
As expected nothing happened to us as we were mutants too, and no one got in danger because this only acted on the island. But what worried me was that Anna would get injured due to this, and almost die, and also if he could use it that means the others got defeated, or were about to get beaten.

I looked at the X Men around me to see whether any of them got hurt, but was relieved to see none of them were suffering any side effects from the device. I frowned feeling that something dangerous was growing above us, and said" Stay here and wait for the others, make sure the big guy doesn't get out. You are in charge of them while I'm not there, Colossus."

He nodded and I coated my fist in haki. I felt that something seemed to be strange with it, but I did not bother with it and jumped, breaking the ceiling, before landing on the next floor where Magneto was fighting with the X Men earlier.

I immediately saw that all of Cyclops's team were bounded against the walls, unable to move as those were made of metal and wrapping around them. But it seemed that Magneto did not want to harm them because there wasn't even one unconscious.

Magneto frowned once he saw me" What are you doing here? Why are you fighting against me?" However I ignored him as my attention was neither on him or on Rogue, but on Jean. If Rogue can't control herself then all of New York's rich people would die, but if Jean loses control then the consequences would be way more dramatic.

I could see that she was struggling, so I shot at her with a bit of Conqueror's haki to wake her up" Jean!" She did not stop struggling but she was in less danger and pain then before.

I turned to Magneto and asked" I guess I can't make you let go of Anna?" Magneto sneered and said" I'm afraid that won't be possible." I smirked under my mask and said" Then let's show these children what a real fight is!"

I activated my observation haki in a split second, and again it felt weird. Everything was even clearer than before, and I could react faster than before. I attributed this to the Oz formula as the effects were the same as on my mind.

As I could feel that the X Men were feeling indignant about my comment, I disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of Magneto, my fist in front of his face.

His eyes grew wide as he was shocked by my speed but he remained calm and created a magnetic shield. I punched against it, but not even a dent appeared. But I did not stop there and kicked the ground, breaking it.

Magneto's shield did not protect the ground below him, that broke too sending pieces of the ground right at him under his shield. Unfortunately I miscalculated as there was some metal in the ground too, a small amount but enough for him to control it.

He looked at me in scorn and said" You can't do anything against me! Even with your immense strength you can't break my shield, but I can attack you however I want. Or I could kill those friends of you too."

I scoffed and replied" Don't try to lie to me. I know you lost a lot of energy from trying to activate the device over there a few days ago, and right now you can't possibly keep the shield activated, attack me and use the metal binding them."

He frowned and said" You are smart brat, but…" I interrupted him to let his emotions get out of control" I am indeed smart, but that was only common sense. Only someone dumb wouldn't have thought of it."

Magneto sent multiple sharp metal spades at me, which I avoided and said" Don't think you will make me lose control of myself so easily." I smiled awkwardly and replied" You can't blame me for trying."

Magneto rolled his eyes, sending another waves of attacks, and asked me" Why do you join this fight? Are you a mutant? You should be since you weren't affected by the earlier incomplete wave… But why don't you use your ability? I don't believe it is just enhancing your physical body…"

I arrived beside him and punched his shield many times before retreating seeing it was not affecting the shield much. I replied" I indeed am a mutant, but I don't use my power because I want to test myself and try to win against a seemingly invincible opponent without using it."

Magneto put a hand on his chin, seemingly thinking but did not stop attacking and said" Learning not to depend on your mutant power… What are you trying to do? How could it be of any uses to you?"

I used a web to take many rock and metal pieces around me, secretly taking one biding Cyclops too, and said throwing those at Magneto" You know there already exists some technology that can nullify our ability. It will soon be widespread, in a few years I think. If I ever encounter this then I will still be able to defend myself."

Magneto frowned again and asked" Aren't you supposed to try to make me change my ideas and join Charles' side?" I threw more and more pieces toward him and replied after a few moments" I do, but before even trying I need to defeat you."

Magneto's frown deepened as he said" You might as well not tell me anything and fight, so why tell me things that would only further my thoughts about humans… Bastard!" I smiled and yelled" NOW!" As I said that a huge red ray of light collided with Magneto's shield.

But it wasn't the end as numerous attacks were launched as I had taken off the bindings of the X Men present here and replaced those by rocks easily removable as to not look suspiscious.

