Spanner in the works

I was shocked the problem I had solved was such a milestone for them. I found it strange because even though I used some knowledge from my past life, it wasn't a difficult problem.

Otto interrupted my thought as he asked me" Tell me Mason how did you solve it?" I turned to look at the audience and walked to the computer. I cleared my throat and began" As you already know the only way we found to this day to produce a nuclear fusion was to first create a fission to gather enough energy to create a fusion…"

I began explaining how I solved the problem, and I could see that as time passed, they faces were changing more and more, shock would be an euphemism to describe their faces by the end of the explanations.

I turned to look at Otto and asked" Was this really bothering you that much?" He nodded and replied" I have been working on my theory for a long time but I still don't know how my source of energy will be. But your way of thinking is truly refreshing."

He stopped and turned to look at the others scientist and asked" I think you all agree that Mason should be the one to get the lab, right?" The rest of the people nodded and I was dumbfounded. I quickly retorted" I can't already get that, I entered the company only five days ago!"

Otto laughed and replied" We will talk about that later, but now lets begin our weekly reunion. Joe, tell us about your researches." A tall man with black hair stood up and began reading his notes. For the next two hours we all talked about our ideas and results.

I told them about some of my projects and some of them found those too bold and that the cost would be too high. I even heard thanks to my enhanced hearing some of them mocking me and that seemed pleased I would face failure.

After the reunion I frowned thinking that I was too naive, the people here may be intelligent, they were still like those outside, jealous of the successful.

I was about to go to my lab when I heard Otto call me" Mason, wait for a moment." He arrived next to me and said" How about we take a walk?" I nodded and replied" That would be a pleasure Sir." Otto laughed and began walking" Call me Otto, you have earned the qualifications after all."

We took the elevator and headed to the 34th floor. Otto said" You may be confused as to m=why you got a laboratory of your own." I nodded and waited for him to continue" Since your visit last time, I had to report to the CEO you choose my section and floor.

When I told him he told me that I would be charged in deciding your rewards or punishments considering your success." I looked at him and said" But was it really the worth to give me a lab? I only helped on one theory, you don't know my capabilities yet.

If I am unsuccessful in too many experiments then the cost for the materials I wasted would be too much for you." Otto shook his head and replied" You don't understand. While the scientists using the common labs are under my authority and I have to bear the cost of their failures, I don't have anything to do with a private laboratory like yours.

Everything you need will be provided by Oscorp if it isn't too expensive, and if it is then you will only have to fill a form and it will be decided by the higher ups whether you will get it or not. From now on you won't have to answer to anyone except the CEO and the board of directors."

I frowned and asked" It doesn't seem right, it is too much for only one problem, however difficult it is." The elevator's doors opened and Otto said" You are right, but there are other things you don't know. I could get a laboratory of my own if I wanted, but I would have no use to it and thus I left my previous one to work amongst the others.

This left a vacant lab on my floor and I was allowed to choose whoever I deemed worthy enough to get it. And I decided it would be you. But nothing is free in the world. I want you to mainly work on my project with me. Every paid hour you have, that means the week-ends, you will only work on it.

But then on your free time you can come to the lab when you want and work on your own project." I was internally super excited but hided it to not sound suspicious and said with a serious face" It will be an honor then, I hope our cooperation will bring humans to a new era."

Otto and I shook hands and then he took me to my new lab. Once in I was astounded by the size of the lab and the endless possibilities it will offer me. I turned to a smiling Otto and said" Why don't we talk about that project of yours then?"

Otto sat on a nearby stool and said" My main objective is to create a new way to get energy by replacing fission by fusion, but you already know that. I worked on it for the past 17 years, and I have made huge advancements. And thanks to your solution to my problem I finally realized that the only possible way to do it was to create a miniature sun.

I already knew about the possibility but I searched for another way to do it as making that sun would be too dangerous." I nodded and said" It is indeed dangerous, but we just can't make it using another way. Like I said in my report on the problem, it is not really the sun or the other stars that create fusion, but the other way around.

