
In the Center of the universe;

Between billions of stars and Millions of planets are 10 Thrones, and each Throne has its respective master, minus one, its Throne has a skull and carried all the bad feelings. these people are the "Kings" or "Gods" of the universe, each of them controls a Universal Law.

There are 10 Laws, They Are, Life, Death, Samsara, Time, Reality, Fire, Wind, Water, Lightning and Earth.

Each of them controls the Origin of every living being in the universe, without them, the world would go into Chaos and be destroyed.

" What are we going to do now? Death died, if any of us did not take the throne of death, no one will die in the human world, and that would be Chaos. " A Man with white hair and blue eyes said, he sat on a Throne who conveyed peace and life, He was the Master of the Throne of Life, his name is Noah.

Noah was always a very calm and passive person, but behind this calm, he has a cold and proud heart, he always wanted to be the strongest, but for that, he needed to take another Throne, he then made an alliance with another Throne, and killed the Master of the Throne of Death.

" We have to find another Death Master. " A blond-haired woman with blue eyes said she was very beautiful and had huge breasts. Her throne carried a drawing of a wheel, her Throne carrying a mysterious and vital aura, She was Mia, the Master of the Throne of Samsara.

Mia is a very kind and fair person, she was a human who was chosen by the Throne of Samsara, and also the youngest of the group but make no mistake, despite being the youngest, she was more than 5 Million years old.

" I can take over the Throne. " Noah, the Master of the Throne of Life, had a calm, purposeful expression. But Mia knew that behind this Calm and determination, she possessed a hunger for power and infinite gain.

" I support your idea. " said a middle-aged man, with a smile on his face, his throne had a watched symbol and possessed a unique aura, He was the Throne of Time, and the Name of the Master was James.

James was the Third oldest, at 28 Million years old, he was the son of the Throne Master of Life, and was very loyal to his father.

" I Disagree, the Heavens set a rule, that a Master can only possess a single Throne unless he wins in a bet against the other Masters. " A Little Girl spoke, she wore a red dress and had red hair the same fire, Her Throne had a Fire symbol, she called herself Emily and was the Fire Throne Master.

Emily though small, she was the oldest one with 30 Million Years, she was very Hot and warm, she was the Daughter of the Skies and was born already being the Master of the Fire.

" I think the same as Emily, that little loli. " said a Woman with yellow hair and eyes, her Throne possessed a Ray and had an Energetic Aura, was the Throne of Lightning, and its Master was Sophia.

Sophia was a very energetic Woman and had big breasts, she was 23 Million Years old.

" I Support. " A Woman spoke with green hair and eyes, Her Throne was Green, She was Wind Throne Master, her name was Isabella.

Isabela was very beautiful, had a strong personality, and only 10 Million Years.

" I accept your Terms. " said a cold Man with blue hair. His Throne had a Cold Aura, his name was Mason, and he was the Master of the Water Throne.

Mason was a cold man, and he was in love with Mia, but unfortunately, he was rejected in front of the other Thrones and since then was cold and possessed much ambition, he was looking at the Throne of Death with a winning look.

" Yes, I do, too. " said a man with brown eyes and hair, He was Daniel, and also the Master of the Throne of the Earth.

Daniel was always a calm man and had a steady heart when he decided something, he never went back.

" And You ... Alexander? " Mia asked a Man, who had black hair and a calm aura, he was the Master of the Space Throne.

" I accept. " Alexander said quietly, and then closing his eyes, no one knew what he was thinking.

Alexander was a very mysterious and strong Man.




" So, how's this Bet going to work? " Asked Noah, the Master of the Throne of Life.

" Hmm, how about we make a tournament? The winner gets the Throne. " said Isabela, the Wind Throne Master.

" No, that would end up hurting, did you forget the last time two thrones fought? " Asked Sophia, the Throne Master.

Soon, all remembered when the Throne of Life and Death fought, Where it ended up wiping out more than 2 million stars and 3,000 large planets, the Thrones had to stay 900 years to clean up the laws, which were all messed up.

" So, what are we going to do? " Asked Mia, the Throne Master of Samsara, remembering that she had to calm more than trillions of angry souls, that was the worst moment of her life.

" How about we play a tournament with the humans on the planet Earth? " Alexander asked the Master of the Throne of Space, opening his eyes and looking at the Other Thrones.

" How are we going to do this? " Mia asked.

" Simple, each one will have a chosen one from Planet Earth, and we will make the 10 fight until one is left." The game will be simple, we will hide the identity of the ten chosen ones and they will have to discover for themselves who their opponent is. " Alexander spoke.

What Alexander wanted to say is simple, each Law will have 1 Participant, and each participant will receive a portion of the power of the Law, they will then have to discover the identity of the other participants, participants could use anything to kill, they could even use their riches to try to investigate the other participants, an example would be if the Throne of Life Chosen won, the Master of the Throne of Life would then be the Master of the Throne of Death.

" That's it, are you? " Alexander asked, after spending 3 hours trying to explain.

" Yes, but I have a question, Planet Earth, although it's too small for us, it's a giant for humans, the game would take a long time, would not it? " Emily asked with a confused expression.

" Simple, all we have to do is select the participants from the same city, that would make it easier, and prohibit participants from leaving their city. " said the Throne Master of Life, as if it were obvious.

" Yes, that's what I mean. " Alexander said in a calm voice.

" Okay, so it's best if everyone goes looking for your Participant. " Mia said with a calm expression.

" " " " " Yes " " " " "

Agreed all the Thrones, they then went to their respective planet, choose their Participant.