
Peter rolled his eyes and said" It's more her who forced me to go…" MJ hit him in the arm, and I saw that he flinched too late for it to be natural. That's good, it means he has already discovered his powrs, only that he needs to control them more.

MJ said to Peter" Stop it, you need to come it will be fun!" I shook my head and replied" I am busy right now, I will see if I can come later in the evening, but no promise." MJ sighed and said" Too bad, it would have been good if you had come."

I smiled and said" I will see you two later then, have fun there." The two nodded and joined the group again. Harry looked at me and waved. I waved back and got into my car. Harry and I were friends since some time ago, only that I see him less than Peter and MJ.

In fact I only had three friends at school, and that is the reason I am forced to stay there. My parents set a condition, that is I can't leave school to go to college until I haven't made more friends or graduation time.

I could easily make new friends if I wanted, but I didn't want false friends that would leave me should any setback fall upon me. If I wanted I could just stop wearing baggy clothes and show my muscles and girls would be fighting for my attention.

No kidding, with my martial arts I already became muscly, even a little too much for my taste, but after I took the spider's solution my bones and muscles condensed, making me a perfect body.

I had also grown by a few centimeters, and am now standing at 1.87m, hovering over most people. I have a slightly toned skin, a handsome face with short brown hair.

A few females were already interested in me, but I wasn't already at the level of throwing themselves on me, at least until I continue wearing baggy clothes. Not even Peter, MJ and Harry knew of my body.

I drove back to my lab and quickly dressed up. Once done I got out and began listening to the cops radio. We were in the middle of the afternoon so there wasn't that much crime reported, strangely criminals were hiding better in plain day rather than during the night.

I decided to stop and go home at 7pm, and I had stopped three aggression this afternoon. As I was taking out my mask and was about to take out my ear piece I heard something.

The voice was not very clear and curious about it, I took it back and listened" All officers available, go as fast as possible toward the 9th Avenue, two monsters are wreaking havoc here! There already are two civilians injured and a helicopter from the army has been downed! Hurry up!"

My eyes grew wide as I perfectly knew what this was. It could only be the fight between the Hulk and the Abomination. In the film we could already see how they destroyed the entirety of their surroundings, and because it was a film the casualties were not shown.

But now this was real life and people would die quickly. The police would most certainly not dare to intervene in this fight, and there wasn't any hero that could intervene yet, as I was the only one existing yet.

Considering how frequented the 9th Avenue is, there will be many civilians on the scene. And knowing the New-Yorkers, they certainly not flee but watch the fight instead. Adding the reporters that will come, there will potentially be a huge amount of casualties if I let Hulk deal with the Abomination.

I quickly took my mask back on and headed to the 9th avenue as fast as possible. I broke all world records as I arrived there in only two minutes, and saw the scene of destruction. Two huge three meters tall monsters were fighting in the street, and the surroundings were horrible to watch.

There were several buildings broken into mere big rocks, and the police had created a fence to protect the civilians. Helicopters from both the police and reporters were flying in the sky, the police officers were occasionally shooting on the monsters, but mainly the Abomination, but were still useless.

But the thing is that the two monsters were not the only living people inside the perimeter, there also was a bus. A piece of a building wad on it and blocking one entire side of the bus, including the door. The people inside could get out by the windows, but doing that would send them straight into the fighting, and would mean death, so they could not move.

But the most shocking thing was that among those passengers were the thirty students that went to Harry's house for a party, including Peter and MJ. Other that than that it was obvious for all to see that the Abomination was having the upper hand.

That was mainly because while it was fighting unrestrained, Hulk was trying to not hurt the civilians. And the people were seeing it as they were cheering for him. But that wasn't sufficient as the Hulk was being beaten, but slowly.

Fortunately I could sense from my haki that there were only injured people but no one was dead yet. But it seemed that I just jinxed myself as when I arrived within fifty meters and was on a roof, I heard the Abomination say" So you like those weaklings? Watch me and become stronger!"

He turned to the bus and rushed at it, ready to destroy it and the people within. The Hulk roared but had his leg locked under a piece of a building, stopping him for enough time. As the Abomination neared the bus, Peter was about to try to use his powers, but I knew that it would be suicide as even with his new strength he would not last long against the Abomination.