But I have to say Magneto really has a clever mind as he discovered my plan, albeit a bit too late. The attacks continued for ten seconds before they stopped. The only who didn't attack was Jean, who was panting on the ground, holding her head, with Cyclops now at her side.

As soon as the attacks stopped and the smoke disappeared Magneto was revealed, as well as his shield. It had a lot of cracks on it, but was recovering at a visible speed. I could feel the others were despairing seeing this, but I did not waste time and appeared above him, and punched with all my physical might.

New cracks appeared, and it could easily be seen that a few other punches would be needed to destroy it. But more importantly this time the shield did not help Magneto with staying standing. He was sent flying into one of the walls, but did not went through it.

I did not let him breath and appeared on his right side this time, and kicked. Like any other human I had more strength in my legs, so this time even more cracks appeared and Erik, Magneto's real name, was sent flying even faster.

I moved even faster than last time, and moved at a speed nearing my previous top speed, and appeared n Magneto's shield path. I punched it one last time, finally destroying it due to the strength behind my fist and the speed he was sent flying at.

But Erik was not a weakling. As soon as his shield disappeared, I tried to rush at him to finish my work, but found myself unable to move. I looked down and saw that my legs were held by metal. I tried removing myself but soon understood that I wouldn't be able to extricate myself for a few seconds.

Erik laughed and said" I may be weakened but right now we are fighting in a room full of metal, I would be ashamed to lose to someone not even using his mutant ability." As he talked numerous metal spikes rose, and none were targeting the X Men, they were all pointing toward me.

I kept a straight face and said" You are really good, and is without a doubt one of the strongest mutants in this world. Seeing you are weakened, you are probably the person who uses his ability the best on this earth. We may be enemies, you have earned my respect."

Indeed Erik was really powerful. I knew that using the device must have depleted plenty of his powers, but he still is so powerful. If he was at full power I doubt I would be able to beat it even if I used haki.

Magneto laughed and replied" So you are a battle maniac. Sorry that I will have to send you to your death this soon. It would have indeed been fun meeting later on." After he said that he sent the tens of spades he created, all of different size, at me.

The X Men cried out in shock, but I just grinned. With the help of my observation haki, I coated every part of me that would be hit, and allowed every weapon to touch me. All the teens around closed their eyes, not wanting to see the scene, but they opened their eyes when they heard the sound of a collision that seemed to be between two metals.

They were shocked to see that what the spades hit was my body. Magneto was even more dumbfounded as he knew the power behind those weapons he made, and no regular human could survive that. Even a tank would get shredded by that.

In fact those were really strong and I felt pain everywhere they hit me, and I am now sure that if he was at full power the strength behind the spades would be enough to pierce even through my haki. But right now he was weakened, and those could only make me feel some pain but not break through my skin.

I coated my feet in haki and got out of my binds. I looked at Eric with a smile that could not be seen, but there was a clear teasing tone as I asked" Do you still I should use my ability?" Eric replied with a confident smile plastered on his face" You can try to attack me, but your strategy won't work twice.

You may have a good defense, I doubt it will last long. You can't do anything before absolute strength." Just as he finished speaking his shield from earlier appeared again, this time in pristine condition.

I smiled and raised a foot, looking like I was about to take a step, and said" It seems our minds are alike, I too think absolute strength crushes everything in it's path. Kids, this is true power." As I said that I completed my step, and the next moment Eric was sent flying with cracks on his shield.

He only flew for a few meters before I appeared behind his shield and struck again. I struck him like this one more time before his attack finally touched me. I retreated by a few steps, creating a small distance between the two of us.

Now everyone could see what the results of those two seconds were. Eric's shield was cracked in a lot of places, and even with it's protection he himself was not in the best condition. As for me I was visibly panting, and blood was flowing over my arm, with a little hole in my shoulder.

Only two seconds may have passed, but a lot of things happened. A few moments ago I created a new way of using my powers, and it wasn't disappointing. The result was Erik's cracked shield and my injury on the shoulder.

As the two of us were staring at the opposite side, ready to pounce on each other again, many footsteps were heard. The both of us turned our heads in that direction, and saw that every other squad had arrived.