Field Trip

Other than that I had created a secret laboratory for myself, and I have discovered a lot of things. But the most important is that the laws of physics and chemistry are not the same as in my old universe. But today after all those years of research I am finally ready.

I can already defend myself using martial arts, and with Haki I can even match up to some heroes. But I now intended to do something on another level. I knew the future, or where it will lead to at least. In the future I will meet gods like Thanos or Ella, and I need to be ready.

I still have the time to enhance my haki and I will do it, but even though battling others will make it evolve further, according to my calculations I will not be ready for when Thanos will come. Thus I decided I needed another source of power.

This leads to today, the day that will change the life of one of my best friends, no of my best friend I ever had in all my lives, the field trip where Peter would get bitten by a radioactive spider. I have already collected some of Peter's blood and DNA and ran tests to see if there was anything special in it.

There indeed was something special in his blood that explained his transformation. Fortunately it isn't something out of my reach, and it was even something I had expected. His genes and DNA are better than other people, they are different and thus allowed him to get his powers when others couldn't.

This is something I asked God for before, and mine are even better than his. I quickly took a shower, got dressed and headed to the kitchen to grab a meal. In the kitchen was my mother Marta preparing breakfast, while my father Steven was reading the news in the living room.

I took a toast she had made and said with a grin" I'm off, I take my car and get Peter! Love you both!" Martha smiled and feigned anger" Steven, we shouldn't have let him get those martial arts lessons, now he is bullying his defenseless mom!"

Steven chuckled and told me" Be careful on the road, and say hello to the Parker's for us." I nodded and got out of the house. I quickly ran to my car, a pretty recent convertible sports car. I put my stuff on one of the back sits and sat in the driver's seat.

I had to drive for ten minutes before getting in Peter's neighborhood. His family and mine has pretty different standards, he is living in a poor one while mine is reserved for the elite class, like my parents. It is always a bit disheartening to see inequalities like those but I could not do anything about it.

I arrived in front of the Parker's household and honked. I saw Peter's aunt May look through the window and waited. After twenty seconds Ben opened the door for Peter. I smiled and shot" Good morning uncle Ben, you and aunt May both have my parents greetings."

Ben smiled and replied" Greet them back for us then, you are welcome to come eat and sleep over if you want." I smiled and nodded. Peter quickly hugged Ben and came in my way. Peter threw his bag in the back sits and jumped next to me.

We checked and as I was about to start the car again the door from the house next to Peter's opened, revealing a gorgeous red haired beauty, Mary Jane Watson. I smiled and elbowed Peter's side. I started the car and stopped in front of her house.

I asked her with a smile" Jump in if you want, I believe it will be better than taking the school bus." MJ flashed a smile and said" It would be a pleasure Mr Tunt." She bowed while saying this, making Peter laugh.

I had gotten the same name and family name as in my previous life, still being Mason Tunt. I rolled my eyes and replied" Jump in before I change my mind." MJ pushed the bags and took a seat behind. I have been friends since I started school with the two in the car, and I had decided to help them.

Instead of letting the two stop talking to each other and getting out only months later, I decided to become the bridge between the two. Now as a result while I was driving the two were laughing with each other.

We soon arrived to the lab we would be visiting today. The school bus had just arrived and the students were gathering in front of the lab. They all turned toward the roar of my car and began whispering to each other.

What? It is not because I reincarnated that I don't like attention. But I was especially happy to see Flash Thompson look at Peter with jealousy for being with his one sided love. He did not dare look at me on the other hand.

He had tried to bully me one time, but this only made him look like a fool in the end, along with fractured fingers. I had been light handed with him as he only took two weeks to recover physically, but I left a mental scar.

The three of us got out of the car after I parked it next to the bus and headed to the group. Our biology teacher counted each student and was about to note down Harry Osborn's absence when another car arrived.

This time it was a notch higher than mine as it was a RR. The car stopped and unsurprisingly Harry and his father Norman got out of the car. Our teacher nodded to herself and began heading inside the lab. Peter, MJ and I waited for Harry to come before going.

But Norman came with his son and greeted us three. He said with a smile" Nice to meet you, I heard about the three of you from Harry. I heard you have a particularly brilliant mind Mr Tunt." I smiled and said" I am flattered Mr Osborn, this coming from you."

