Butterfly effect?

Everyone looked in the sky and saw a man flying on a glider and who dressed strangely. This was indeed the Green Goblin. He was wearing a green armor like in the film.

Everyone cheered in the streets because they thought it was display of Oscorp to show their latest technology. I looked intently at him and waited for him to take action.

Norman immediately showed his hostility as he shot rockets into the building where the Board of Directors were. Everyone stopped cheering and began screaming, and started to run away.

Norman threw a grenade at the Board, which exploded and disintegrated them. In the meanwhile the balcony where MJ and Harry were had been partially destroyed because they were next to the Directors, and MJ was on a piece that was about to fall.

Harry tried to save her but a piece of rock fell on his head and knocked him out. When hope seemed to be lost someone yelled, pointing at the sky" Look, there's Spider Man!" Everyone, including me looked at him, swinging toward the Green Goblin.

He kicked him, saving MJ from harm as Norman was about to throw something at her. Spider Man tried to help MJ but he was soon pushed aside by the Goblin.

The two fought for a moment in the air, before Peter successfully made him fall from his glider, and made him fall into a giant balloon.

This destroyed it, and as it was falling from the sky, everyone except a frozen little boy moved aside. Peter quickly swung by and saved the kid, and after handing him to his parents he turned to the Green Goblin.

He was unharmed from the fall, and waiting for his glider he was walking toward Peter. Peter rushed at him and punched, but Norman had a superior strength and just grabbed his fist, and punched him hardly, sending Peter flying toward the crowd, and notably toward my family and Gwen's.

Peter was going at such a speed that the collision would result in very serious injuries and potentially death of the normal humans. That is when I interrupted. I quickly jumped in between and stopped Peter with a hand.

Peter looked at me curious, and trembled when he saw who it was. He said" It's you! Its you!" He did not have anything to alter his voice so I recognized him immediately, even though I already knew who it was.

I said in a deep voice" You did a good job, but now go help those people in need, I will take care of that maniac." Peter did not protest and used his webs to go to MJ, as she was the one most danger right now.

Norman had jumped on his glider again and tried to stop Peter fro helping, but I was faster. Norman was already three meters from the ground with grenades in his hands, and was about to throw them on the people to stop Peter, but I appeared above him, and smashed his head.

I had even used haki in the punch, and there was enough strength to make him crash into the ground along with his glider, sending shock waves into the ground. As for his two grenades they exploded with him.

I looked into the crater created, waiting to see if he would get up, but suddenly my spider sense send me an alarm. I dodged to my right, and saw a knife had just missed me.

The person holding the knife had wanted to use his momentum to kill me, but because I avoided it the person continued past me and landed near Norman.

I looked at the assassin and saw it was a female, a beautiful girl with brown hair stopping at her shoulders. She looked at me coldly, and then at Norman who was getting up. As for myself I was shocked that someone appeared.

According to my knowledge only the Green Goblin would attack today, this assassin coming out of nowhere is not supposed to be here. That can only mean one thing, this person is here for me, and me only.

But I did not remember pissing off anyone since I came to this world, so I have no idea who it could be. Well I have an idea, it would be Hydra, but why would they want to kill me? They never tried to kill any other Avenger as long as they don't interfere with their plans.

The Green Goblin got up and looked at the girl and said" Who are you?" The girl looked at him coldly and replied" Who I am is of no importance. You want to kill him, and I do too, but we can't do it on our own, so let's team up for this one time."

Norman laughed and said" Then let's kill New York's hero!" He did not suffer much from my punch, I think he has something to absorb kinetic energy because that punch should have destroyed his helmet, but it was only slightly dented.

He threw a grenade at me, while the girl did something shocking. She used a web like Spider Man or I and rushed at me. I frowned, and grabbed the grenade in my haki coated hand, and let it explode. The two were clearly shocked that my hand seemed to be fine, but what they didn't know was that this explosion hurt my hand a bit.

I had no injury but I still felt some pain and numbness. This time the girl did not use any weapon but instead punched at me. Not taking any risk, I did not block but use my martial arts instead. I knew they were far from the best users in the world like Iron Fist or Black widow, but I still was quite good.

I grabbed her wrist and her shoulder, and used her own strength to redirect her punch toward the ground, along with her head. I was shocked that the instant her hand touched the ground it got destroyed.

