
But those were not the only things the Oz formula gave me. I also got my regenerative capacity enhanced, and not by only a small margin. I could feel my injuries were getting better in minutes.

I estimated that my injuries would already be healed by tomorrow morning, and it already was evening. I first wanted to take a nap, but I felt full of energy. It seems my stamina also got ameliorated.

Thus I continued working until I felt that I got completely healed. And it was by far the most productive night I ever had. I did not work on my suit because even if it was annoying to change myself, it was not vital.

I also didn't need new gadgets as I had already gotten some for the fight but I didn't even use it. Whatever, they wouldn't have been really important, but it still was a waste. But for the night, I mainly worked on the prosthesis.

And ideas were coming so easily that it was almost absurd. I had already made some advancement on the project, and I knew that it would not take three years like in the film, but instead only one, or maybe even less!

But right now I had something else to do. I left Oscorp's building after showering, and realized I had my car still at home. I thus had to take the metro back home. But on the way I remembered that we were Monday and that they would both be working.

I arrived in my house and used my haki to check whether they had left or not as it was still early. I was shocked to sense the presence of a stranger inside, but calmed down sensing this wasn't a thief as the presence was currently sitting calmly.

I opened the door and threw my bag in the kitchen and poured myself some coke. I then asked" Thirsty?" I could not feel the person feelings, meaning this was a master at hiding his emotions.

I heard a deep voice answer me" No thanks, I am here for another matter." I took my glass and went into my dark living room, and lit up the lights, revealing a black bald man in a long black coat sitting, with an eye patch.

I sat in front of him and asked" What may I do for you?" The man asked" You seem abnormally calm for someone who got a stranger in his home?"

I shrugged and said" I have my reasons. Now, you certainly know who I am, but who may you be?" The guy looked at me deeply and said" I am Nick Fury, head of the SHIELD."

I smiled and said" What can I do for you then? Is the biggest secret agency in the world trying to steal my projects?" Fury smiled and replied" No, I am here for your other job. I am here to present something to you."

I nodded and said" Go on, you got my curiosity." Fury took out a file and handed it to me" SHIELD has launched something called the Avengers initiative. We would like you to take part of it."

I opened the file and asked, reading" What is it?" Fury answered" Our goal is to gather a team made of special individuals like yourself, who have some special abilities."

I nodded and said" Why would a secret agency want to gather people like this?" Fury waved toward the closed window and said" There are bigger threats than the ones you fought today, or those giants you fought. The Avengers will be a team fighting against outside threats."

I frowned and said" Aliens?" Fury nodded and said" Indeed. Everything is written in this file, but there are several advantages in taking part of this. But the most interesting one for you is that you will be able to work legally.

Currently you may be doing good, but in the authorities eyes you are a vigilant who must be arrested. If you join the Avengers you will be under Shield's authority and will be able to work without getting chased by the police."

I nodded and asked" Is there any burdens?" Fury smiled and replied" Not really. You are free to join SHIELD as an agent if you want and then you would get some." I smiled and said" I would avoid that. Who are the other members?"

Fury replied" The initiative has been launched only a few days ago, so you are the sole member for the moment. But if you join you could know more." I nodded and asked" One last question, if I join in, am I free to leave whenever I want?"

Fury was silent for a few seconds before saying" It would depends on the situation. In time of needs you would not be authorized to, but if nothing is happening then yes you can."

I nodded and replied" Great, then I would like to join, it is becoming tiring to escape every time I see the cops." Fury nodded and pointed the file and said" Burn it when you have finished reading it." He got up and was about to leave from the front door when I asked" Why don't you feel guilty in sending a 16 years old boy fighting with his life on the line?"

Fury opened the door and replied without turning" Because even a special force member can't fight against a three meters tall monster. And you are smart enough nt to get yourself killed." He got out of the house, leaving me reading the file.

I learned that I could join some missions of SHIELD without joining them, and there also was Fury's personal number. I registered it and sent a message saying NW with my safe phone.

I continued reading and saw that a few SHIELD bases were written inside, and that I could go in some of them to train. But that wasn't really interesting for me. I looked at the rest of the file but did not find any other thing that really mattered.

