
I turned to Otto and asked" Aren't we getting close to finishing creating the fusion?" Otto shook his head and said with a fanatical voice" We were wrong Mason! Wrong! It will take longer than we thought, because we won't just create fusion, we will not stop there but create something much more powerful, something that wouldn't produce ten times more energy than fission, but a hundred times or even a thousand!"

I laughed and said" Otto, you should stop always raising the bar, we will never finish it if you continue. But okay, let's work on those prosthesis."

Norman clapped his hands in delight and said" Great! Then I will let the two of you work, I have things to do now." I looked at Otto and the two of us began talking about the possibilities.

After that I worked on those things for the several following days, until the waited day came. Today was Friday morning, and later in the afternoon the festival of Oscorp would be held.

It would also be one of the most important days for Harry, as well as for me. Today the Green Goblin would make his first appearance. The Green Goblin is by far the deadliest, or at least the biggest villain Spider Man had to face in the original universe.

But now I would be the one to stop him, and that would be hated. In the past nine days I haven't worked a lot on the different projects I have, but on enhancing myself and creating objects. I have made huge improvements on the Oz formula, but unfortunately I couldn't finish it on time.

I got out of my room, and saw my parents were both in the kitchen, kissing each other. They had taken a day off today for the festival. I coughed, taking them away from their kiss. But they weren't embarrassed in the slightest and mom asked" What are you doing today?"

I shrugged and said" I don't know, maybe go to the festival with friends, or just do nothing. You two are going?" Steven nodded and replied" We will go there with a friend I had not seen since school. We were great friends but with my studies and all we stopped talking."

I nodded and said" Then it is good you found each other again. Who is it?" Martha smiled and said" He is a police captain, George Stacy. He got mentioned in the newspaper not a long time ago."

I was shocked internally but said with a smile" Yes, I remember him, he got a medal I think?" Steven nodded and said" Yeah that's him. He got it because he was shot while he saved a few kids from a human trafficking gang. Your mother was the one who operated him and I assisted her. This is when I recognized him.

You can come with us if you want, it wouldn't be boring he has children too, a smart girl of your age and one boy who is younger. His wife is even pregnant." I smiled and said" I would like too, but I won't be able to. I lied earlier, I got something to do. I started working on another project with the doctor Octavius."

Martha smiled and said teasingly" You can tell us if you don't want to go with your old parents…" But I didn't get it and hurriedly explained myself" No I am not lying, we are working on making a prosthesis, one that would feel like an actual arm."

Steven laughed and said" She was teasing you Mason, but that project, is it serious?" I nodded and said" I think I shouldn't be telling you that but it might be enough to earn a Nobel prize, as it would be just like a real arm, it would be mainly made of metal but the exterior would be the same."

Steven looked at me amazed and said" I can help you if you want, I am good with nerves." I smiled and said" We can't work together for the moment, but if I can take the project for myself and not let Oscorp keep it then yes, we could work together. But currently if you came then it would expose the fact I told you about the secret project."

Steven smiled and said" You don't need to explain yourself, I am just offering help, you don't have to take it if you can't. But I guess we won't see you often if you work on this then?" I smiled sadly and replied" I guess, but I will take a vacation from work if you take one too."

Martha scoffed" Then what are you going to do about school? Take a vacation too?" I clenched my fist and playfully said" Damn it, they saw through my plans!" Martha and Steven laughed, before continuing to work on the breakfast.

I sat in a couch and got my phone out, waiting for the food to be ready. Soon my parents got out to meet with the Stacy family, while I made them believe I would go to my lab. But in fact I was following them.

I had already suited up, and was moving in the shadows and the roofs as to not get caught. Soon my parents arrived to the festival and met up with the Stacy. As I looked at them I was surprised that the girl I assumed to be Gwen was familiar.

She was the first person I have ever saved, the blond girl that was about to get robbed. I had nothing to do for now so I listened to their conversation.

George shook hands with Steven and said" Steven, I present you my family. Those are my wife, my daughter and my son." Steven smiled and said" Good to see you, here is my wife, and I have a son but he was busy and couldn't come."

George nodded and said" Yes I remember you told me he was Gwen's age, right?" Steven nodded and said" Yes he is 16 too." Helen, George's wife, asked" What may have held him at his age? A girl?"

