Clan and not to mention the Phoenix Clan ... "

Yukio understood Venelana's words and realized how many possible enemies he had created ... But what?

These Clans and individuals were simple ants before his eyes he had already chosen who would be his true allies ... And the Clan Gremory was not on that list, also after all for him it was better if these people revealed themselves so wise in who could really trust

Therefore he simply laughed carelessly as he gave Venelana a look

Yukio: "Believe me after resting, I'll take care of the rumors, and if an incident occurs, believe me, that I wouldn't mind exterminating it ... Are you happy with that?"

Yukio's distracted and confident response made Venelana feel a heartbeat when she remembered how dominant this man was.

The strong and dominant man who was the Fairy King ... The King of a whole dimension by himself and not counting that he was a of the vast dimensions

Although she was somewhat scared, only by Yukio's confident look she managed to calm down and couldn't help but nod and keep a slight pink glow on her cheeks.

She knew it, she could not convince this dominant man so she turned around and took a few short steps towards the door of the room.

But just when he did that, he heard a sound from behind and turned around to realize how Yukio had fallen on one knee while breathing something agitated.

Venelana was very confused but noticing the expression of pain on Yukio's face also felt somewhat agitated

Instantly she moved to his side trying to see if there was someone to attack him but she couldn't feel any presence

Venelana "Yukio ?!"

She really sounded worried when she approached her son-in-law and even ignored that this man is naked while trying to figure out what happened by checking his body.

Yukio looked at Venelena but he clenched his teeth when he felt that the element was circulating fiercely over his body this was clearly showing that the time had come.

To be able to completely dominate an element, it is necessary that he expel those quantities at all times, which he cannot absorb, but since he had really wanted to hurry him, he opted to force his way.

This meant that he would have to enter a battle where he was forced to expel some of his power or he would have to free himself in other ways.

The one that belonged to the Dragon race ... He had two simple ways to break free, one was that he would get involved in some great battle or have mating to be able to clean himself completely in body and soul ...

That's why he wanted Venelana to leave.

Previously when he had been carried away by his instincts it was only because his wife Reiko was close and then there would be no problems if they turned out to have sex but now ...

Things were quite different because at this time there was only one woman at his fingertips and that was Venelana who was his mother-in-law who clearly made him have to repress all his impulses to not end up causing a disaster

Yukio: "Hu ... Sigh ... you better leave the room now ..-"

Venelana: "What?" She was stunned because this man was asking her to leave, but she could clearly see Yukio's frown indicating that she was feeling pain so she knew she couldn't leave it like that "Impossible, I won't leave now while you're in this state. .. What do you have? What's wrong with your body? "

Yukio: "It's nothing, just leave now and call some of my wives ..."

Venelana listened to the words mentioned by this man and frowned because she could feel that Yukio's body was expelling strange energy similar to the one she had felt when the Transcendence she had previously witnessed was being made

Yukio: "... Didn't you hear? ... Go now and call my wife!"

Venalana began to doubt if he should leave because he could feel that Yukio seemed to suffer, but seeing how this man was asking him to call

to some of his wives, it was likely that this was a private matter

Then she immediately helped him get up while laying him on the bed in the room.

Venelana: "I'm going to look for them right now, but .. Eh !? ..."

She couldn't finish her sentence when her eyes caught how a certain "place" had risen with a lot of energy.

She blinked in shock and then looked at Yukio's face that seemed to suffer ... What's going on here?

Venelana's thoughts were cut when she managed to observe how a purple smoke suddenly left Yukio's body

Venelana was a little scared thinking that Yukio was having something bad happen but he could immediately see how this man's appearance was changing.

His height had grown and his body became robust while two pairs of the jet black horn had appeared on his forehead.

On his forehead, he had a black tattoo that resembled a cross, while a long dragon tail came out of his lower back

Venelana: "D-Dragon ... Is your dragon lust activated?" She, as a connoisseur of the Dragons, knew what was happening right now.

Without hesitation, she decided to go for one of Yukio's wives, but even before she could run, a large handheld her by her forearm causing her to be scared.

Venelana: "E-wait I ... I don't!" She said something but it was too late when she was in bed while Yukio was on top of her as if everything was happening again

Yukio: "... P-Why didn't you leave now?"

Venelana: "I ... I tried but ... you didn't leave me "

She was twisting while feeling that this man's body was sticking to his very intimately

This caused both of them to look at each other while Yukio tried to suppress his impulses and then loosened the strength of his grip.

Yukio: "Go now ..."

Venelana nodded and was about to get up but met Yukio's eyes ...

Then she looked at the door and without thinking again she lay back on the bed while staring at Yukio

Yukio: "What are you doing? Go now!"

Venelana: "No ..."

Yukio: "What?"

Venelana: "I will not leave ..."

Yukio: "If you don't leave now ..."

Venelana: "I know ... I have seen many reports about Dragons and I know what will happen now, I also know the consequences if the Dragon tries to stay ..."

Yukio: "The consequences don't matter ... You should get out of here or I won't be able to resist anymore"

Venelana: "If I leave you ... you will suffer even more"

Yukio: "If you don't leave now ... Then, you will be the one who suffers in addition to all your stupid old fight will come apart if you really become my wife ..."

Venelana looked away, she knew was being contradictory

She had been trying to make this man try to deny the rumors but here she was trying to practically open her legs to him

But Venelana knew that this man was suffering ... And for only her eyes that seemed to lose focus in every second, she knew very clearly ... This man was repressing so much that it could even affect his own body

How many men would be willing to do that? ... Risking themselves and losing their own power just to avoid hurting another person ...

She didn't know if it was for the consideration of this man, but she couldn't help feeling very complex by noticing how Yukio was repressing so much not to rape her

In this world where power had the last word ... It wouldn't be weird if she who was raped by King Fairy simply couldn't complain, much less seek revenge

But here was the most powerful man in the world, repressing himself to the point that he could even damage his power so as not to dirty her.

Very complex feelings invaded her ... This dominant and at the same time an affectionate man who cares about others ... Wasn't it exactly how she always wanted her to be her dream boyfriend?

Her charming prince and her faithful husband ...

She had only seen Yukio twice in her life ... There was no love ... But she felt she wanted to be with this man, she didn't know if it was the desire or to feel satisfied herself...

But since she had heard so much about Yukio from her wives, she couldn't help feeling very envious because they were all happy while she had to live a life full of anguish

Not that she was a whore ... Her marriage broke over many years ago since Zeoticus had forgotten her and always spent her time with the members of her harem

She was only 'wife' of the Gremory Clan simply by holding a title ... But she never got to receive love and has never told anyone, not even her children know about this because she is sorry to tell them

Venelana always felt that her sexual attractiveness had evaporated since Zeoticus had forgotten her so she simply decided to remain calm and take care of her children while suppressing her pain and anguish for herself.

But noticing the remarkable desire this man was feeling for her and the way this man treats his wives so affectionately she couldn't help it ...

She didn't care what they called her ...

She didn't care if they said they called her a slut or an adulteress but she ... She also wanted to be happy

She wanted this man in her life ...

The consequences of his actions?

Didn't Yukio himself say that he would take care of them himself?

