
As I had two hours in front of me I decided to busy myself instead of waiting for MJ to get out of her house. Once inside my room I searched in every corner but did not find any cameras.

I was confused as I was sure SHIELD had found me. After all they have already began the Avengers initiative, and seeing a super hero in town they had to make some researches on me.

Then I may have been trying not to get discovered, even the Black Widow couldn't hide from them for long, so let's not even talk about the possibility of them failing in finding my identity as Mason Tunt. Even if I did my best to hide I would still get caught.

I may be intelligent, I am not a spy. Sure I know theoretical knowledge about hiding, and that helps me hiding my identity from the police, but it is not nearly enough to hide from SHIELD. They have cameras in almost every corner of the world, every street is under their watch, and they can even use numerous satellites to watch from above.

So yes I may be intelligent, I can't just disappear. I am bound to stop somewhere and change myself when I turn into Night Walker, and even if I hide from sight inside a building to change, if a civilian enters it but never comes back, but a hero gets out instead? Well it won't be hard for them to make the connection.

And I can't say I am the best at this. That time I got injured by the Abomination, I came back to my ancient lab, the area may have been abandoned, there were still cameras.

I sighed and took out my phone, and said" Hermes, I want you to find the Professor Xavier's phone number and put it in my contacts." Hermes did not vocally answer but vibrated once the phone to tell me it understood.

I began taking some electronics and put everything I found on my desk. I began dismantling everything, and began creating something new.

It only took me an hour and a half to finish my new thing. It was a detector that would tell me if there is any camera in a designed area. It would be controlled by Hermes and if there is any hidden mic or cameras then it would tell me.

I scanned my entire house but did not find anything, so I hide it and took a quick shower before getting out of the house and calling MJ.

After a few rings I heard her say" Mason?" I replied" That's good, you can read a name. I have nothing to do right now, how about I accompany you to that audition? Don't say no." She chuckled and replied" It's not like I have a choice. Can you be here in ten minutes?"

I confirmed and hung up. I got into my car and drove to her home. I arrived in only five minutes, but I did not mind waiting.

I looked toward her house and saw her at her window, waving at me. I smiled and waved back. I received a message from saying I was early, to which I smiled and told Hermes to tell her I really had nothing to do.

A minute after I heard screams coming from the house. Worried I was about to use my haki to check out if everything was okay but MJ got out, and with the door opened I heard the voice of her father" … stop right there you whore!"

I frowned and unconscious released a powerful wave of Conqueror's haki. I panicked and immediately canceled it, but it had already somewhat affected the surroundings. Some cracks appeared on the road, but fortunately it wasn't that big.

MJ arrived, about to tear up, but she managed to smile to me and said" Hello Mason, thanks for coming." I only frowned and replied" Get in quickly MJ." She nodded, still about to cry, and got inside the car after putting her bag in the back.

As I began driving I smiled and said" You shouldn't cry, it will ruin your make up, that would not make a good first impression. And today is such a beautiful day, the sun is smiling at us, so don't be rude and smile back."

It seemed to work as MJ quickly wiped out her tears and replied with a smile" You are right, thanks." I looked at her and sighed" It's too late, you already did it… We are early, why don't we stop by a perfumery and help you?"

MJ nodded quietly, but I could see she was hesitating about talking. I decided to let her begin the conversation so I quieted down and drove in silence.

It wasn't long before MJ asked" Aren't you angry?" I feigned ignorance" Well it is your make up and audition, I can't do anything about it." MJ laughed a little and hit my arm playfully" You know what I am talking about you idiot, aren't you angry I didn't tell you about my father and I?"

I stopped the car as the light turned red, and turned to her" MJ, those are your problems and I believe you are a big girl. If you ask me then I will help you with everything I have, but if you don't ask then I will let you handle it."

MJ sighed and replied" You know you could totally be the most popular person at school if you wanted, you are good with people when you want to." I smiled and turned to the now green light" I think the friends I already have are enough."

MJ nodded and said" Your choice." I looked around to see if there was any car around and said" I may have reacted like that after learning about this, but I believe you should tell Harry."

MJ said" Yeah, he would probably not like me hiding things like this, but knowing him he would certainly just get angry at my dad and worsen the situation."

I chuckled and said" Yes, and I believe Peter already knows about this so if he is the last one to learn this then he will only get angrier. But let's stop talking about that, we have arrived."

Next after washing her face and helping her choose the best make up we headed to the audition, forgetting about the earlier bad thoughts. I couldn't enter to see her and had to wait outside, something that let me some time to think.

