First Time

It is history class right now, and I am 3 minutes away from my week-end. I looked around and saw that I was not the only impatient one. However Peter wasn't that thrilled, he didn't yet discover his new abilities.

I began paying a little attention to the teacher but when I heard him begin to talk about homework, I began taking my stuff in my bag. The teacher looked angry at first but ignored it, most certainly because I aced every test in every subject since some time ago.

One mustn't forget that even though I mainly deal with physics and all that stuff, I was still the most intelligent man ever in my previous life. Once I heard the bell ring I stood up and got out of the class. Once outside I found Peter had caught up with me.

I smiled and asked" Did you forget that I had something to do? I can't take you home. I told you this morning." Peter shook his head and replied" I know, I just have something important that came up. Bye Mason!"

I shook my head thinking that he maybe had discovered something was wrong with him, but only that he wasn't impatient because he doesn't understand what is happening.

As for me I quickly took my car to the lab and took my test tubes from the centrifuge. Yesterday by using the spider I identified and extracted what changed Peter. But in the end for a better potency I took as much as I could, killing the spider.

I then needed the solution to be homogeneous to run tests and to inject it. If it isn't homogeneous and that I inject it, then I will lose some of it's effect and it will take more time.

And because using the centrifuge takes quite a long time, here a little less than an hour, I made it during the night. Now I took a sample of one of my test tubes, and began making analysis. I had to do everything by hand, and that is exhausting.

I wanted to build a super computer with an AI but it is too costly to be done under cover like now, and I do not even intend on staying inside this lab for very long. I stayed inside the lab for the rest of the day and finally came home for dinner at 8 pm.

Once I came in I saw my parents were both preparing dinner in the kitchen, laughing for an unknown reason. I yelled" Dad, Mom, I'm home! I'll be going to my room!" I did not wait for them to register the information and hurried inside my room.

Once in I took the final solution out along with a syringe and prepared everything for injecting everything inside me. This would be my first assimilation of a foreign energy inside my system so I will faint.

I hide the syringe and went to eat. But both my parents were still preparing and told me I would need to wait for a few minutes. I shrugged and lit up the TV. I switched to the news channel and was surprised to see that a certain scientific has disappeared and is being searched.

That man is none other than Bruce Banner, alias the Hulk. It seems his fight against the Abomination is soon to come. I sighed and watched to see if anything else would appear, but that was all. They talked a little about Tony Stark that was working on new weapons, but they stopped here.

I switched off the TV as my mother called me. We ate while I was talking about my day in school. As for my parents they were on a vacation since the beginning of the week, otherwise they would certainly still be at the block, so I enjoyed as much as I could their presence.

I never had a family back in my previous life, and dreamed of having one. So having them with me is like a gift from the heavens. Well it is in fact but whatever. I listened up when my parents began talking about a colleague of them, Steven Strange, alias Doctor Strange.

Even though I didn't really want to leave the table because I knew that it would mark a new era for me and that I would hardly be able to see them in the future, when we finished eating I said I had a tiring day and go to sleep.

My parents shrugged it off and wished me a good night. Once inside my room, I closed my door and took out the syringe. I undressed myself to go sleep, and once in bed I put the needle inside my arm, more precisely inside a vein.

I slowly inserted the solution until the syringe was empty, and hide it below my blanket in case my mother comes to wake me up tomorrow. Then sleep quickly came to me as I drifted into dreamland…

The next morning I was waken up by my phone ringing because of the alarm I programmed the previous day. I sat up in my bed, and looked around. Remembering what I did the previous day, I clenched my fist and felt the power coming from it.

I slowly got out of bed and put a hand on a wall. I did all of this slowly because I can't yet control my strength as I don't even know my own limits. Once my palm was on the wall I willed for it to stick on the wall, and lifted my feet in the air.

As expected my hand stick on the wall. My eyes grew wide as even though I expected it, it still was amazing for me. I got on the ground again, and began preparing a bag. At the beginning of the week I had created a lie to be able to spend the week-end outside, training.