With that in mind, she decided not to hold back while she was determined now

Venelana hugged Yukio's neck while showing a determined look "No ... I don't care ... as long as it's you who does it"

His words were very ambiguous, but she clearly made something clear ...

She didn't care if this happened while it was Yukio who started it.

Yukio looked at Venelana's beautiful face and didn't know what to do, but decided ...

If a problem occurs or Rias gets angry, he would try the best way to solve it.

Because even though he didn't love Venelana, nothing would stop him from creating feelings for this woman who was willing to sacrifice himself so that he as a dragon wouldn't get hurt trying to contain himself

Without thinking more slowly, they both approached their faces and kissed while a feeling resurfaced in them.

Passion, desire, excitement and a somewhat taboo feeling while they became very frantic among them

Because Yukio completely released his instincts he was somewhat rough while his hands moved around Venelana's body without showing signs of stopping

But Venelana didn't stop him, she kissed him hard while she could also feel Yukio's cock hitting her stomach repeatedly causing her vagina to tickle

Venelana's delicate and beautiful face was deep red when she used her hands to touch Yukio's muscles

Venelana: "Mm, mmm, mm, ah ... Ah!" She let out moans in a very sexy voice while she could feel Yukio's hands touching every corner of her body.

Her bulging breasts felt tight when Yukio squeezed them so hard that he even left marks

Yukio stopped kissing her while immediately sucking the nipples of her glorious breasts.

These cute nipples that had a slight pink color due to their good care were very sensitive and Yukio was treating them very roughly by biting and sucking them while leaving many teeth marks

Venelana: "Hwahhh ... Ah ... Ugh!" She let out a groan when Yukio managed to bite her right nipple very loudly

Even so despite the pain, she took Yukio's head and buried her in her breasts as if she wished she wouldn't stop.

It was because she felt that she was finally wanted, that she was not just a 'wife' of title and really wanted to satisfy her was something that made her very happy while her face showed a small smile

Venelana's sexy and loud moans were heard in the room while Yukio let go without any sign of stopping.

Venelana: "Ah!" Suddenly she felt a hand under her dress and naughty fingers that were touching her vagina under her panties.

She bit her lip while she could feel her vaginal lips extend and a finger penetrate her.

Venelana: "Mmn, Mmph, Y-Si ... Wah!"

Yukio moved his fingers very quickly while biting Venelana's nipples, which caused them to blush with several bite marks on their large breasts.

Venelana suddenly extended her hands and with all her strength pushed Yukio upside down "... Let me do it ..."

She said in a weak voice while looking at Yukio's penis which was completely erect she spread her little hands rubbing it and slowly caressing him

Yukio: "Ugh ..."

Venelana felt satisfied when she heard Yukio's moan and she smiled before opening her small mouth slowly

His fragile lips soon surrounded Yukio's penis, implying that she had put it in his mouth without any doubt

She wanted to satisfy this dominant man and she decided to be the one to fulfill these types of fetishes that men had

Venelana: "Sglups ... Sglups ... Hmm ..." She had her cheeks swollen as her tongue moved on Yukio's penis which was inside her mouth

Yukio let out pleasant moans because he had not received this treatment from his other wives apart from Saemys and Kuroka

Also, this feeling of doing it with her mother-in-law was so immoral and at the same time exciting was like when a teenager had discovered porn for the first time

Yukio: "Venelana ...!"

Venelana's hands moved up and down while her mouth also did the same


It was the sound of Yukio's penis coming out of Venelana's mouth, it was so obscene and lustful at the same time

Venelana: "... do you like ...?" She asked as she moved her hands rubbing Yukio's penis

Yukio nodded as his dragon's tail fluttered, which caused Venelana to laugh slightly and then immediately put Yukio's penis in his mouth

Venelana: "Sglups ... Uh ?!" She tensed enormously as she felt like something hard was rubbing in her vagina that was still wearing her wet panties

She soon realized that this was Yukio's tail and her face turned so red thinking about obscene things but her movements did not stop

Yukio: "I'm going ..." He spoke half-heartedly due to the pleasure he was feeling from Venelana's warm and soft mouth

Venelana accelerated her movements while she could feel Yukio's tail rubbing her vagina hard as if she wanted to break her panties and penetrate her

Many obscene things came to Venelana's mind while she did her best

Venelana: "Sglups ... Mmm ... Sglups ..."

Yukio suddenly grabbed Venelana's head and buried her in his crotch, Venelana felt like all of Yukio's penis entered her mouth but she knew that she would not suffer any harm except a little pain and did not resist

Something liquid and viscose with a strong smell spread in her throat very quickly while Yukio let go, she raised her head


Venelana: "Cough ... Cough ..." She coughed twice as her chest rose and fell recovering her breath but over her mouth overflowed a drop of something white

Yukio looked at her and was surprised that she actually swallowed his cum

Yukio: "You ..."

Venelana: "... I do not care ..." She said in a weak voice as she averted her gaze

She clearly was not willing to swallow Yukio's semen is just that she had to do it or if it would not be very difficult for her to breathe

But she wasn't really upset, it was because Yukio's semen was really sweet contrary to what she expected

Yukio looked at the beautiful face of Venelana blushing and with agitated breathing and he smiled and his instincts returned to their normal state but he was not going to stop

He threw himself on her while he immediately kissed her, their tongues intertwined as Yukio's hands ripped Venelana's dress

On the other hand, Venelana did not feel any discomfort for her broken dress she even wanted to break it herself so that Yukio could see her nude now

Yukio stopped his kiss and looked at the majestic body of this woman who was his mother-in-law

A voluptuous body with large well-maintained breasts and a flat abdomen while her hips were small which made her breasts and ass turgid look so splendid

Her white skin was very beautiful and her wet vagina that emitted a fragrant smell was worthy of calling her a mature woman

Yukio: "Do you think I can ...?"

Venelana looked away very embarrassed but she nodded "You ... You can do it ..."

Yukio smiled and raised Venelana's right leg exposing her beautiful vagina ajar, Yukio's penis touched Venelana's vagina causing her to feel electricity all over her body

Yukio: "... Once I do, there will be no going back ..."

Venelana: "I know ..."

Yukio: "When we complete this step, you will be mine ... And your Clan cannot interfere"

Venelana nodded again as she closed her eyes.

Yukio: "... you will be my wife ..."

Venelana: "... I want to become your wife"

They both stared at each other now, they knew once this step was completed there would be no turning back

Venelana had already decided and did not care what they called her, she did not want to feel more distressed because she as a woman also wanted to be happy ...

It sounded selfish but she also wanted to live her life and thinking about it little tears escaped her eyes as she looked directly at this man who would become her husband now

Yukio smiled and cleaned the grimaces that ran down Venelana's face with her fingers. "Then I'll make sure to make you completely happy ..."

Without saying more, he immediately kissed her while his penis went straight to Venelana's vagina.

Venelana: "Ahhhh !!" She screamed as she dug her nails into Yukio's back showing pain on her face

Yukio stopped and kissed Venelana so she could calm down a bit

Venelana responded to the kiss while hugging Yukio's neck, she tried to endure the heartbreaking pain she could feel in her intimate area

When the pain eased she nodded to Yukio that he could move

Yukio immediately began to move his hips as they both clung to their bodies, the obscene sound and their agitated breaths were audible in the room.