But that was not needed as I had arrived. As the fist was about a meter away from the bus, the ones in it were crying in fear, and the people around were closing their eyes, I arrived yelling" NOT UNDER MY WATCH!!!!"

As I said this with pure anger, I coated my entire right arm with haki and punched at the fist. I may have 30 tons of strength, the Abomination had around 50 tons. But with my haki, my strength would skyrocket.

As both our fist connected a crack could be heard and the Abomination was forced to retreat a few steps back. Through my observation haki I could see that my punch just now had cracked his finger bones, but that they were already recovering.

But I did not let the stunned monster any chance as I coated my four limbs with haki and jumped at the monster. I first made an uppercut, making his feet leave the ground, and then jumped and made a guillotine move with my leg, landing right on his skull.

This injured him even more, as well as making him get out of his stunned state. But that didn't change a thing as it crashed into the ground.

It raised it's head in anger to try to locate me and fight me, but what met him was four claws covered in haki. The claws slashed his face and left four deep lines of blood, taking out both of it's eyes. It howled in pain, holding it's face.

But it then began wildly smashing itself around, trying to touch me, and because that was more instinctual than willed, I could not follow him through my haki. But because of my martial arts training I could still avoid most of his attacks.

But I could not stop it from thrashing around, previously if I could send it flying for a few meters it was because it was unprepared and then stunned, leaving only his weight to send flying. But this time he was using his strength to stay up so even when I punched him I was only hurting him, but not stopping him.

Some of the hit connected with my body and that wasn't a good feeling, but I did not suffer any big injury from the attacks. Fed up with it, I tackled it and took it with me toward the hulk and yelled" Punch him big guy!"

I successfully sent the monster onto the Hulk, but the cost was several hits. Even with my haki I was shaken up and had several ribs broken, and even spat a mouthful of blood but it was stopped by my mask and thus did not left any for the police to find my identity. But it was worth it as Hulk was now punching the Abomination again and again.

Hulk was first in it's back and made it fall, and began punching his face. After punching the defenseless face of the Abomination for a minute it finally stopped, leaving a disfigured and unconscious grey ugly monster.

As for myself I was holding my sides in pain but still standing. Once finished the crowd began cheering for my name, while some others were asking me if I was alright. I could also see that my classmates in the bus were all looking at me in awe and reverence, including my friends.

The Hulk stood up and looked at me. I smiled and said in pain" Thanks for the help, but the next time be careful of not destroying your surroundings." The Hulk frowned but it seems Banner still had enough control to reason the Hulk.

It grunted and nodded, before jumping toward the crashed helicopter, certainly to see Betty Ross. As for myself I looked around and saw if there were any injured. Seeing and sensing none, I walked to the bus still holding my sides in pain.

I grabbed the piece of building and slowly raised it in the air before putting it on the side, under the amazed gaze of everyone. Once I did that I grunted in pain and almost fell but helped myself with the side of the bus.

Everyone around shot in alarm and asked me to go to the hospital, and the reporters were taking numerous pictures of me. I ignored them and looked at the police officers. What seemed to be the captain bowed to me and said" I, and the citizens of New York thank you for putting yourself at risk."

What was intended was that I was free to go and would not be chased around by the police. It has to be known that a few days ago the police had said in the news that they would not let a vigilant around the city.

But it seems that now they were up against monsters they forgot their words. At least they aren't ungrateful bastards. As people were calling me, I jumped on a roof, sending another jolt of pain, and escaped the scene.

I quickly headed to the Empire State Buildings and went on top of it to be alone for some time. I had used my webs this time as crawling would have been too slow. And I was now considering to start moving with webs as I would be faster.

This time I was lucky and arrived on time, but if there has been casualties because I didn't want to steal Spidey's style and go faster I would have felt horrible for a long time and probably not forgive myself for some time.

I sighed looking at the beautiful city in front of me, and deactivated my ear piece. I was in no state to go help other people right now. I took out my mask after checking no camera was around.

I took out my phone and saw missing calls from both my parents and Peter. Suddenly my phone began trembling as Martha was calling me.