Martha sighed and shook her head, and said" If only. He is working at Oscorp, and he is working on a project of his. But you could come eat at our house or the opposite, you would get to know him."

Gwen, who was only listening until now, exclaimed" He works at Oscorp!" My parents looked at her curiously while George said" Gwen wants to obtain an internship there, but her demands were not taken seriously because of her age."

Steven smiled and asked" Do you want to study in a particular field Gwen?" Gwen nodded and said" I would like to work with the Doctor Connors, in genetics." Martha took her phone out and said" If you want we can ask Mason to recommend you. If you deserve it then you will be taken."

Helen and George waved their hands but Steven interrupted them and said" This isn't anything big, it won't affect him in any way. She won't be passing by the back door, if she isn't good enough then she won't be taken, she will get her internship only if the Doctor Connors accept her."

George sighed and said" Thanks Steven, I will be eternally grateful to you!" He was about to bow slightly but Steven held him and said" Aren't we great friends? I am sure you would do the same for me. Come on, stop being so formal!"

George smiled and hugged him back and said" Thanks bro." I was shocked the two were already bros after a few minutes, but felt my phone vibrate. I waited for a few seconds before picking the call. My mom asked" Mason, am I interrupting anything?"

I replied calmly" No you aren't, I just finished an experiment. Has the festival began?" Martha replied" Not yet, but in a few minutes. Say, do you know the Doctor Connors, at Oscorp?"

I said" Yes, met him some time ago, I guess I can call him an acquaintance. Why?" Martha laughed and said" You remember that we are here with the Stacy and that they have a girl of your age, right?" I confirmed and she continued" You see she is a smart girl too and would like to get an internship with Doctor Connors, but her resume wouldn't get pass the administration because of her age. Could you talk of her to the Doctor Connors please?"

I smirked and said" Yes no problem, but I will only give her a chance, no the internship. Whether she gets it or not will depend on Curtis." Martha asked confused" Curtis?" I laughed and replied" Curtis Connor mom."

Martha said" Oww" in realization and then hung up, maybe a bit embarrassed she didn't get it. I then said" Hermes, please call Connors." Hermes replied" Yes sir, I will search his number and… I got it, I am calling."

After a few rings I heard Connors voice" Who is it?" I replied" It is Mason Tunt, I am working at…" Connors interrupted me" Oh yes I remember you, what may I do for you? Do you want to come work with me? I would be glad to work with someone like you."

I laughed and said" Sorry Doctor, but this isn't the reason I am calling for, although you can call me if you have any problem you want me to see. No if I am calling it is because I recently got wind of a very smart girl."

Connors asked" Did you? Who may it be?" I replied" She is called Gwen Stacy, she is 16 like me and would like to get an internship with you. Before calling you I checked her a little and I think she could really help you with your work. Could you please read a her resume, I will send I to you. You decide whether she is good enough to stay."

Connors laughed and said" I must thank you then, I am rather short handed for the moment, an additional person would be great. I won't look at her resume, I believe that for you to recommend her she must be quite good. Tell her to come Monday at 8, I will test her a little."

I was surprised he accepted so fast, and couldn't help myself from asking" Doctor Connors, I wonder why you seem to trust me so much?" Curtis laughed and replied" You don't know because you are always in your lab but us scientist talk.

Otto showed us some of your results and researches, and young man you are impressing. Moreover to get a lab on your own you have to be good. That's why I believe you wouldn't disappoint me." I was stunned and said" Thank you then Doctor, I promise you you will be thankful I recommended her once you see how good she is." Connors laughed and said" You are making me impatient Tunt, I will wait for her in the main hall."

He hung up while I thought about what he said. I didn't know I was already known inside Oscorp. I heard some explosions and looked, and saw it was only the beginning of the festival and those were firecrackers.

I quickly called Martha and told her" Mom, tell Gwen she has to present herself to Oscorp Monday at 8, Dr Connors will wait for her in the main hall. Now I have to go, I have to work. Love you." I hung up and put away my phone.

I put on my mask and jumped to a roof nearer MJ and Harry, where the Green Goblin would appear. He would not appear immediately so I watched the festival. It was beautiful, I could have had some fun if I could have watched it as Mason, but it seems to be impossible. I looked into the sky and saw that today's villain had arrived.