Venelana: "Nng... Ahh ... Yukio ...!" From the beginning, she had not called her son-in-law by name but now she had stopped holding herself while feeling like Yukio could completely dominate her.

She finally understood how women like Misla and Reiko could fall in love with such a young man ... Well, today he had discovered it.

Venelana's hips moved along with Yukio following the rhythm while she could tell how her whole interior tried to squeeze Yukio's cock as if she did not want to let go of him.

It has been many years since she had some intimate contact with the opposite sex so she felt too liberated while her son-in-law was making her feel like a woman again

Venelana: "Nahh... Ahhh ... D-hard ... You're being very rude ...!"

Yukio smiled as he made Vanelana change position while now she was showing her back as she turned upside down making that cute ass they saw in all their splendor

Venelana: "EE - this pose ... It's very shameful ... Do not look" She spoke weakly as she could notice how her son-in-law was looking at her so fixedly in her private places

Yukio: "Shame? You're my wife now ... You should not have it, or should you?"

Venelana: "A- No ... But saying it and doing it is a different thing you know ... Ahhh!"

She let out a moan when she could feel Yukio's cock penetrate her without even hesitating

Chop! Chop! Chop!

Venelana held the savannahs tightly while it was still strong because in this position Yukio's penis could reach it even more

She was very embarrassed but at the same time very happy with herself because she could feel that she had become a desired woman again ...

Yukio was a young man and she was a woman who had already spent her full youth, but having this man pleasing her so vigorously was as if a new world opened before her eyes

It wasn't because of sex ... It was because of that look that Yukio was giving him while they were doing it ... It was love

That affectionate and loving look that Yukio was giving her was something that made her feel so weak and happy that her face showed a beautiful smile while her body was being pleased by her new husband.

Both made a mess in the room while changing poses, Venelana climbed on Yukio and began to ride while his rear bounced causing Yukio felt a huge satisfaction

Venelana: "Ahh ... Nhgg ... It's ... Mu and big! ... Ahh!"

His choppy words and his beautiful expression caused Yukio to smile maliciously when he held her by the hips pulling her towards him

Venelana: "Nghh .....!"

Yukio: "You're beautiful ..."

Venelana: "M-liar ..."

Yukio only smiled when his tail waved in the air and hit one of the buttocks of Venelana


Venelana: "Hyahhh !!" She groaned in shouts when the tail hit her while Yukio penetrated her, felt that this kind of act was so indecent.

But she felt very surprised by this dominant man and her moans grew even stronger as she moved her butt to both sides while she had Yukio's penis still inside her to satisfy Yukio.

Just looking at Yukio's expression, Venelana knew what goal was being achieved and took out a pretty smile but instantly got a little nervous

Venelana: "Ngh ... W-that ... that ... will you do that?"

She who was so happy became very tense when she could feel the tip of Yukio's tail brushing the hole in her anus.

He had never had this type of sex since it was very embarrassing for a woman, even when he had sex with Zeoticus she had fiercely denied

Yukio: "What do you think?" He asked doubtfully while laughing.

Her main objective was to try to make Venelana feel calmer, she didn't plan to do that, but she also wanted to know at what level this woman was willing.

Even so for Venelana, those words were very difficult to process in her mind but she decided

She wanted to give herself to this man completely ... What better way to give her her first time? ... Her first time in that 'place'

Venelana: "... I ... now I'm yours ... my body belongs to you ... And if it's you I don't care ..."

Yukio: "... What about Zeoticus?"

Venelana: "... I know what you think ... I am an easy woman ... And possibly you have that idea of ​​me for these so indecent things that I am doing ... BUT ..."

Yukio: "But?"

Venelana: "I do not know ... I want to give myself to you ... I want to be yours and I know that my actions are not right because even if I am right now deceiving Zeoticus that prevents me from deceiving you in some years more... "

She was frank and direct because she herself knew that her actions were very vulgar and without mentioning that she was practically an adulteress right now

But Yukio shook his head "Would you really be able to betray me a few years later?"

Venelana: "... Would you be able to love me all this life?" Instead of answering, she asked him something different.

Yukio: "I'm going to love you until my heart stops beating ..."

Venelana: "... Then that answers your question ..."

She was making it clear to him now if Yukio would really love her no matter what years they spent then she would never stop loving him as her husband

Venelana was an experienced woman and was not stupid for things ... A romance without love was destined to fail enormously, she not only wanted to be sexually satisfied but also wanted to be loved.

Hearing thousands of times how Yukio's wives told how this man was so loving and overprotective, he made her feel very curious.

She did not love him, but she did not dislike her either, it was as if she felt a certain attraction to this man that she could not resist ... In addition, feelings could grow over time and she was sure of something

She could get to love this man in no time ... Why? ... It was because this man was showing so much affection and she felt so sweet right now that it was impossible not to feel rendered by him...

Yukio: "... Marry me ..."

Venelana: "Uh? ..." She got confused when she did not understand Yukio's words

Are you supposed to be having sex that would not make her Yukio's wife anymore?

Yukio: "Marry me ... It means to have my ... Marry me"


Venelana knew it because Rias had told him about it, it was proof of his love for the Fairy King but also a double-edged sword ...

If his love were cut, the Fairy King would suffer a huge consequence and here he was, asking him to be his legal wife ...

Venelana looked at him while she got a little tear

For years she lived without feeling love ... Today this man was giving her much more than she asked

Venelana: "... I ... What about Rias?"

Yukio: "I'll talk to her ..."

Venelana: "And your other wives? ... Would they accept that I was with you?"

Yukio: "I do not think that neither Misla, Reiko or Grayfia have problems with you ... As for the others, I will convince them ..."

Venelana: "And ... My Clan? What about the problems they caused?"

Yukio: "Even if you do not now become my wife we ​​have already had sex ... It is very likely that they will try to cause problems ... Whether you marry me or not, I will still be in charge of solving those problems"

Venelana bit her lips she was Rias' mother she was already being very shameless having sex with her son-in-law and now she was receiving the offer to marry him

Rias ... Venelana thought about her daughter but she did not know what to do and only her tears came out

Yukio wiped Venelana's tears with his fingers and kissed her on the cheek

Venelana took Yukio's hand that was on her face and closed her eyes while a small smile was on her lips ... It doesn't matter anymore

Adulteress, slut, sex slave ... She didn't care now what name and title they gave her ...

This man in front of her was accepting her completely ... Yukio was accepting her without even knowing if in some years she would betray and he was even willing to take her as his legal wife carrying a

Venelana: "I ... accept ... be your wife ..."

She has just surrendered completely without any doubt ...

Yukio hugged her tightly while he kissed her and her tail began to gently rub Venelana's anus, which caused her to groan loudly when she felt Yukio's penis in her vagina and her tail touching her anus.

Venelana: "Ahh ... Ngh ... D-it hurts ..." She spoke softly when she felt the tip of Yukio's tail slowly enter her anus.

This was very obscene and she felt too ashamed, but this man was her husband now ... Among them, there shouldn't be something called 'shame'

Yukio tried to be kind because this kind of thing only does them with Saemys or Kuroka, so he also felt excited when Venelana accepted it so easily.

