The New Hero

The girl was looking at the three robbers with no fear but determination instead. The one that seemed to be the leader of the three said" Give us your money and your cell phone! And that necklace of yours!" While he said that he took out a knife and threateningly slashed the air.

But the girl only frowned and replied" I can give you my money, but not my necklace!" One of the other two robbers couldn't take it and took out a knife. I could feel through my observation haki that he was very nervous, probably his first time.

But most importantly he was about to attack her. He raised his knife and rushed at the girl. Neither the girl nor the two other robbers had the time to react as they were shocked. At that moment I threw myself toward him and was upon him in an instant.

I grabbed the back of his head in my palm as I was falling, and as my feet touched the ground, I heavily banged his head on the floor. Well that was heavy for a normal human otherwise his head would have exploded, but it still was enough to knock him out and disfigure him.

Once done I kicked the leader's hand, sending the knife flying, and punched him in the chest. That sent him flying into his fellow robber, and knocked the two out. I quickly bounded them with my webs and turned to the lady.

She was looking at me in shock. I asked" Are you alright miss?" She nodded dumbly, unable to come up with a true answer. I turned from her and jumped the roof of the buildings that was three meters high.

But as I was about to go, I heard her ask" Who are you?" I turned my head and coolly said" I am the Night Walker." I did not wait for her answer and jumped out. I ran until I got on the roof of a tall building and sat there thinking about what I just did.

The feeling was awesome, and I had never felt so good before. I stop daydreaming and once again traveled in the night, searching for crimes.

A few hours later, the sun could be seen, it was 6 am, and the night just finished. I had stopped a total of nine crimes during the night, and that made me realize I still missed something. That is a mean to locate crimes scenes faster.

But then an idea struck me. In the original universe spider man would hack into the police frequency and show up before them. As the night had finished, I went back to my lab and began working on this new project.

I was not even tired after the crazy night I just had, and realized my endurance improved a lot too. I could probably stay awake for three days without a problem now.

As for my name, I took it mainly because it sounds cool, and not because I would only act at night. I intend to act in plain day too. There were many case of murder and stealing during the night, but there also were robbery during the day, and a little less murder and stealing.

By 1 pm I had already finished my new project. It takes the form of an ear piece that connects to the police radio and every message they send, I will get it too. I didn't have to wait for a long time before I caught something.

"Third unit, we got a robbery at a bank, it…" I quickly headed toward the address given and arrived quickly as it was not that far. Once I arrived I saw that the police was surrounding the bank and a group of robbers had taken the civilians hostages.

I stealthily got into the bank, it was hard not to get caught with the helicopter overhead but I still succeeded in entering the bank via a window. I was stuck on all four on the roof and spread my haki to see if all of the were here.

I found 4 robbers in the main hall, while one was leading a lady inside the toilets. I quickly went over there and making sure no one saw me, I entered the air vent.

I crawled until I arrived above them. I saw that the lady was squatting in a corner while the masked robber began taking out his pants. I was shocked that during such a stressing moment he would do something like that, but seeing he was about to rape the lady, I decided I was time to stop this.

I quietly got out of the air vent and jumped behind him. The lady looked at me in shock, and the robber, sensing something was wrong, turned his head. However he didn't have the time to process what was happening as I hit the back of his head, and left him unconscious.

I looked at the lady and made a hush sound, before jumping in the vent again. I got in the main hall again and watch how the situation was unfolding. I was tempted to just use my conqueror's haki and make them fall unconscious, but I didn't want to use it in front of other people, and to keep it as a trump card.

As I saw the police and the robbers were still on a stale-mate, and that they were curious why the missing robber took so much time, I threw a smoke grenade.

I had changed it a little so that the smoke would spread faster but last less time. But this wasn't a problem for me. I jumped toward two that were next to each other, and knocked their head together.

I then moved toward the one that was the closest to the hostages and kicked his temple. As for the last one I bound him awake with my webs.

The smoke disappeared and the hostages looked warily around. They were shocked to see that the robbers were all neutralized. They looked at the me with hopeful eyes. I smiled under my mask and said" You all are free to go."