Norman waved it off and got back to his car. I put an arm over Harry's shoulder and said" Come now, or we will be late." The four of us got inside and separated. Harry went to his other friends, mainly Flash, Peter began taking pictures, although I am sure he mainly took ones of MJ.

The later went with Liz, her best friend, and began girls talk. As for me I activated my Observation haki and it filled the room, allowing me to immediately find where the spider of the day was. Seeing Peter wouldn't get in contact with it any time soon, I let my haki activated and began exploring the lab.

Even if I am one of the greatest minds, I am not the best in every category. I am best at mechanics, physics and chemistry, and biology is a bit less advanced. But that was mainly in my past life. Even if the laws are slightly changed now, they are still very familiar to the ancient ones.

This allowed me to focus on biology in this life and particularly on the cells in the human body as I would need it. I searched quickly through the lab and found where most of the researches were displayed.

I looked through it all but was disappointed it didn't help me with the case of the radioactive spider. After twenty boring minutes of me feigning to listen, I suddenly felt my haki flare. I could feel that the spider had the intent to attack Peter.

I quickly headed to Peter and saw the spider on the back of his neck. Peter suddenly flinched and almost fell to the ground, but I caught him before, and caught the spider in my hand by the way. It tried to bit my palm but I had already covered my palm with Armament haki.

Other could not see me black turned skin as my hand was closed, but the spider could feel that it was inside a steel like cage. I used some of my conqueror's haki and subdued the spider, making it cower in fear.

I stopped using my armament but still kept the spider in my hand. I asked Peter" Pete, you alright?" Peter regained his senses and replied" Yeah, I am just a bit dizzy, don't worry." I smiled and let him stand by himself.

I patted his shoulder and said" Wait for me, I need to go to the bathroom for a moment." Peter nodded and I did my best not to hurry in there. I already knew no one was inside and took the spider out of my closed hand.

I still let my Observation haki on in case someone comes to the toilets, but I deactivated the conqueror's one. The spider was already under my command and could not even think about harming me.

I took out a container I had prepared beforehand and put it in. I grinned wildly and put the container in my bag again. I took a pee and then got out of the bathroom after washing my hands. The rest of the day went bye without any surprise.

In the original timeline Peter would have fallen and attracted attention, putting the trip to an end and letting the students go back home earlier, but this time I held him so the field trip continued. We ate lunch outside the lab in a park, and then continued by visiting another facility.

The trip ended by around 4 pm, and I offered both MJ and Peter a ride back home, but MJ said she would take the bus to stay with Liz. Peter on the other hand agreed. On the way he suddenly broke the silence" I can't believe Flash, he is already getting out with Liz but he still go after MJ!"

I shrugged and replied" Men always dreams for having more. A rich man will strive to get more riches." Peter looked at me weirdly and said with a smile" Sometimes you feel like an old man that lived through the vicissitude of life."

I laughed and punched him in the shoulder" Fuck you!" We soon arrived to his house and I got out of the car, coming with Peter to the doorway to make sure he wouldn't fall on the way, and planning a little revenge for what he said.

We arrived in front of the door and knocked. Ben opened after a few seconds and greeted us with a smile" How was the trip boys?" Peter laughed and replied" It was fine, it was interesting to see science of another level instead of the dumb lessons."

I laughed and said" I have to agree with him on the second part, but be careful, he was dizzy during the trip, he might be sick." Ben frowned at Peter, while my friend looked at me betrayed. My smile widened and I said" Now I will go, good day to you."

I did not wait for any response and directly went to my car. However I did not head directly to my house, but took another road. I arrived in front of an abandoned hangar. I entered with my car in and placed it on a specific spot.

I got out and pulled a certain hidden lever, transforming the hangar. The door closed and lights lit up, with different tools appearing everywhere, eventually forming a lab. This lab took me two years to finish, but I had built by myself from scratch.

I took out my box in my bag and put it on a shelf, with the spider in it. I grinned widely and began experimenting. I first took some of the spider's DNA, and began working on it. Today we are Thursday, thus we will only have tomorrow before the week end.

Thus I will run some test today until evening and then some others after school tomorrow, and finally take the solution created with the spider to enhance myself when I get back home, so that I can faint without any problem, and get the possibility to train my powers through the week-end.