Once I finished my bag I went downstairs and saw nobody was awake. In the end I wrote a quick note to say I was gone. I did not take my car, but instead jogged toward my lab. I already began training as I was trying my best to restrain myself from running at inhuman speeds.

I didn't want to get spotted by SHIELD this early. Once I arrived I realized I did not even breakout a sweat, it was not even a real warm up for me. I grinned and made my laboratory appear. There were some devises to measure strength and speed I had prepared some time ago.

I came up with the following results in the end. I now have a strength of 30 tons, and a running speed of 69 km/h. But other than that I gained a few powers. First is the power to climb walls, it is essentially the same as Spider-Man.

Also I have the spider sense, that enhanced my observation haki by a lot. I have reached a high level now. But my new advantage is my dexterity. I can now bend my body in many ways, allowing me to exert more strength, I can also avoid objects thrown at me more easily.

What I have that Peter doesn't are webs directly created from myself, and I can create an infinite amount of them, and they can be easy to tear or as hard as steel.

After everything was done I pushed on a button, and a wall turned over, making a costume appear. That's right, I have developed a costume, along with a mask. My costume is mainly black, with some deep blue parts.

If this is like this it is because I don't want others to see my ability to use haki. My costume is made using light and flexible materials, that are resistant to tears and cut, but not bullets. I made it like this because I intend to avoid bullets, and I changed this by an ability to defend against concussive force.

That means that if I get hit by someone with an overwhelming strength then I will get some defense from my costume, same if I get thrown around. As for my mask it attached to my costume like a hood, and it hides my entire face, leaving no skin.

But it can easily be lifted if I ever want to eat or use my mouth. As for my eyes I will look through the thing that asked me the most time. I will look through two glasses that will adapt to the light granting nigh vision, or a mean not to get blinded by light.

It isn't that hard to make in the first place, it would have taken me only a few hours in my previous life, but I don't have enough resources. Other than than I have two bracelets around both wrists that doesn't impede my movements and are stuffed with some toys.

There are two flash bangs, two smoke grenades, and ten miniature throwing incapacitating devices. Those are small circular objects the size of a nails and a thickness of two centimeters that will stick to a surface and send a huge amount of electricity, enough to knock out ordinary humans and to stun resilient opponents.

Also my gloves are made so that it doesn't stop my ability to climb vertical surfaces, but more importantly I can have claws. This has nothing to do with my powers but of my martial arts.

I put on my costume and look at myself without my mask on, and I was so cool already. I put on the mask and as delighted to be able to see as though I didn't have anything in front of my eyes. My costume had a custom design.

It was mainly black with bands of deep blue crossing each other in the back, forming a rather demonic face. As for my chest the blue parts were forming two letters, NW. Those were from my super hero name, that you will soon discover…

I tried talking and confirmed my voice was altered to sound older and different. Also I had made so that people could see my abs through the costume, just because I want people to be amazed. A problem with that?!

Why am I talking alone? I can really be strange sometime… I trained for the rest of the day, and I had already completely mastered my strength by the end of the day. After all, I have trained in many martial arts, so it is to be expected for me to master my own strength.

When I saw the sun was about to disappear, I jumped on a building, and began jumping from roof to roof. I did not want to use my webs to travel around the city, I would steal Spidey's style. Instead because I have the strength required I prefer to jump from roof to roof.

At a speed nearing 70 km/h, I can travel faster than cars as I don't have to get into traffic jams. As I was speeding on the different roofs I looked everywhere around myself and searched for a crime.

As I arrived in the center of the city, I ran into a problem. There were only enormous buildings now, and I can't see clearly everywhere. I quickly came up with a solution, that is to run vertically on the walls.

It then only took me two minutes to hear a cry. I looked around and sighted a gorgeous blond girl in a dark alley that was surrounded by three thugs. I was shocked to be able to hear and see someone so far, she was two hundred meters from me.

At my top speed I can cover around 19 meters per second. Making a simple math it, it only took me a little more than ten seconds to arrive above them, standing on the wall.

I activated my observation haki first, and seeing no one was around, I smirked and though that it was time for the first hero of the new generation to appear.