X Men

" Mister Walker, we encountered some problem and wondered if you could come help us?" I sighed and asked" What is it?" Xavier replied ever so serious" If you remember I told you about a certain group of mutants that were quite radical."

I nodded to myself and said" I do. What have they done?" Xavier said coldly" They kidnapped a young girl from here and wants to use her." I was surprised Xavier would ever lose his calm like this and let out a cold voice.

I replied to him" Wait for me, I will come as soon as possible." Xavier thanked me before hanging up. It was already evening but I could now go for an entire week without sleeping, so I was as energetic as in plain day.

I got out of Oscorp's building and went into a dark alley. Checking no one was there, I said" Hermes, suit on." My bracelet vibrated and my suit quickly appeared on me. I jumped on a roof and began heading toward the X mansion.

I arrived there quickly thanks to my new speed, and did not bother ringing the doorbell, and entered directly. In front of the main door was Xavier, waiting for me, alone. I rushed next to him and held my hand toward him.

He shook it and said" Thanks for coming, you will be a great help." I nodded and we entered the mansion. It seemed to be empty, most certainly because most of them were sleeping right now. I asked Xavier" What happened?"

Xavier sighed and said" Do you remember the man who stood next to me when we met? This man is Logan. He had arrived here only a few days before your visit, and he brought a young girl with him. This girl is called Anna and is a beta mutant.

She has the power to absorb others life force and powers if they have any. She discovered her powers while kissing her boyfriend, at that time she sucked most of his energy and he fell into coma. Afraid she escape and found Logan, and the two ended up here.

On another side you may have heard of the Senator Kelly who is currently trying to pass a law to force mutants like us to surrender to authorities and do a lot of things that wouldn't be beneficial to us. This angered my old friend who has built a device to make everyone mutants.

Unfortunately he has tried it already and it sucked most of his energy and he almost died. That his why he kidnapped Anna to make her absorb some of his power and make her use the machine, leaving her life in the process."

I nodded, processing the information I got and said" When and where are we going?" Xavier smiled and said" Right now to the Statue of Liberty. You will team up with the X men." I looked at him and asked" The X Men?"

Xavier opened a door we had stopped in front of, revealing a bunch of kids around my age wearing black and yellow clothes, and who were about to board inside a jet.

They all stopped and looked at us the moment we entered, and I could see that many of them were looking at me with shining eyes. I sighed and said to Xavier" Wish us good chance then."

I walked toward them and as one of them was about to speak I held my hand and said" Now is not the time to speak. We will first save her and then we can talk." On a side Logan looked at me and grunted in what seemed to be thanks, while the kids seemed to be disappointed.

I entered the jet and sat on one of the sits. Soon everyone came in, and I was surrounded by a bunch of weird looking kids. On my right was Logan while on my left was Monroe, and in front of me was Jean.

I looked at Logan, who was under the costume of the Wolverine, and said" I heard you were the one who brought the girl into the mansion. How is she?" Logan briefly looked at me and said" She needs help. She went through a trauma too big for her. I was able to help her a little but she still isn't looking good."

Then he smirked and said" But she is one of your biggest fan you know, she will be so happy to see you came." Jean suddenly said" How my!! Logan is actually smiling. And he cares about someone? Are we in another world?"

Wolverine turned to her and growled" You shut up Jean!" Jean laughed along with the rest of the kids on board. I smiled under my mask and asked" Do you guys have a plan or just plan to rush in?"

Monroe sighed and replied" We plan to occupy the members of the Brotherhood while the rest go save Anna." I looked at the woman in her late twenties in shock and asked" Are you serious?"

She nodded innocently, so I said" You know that a lot of things inside this statue are actually made of metal, and that our enemy can control metal, right?" Everyone except Logan paled hearing this, after all they were all kids who had never fought before.

I sighed seeing the beginning of the X men. Those kids would later become one of the larger forces of Earth, sometime being the strongest group of people on earth.

I looked at Logan and asked" Tell me, what are your powers?" Logan took out his claws and said" Also I have an adamantium skeleton." I sighed and said" You can't even go near Magneto then. He can just play with your bones however he wants."

I turned to Jean and asked" You, what can you do other than telepathy?" Jean smiled sweetly at me, standing at the opposite of her mischievous personality, and said" I can use telekinesis." I nodded, and seeing the strange looking youth next to her glaring at me I asked" What are your powers?"

