
I was quickly falling, and enjoying the feeling of the wind rushing at my body. I was twenty meters from the ground when I shot a web at a building, and began swinging toward the bar I saw earlier. The feeling of swinging around the city was awesome, one of the best things I had ever done.

I quickly arrived to the bar, even faster than I would have if I ran like usual, and sat on the roof of the store in front of it. I still arrived a little too late, and only managed to hear the restaurant employee say bye.

But he was clearly anxious, so I decided to still follow the bikers. They took off with me following on the roofs, this time jumping and not swinging.

The bikers stopped again and this time I got sure they were getting money from different small shops in exchange of their protection.

But I did not neutralize them already, but opted for following them. I heard them talking about a boss earlier, and that they would soon give him the money.

A few restaurants later, the bikers and I arrived to a seemingly forsaken garage. They got in by the front door while I got in using an opened window.

I stuck myself on the ceiling and crawled toward the voices I was hearing. Once I arrived I immediately understood who I would be dealing with. I smirked and listened to their conversation.

One of the bikers said" Boss, they all paid, and the Li's paid their debt back." The boss nodded and replied" That's good, but what about the other trip?"

The biker nodded and said" The drug has been delivered, and the money will soon arrive, I let Johnny take the money, he will soon come back."

The boss began washing his bike as he calmly asked" Why isn't he here yet?" The biker began biting his bottom lip anxiously and said" You see boss, he had something to do, but I promise he will soon come back!"

The boss snorted in amusement and said" I know about his wife, tell me, did he take the money to pay her hospital bills?" The biker hesitated for a few seconds before saying" Yes he did," but he hurriedly added" But I promise only some of the money will be missing, and if needed I will work double for the same pay!"

The boss laughed out loud and waved his hand dismissively" I knew from the beginning he came here for paying his wife's hospital bill. Otherwise why would an honest citizen like him come and work for me. But don't worry, as long as he doesn't take too much or try to disappear then I won't touch him."

I clapped my hands and said" You really are kind, I had never seen a drug dealer so good with his men before!" The two looked at me in alarm, and the biker yelled" Don't you dare make fun of our boss Tombstone!"

Tombstone frowned and said" What are you doing here Night Walker, want to arrest me?" I jumped in front of the bald two meters tall albinos and replied" It is my job after all."

Tombstone nodded and said" Come with me outside, I don't want us to injure my men or the bikes." I was the hero here, and with him not being the bad guy I thought he would be, I couldn't really reject his offer. And it's not like it would change anything.

The two of us got out and faced each other, me smiling under my mask thinking of the exciting fight about to come, and him getting into stance.

He suddenly threw himself at me, and threw a punch toward my face. I put both my hands in front of me and welcomed his punch. I was instantly sent flying a few meters back. He had a slightly lower strength than me, and that was to test him.

If he sent me flying it is due to my body. I may have a lot of strength, I only weights less than 90 kilograms, so without my haki it is simple for someone as strong as him to send me flying. However the same cannot be said for the man in front of me.

It is important to understand that even though I have a strength of 30 tons, I don't punch 30 tons each time. My strength of thirty tons only means that I can carry a weight of 30 tons, but as for my punches, if I don't control myself then I would send a normal human without any armor into coma with a punch, but I would only knock out a professional fighter if I hit at the right place.

So even if I do have a strength higher than other villains or heroes I won't be able to injure them in one punch, it will more be like a fight between two normal people. But if I add haki then it is another story. Something important to understand is that when an individual gets stronger, then his defenses gets stronger too.

The percentage of defense compared to strength is different for everyone, for example Peter gets practically no defense at all, where Hulk got an even better defense than attack. Well that is if he isn't angry…

But that works the other way around too. When someone like Luke Cage gets their defense upgraded then their strength will get better too. Cage got experimented on while in prison, and this events did not touch his strength at all, only his skin.

But there he is, with inhuman strength beating people easily due to it. And this is where my armament haki comes into place. My haki doesn't directly attack the mind like conqueror's haki, but it ignores some of the others defense.

He is a giant muscle mass of two meters, so it would be quite hard to send him flying. If I take him by surprise and he has no time to use his strength to stay on the ground then I could make his feet leave the ground.