Venelana: "Aghh ... E-it's inside ..."

She was lying on Yukio's chest while she had her husband's penis in her vagina and now the tail in her anus.

No matter where you looked, it was very embarrassing for her, but she decided to please him.

Yukio: "Can I ...?"

Venelana: "Y-yes ... Please ..."

With the confirmation of Venelana, Yukio took this wife of his by the hips while he penetrated her with his penis

His tail did not stay still as he was writhing as he came out and entered Venelana's tight anus

It was very irregular to do something like that but Venelana felt even more excited as she bit Yukio's shoulder feeling two things moving inside her

His moans echoed in the room and the obscene sounds were too high causing them to bounce on the walls

This would be a great dream moment for both ...


It had already been two hours and both new lovers had stopped while they snuggled between them

Venelana was asleep while maintaining a smile on her lips full of satisfaction and between her legs, you could notice a white sticky liquid

It was not only her legs her back also had a little while her butt was full of such liquid after having spent a nice two hours of continuous sex with her husband

Yukio was watching the ceiling while his eyes had become he could see many particulars floating in the air and many chains of different colors everywhere

He did not know what these strange chains were for, but he did not want to touch them because he felt that something bad could happen if he broke any

With that in mind, he diverted his sight to a specific address while smiling mockingly as he noticed how an army was hitting a barrier while screaming curses.

Yukio: "Damn you imbeciles ... Uh? ... He even has Dragons with him is really an idiot to bring that kind of helpers knowing that I am the same Abysmal Dragon ... Those four ..."

He suddenly noticed four figures standing to look at the Army trying to destroy the barrier

At that time Yukio pulled a very mocking smile when one of the four figures raised his eyes without showing his face but a weak smile could be seen

Yukio thought that this would now become quite fun to watch ... With those thoughts, he directed his gaze outwards noting that the guests were watered throughout the mansion

Outside the mansion there were many who were chatting or drinking as if they were friends, he also could see Chang'er eat many appetizers

At that moment a beautiful Fairy servant approached Chang'er offering her more food

Yukio chuckled noticing that huge appetite even if he did not know he would think that woman was a beast or something like that

At that moment his eyes caught the movement of a group in specific and he could only sigh

Yukio: "To start a war you must first eliminate the internal problems or everything will fall eventually"

He got out of bed carefully without waking his wife while giving her a small kiss and then dressed in a dark battle suit

His only goal was to help this world to evolve but if nobody appreciated such acts then he would simply let them die after all he did not gain anything by helping them

With that in mind, he left his room ready to teach these Factions that he needed allies not to get in his way.


A group of women was laughing softly while they were inside a structure made by the appearance of Capula

Inside were many beautiful herbs and flowers that emitted intoxicating fragrances and energies that they did not understand but the more time they spent there the more they felt relaxed

Artemis: "I really like this place ... It's so nice, but is it okay for us to be here?"

Yaeko: "My dad will not say anything while you do not touch anything hehe"

Hestia raised an eyebrow and read a sign that said

[Entry prohibited: Fairies only]

Hestia: "... Girls, I think it's not right that we're in here ..."

Athena: "I agree with Hestia, what do you think, little Yaeko? We can go play somewhere else"

Yaeko made a thoughtful expression while hugging Athena "This place is very beautiful and I like to be here ... What if we ask my mother for permission?"

Athena: "Ugh ... Your mom ..." She tensed instantly and only smiled a little nervous

It was the same for the other women because they knew that Saemys was too powerful and they were instinctively afraid of him

Yaeko: "Well ... Then I'll look for something and then we'll go, okay?"

Athena hesitated a bit but nodded "It's okay, go, we'll wait for you here"

Yaeko nodded while smiling and was running

Artemis, Hera, Hestia, and Aphrodite looked at each other before looking at Athena

Hera: "Child, can I ask you something?"

Athena: "Yes?"

Hera: "Do you like the Fairy King?"

Athena: "Ah ?!" She was surprised by the sudden question and did not understand

Hestia: "We think you like it since you're taking such good care of his daughter ..."

Aphrodite: "Well ... He is quite handsome and powerful, It would not be weird that Athena who admires the powerful warriors fell in love with the Fairy King"

Hera: "That's true my daughter is like that ..."

Artemis: "Sister ... Do you really like the Fairy King?"

Athena: "B-well ... I admit he is handsome and very strong, but that has nothing to do with it ... It's just that I really like Yaeko and that's it ..."

The other women looked at each other and it was as if they understood that Athena was only ashamed

Hera: "Although I know that your father will be upset because you maintained your purity for many decades, I will encourage you as my daughter ..."

Aphrodite: "I will also support you ..."

Hestia: "Come I told them ... The Fairy King has very good genes and if Athena has her son, how do you think it is?"

The other women looked at Hestia with their mouths like an 'O' did not think she would say that

Athena turned red but turned her gaze away from her silly sisters and mother

Artemis looked at Athena and felt somewhat conflicted she felt something for the Fairy King but had no way to prove it

On the other hand, Athena was very close to Yaeko, which meant that it would not take long for the Fairy King to realize how good a woman Athena was and possibly to take her as a concubine.

Athena: "Woah ..."

The sudden exclamation of Athena attracted the attention of the other women, Artemis who was lost in her thoughts was the same when they now looked at a picture of a painting where there were several people

The painting picture was simple

But there painted a beautiful woman who had long white hair that reached her ankles, her hair was braided with several golden ribbons

She also had bright golden eyes and pointed ears in addition to pale skin with a body without much chest but her ass was very turgid

She also wore a golden iron armor while holding a golden halberd in her right hand while placing her left hand on the head of a young teenager about fifteen years old.

The teenager had jet black hair and golden eyes with fine features along with a white skin while his body had a few muscles in his body

His clothes were a black battle suit while he held a spear in his hands and smiled triumphantly

Behind these two was a beautiful woman with long red hair that seemed to be on fire had a small and thin body while holding a hammer in his hands with a smile on his face

The four women looked at the painting carefully while they thought that the three in that painting looked so happy that they felt the need to laugh with them

Athena: "... Where is that place?"

They now realized that the landscape behind the three people in the painting was very different from what they had seen

There was a sky without pollution and very old houses made of wood together with dazzling trees in the distance

Yaeko: "... It's the world of Fairies, Fairy Garden or that used to be since my father changed his name"

Athena: "Your father?"

Yaeko nodded as she approached the painting and pointed to the teenager "My father ... This is my father before the great war he was like that ... Very happy and always had a great heart without any evil"

The four women were stunned to realize that the teen in the painting was actually the Fairy King years ago

Hera: "And those women who are by his side?"

Yaeko: "Rose ... It's the red-haired woman she's one of his current wives and the absolute Queen Fairy, she's a great blacksmith who creates even divine or heavenly weapons ..."

This new discovery put the faces of these four women in shock ... Divine weapons? ... !Wait!, that they were heavenly weapons?

Yaeko: "And this woman ... She was the Guardian of my father ... Miley the warrior ..."

Hestia: "Was it?"

Yaeko: "Yes ... She died many years ago when I try to protect my father from an attack ..."