I burned it to ashes and after a few silent moments, I sighed and got my car and went back to Oscorp. I had wanted to go out as Night Walker, but my suit got ruined because of the fight, and I now had to build a new one.

This time I intends to create a better one, not the same as before. This time I took my car and went there. I worked on the suite until noon, when I got out to buy some food and bough the newspaper.

They first talked about how Peter and I saved the day, or were outlaws for the daily bugle. That was the paper from three days ago. I learned in today's that Jessica, the assassin had escaped but that Norman was still under arrest.

They also talked about Harry who would get the company all to himself because all the Board of Directors got killed. Fortunately no one thought Harry was the same as his father because of the proofs I made Hermes send to the police.

When I got back into my lab I tried to call Harry to take news, but he did not answer, certainly busy. I sighed and began working on my suit, trying to make a new one.

Later in the day I heard Hermes tell me" Sir, there is someone outside the lab." I nodded and asked" Who is it?" Hermes replied immediately" From Oscorp's files, she seems to be Gwen Stacy."

I was surprised and got up to great her. I opened my lab and saw her, waiting in her blouse. I looked at her and asked" Do I know you? If it is to ask me to join your floor I will say it again, I am busy working!"

Gwen was surprised and said" Ah sorry I am Gwen Stacy, I came here to thank you." I made an enlightened face and said" Oh yes, I remember you. It is your first day, right? How is it?" Today was Monday it must be.

Gwen nodded and replied" Doctor Connors tested me this morning and he told me he was satisfied with my performance. He told me to come thank you for recommending me to him. And I am also here for thanking you Doctor Tunt."

I rolled my eyes at her and said" Come on call me Mason, we are the same age and our parents are friends, it feels weird." Gwen nodded and I asked" Do you find work here interesting?"

Gwen smiled and nodded, and said" Yes, working with Doctor Connors is amazing, it changes from school." I smiled and said" Right? Now, it was a pleasure meeting you, but I have to go back working. I wish you a good day."

I came back inside my lab leaving Gwen alone. She was stunned I disappeared so quickly but did not take offense. She just left the building as she had finished her day. As for me, even though I was currently in the middle of something important I still went back home to see my parents.

I opened the door, and heard the TV was on, and noise was also coming from the kitchen. My mother poked her head to see who it was, and once she saw me she said" It seems you learned how to come back home!"

I smiled and replied" Indeed I have, it was hard." I kissed her and grabbed a drink and went to sit next to my father, and watched the TV. Soon news about me appeared. They were saying that from now on I would be a consultant to the police and would be able to work legally.

Steven looked happy and he told me" That is a good thing for our city, you know I saw how he fought in the festival. Even though he was against two people he still won in the end, and even after getting injured during the fight he helped the people for an hour after that.

This is what I call a true hero, not someone who only fight bad guys, but takes his time to saves the weak people like us." I smiled and replied" I am sure he would be glad to know you think like this." Steven smiled and said" I wonder who he is however."

I shrugged and said" Many people do, but I don't think he will reveal his identity." Steven nodded. Next I ate with my parents and spent some time with them.

From my knowledge I should okay for the moment, and Tony should get back in a month. But even then I do not intend to help him. I know he will be able to win against Obadiah.

Other than him the ones I was worried about was Hydra. I don't understand why they sent someone to kill me. I searched any possible reason they could have to try to kill me, but I find none. This was disturbing for me.

In the end I stopped thinking about it because it won't lead me anywhere. I decided to continue working on my suit.

Time passed and I did not get out of my lab a lot. Now one moth had passed and a lot of things had happened. First I had finished my new suit, and I was damn proud of it. It is an armor that can be on me at all time.

I have made it using nanotechnology from my old world. The suit is inside a bracelet, and can cover my body in under two seconds. Unfortunately because of it's new form I can't enhance it's defense, but at least I won't have change myself every now and then.

Next Stark came back and fought the Iron Monger, and won, before revealing to the world he is Iron Man. It was funny to see how he threw the papers he prepared and announced it.

However the two of us hadn't met yet because even though he has joined the Avengers I did not want to talk to him right now.

But now, after one month of piece for me, and fighting no super villains, I had received a call from the Professor X.