I was quite angry at myself for not controlling myself earlier, but I knew that this was my weak point. I didn't really have real friends or family in my past life, so the ones I got now are kind of sacred for me. So to see or hear something bad happens to them makes me really angry.

This is the main reason I wear a mask, as if I didn't and my enemies were to attack my friends or family to get revenge on me, the outcome would not be pretty.

I felt my phone vibrate, and as I took it out Hermes told me" Sir, I have found the professor's number, but not to interrupt you I waited. Was I right? If not, I will do my best to enhance myself and not make the same mistake twice."

I laughed and replied" No you did good Hermes, please call him for me please." Hermes did as he was told and dialed the professor's number. After a few moments I heard a female voice say" Ororo Munroe on the phone, how may I help you?"

I cleared my throat and replied" I would like to talk to the professor, tell him that Walker is on the phone." The X Men member known as Tornado replied" Please wait for a moment please." I chose to use this as Xavier would recognize me and Walker being a common name Tornado will only think that I am called Walker instead of being the hero.

I then heard X's voice over the phone" You decided to call mister Walker, I am happy you decided to do this." I said" I would like to visit the School for a visit and discuss about some things later in the day, would it be possible?"

Xavier calmly replied" Of course you can, and if you want you could even come live here, but I doubt you would accept." I laughed and replied" Clever, indeed I won't. See you later." I hung up and looked at the theater.

Thirty minutes later an over-excited Mary Jane came out of the building, running toward the car. I was sitting on the door and waiting, and she rushed at me and said, hugging me" They choose me! They choose me!"

I patted her back and said with a smile" I am glad for you MJ, I hope you will become a successful actress." MJ ended the hug and said with a smile" Thanks for waiting for me." I got in the car and replied" I have to go somewhere soon, want me to drop you somewhere?"

MJ nodded and replied" Can I come with you? I don't have anything to do either." I smiled and replied" Sorry I have to go alone, some things are to be kept secret…"

MJ smiled and said" And what may those things be? Is it a secret project for Oscorp?" I rolled my eyes at her and replied" Do you think I would tell you if it were a secret project? And yes it is, but not for Oscorp."

MJ raised an eyebrow and said" Then please bring me to Liz's house please, mister I-keep-my-secrets." I snorted and asked" Has Harry already told you about the festival held in two weeks?" MJ nodded and replied" He did, he said we would get on a balcony along with his father and members of the Board of Directors of Oscorp. Are you coming?"

I shook my head and said" I don't think so, I will have to work that day." MJ looked at me surprised and said" I thought no one would be working on the festival's day?" I nodded and replied" That's right, but I will work on a personal project."

MJ laughed and said" How many secrets do you exactly have Mason Tunt?" I laughed and replied" I can tell you that what I am working on may very well be something revolutionary for the world. I could maybe even get a Nobel prize when I finalize it."

MJ looked at me stunned and asked" Aren't you a bit too enthusiastic?" I shook my head and replied" No I am not, it is really something amazing. It isn't really a secret, I intend to create an antidote to Schizophrenia!"

MJ this time smiled and said" Then I hope you will succeed, as this would indeed be an enormous discovery and probably the most amazing thing done in the 21 century." I knew I could do this.

In my previous life, before I died, I had been working on a remedy to this sickness, but I died too soon. But now I believe that I will finish this in under two years. If I can't get the Nobel prize of Medicine with this then I can as well go kill myself.

Once I brought her there, I got back home to get my suit. My parents were already at work as it was noon already, so I didn't have to hide when I changed into my suit and got off my home. But then another problem arose.

My costume is good for the night; but during day it is too easy to see me. I think that later I will not add options to the suit but create another one. It would be retractable, fitting into a small object I can wear all day, and it should be able to change colors.

I think I will also create a few other gadgets, but I don't know which already. But now still was not the time. I will need to stop the Green Goblin soon, and I don't intend to let everything happen like in the movie.

I won't let him get away. If I do then he will just hurt people and that won't help me in any way, so I will need to stop him at the festival. It shouldn't be too hard as he didn't have enough time to get used to his suit, neither of his strength.

So now is the best time to arrest him. But my biggest problem is that I won't be able to kill him. If I do stop him then he will just get arrested and sent to prison, and then escape later to terrorize people once again and target me.

I stopped thinking about it as I knew I had no choice, but instead decided it was time to meet the famous X men. I did not take the car to go to the mansion as it would expose my identity, but I ran as it wasn't that far from the city.