Hera: "She died ... How did she really die?"

Yaeko: "Sorry, my father does not like anyone to talk about that ..."

Athena: "Why?"

Yaeko: "Because he loved that woman, well he still does ..."

Up to this point, everyone realized that the Fairy King had suffered the loss of someone he loved years ago

Yaeko also called 'Great War' Then it was possible that that woman Miley died trying to protect him in that war

The atmosphere became heavy because they did not know what to say

Athena: "Um, Yaeko did you get what you were looking for?"

Yaeko nodded as he extended his hand and a beautiful flower appeared, the flower was red with a little black at its center

Hera: "What is that?"

Hestia: "I can feel some kind of energy emanating from it"

Yaeko: "It's just a flower ... Take it" She offered it to Athena

Athena did not know whether to accept it but looking at the sincere look of Yaeko could only smile and take it while placing it in his hair as if it were an accessory

Yaeko laughed a little and took Athena hand with the intention that they all leave

Aphrodite chuckled noticing how this little Yaeko was so attached to Athena

They all decided to leave while chatting animatedly

Aphrodite: "Uh, what's that?" She suddenly looked up to notice that something was in the sky and the others also observed

Hera: "A bird?"

Hestia: "That seems ..."

Artemis who had been silent also looked up but her expression turned pale "No that's not it!"

Athena: "It's not a bird! Cover now!"


She had barely finished speaking when a sudden attack came from her sides and they were all sent to fly by the explosion while she felt a pain in all their bodies

Yaeko did not feel anything but the explosion made it fly quite far because of its tiny size

On the other hand, Athena and company quickly took battalion positions but suddenly a sword came out of nowhere managing to hurt Hera

Hera: "Arghh ..." She cried out in pain when a large wound appeared on her chest

Athena: "Mom !!" She pulled out her golden halberd and shook it hard


The metal thump sounded when the halberd collided with gigantic white teeth and she raised her eyes to notice her enemy

Hera's wound was not caused by a sword, it was the teeth of the beast Fenrir!

Athena: "Loki !!!" She knew who her enemy was and moved her halberd swiftly blocking each attack of Fenrir


Loki who was floating in the air laughed heartily and extended his hand to the group of women "Projectile Rain"

A huge amount of projectiles fiercely flew at the remaining three women

Hera was kneeling because of the intense pain in her chest, Artemis was a woman who was destined for speed and quickly avoided everything

On the other hand, Hestia was a goddess who never participated in any battle and clearly did not even have opportunities to escape

She bit her lips and stood in front of Hera to cover her

Splash! Splash! Splash!

The projectiles hit her back which made her suffer a great pain while she cried but even so she did not stop protecting Hera

Artemis: "HESTIAA !!!" She quickly ran towards her but something got in her way quickly


She was beaten fiercely when a man appeared before her

Athena: "Dionisio what are you doing !!!"

Dionisio: "CALLATEE !! Where is the girl ?!" The scream in response looking for Yaeko who had disappeared since the explosion


Just then a silhouette appeared on his back


He did not even have time to react before a kick sent his head flying, leaving his sisters impacted

Yaeko put one foot on the floor while his clothes were all dirty but his expression was of a huge fury noticing how his friends are injured

Loki felt a shudder but immediately made a gesture with his hand

Yaeko who was about to jump to help her friends suddenly felt an intense pain in her head and fell to her knees "Ah ... AHH !!"

She held her head in pain while crying and noticed how a beautiful woman had appeared while pointing her with her right hand.

The woman's eyes seemed lifeless but it certainly caused Yaeko's intense pain.

Loki: "AHAHHAAH It really worked! Damn it, Hades, you're so good!"

Hades who had been hidden until now left while holding a sinister smile on his face "Thinking that using this woman who has the gift of controlling the Dragons is really a good way to use it"

Yaeko bit his lips hard and tried to get up but his strength was breaking while he felt that his own mind was being invaded

Athena: "Yaeko! Loki, right now! For this! Hades, do you think you are doing !?"

Hades laughed as he fluttered: "What am I doing? I'm trying to make that man respect us properly, his insolence has caused a lot of damage in our world and it's time to make him pay."

Hera: "You ...! Zeus won't forgive you!"

Hades: "Zeus ?! Zeus died!"

The moment he said those words, Zeus's body fell heavily from the air while Aphrodite, Hera, Hestia, and Athena had their eyes shocked.

Zeus was impaled by a spear in his heart while his murderer was still there watching them with a smile.

Cao Cao: "It's fun to see their faces, you know?"

Athena gave a fierce shout instantly as he ran towards Cao Cao, instead, Cao Cao shifted his position and threw his spear hard.


The first crash occurred everywhere, while the enormous force caused several cracks to appear beneath them.


Hera bit her lips with tears in her eyes and extended her hand towards Hestia "Run ... you must go now ..."

Hestia who had huge wounds on his back just smiled calmly "Even if you tell me that ... I can not"

Before he finished speaking he fell to his knees while the white dress turned red due to the huge amount of blood

Hera hugged her tightly noting those ugly wounds in Hestia


Just then a heartbreaking sound was present with them when Hera could see how Hestia's back came out a hand

She looked at her own abdomen noticing that the same hand had also pierced and looked back noticing a silver-haired man smile at them

Euclid Lucifuge: "Ups ... You guys got off your guard a lot and I wanted to take advantage, do not blame me" He pulled his hand out while shaking it with a smile

Hera and Hestia fell collapsed as blood flowed from their bodies

This caused Athena to be distracted when Cao Cao's spear pierced her in her stomach

Athena: "Argh ..."

Cao Cao: "Athena the goddess of war ... What a pity you could not even last more than thirty minutes"

Athena: "T-Tu ... You will not get away with yours!"

Cao Cao: "Mias ?! JAJAJA" He laughed hysterically when Athena could notice that Cao Cao's eyes seemed to be somewhat glassy

Mental control...

Hades: "Take the girl!"

Men in red suits who were from the Gremory Clan quickly chained Yaeko head and foot as they covered his mouth with a gag

From beginning to end they had everything planned

At that moment many flashes were present when part of the Guards and Guests had come to see what was happening.

When they noticed the bodies lying on the floor full of blood they were shocked

Possessed, Apollo and the others were stunned when they saw Zeus dead there but when they watched as Hestia and Hera seemed to be almost in death they became anxious

They also noticed that Athena had a spear stuck in her stomach and her situation was obvious ... She was going to die


The roar of the Guards sounded thunderous as they raised their weapons and spears, Hades frowned but laughed as he grabbed Yaeko by the hair "If you move, I kill her"

"If you move, I'll kill you ..."

At that moment a mysterious voice came from right in front of Hades

No ... One no ... Two


Instantly the temperature in the air became enormously heavy when the soil around Hades began to break into pieces

Hades felt that his body was going to break into pieces only with the pressure, Nyx and the Jade Emperor who had transcended a few hours ago even felt afraid when they noticed that the two figures around Hades were Yukio and Saemys

Saemys exuded a huge amount of silver smoke with a halo on his head of the same color

On the other hand, Yukio exuded a black smoke with his three halos rotating repeatedly while his expression was cold

Hades: "You ... If you touch me I will kill her ..." Hades's hands began to release a corrosive black miasma with the hope of being saved


But a thin hand moved extremely fast and when Hades even realized his arm was gone ...