They rejoiced and ran toward the doors, except one. The only one left was a little girl that seemed to be eight years old. She was silently crying on the ground. I walked toward her and asked, squatting to be at her level" What is it, don't you want to go?"

The girl shook her head and replied" One of them took mom away!" I got up and ran toward the toilets, and opened the door. Inside the woman was still in a corner, too afraid to move. I said" Come on miss, your daughter is waiting for you."

The woman's grew wide as she instantly got up and ran toward the main hall at a near inhuman speed. I sighed and decided to go now as I didn't want to deal with the thanks. Paradoxical, I like being a hero but not being thanked.

I got out by the same window I came in but this time I did not go as silently as before. Someone in the crowd pointed at me and all the cameras turned toward me. I grunted and quickly made my escape.

After running for a few minutes and making sure I was alone, I once again began searching for people to help.

I only stopped in the evening as I decided it was time to eat. After that the rest of the week-end passed with me jumping everywhere to help and save people. The most awesome thing I did, I think, was to jump into a burning building and save the people in there.

We now were Sunday and it was time to get back home. I rang the bell, and only had to wait for a moment before Martha opened. I hugged her quickly and got up in my room and got some sleep.

I didn't sleep at all since Friday and even if I can last longer than ordinary humans, I didn't spend my time doing nothing, I was always running and fighting. Moreover I have used my haki a lot.

I was later woken up by my mother shaking me. I sleepily looked at her and she said" Wake up sleepy boy, it is time to eat dinner." I grunted" Coming…" She left the room and I stayed laying there for a minute before sitting up in my bed.

I went to the dining room and saw both my parents were sitting there waiting for me. I waved at my dad and sat in front of my plate. I quickly began to eat and asked" How was your week-end alone?"

Steven smiled and replied" We had fun, and how was yours?" I shrugged and said" It was interesting the first day, but then I had nothing to do as I already mastered whatever they were trying to teach us."

Martha laughed and said" If you are so bored then why don't you get a job? It is not like you don't have the skills." I looked at them both and said" I will get one soon, I have already began thinking about it since some time ago, I just don't know where to go."

Steven waved his hand and replied" You could try to go at Stark ind." I shook my head and answered" His success made his ego grow too much. And he may be a genius, I don't want to work for him. Maybe I will start my own company, I will see."

This ended the conversation, and right after dinner I told them I would go back to sleep. I waited until both of them were asleep until I got out in my costume.

I did that for the entire eek until Friday. During the week I had seen I became already famous, but Spider Man was still unknown. That is because he only became a hero after his uncle's death that made him realize that with power comes responsibility.

As for me I was already in every newspaper, some were making good comments on me while others like JJ were slandering the new hero Night Walker. People were following my achievements since the bank robbery.

I did not know it but one of the hostages I saved was the sister of my classmate, Flash Thompson. I did not even know he had one, but I learned it when Flash came at school Monday boasting Night Walker's awesomeness.

At least this was not as weird as when he worshiped Spider Man in the original universe, while being his bully. He doesn't hate me or anything so he won't compare me to his favorite hero.

But it seemed that this week was bound to be an important one as I learned that Tony Stark had been abducted by a terrorist group, marking the beginning of Iron Man.

But most importantly I just learned that Osborn Ind were about to lose their funding. That means Norman will soon inject his serum in himself and transform into the green goblin.

I was hesitating whether I should stop him now but decided against it as I could not arrest him based on facts that didn't even happen. But whatever I do, the part two of my plan can finally begin.

As Norman begins his rampage as the Green Goblin I will obviously stop him, and preferably keep him alive. But once done, I will steal his formula for his serum and perfect it.

When I finally do that, then I will inject myself with it. But now was not the time, I needed to go back to my lab. I was already outside the school and was waiting for Peter to come out, and was surprised to see him with MJ along with a crowd of 30 students.

As soon as they saw me they neared me and I asked" What's up? Did I miss something while I was in math?" Peter sighed while MJ nodded and said" A huge party has been organized in Harry's house as his father is away, and everyone has been invited. You can come too!"