Broke the rule?

I met with the others in front of the theater, everyone arriving on time. Once everyone was gathered I asked" What are we watching then? I don't know what has gotten out recently so I will have to rely on you."

Peter and Harry laughed while MJ and Liz began debating about which romantic movie we would watch. As the two were choosing, Harry asked me" How is work?" I scratched my head and replied" I got my lab two weeks ago, I am currently working on a project related to energy."

Harry looked at me amazed and replied" You already got a lab? How did you do that?" I smiled and replied" Nothing much, I only showed what I was capable of and they fell in love with me." Peter laughed at my answer and Harry rolled his eyes.

I was happy to see that he seemed to have went over his jealousy of his father's affection toward me while he kept being ignored. As the girls were still arguing Peter suddenly asked" Why don't we go watch that new super hero movie? He had good critics."

I nodded but Liz shook her head violently and replied" Before those films were great, but now compared to Night Walker they are just lame and boring. I would rather watch again his fight against those two monsters when he saved us."

She looked at me and said" You weren't there but I tell you, despite the danger you missed something. The fight was so epic!" I laughed and replied" I've watched it out of boredom, it was spectacular indeed. But have you heard about that new Spider Man?"

The others nodded and MJ said" Yeah, he is great to, but he is fighting in pajamas. It feels weird t be saved by someone like that, but at least he uses his power for the greater good." I could see Peter try to hide a smile, and found his attempt pathetic.

I cleared my throat and said" Why don't we go for a horror movie?" The others considered for a few seconds before agreeing. We thus watched the newest horror movie for the next two hours, and it was a funny experience.

Don't get me wrong, the film was boring, when you fight against a three meters tall giant mass of muscles you don't think a mortal with an axe is scary, but it was watching the four others that was. Harry and MJ were basically stuck at each other from the beginning to the end, and at each screamer MJ would hug him tighter.

As for Peter and Liz, at the beginning they were just watching like two friends, but as the movie progressed Liz was moving closer and closer to Peter. By the end she had even hugged his arm out of fear from a scene.

The two had blushed madly once they realized what happened and instantly separated. They quickly looked at MJ and Harry to look whether they saw what happened or not, and were relieved they didn't, but they froze once they saw my sly smile.

We got out of the theater at 7pm, and I was surprised nothing had happened. As both my parents would be at work until late in the evening, I proposed to the others" Why don't we go eat together tonight?"

The others were clearly surprised that I would propose such a thing, except for Liz that didn't know me. She was thus the first to accept, followed by the others. The others wanted to eat at a fast food at first because they didn't have much money on them, but I decided otherwise.

"Guys, we can go eat in a good restaurant, I got paid from my job, and I did earn quite some money. I will pay the bill." The others were about to refuse so I added" Don't refuse me paying for you, I am sure that if in the future you will do the same if ever needed."

They nodded and Liz told us about a restaurant she loved, and we decided to go check it. We were surprised to see that this was a high end restaurant. She blushed as we looked at her and she replied" I've wanted to go there for quite some time, but I couldn't really go into such a restaurant with Flash…"

We all could hear sadness in her voice as she talked about him, after all they had just broken up. I suddenly laughed to lighten up the mood and I was surprise at my success. I thought I would just make it look awkward, but it looks like I am not that bad in social skills…

We entered the restaurant and the waitress was clearly surprised to see such young people. She quickly walked toward us and asked" Good evening, would you follow me for a table." We followed her to a large table big enough to accommodate all of us.

We looked at the menu and before they could choose I said" Take whatever you want, don't restrain yourself, I won't be offended even if you take the most expensive dish." The others nodded embarrassed to have been seen through.

This was clearly their first time in such a restaurant except for Harry as the three others were often looking at their surroundings in amazement. A few minutes later the waitress came again and took our commands.

When she departed I said" Guys, we only have one week until summer break, what are you going to do?" Peter was the first to answer as he said" I think I am going to stay here, I don't see what I would do other than that."

I smiled and Liz said" MJ and I are going to LA for a week, I have a cousin living there." MJ nodded and added" Other than that I think I will search for a summer job to, well…" Harry rolled his eyes and said" Don't be like that, told them."