His arm was now in the air while his eyes were in shock


A kick came from his back as he shot off toward Cao Cao who could not dodge before they both crashed into each other.

Yukio and Saemys quickly took their daughter in their arms while noticing she had no injuries and both parents sighed in relief.

They had been watching everything, but they never thought that their daughter would lose this battle, for them it was a complete surprise

Yukio made eye contact with Saemys and she nodded.

Then he rose while his pressure grew even stronger.

Yukio: "I'm going to make it clear today ... My neutrality is over today ... I'm going to kill you all, who gets involved will die without any consideration!"


From his body, a great gust of air spread throughout the place, which caused many to be sent to fly while he took a step and disappeared

Everyone was stunned because they didn't understand where he was, but everyone heard a thunderous scream in the air.



Loki's body hit the ground as he tried to get up.

Yukio: "And with that, you even thought to fight with me without a doubt you are a damn scum!"

He appeared right in Loki and sent his fist directly against the chest of this "God."


Repeated blows sounded when all the guests could see how Loki's body was buried in the ground

Loki: "Argh ... N-no ..."

Loki: "Al --- Stop .. !! ... Please-please!"

No matter what kinds of screams came from Loki, Yukio did not stop while his fists fell fiercely causing huge air fluctuations throughout the place


It was there the last blow when Yukio let out a sigh and looked at the others again, but the others looked at Loki's 'body'

Yes ... The 'body' had become something grotesque where no one could ever recognize it

Yukio: "I said you were going to die and when I say you will ... you will"

Suddenly he spoke to heaven as he raised his hand and everyone could see how a dark figure led to a soul similar to Loki.

The dark figure stopped halfway looking at Yukio in confusion.

Yukio: "I'm going to kill him ... him and everyone, if you interfere, I will go to your world and take care of destroying you"

The dark figure frowned at Yukio carefully until his expression became absolutely horrible.

That figure freed Loki's soul and immediately left without looking back because he had felt Yukio's absurd level of power.

The nearby people were silent as if they did not want to witness such an act

Did this man just threaten the God of death?

Although that figure was surely only a servant, no doubt when the God of death discovered him ... Wouldn't that be disastrous?

But even Yukio threatened to go to his world and destroy everything!

While everyone was thinking about it, Yukio used his while absorbing Loki's soul with his hands to make sure he suffered greatly.

With that turning his eyes to Cao Cao and Hades looked at him with fear, Cao Cao had already left his mental control and finding himself in this situation made him feel strange, but he understood that it had been used.

Yukio instantly teleported in front of the two men and kicked him away from Cao Cao.

Then I look at Hades and raise his hand.

Hades: "N-no ... Please, it was all a mistake I didn't want ... Arghh !!!"

Hades's body began to squirm as his arms and legs shifted to impassable things, his body was shrinking as if crumpled a paper and soon there was nothing left of his body.

Yukio: "If everything was a mistake, then look for mistakes elsewhere ... Guards! Kill the Gremory Clan now!"

With their words, the Guards roared as they raised their weapons ready for their massacre, but the Four Maou appeared in front of Yukio

Serafall: "Wait, King Fairy !, you can not just go and destroy the whole Clan for an error made by others!"

Ajuka: "That's true please consider it"

Falbium: "Exactly destroying a Clan is not correct and less so long as there are innocents involved!"

Sirzechs: "... You know I support your decisions as your brother-in-law, but destroying the Gremory Clan is not something I can let you do ... It's my family please ..."

Yukio: "Your family? ... Then the only thing that matters to you is your family but not mine?"

Sirzechs: "That's not what I meant, I understand your circumstances but not all of the Gremory Clan were involved in this ..."

Yukio: "So who, do you think to tell me who they were?"

Sirzechs remained silent and turned his gaze away

Yukio: "I thought so if you don't answer me who they were then, I'm not going to torture myself trying to find out when I can destroy them all at once."

Serafall: "King HADA!" She did not even care about the situation immediately went ahead placing in the middle "Please consider it ... His wife Rias ... It's a Gremory what would she think of the man who destroyed her Clan?"

Yukio frowned but it is not as if he could really let this happen, his daughter could have been hurt by these people who did not appreciate her help

So why hold back?

Yukio: "Do you plan to tell me who is to blame then?

It was the same question, but Serafall looked at Sirzechs before she nodded "I ... I know who they were and also their motives"

Sirzechs: "SERAFALL!"

Serafall: "No Sirzechs ... I know it's your family, but will you let your Clan die just for him?"

For the first time, Serafall did not act childish and she gave a scolding to Sirzechs, which caused Sirzechs to remain silent

It was true ... It was his family but he could not let the whole clan die just because of one's mistake

Yukio: "I'm going to look for you later ..." He glanced at Serafall and she nodded.

The Four Maou looked at each other before retreating, today it became a fateful day

Yukio turned his gaze to the beautiful woman in the distance, the woman seemed to feel his gaze and raised his hand using his power in Yukio

But Yukio did not even feel pain in his head or any symptoms while waving his hand

The beautiful woman soon felt a huge attraction as her body flew and before she realized it Yukio was holding her neck as if she wanted to split it right now

And that's what Yukio was planning right now when he put more pressure on his hands


A female voice came from a distance when a woman at full speed tried to hit Yukio but could not even touch him when she was stopped by an invisible barrier

Yukio recognized this woman from just a glance

Katarea: "Please, please do not hurt her! I ... I'll take his position ... You can hurt me but not her!" She repeatedly hit the barrier trying to pass it to save this woman who was a descendant of her own Clan

Yukio: "You instead of her? ... She hurt my daughter and I'm not going to forgive her that, do not waste your spit, will you?"

Katarea: "No please! DO NOT DO ANYTHING, please, please ...!"

Their pleas became pitiful while the Four Maou looked at Katarea strangely

That woman had never behaved in that way so observing her in that situation was strange

Yukio looked at her carefully and then put even more strength in his hands he did not want to play but his intention was to kill this woman now

But a soft hand touched his own hand with the intention of stopping it

Saemys: "Leave her ... She is under a mental control and you know it, although I am really angry, she is not to blame for this"

Yukio: "... She is dangerous"

Saemys: "No, it is not for us and you know it better than anyone ... Besides, his ability could be useful later"

It was weird that Saemys was a compassionate woman and more with whom I hurt her loved ones

Yukio frowned as he squeezed his hand, but then decided not to kill her because Saemys was right, he directed his gaze towards Katarea. "You will take his place ... Do you agree with that?"

Katarea: "I will, I will ... I will take his place and die for it"

Yukio nodded and then tapped the beautiful woman's stomach causing her to remain unconscious.

Katarea: "you ..."

Yukio: "Don't make mistakes, I just removed the mind control that Nyx and Hades had over her ... Take her"

He handed it to Katarea, who took it in his arms

Katarea: "Thank you ..."

Yukio: "I'm going to kill you, you know?"

Katarea: "I don't care ... I don't care while she alive"

Yukio felt that this woman was weird but didn't think much about it and made a gesture to Saemys.