But that wouldn't happen in reality. I jumped from the crushed metal table I crashed in, and landed near him. He punched at me again only for me to avoid his punch.

He laughed and began saying" Don't escape already boy, we…" He was interrupted by a punch seemingly coming out of nowhere, shutting his mouth shut, and making him back by a step.

I did not let him rest and continued punching him, avoiding some random blows from him. After hitting him around fifty times I jumped back and looked at him weirdly. He was still fine, except for his clothes.

He got up from the ground and said with a smile" Walker, you are strong, but you won't be able to injure me, I am literally immune to your punches!"

I facepalmed hearing him. I knew him from my past, but he wasn't a character appearing often thus I only remembered his looks and his inhuman strength, but I had forgotten his immunity to beatings. The only way to defeat him is to either attack his mind or bind him.

I now knew that to defeat him I would either need to use my webs, or my haki. I haven't been using my observation haki as most of the time the spider sense is enough, so I didn't have to worry about my haki getting emptied from overuse.

I coated my fist in haki and jumped toward him, wanting to test something. He tried to avoid me but I was way faster so I still punched him in the face, sending him flying backwards. He got back up and said, holding his cheek in shock" That hurts?". And it seems I was right as I just hurt Tombstone.

I then continued beating him for the next two minutes, hitting him many many times, but only frowned in the end. Tombstones was slightly bleeding from his nose, and looking at me with amusement.

It seems that even though I can attack his mind like this, it isn't strong enough for me to really hurt him. The mind is different from the body. When it is only slightly injured like this then it will heal even faster than the body, but when it is heavily hurt then it would take even more time than the body to heal, and the injury could probably stay until the victim's death.

Tombstone saw I was beginning to pant and taunted me" What is it Walker, already tired? Come meet daddy's fist!" I chuckled hearing him, he was visibly more exhausted than me, and would soon fall from exhaustion.

He waved his hand and plenty of his bikers appeared around, dangerously walking toward me. I could see fifty of them, and with my haki I could sense twenty more hidden.

I smiled to Tombstone, not that he could see, and said" You are bringing your men already? Aren't you afraid of losing face in front of them?" Tombstone grunted and began rushing at me. The bikers, taking the signal, began rushing at me too, or getting their guns out.

I opened my arms wide, and said loudly" Time to end this my friends, it was a pleasure to deal with you." Before they could understand what happened I clapped my hands loudly, and sent my conqueror's haki crashing into their minds.

Everyone of them, including Tombstone, fell to the ground, unconscious. I didn't worry about him or the others, this may be a mind attack it wouldn't leave any injury. I took out my phone and dialed 911. After telling them to come and pick up the bad guys, I got out of the scene.

If I clapped my hands it was to hide my use of haki and make it look mysterious. I knew that SHIELD has many cameras all over the city and they most certainly know my true identity by now, and most of my powers.

But knowing who really leads them I don't want them to know all my powers, so a mystery power is good. Now they will think that I need to clap my hands to do that. On one part it certainly seems to be an OP ability, I just need to clap my hands and everyone falls asleep.

On another part, they will think they have control over me, that they only need to stop me from clapping and they wouldn't get touched by my haki. So if I ever get captured by them I now have at least one counter measure.

I was happy about this night, it had helped me. It had been a long time since I really fought, and this guy was the perfect punchbag. A pity he would get sent to prison.

I still had a lot of time in front of me, and I decided to spend it playing with the bad guys. I remembered that MJ's audition would be tomorrow I the morning, or in a few hours that is. It had been reported as it was originally planned to be a few days ago, but a certain someone failed his landing on the roof and got through it.

And yes that certain someone is Spider-Man. He just began the job, so of course he wouldn't do everything perfectly from the beginning.

Tomorrow is Thursday so I don't have anything to do. I would normally go to my lab or change to my alter ego, but knowing Harry he will probably forget about MJ's audition today and instead go with his friends, and Peter got no car, so I would help her.

The sun soon showed itself, meaning it was the end of my night patrol. I came back home, discreetly entering as to not wake up my parents and allow them to see my suit.

This made me think my suit needs another upgrade, but that is for later.