Peter and Liz looked at her in interest while I smiled, knowing what she wanted to do with that money. MJ blushed and said" I want to take acting classes…" The two froze, scarring MJ who added" You think I can't?"

Peter and Liz widened their eyes and suddenly waved their hands as Liz said" Nonono, it's just that I am surprised, you already took lessons when we were little, but I though you lost interest as you stopped."

Peter nodded and added" Yeah I think you would do great! Don't take offense Harry, but MJ you're gorgeous!" I facepalmed at Peter's lack of tact as Harry and MJ both blushed at what he said, understanding what he implied.

I smiled and told them" Come on, you have been exchanging those looks since a week, we all know you got together." As MJ was a bout to retort a man that wasn't from the restaurant suddenly appeared next to us and asked" I heard one of you wanted to become an actor?"

I quickly checked him using haki, and seeing no negative thoughts but only excitement I replied" Yes, that stunning red hair over there." I pointed to MJ who was looking at the man with wide eyes. I sensed that she and the others were all feeling shock since the man appeared.

I looked at his face carefully, but I was sure I didn't know his face. After a few seconds of silence I asked" Why are you all so shocked?" They all looked at me with even wider eyes while the stranger middle aged man looked at me in amusement.

Liz said" They told me you were oblivious to the outside world, but damn seeing it in person is strange!" I sighed and turned to Harry who said" Mason, that is Phil Theon. He is a producer known in all of America, or even the world!"

I nodded with an enlightened face and asked the man" What may we do for you Sir?" The man smiled and replied" Well I was eating with a few friends over there and overheard you conversation. When I looked out of curiosity, I saw, using your own words, this stunning beauty.

You see I am currently shooting a movie but unfortunately we lack an actress for a character. That actress needs to have red hair and be a stunning beauty, and that would be a second role. Would this miss be interested in taking an audition?"

MJ was about to speak and stutter out of shock, but to prevent that from happening as it would not look good, I sent a small wave of haki and took her out of her shock. She stopped trembling and cleared her throat before replying smoothly" That would be an honor Sir."

Phil smiled, obviously pleased and took out a notebook from his suit, and wrote something on it before handing it to her. He bad us farewell and went back to his table. We looked at MJ who was looking at the note absentmindedly.

I asked" What did he write?" MJ replied without tearing her gaze off the paper" There is a date, an hour and a location. That is where the audition will be held."

I smiled and said" Congratulation then, I hope this will be the beginning of a greet career!" The others woke up and started congratulating her. MJ got flustered and replied" Thanks guys…" She looked down deep in thoughts and added" Do you really think I will get the job?"

We had to talk to her for five minutes to convince her we believe in her. At the end of the day I came home, and realized that nothing happened, I had expected a villain would come out of nowhere, but other than a gig opportunity nothing happened.

I smiled content about my day, and went to my room to change into my night clothes. Five minutes later, I got out of the house and began my nightly stroll. As I was nearing the center of the city I heard Hermes" Sir, at two hundred meters an aggression is happening, one man is assaulting a woman."

As he said that the particular alley lit up a little to show me where it was. I headed over there and saw the scene. The man was forceful holding the woman and had a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming, and began taking out her clothes.

I interrupted him by putting a hand on his shoulder and threw him two meters away in the alley. I looked at the woman fearful eyes and walked slowly to the aggressor. He said fearful" Don't.. Don't hurt me!"

I did not answer and sent a huge wave of conqueror's haki and knocked him out. I bounded him with my webs in case he wakes up and finally turned to the woman.

She had calmed herself and was looking at me with worshiping eyes. I nodded to her, and departed with her as she had began smiling perversely looking at my chest. As I jumped to the roof again I turned to look at her again and saw she was watching my ass.

I was stunned that a woman that almost got raped was having thoughts about me, but I brushed it off and continued my patrol.

The next day, Saturday, I went to work as usual and the day was like any other one, except that a certain general from the army came to visit. The same night, as I was working overtime in my lab on the mini sun I suddenly received an alarm from my spider sense.

I activated my haki and could now feel a new strong presence coming from the 37th floor, from Norman's lab, and that another next to that person was being attacked and soon felt him die. I sighed and whispered to myself" Here comes the Green Goblin..."