Saemays got up in the sky while carrying Yaeko in his arms "Today it was notified that no one can enter the area of ​​the mansion ... Everyone can stay out from now on!"

His words made some people feel sad, but they were grateful that they could at least be close since this place was so full of mana.

Yukio then made a casual gesture when two people trying to escape were trapped in chains.

Yukio: "Grayfia ... Take care of them ..."

Grayfia appeared at her side looking conflictingly at her husband but she nodded and kissed him on the cheek before leaving

She knew that one of the people who escaped was actually her brother ...

Yukio took the Olympic gods in his arms and instantly disappeared from the place


It had been a few minutes since the incident

Rias was now in a room with Grayfia and Venelana

Rias and Grayfia were looking at Venelana doubtfully

Venelana: "I ... I'll explain it to you later, yes?"

She spoke softly because the rumor about her being the Fairy King's wife had already spread throughout the mansion

Also when Grayfia and Rias went to look for her they found her naked in Yukio's bed so it was quite obvious that the rumor turned out to be true

The embarrassment that she felt when her daughter found her naked and full of fluids that were from her daughter's husband was too big that she did not dare raise her head

Rias: "Mom ..."

Venelana: "I'm sorry ..."

Rias looked at her mother with some complication but then shook her head "You should solve the problem we have in hand first and then solve that ..."

Grayfia: "I think the same ..."

The three women looked at each other and then went to a room where Zeoticus was and Euclid was the moment to know what was happening with them ...


The next morning the Factions and Clans created small tents to camp outside the Gotei mansion 13

This time the Fairy Guards were everywhere since their King gave them the order to protect the entire Mansion without letting any intruder enter

The strange thing was ... That there were people who had the right to enter the mansion, which caused some envy of other people

The four Maou, The Archangel Michael and Gabriel, Irina and others how much more

Moreover, even the Goddess Chang'er could enter freely while always being followed by a Fairy servant who guided her as if she wanted to serve him throughout her life

That caused the Jade Emperor to feel very discouraged, his friend could enter but he had to stay outside only

At this time in a room, there were five beds that were being occupied

One of the people lying down moved slowly while raising his upper part and became very confused

Athena: "... Where am I?"

She shook her head noticing that the room was somewhat illuminated but instantly her eyes fell on her friends who breathed very quietly

Athena: "Are we alive?" She touched her abdomen and noticed that there was no wound so she tries to get out of bed

"You should stay in bed, I'll take care of you for today"

At that moment a voice came from close up and she got too scared when she turned to look at a man who was sitting writing some papers on a desk

Athena: "R-King Fairy!" She immediately tried to get up but felt a weight on her legs and became confused

Yukio: "Call me Yukio, by the way, Yaeko was very worried about you before and she insisted on staying with you at some point she ends up falling asleep"

While Yukio was talking, Athena had already raised the bedsheets, noticing a beautiful little girl sleeping comfortably on her legs and she let out a small laugh

Yukio got up from the chair while waving his hand and a plate full of food appeared

Athena: "King -..." She stopped a few moments "Y-Yukio ... What are we doing here?"

Yukio: "After you were wounded I brought you here to heal them, I mainly wanted the Guards to take over but since you are Yaeko's friends I decided to do it myself as a favor to you for taking care of my daughter"

Athena smiled thanks to Yukio's words and she slowly caressed Yaeko's hair with affection

That did not go unnoticed by Yukio who only smiled and took the plate of food taking it towards Athena

Yukio: "You should eat something now after you eat you have to rest a bit and you'll be better"

Athena blushed a little because this behavior of Yukio was very different from what she had seen before

He was so loving and friendly besides giving her breakfast in bed while she stroked the hair of a little girl

It was like those human stories that she used to read where there were wives who married a very affectionate man

Yukio: "Is something wrong?"

Athena: "Ah ... no, thanks ..." She took the plate of food with a smile while looking at Yukio

Yukio just answered the smile with a nod and was about to say something when the door of the room opened

Two beautiful women came in dressed in white suits glued to their bodies

Aura: "... Athena, Are you trying to seduce the Fairy King even in these circumstances?"

Athena who was about to bite a sandwich tilted her head in confusion

Rossweisse: "Lady Athena ... Could you dress?"

Athena was stupefied and she looked at herself with more clarity and her face became very red

She had been naked, she had not noticed because she was disoriented but now ...

Athena went under the blanket with panic but she was not stupid ...

This man had seen her naked already, besides, was not it the Fairy King who healed her?

Then Yukio had seen every part of her naked!

With that in mind, she felt so embarrassed but Yaeko who was sleeping woke up and watched as Athena was awake right away she got excited

Yaeko: "You're awake!"

She immediately jumps on Athena hugging her without even letting her react, Athena was very surprised but immediately hug Yaeko affectionately

This action caused the sheets to move to reveal those big and beautiful breasts but Yukio did not pay attention to that

Aura: "Tsk ... Cerda ..." were his words while he said ignore Athena

Rossweisse was embarrassed a bit but she wondered if she should do the same to get the attention of the Fairy King

Aura: "King Fairy, about what he ordered us to do, everything is ready ... When can we start our plan?"

Yesterday she had been given the mission to go to a certain 'place' and secure a barrier created by a Saemys spell

Rossweisse: "Master ... Are you completely sure of what we are doing?"

Yukio: "You should not worry so much, I'll take care of that. What do you want as a reward?"

Both looked at each other without understanding what kind of reward they could ask the Fairy King

Aura: "... Could you give me some time to think about it?"

Yukio nodded as he directed his gaze towards Rossweisse

She was doubting what to ask but after a while, she also decided that she wanted to think about it, that made Yukio feel that these two women thought a lot of things

Just at that moment, his door was opened while a beautiful and very gifted woman entered

Kalawarner: "... Um, King Fairy ..."

Yukio: "Is something wrong?"

Kalawarner nodded and approached Yukio as he placed some papers on the table "Queen Kuroka sends these files ... They are records of all our soldiers and I also have news that Griselda is doing a good job as an Imperial Guardian"

Yukio: "Yes, well, that woman is very hardworking and she would surely be checking the Queen at every moment to make sure there is no mistake"

Kalawarner smiled as he nodded. "She became very close to the Guardian Pendragon, so both do their respective tasks among themselves which causes their activities to be even faster ... The other Guardians were training for the next battle"

Yukio meditated on it and smiled as he thought that maybe this war would be quite beneficial to himself as to the soldiers of Fairies

Aura and Rossweisse were silent because they wanted to hear about the world of fairies

They had not gone to that site yet and only a few had permission, Kalawarner was one of them

Athena who is pampering Yaeko also listen to understand a little more this man called the King Fairy

Kalawarner who was explaining noticed that the looks of all these women were on her obviously knew that they were trying to listen to the conversation and that did not bother her

What did bother Kalawarner slightly was that Athena was naked and that made her feel very upset because she felt it was wrong

Yukio: "Kalawarner?"

Kalawarner: "Oh yes ... Excuse me, what did he say?"

Yukio had noticed that Kalawarner pursed his lips when he looked at Athena and he laughed a little because he knew the feelings that this woman had towards him.

Also, Yukio also felt love for her so she hugged Kalawarner's slim waist and made her sit on his lap

Kalawarner: "R-King Fairy ..."

