Throne of Samsara?

<<<< Note: I will use a United States city, this city was created by me. (I.e.

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Planet Earth;

United States, Cloud City;

Cloud City was a small town in the United States, which, although small, had many wealthy people and was a very advanced city.

The name Cloud City, it was because it would be raining almost every day in the city, the sun was very rare to appear.

Cloud City was very famous for its food, and for its richness, which combines with some large cities, this was due to the fact that one of the best schools and the best university in the United States is in this city, as well as many big companies.

~ [Unknown Pov] ~

My name is Liam, a student of the School of Prodigy, I was accepted not because I'm rich, but because I got a scholarship, thanks to my effort.

I lived with my little sister, my parents, unfortunately, died in a car accident years ago, my sister and I were raised by my uncle, who used to come here almost every day, to bring me some money and see how she and I were.

I then went to my bathroom to take a shower, taking off my clothes, I looked towards the mirror, when I saw I could not stop sighing, I was very ugly, had some pimples on the face and some freckles, looking at my belly, she was at best ... fat.

I was skinny and a bit cute before my parents died, but unfortunately, the impact was so great, I ended up getting ugly and fat, of course, it was because I stopped going to the gym, and I stayed home eating ice cream and chocolates for some months.

After taking my shower, I put on my clothes and walked towards the school, looking at the sky and seeing that it would rain, I caught my umbrella in the backpack.

~ [Pov Off] ~

Walking and trying to get his umbrella, Liam did not notice when he hit a young man with black hair and a black sweatshirt.

" Look where you're going ... look who's here, if it's not Liam. " The young man spoke with an evil expression.

Damn it, it's Jacob. 'Liam thought and tried to flee, but how could he? he was very slow.

" Trying to run away, my friend? " Jacob asked with a sad expression, and kicking Liam's fat legs, causing him to fall into the process.

" Oh shit, why did you do that? " Liam asked angrily.

" Hmm, Do you want to rebel? " Jacob asked kicking Liam's legs and breaking his umbrella.

' Shit, that bastard, that hurts a lot.' Liam thought with an expression of pain.

" Fuck you, you better run, if you will not be late. " Hahaha! "Jacob laughed and entered his Audi R8.

' Jacob Smith, this bastard, thinks he can do everything just because he's the son of a politician.' Liam thought with an expression of anger.

Of course, Liam just fucked in his mind, after all, he had a sister to take care of, he did not want to offend this Political, and simply disappear the other day.

Gathering his backpack, Liam walked limping toward his school, his leg was hurting a lot, after 5 minutes he finally came in front of the school, looking at all his classmates, who came from rich families, Liam cannot help but sigh.

He then looked at a Bentley Flying who was walking toward the school door, and from inside came a girl who looked 16 years old.

She was Elizabeth, had blond hair and blue eyes, her hair seemed to shine. many men looked at her with passion, but soon that expression disappeared when they came who went out with her, it was their Father, the Mayor of the City. Elizabeth was a very cold girl and she had no friends, she kept them all away.

She studied in the same room as Liam, and Liam was in love with her, but unfortunately, he never had the courage to declare himself.

When Liam was looking at her, feeling as if someone was staring at her intensely, she turned her head and glanced at Liam, seeing him, she averted her eyes quickly.

Elizabeth watched him look away, simply shrugged her shoulders and headed toward school with her father and a few security guards following behind.

Liam seeing that she did not look for trouble, he let out a sigh and walked towards his school, only when he was crossing the street, he heard a roar of a motor, and then very strong braking.

Looking to the Right, he saw an Audi R8 standing very close to him, he was very angry and looked at the Driver and saw that it was Jacob.

' That bastard, this is coming back, just wait.' Liam thought with a cold expression, and his heart beating very fast.

" Relax, chubby, you're not going to jump in anger if you're not going to destroy the ground. " Jacob said, and everyone in the street who heard him looked at Liam and was laughing.

Liam then rushed out to school, he did not want to admit it, but his heart was very hurt, and Liam looked like he was going to cry After all his heart was very sentimental.

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Liam came quickly into his living room, entering, he sat at his desk, and put his head on the table, at least Jacob did not study in the same room as him.

Liam then opened his notebook, and looking at the schedules, he saw that it was Matematica, his favorite subject.

Looking at his colleagues who had arrived, he saw Elizabeth, who was staring at the ceiling with a thoughtful expression.

' Damn, she's very pretty.' Liam thought, and then looked away from the door, where the math teacher was coming in.

She had black hair and blue eyes, her chest was almost flat, but her butt was too big, he can not help but drool. she was Sarah, a very mysterious woman, and a bit like Elizabeth.

" All seated, let's begin the class. " said Professor Sarah, with a calm expression.

She then began writing on the board, doing some accounts and explaining how to do it.

The teacher then passed some evaluative activities, Liam without much surprise was the first to finish and handed the teacher who smiled happily to his best student.

the rest of the day passed quickly, Liam listening to the Sign, packed up his things, and started heading toward his house.

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When he was walking, he heard a loud noise, looking at the sky, what he saw shocked him to the core, was a helicopter that was falling to the ground.

Looking at the place that was going to be the impact he saw a handsome Man, who had blond hair and looked at the helicopter in shock.

Dropping his bag, his legs rushed to the man, though his legs were still bruised. Coming quickly toward the Man, Liam pushed him out of the way and looked up at Heaven, seeing a helicopter that was less than 2 Meters from him, his Eyes twitched as he realized what he had done.

' Damn it, because I went to save somebody, and now I'm going to die.' Liam thought sorry for dying so young.

The Helicopter crashed on top of Liam, his vision soon turned to Black.

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" Where am I? " Liam asked, shocked, seeing that he woke up in a totally white place, as far as the eyes could see was white, he then looked behind him and saw a very grandiose and handsome Throne, and sitting on the Throne was a woman who she had a very angry expression, she had blond hair and blue eyes, but unlike Elizabeth, her hair was a little darker, and her eyes too.

' Hmm, why does she look like this?' Liam asked confused.

" You idiot, because you saved that person. " the Woman asked in a cold voice.

" Because he was going to die, and I ended up saving him. " Liam said with a confused expression.

" Your animal, I would use you as my Participant, but you ruin everything, that's all your fault. " the Woman spoke with an angry expression and released her aura toward Liam.

" Aaahhhh! " Shouted Liam falling to the ground shaking a lot, that pressure appeared and disappeared in an instant.

" Forget it, damn it, what am I going to do now? " The Woman asked herself with a tired expression.

" W-What is this as a participant? " Liam asked, trying to get up.

" Hmm, forget it. " The Woman spoke with a thoughtful expression.

" Please, I ask you to tell me ... I died for it, I deserve to know. " Liam said with a determined expression, which soon turned to sadness, he reminded his sister that he would have to live alone without a brother.

" Okay, just because you died because of me, well, I can only say that the Thrones are playing a game, where each of the 9 Living Thrones chose a Participant, and the Throne that wins the Game will be able to assume the Law of Death, which unfortunately died shortly. " The Woman spoke with a sad expression.

" What is Throne? " Liam asked confused.

" Well, for you to know what a Throne is, I'll have to tell you a story, but it's a bit long, will you accept it? " The Woman asked with a calm expression.

" Yes. " Liam said determinedly.