Missing for a Year

One year ago.

Java Island, New Java City.

Adam watched as Daisy went with the group of people heading to Australia, something about making her stronger and helping humanity. Well, at least that was what he thought about it on the surface. 

In all honesty, he just did not want Daisy to see what he had become and make her sad, as he would die in a slow and gruesome death. There was no way he would let the people he cared about see him in such a manner.

Adam thought he had more time, but unexpectedly, he felt something inside of him started to change on the exact day she left for her journey. Even the last syringe he injected himself, which was supposed to give him 3 more days, appeared to not be working.

Black colored blood gushed out of his ears and nose, as pain wrecked his body from inside out. Not wanting anyone to see him in such condition, Adam decided to run out of New Java City on that very same day, leaving his father and friends behind.