Yukio: "Uh, I think that would be more convenient than standing there, right?"

Kalawarner blushed a lot but she nodded

These actions caused Aura to be disgusted by the pig of the Fairy King, Rossweisse felt somewhat distressed because he wanted to be her and Athena just laughed lightly because Yaeko just had just to cry that his father was very unfaithful

Yukio clearly heard the whisper of his daughter and pursed his lips but he ignores her "Then I ask again, and Raynare?"

Kalawarner: "Um, she's been moving in the human world while she's finished carrying out the order she gave her"

Yukio nodded because he had instructed Raynare to take charge of obtaining political power so that when the Pegasus attack arrives the government will give existence to the supernatural in this world

After all, Yukio knew that Pegasus not only limited himself to massacre the supernatural but also that humans would perish, that is why he thought of this plan

Aura: "King Fairy ... Why are you so hurried with these things?" She who was silent during this time also asked because she was very curious about the sudden orders of Yukio

Yukio: "It's because it's better to be prepared for when the time comes"

Aura wanted to say something but Rossweisse went ahead "... Is our world in danger?"

Yukio: "I would say yes and no, everything will depend on the actions that these Factions and Clans do after all"

Aura: "You ... will not you help these people?"

Yukio: "That's what I'm doing right?"

At that time Aura understood why this man had gathered so many Factions and Clans here in addition to showing them his power ...

This man wanted to inform them that someone or something would attack their world and they had a duty to protect him

That means that this man who gave strange Pills and books with skills was really trying all this time to save these people

Athena was also speechless ... She never thought that her world was in danger and now knowing about it she felt very nervous but Yaeko hugged her

Yaeko: "Daddy promised that nothing would happen to you" She smiled happily as she hugged her friend

Athena stroked Yaeko's head but also looked confusional at Yukio

Yukio instead kept talking to Kalawarner about his plans

Rossweisse looked at Athena before walking towards her and giving her a white robe that she had in her space ring that was given by the Fairies

Athena quickly took the robe and covered herself while thanking Rossweisse

Yukio: "Your friends should wake up soon"

Athena who was looking at her worried friends heard Yukio's voice and she nodded

Aura and Rossweisse decided to leave but for some strange reason, they saw that Kalawarner's face is very red ...

Athena instead was dragged by Yaeko to have fun, she could not refuse and said goodbye while dating this little girl in the room

That left Kalawarner and Yukio with the other four women asleep

Kalawarner: "Ah ... I ... I should go too"

Yukio: "Will you go back together with Kuroka?"

Kalawarner: "Yes, Queen Kuroka has been trying to help Her Majesty Rose ... Next to them is Queen Akeno and Shirone"

Yukio: "I see they've been trying to finish that thing ..."

Kalawarner: "Um ... They say it's because they want you to fulfill your dream ... Although I do not know what it is I wish you the best of luck"

Yukio smiled and hugged the thin waist of Kalawarner, both were not husband nor any lovers but they loved each other

None said anything while Yukio just had this beautiful woman sitting on her lap and looked at the papers on the desk

Kalawarner: "Ghn ..." She let out a strange sound as she blushed

Yukio did not dare to move because he knew why this woman made such a sound and he just laughed a little embarrassed

Kalawarner was dressed in an office suit so she felt like something hard was touching her crotch or rather rubbing against her panties

She was not stupid and she knew that the Fairy King had an erection, she felt ashamed but happy because this man got excited with his body

Yukio: "Well, I think that if you choose to place the Battalion one with the three would become a good alignment, as for the battalion of archers I want you to choose a good Captain ... Kalawarner are you listening?"

Kalawarner: "Y-Yes ..."

Yukio: "Ok, I want the battalion to be commanded by Pendragon ... And I want Griselda to take care of the reserves, the other Imperial Guardians should be in charge to protect the other soldiers"

Kalawarner: "Hmm ... King Fairy if we do that ... Would not it cause us to leave an open flank in our defense?"

Yukio: "I know, but leaving an open flank that would mean leaving a trap for the enemy"

Kalawarner: "Maybe then it would not be very obvious?"

Yukio: "Yes, it may become obvious but what would happen when they do not decide to use the flank in their favor and ignore it while our soldiers leave suddenly from that unprotected said flank?"

Kalawarner: "Oh ... That would be instant annihilation!"

Yukio nodded while Kalawarner chuckled because that plan sounded pretty good, it was simple but when one was going to be in a great war even the dumbest plan could cause the complete annihilation of an enemy

Kalawarner: "Then I will report all this right now ..."

Yukio nodded and let Kalawarne rise from his lap

Kalawarner fixed her clothes and noticed that her crotch was somewhat wet but she only smiled somewhat complex because she thought that if these four women were not sleeping in this room she could have been converted today in this man's wife

Just when she wanted to go away she felt a handhold her and she turned around just to be surprised by a kiss right on her lips

She was very petrified while some evil hands were touching her ass

Kalawarner: "Ah... Mm~..." Her small moan escaped her lips as they kissed her so actively and those hands were caressing her buttocks as if they wanted to shape her

The kiss lasted about nine minutes before they parted and she stared at the man she kissed.

Yukio: "Try not to force yourself if you're tired, you've been exaggerating with your work recently"

Kalawarner: "Ah..Y-yes I ... I'll do it" She stuttered but smiled as she felt very happy with herself

Nothing happened other than a kiss and some rubbing on her private parts but that certainly made her understand that the Fairy King was interested in her

Now the problem was ... Was the Fairy King interested in anything else in his body or was it really love? She had to find out!

On the other hand, Yukio felt that Kalawarner would be a good wife, she was very hardworking and also very persistent in her things

Smiling he took a seat again and wrote many words on old papers doing spells to prepare

He knew that this War was inevitable therefore he decided that he would not be compassionate, this time he would make sure that Pegasus never appeared again in his life

With that mind soon finished a lot of spells and sigh while stretching did not know if it was because he had used a lot of power when he was supposed to have a stamp on himself but felt fatigued and decided to fall asleep

Already Athena had left the room, he decided to sleep in the bed where she had been

By the time Yukio went to bed, he could smell Athena's seductive smell still impregnated on the sheets, but he ignored that and fell asleep deeply





Countless blows were trying to destroy a barrier while a man was watching everything with fun

Pegasus: "He knows we're here and surely he must be working on plans, it's a shame he does not know what his plans will become his own death ..."

He had been planning everything carefully and brought many stocks of different kinds just for this day

This day where he would kill and destroy the existence of that man Yukio Doragon

Just below where he was sitting there were many soldiers laughing at each other while sharpening their weapons or drinking, there were some who had kidnapped women and we're currently giving it 'appropriate' uses.

Four figures suddenly appeared behind Pegasus

Pegasus: "How are things going?"

"Everything is ready, as soon as the barrier is broken we can start our plan"

Pegasus pulled out a smile as he got up and raised his voice "Be ready! There is not much left and we can achieve our goal!"


Instantly an entire army screamed fiercely as they raised their weapons

One of the four figures snorted with contempt when 'she/he' notice how these men raped and killed only for their ideals

"Just wait ... Wait for him to come and destroy you ..."
