God Essence

The battle at the Heavenly Gate's main headquarters was mostly wrapped up after the red monstrosity turned into a human and collapsed in the middle of the fight. The only thing left was receiving those who were surrendering and 'clearing' those who were too headstrong.

Soon, the remaining Heavenly Gate members, seeing the situation was hopeless for them, swiftly surrendered themselves. Naturally, there were some extremists in these groups of devotees, those that could not and did not want to be helped. Hence, there were some struggles until the end. Those people were bestowed with swords' slashes and raging bullets on their heads and bodies.

As for the chemist, the right-hand man of Hafiz, he surprisingly accepted his fate with a wide smile, confusing the other fighters with his bizarre reaction. It looked like the chemist was truly happy knowing his best creation was a success and survived the fight.