He harshly replied" Why should I tell you? You don't have your place here." I smiled and replied" I am here to save girl in dire need of help, because it is my job. Now tell me, what are your powers."

He grunted but still said" I can use ocular rays." I nodded and asked everyone on the jet about their powers. In the end I said" Except for Storm and Wolverine, none of you has ever fought using your powers.

I learned earlier that along with magneto were five mutants, so we will make five squads. The first will be led by Wolverine, the second by Storm, the third by Grumpy Cyclops, the fourth one by Iceberg and the last one by myself. Any question?"

Nobody interrupted as I took the best fighters to be squad leaders. I then added" You can choose which squad you will join. But I must tell you before we land, don't overestimate yourselves. You are still in your beginnings so I will tell you now, everyone of the is way stronger than you.

So I want you all to fight as a team, understood?" they all nodded and then began making the teams. In the end they all wanted to join my squad. I had to make it by myself.

We landed below the statue, and began making our way up. Soon we encountered our first enemy. It was a blond feral looking man. I looked at Logan and said" Please handle him." Logan nodded and with his squad he clashed with the beast.

But just as ran past me I whispered to him" I know you can fight him by yourself, but let the kids gain some experience." Logan continued rushing but I knew he heard me.

With the rest of the young mutants we then made our way up the statue. We then encountered the second opponent, a flame wielding man. Before I could assign anyone Iceberg said" Mister Walker, I would like to fight him."

I nodded and headed up with the rest. This time we ran for sometime before finally encountering our next opponent. The toad, a disgusting one. I looked at Munroe and said" Can you please take care of him?"

Storm nodded and created a storm. I got up with my squad and Cyclops's. We soon arrived on top of the statue, and saw Anna, alias Rogue, in a strange machine while magneto was talking to her, and standing next to them was a dangerous mutant.

This was another core member of the Brotherhood, the Juggernaut. I knew only I would be able to defeat him as Cyclops's ray wouldn't harm him, and his helmet will protect him against Jean's powers who was in his team.

I looked at Cyclops and said" Go take care of Magneto, I will take the big guy. I will come help as soon as possible. I turned to my team members and said" This man is very dangerous, only attack from long range, except for you Colossus."

They nodded, and I looked at our enemy. I broke the ground with my foot, and taking a flying piece of ground, I mightily threw it at the big boy.

He couldn't react in time and got the rock in the face. He was protected by his helmet, but this angered him and he rushed at me. I retreated and said to Scott" Be careful with Magneto, use Jean's powers wisely."

JN arrived at this time and was about to headbutt me. I jumped over him, letting him hit a wall, destroying it and falling by a floor. My squad and I followed him, leaving Magneto to the others.

I looked at JN shaking the piece of wall from himself, and looked at me angrily. I then said" Mud, transform the ground below him into mud. Colossus, charge at him, you will be the tank, and I will be the main attacker. The others, focus on attacking."

They nodded and JN suddenly fell from his charge, because of the mud below his feet. Colossus charged and was unaffected by the mud. He sent his knee into JN's face, making him fall on his back.

I jumped over them, and coated my fist with Haki, before punching at JN's stomach. It was not wise to attack his head because he has that helmet, but he only has his muscles and a little armor on his stomach.

The fist connected and made JN lose his breath. I did not stop there, and kicked his chest this time. But JN got up and punched me. I put on my guard and as uninjured from the fist, but because of my weight and being in mid air I got sent flying.

I quickly came back seeing Colossus was having trouble with JN. I first made a flying kick toward the side of JN's knee, making him fall, and then punched his head, making him dizzy.

I looked toward Mud and said" Make the mud even softer!" He did as he was told, and I felt I was getting down because I was on top of JN. I jumped from him and went behind him, and firmly held his head in a choke.

I couldn't choke him but he was now unable to move. Soon only his head was out of the mud, and he was moving trying to get out of it. I saw he wouldn't stay there for more than ten seconds, so I said" Mud, harden the mud back to it's initial state."

He did not hesitate and changed the ground. Suddenly JN stopped all movement and looked at us in anger. He was immobilized as even with his strength he couldn't get out quickly with only his head moving.

After all even though he had great strength, it wasn't that big, he only has a very good charge that strengthen him a lot.

But as I was relieved we defeated him, I suddenly felt a wave of something strange come at me. It was coming from the device. If I remembered well Magneto would use it one time toward the end of the fights on the mutants.