Three meters around us the ground had been transformed into small rocks. I intended to punch te back of her head now that she was at my mercy, but Norman was rushing at me, the blades of his glider about to pierce into my back.

I jumped high avoided Norman, but let the girl go. I was now pretty sure of who that was. This girl should be the future Spider Woman, Jessica Drew. She was first an assassin for Hydra who got brainwashed but later on got saved by the SHIELD.

She had the same powers as Peter, but she also had something called Venom Blast that would add a destructive element to her punches. She also could feel and slightly manipulate others emotions.

She got up and looked at the Green Goblin and said" We have to attack together." Norman laughed crazily and threw two grenades, but this time at the crowd that stayed and were filming the fight.

I caught the grenades with webs and yelled to the civilians, including my family" RUN! I can't protect you and fight at the same time!" Only a few did as they were told and ran, but most of them stayed, only backing by a few steps.

I sighed and looked at the two villains. Norman used the guns on his glider and shot at me. I avoided the bullets, when Jessica threw herself at me. I could not avoid both at the same time, but I preferred the bullets. I coated the part that would be hit with haki and avoided the punch.

Jessica followed by a high kick, that avoided too before sweeping her legs, making her fall. Norman stopped shooting and rushed at me, his blades going for my head. I shot a webbing at his face and grabbed his leg as he missed me, and threw him on Jessica.

But she avoided him and jumped back. Yeah, spider sense. I frowned and kicked Norman in the sides, but he grabbed my leg and took out Jessica's knife left on the ground and cut my thigh.

I hissed in pain and tried to punch Norman's face with haki, but Jessica attacked me with a flying kick, and sent me flying a few meters before falling on the ground. I grunted and activated my Observation haki.

This cut was hurting my leg, and the kick was powerful. If I didn't use haki to protect myself from the kick I would have at least a few ribs broken. I got up, and put my weight on my unharmed leg.

Norman laughed crazily again while I could see some excitement inside Jessica's eyes. Around reporters had arrived and people were panicking because they could clearly see I was losing. I saw with my haki that Peter had taken MJ far away and had no way to see what was happening.

The Green Goblin said in delight" What is it Night Walker? Having trouble the two of us?!" I grunted and jumped at Jessica. She also jumped at me, while Norman sent missiles at me. I angrily coated my fists in haki, the emotion strengthening it, and punched the missiles, destroying them.

Jessica was thus the first to strike as I was busy with those missiles, and punched at my chest. She was smart, she was attacking my injured side. I threw myself to the ground and used my arms to launch myself at her, my head going for her shin.

She avoided me easily as she was as fast as myself, and I felt Norman heading toward me. I was in mid air so I couldn't avoid him completely, and only dodged the bladed, but I still took the impact of the glider.

I got sent flying into a building on the side. Fortunately the civilians had now seen that the fight was dangerous and were standing a hundred meters away. I got up in pain, and felt grenades coming after me.

I quickly got out and avoided the explosion. I had trouble to keep myself standing, but I looked at the two angrily. Norman was uninjured while Felicia had one arm injured but she could still use it.

As for myself I was now sure I had ribs fractured, a cut on the leg that touched the muscle, and was getting exhausted.

I frowned at the two, trying to find a plan to defeat them both. I found that the only solution would be to neutralize one of them and then finish the other.

I smiled under my mask because of the thrill of the fight, and ran at them quickly. I was slower because of my leg, but I still was running at an inhuman speed.

As I was about to collide with them I jumped as high as I could, and once in the air I used my webs to grab a piece of a building and threw it at them. They avoided it, but I was nowhere to be seen. They looked around, and I jumped at Norman.

I choose him because despite his armor he is easier to surprise, Jessica having Spider sense. I jumped from above and feigned missing my punch, falling below him, and punched his glider's power source, destroying it.

Norman fell and I was about to hit him when Jessica punched at me again. I jumped back and avoided her. Now the fight would get easier, Norman was out of grenades and could only use his body to fight. As for Jessica it would be hard seeing how injured I am, but I still had a trump card.

Norman took out a knife, and rushed at me, still laughing, while Jessica took out a gun and shot at me. I easily avoided the bullets and smiled seeing she followed Norman.

I was far better than Normal at hand to hand combat, and thus easily took out his knife, and kneed him in the stomach. I used some haki to really hurt him, because it bypassed the kinetic defense.

At the same time Jessica arrived in my back, about to punch me. I smiled and turned toward her, and punched toward her saying" I win."