It is because of the fusion of the different atoms that the sun is so hot and became a star. If it wasn't using this then it's rate of consumption would be too slow and it's power would deteriorate by too much, finally making it collapse."

Otto sighed and said" You really have a bright mind, far better than mine. You showed the way we will need to take, and we now know the form of our source of energy. But this leads us to another problem. How are we going to create a sun, and then how will we contain it."

I shrugged my shoulders and replied" We could use the fission to create a fusion, but that would just be a waste of energy. What we need to do first is to find how to create the sun, and then how to cancel it's gravitational pull and the heat."

Otto got up and said" I will let you think about this, I will go to my own lab and search how we could do that. I will also add you to a private group composed of me and my wife only to discuss about our ideas."

He got out and I turned on my computer. I began checking each of my tools and machinery and was happy to find that I already had almost everything I would need. Checking for any hidden device that could be used to record me, I launched the company's internal site.

After making sure no one would be able to spy on me, I took my ear piece out of my bag and put it on. I immediately heard the voice of Hermes" Sir, Do you want me to get into this device and start gathering the information I can find?"

I replied" Do it, I will plug you to the computer." I took the ear piece and pushed on a little button on the side of it, transforming into a USB key. I plugged it to the computer and while Hermes was hacking into Oscorp's database, I worked on Otto's, his wife and mine project.

I stayed in the lab until the next day's evening, and had spent the nigh working. We hadn't made that much progress, but we still had a lot of time in front of us. I had of course called my parents to tell them I wouldn't go back home Saturday, and I was surprised they had no problem with it.

Also Hermes had downloaded everything he deemed useful. It was just in the computer for the moment, but I intended to do other things after. For the next two weeks, apart from working on week-ends, I almost lived inside my lab.

I had created a lock so that nobody can come inside it, and I changed quite a few things. Now everything inside is controlled by Hermes, and if I want something to be done, like starting the centrifuge or make a research then I wouldn't need to plug it anywhere, just to orally say it.

As for my alter ego, I did my job as usual. I had stopped numerous crimes from happening, and people were getting used to seeing me. They would still shoot when they catch a glimpse at me and the reporters are still furiously searching my identity, but now people aren't getting surprised and asking who I am.

I had also seen Spider Man once, still in his pajamas, but decided to avoid him as he may be my friend, he doesn't know it and would act like a total fan boy if he sees me. Other than that no hero had appeared since then, and Tony was still missing.

According to my knowledge he will still stay there for two months before getting back. But the bad news were that Norman was getting more and more desperate. I had gotten access to the Oz formula through Hermes, and I was impressed seeing it.

It could enhance an individual physical strength, regeneration and mind. I had started working on it ever since I got it, and I was advancing at a breakneck speed. I was disappointed that Norman did not get me to help with it officially because of my success in energy.

But I still was able to slow down their speed using Hermes to create accidents or fake reports. I was feeling bad doing that, but each time I would remind myself that if they were to achieve it by a stroke of luck then the consequences would be dire.

But now after two weeks I had been invited by my friends to go to the theater. During a lesson MJ had came to me and said" We are going to the theater to watch a movie Friday, would you come with us?" I looked at her and asked" Who is coming?"

MJ smiled and replied" There will be Peter, Harry, myself and Liz." I raised an eyebrow and asked" Liz?" MJ nodded" Yeah, she broke up with Flash and decided to come with us. You should really come, you are even more closed to others than before. Even Peter got more friends than you."

I laughed at her words and replied" Then I am really desperate! 'Kay, I will come, I don't have anything important to do anyway." And this conversation led me to a change in my daily schedule. Since then I would get out with them at least once per week.

It was great as I will get to know Liz more, and this should let me relax, being away from both my jobs. Today would be the first time I would get out with them, and I was a little nervous. After all, this is the marvel universe, and there seem to be a law that says a hero can't get out wit others without attracting trouble.